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Table 1 . Mean monthly temperature l , precipitation and snowfall for four long term weather stations in th evicinity of Yoho National Park .GOLDEN YOHO 2 LAKE LOUISE BANF FMonthMean Dail yTemperature(deg .C)Mean Tota lPrecipitation(mm)MeanSnowfal l(cm)Mean Dail yTemperature(deg .C)Mean Tota lPrecipitatio n(mm)MeanSnowfal l(cm)Mean Dail yTemperature(deg .C)Mean Tota lPrecipitatio n(mm)Mea nSnowfal l(cm)Mean Dail yTemperatur e(deg .C)Mean Tota lPrecipitatio n(mm)Mea nSnowfal l(cm )J -10 .8 61 57 -10 .7 64 60 -14 .6 83 82 -11 .1 33 3 6F - 5 .3 37 32 - 6 .6 33 31 - 9 .6 63 62 - 6 .8 30 30M - 0 .4 22 12 - 1 .9 30 25 - 6 .4 45 45 - 3 .7 25 2 3A 5 .8 26 6 3 .5 28 11 - 1 .7 53 46 2 .3 36 3 0M 11 .4 31 tr 8 .1 46 1 5 .9 51 18 7 .5 46 9J 15 .2 40 0 12 .0 68 0 9 .6 62 1 11 .2 64 1Jy 18 .0 35 0 15 .1 43 0 12 .4 59 tr 14 .5 43 0 C°A 16 .5 37 0 14 .1 45 0 11 .4 58 tr 13 .4 51 trS 11 .9 35 tr 9 .7 41 0 7 .2 50 4 .9 .1 36 60 5 .6 36 6 3 .7 43 7 1 .8 60 41 4 .2 41 1 8N - 2 .3 47 33 - 4 .2 53 42 - 7 .1 85 84 3 .7 33 3 2D - 7 .8 65 56 - 8 .7 66 46 -12 .4 98 98 - 8 .7 38 34Yearly 4 .8 472 204 2 .8 558 223 0 .3 766 481 2 .3 477 21912Monthly mean temperatures are the average of the monthly average of the daily maximum and daily minimum temperatures at 4 feet above the ground (Environmen tCanada Staff (1941 - 1970a, b) Temperature and precipitation summary 1941 - 1970, British Columbia and 1941 - 1970, Prairie Provinces) .These values are calculated from data in the Monthly Record of Meteorological Observations in Canada (Environment Canada Staff) . The Yoho (Field) valuesrepresent the means of data from 1965 to 1973 at which time the location of the recording station was changed .

GOLDE NPR ECIP nTAT IO NRAIN + SNO WSNOW DIDYOH OPRECIPITATIO NRAIN+SNOW-SNOW 071]- 11 LAKE LOUIS E1 1PRECIPITATIONBANF F-10RAIN +SNO10W- 9PRECIPITATIO NSNOW9GID RAIN+SNO W- 88_SNOW 1111 O7 7 Vz-60 6 Z0-5< 1J U ~ 51-- 4s 4Ia3- 3 W2 I 2 °10°C71 510 - 15 ++ ~10'-- i5 - 10 +++++++ 5 1 00 - 5 0 - 5c 0 0TEMPERATUR EJ F M A M J J A S O N D4-, o11510 IS5 100 - 5 0Figure 9 . Mean monthly temperature and precipitation values used to classify the climate of Yoho Nationa lPark according to Soil Research Institute and Plant Research Institute Staff (1972) .

GOLDE NPR ECIP nTAT IO NRAIN + SNO WSNOW DIDYOH OPRECIPITATIO NRAIN+SNOW-SNOW 071]- 11 LAKE LOUIS E1 1PRECIPITATIONBANF F-10RAIN +SNO10W- 9PRECIPITATIO NSNOW9GID RAIN+SNO W- 88_SNOW 1111 O7 7 Vz-60 6 Z0-5< 1J U ~ 51-- 4s 4Ia3- 3 W2 I 2 °10°C71 510 - 15 ++ ~10'-- i5 - 10 +++++++ 5 1 00 - 5 0 - 5c 0 0TEMPERATUR EJ F M A M J J A S O N D4-, o11510 IS5 100 - 5 0Figure 9 . Mean monthly temperature and precipitation values used to classify the climate of Yoho Nationa lPark according to Soil Research Institute and Plant Research Institute Staff (1972) .

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