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Appendix BtEngineering test data for pedons used to represent Soilscape Mop Units in Yoho National Par kMapUnitMechanical Analysis from fract .< 3" ()) Plasticity(2)(3) (3) (3) fract .< (3)Opt . (5) Mad Classification 8 )Horizon 9E Passing Sieve Liq .Lim . Plast . D 10 0 30 060 0 .002 mm Activity( 4 ) st, densitymatter % Group(7) (3)(3) Textural (9 )3" 314 4 10 40 200 9c Index % p• c • f • Index AASHO UnifiedClassMiscellaneous CommentsOm - - - - - 70 Pt* O fOh not sample dBC1Ckgl not sample dCkg2 100 100 100 100 100 83 - _ _ - - 3 .2 ML* S iAhgb not sample d_ -_ C_kQb _100 100 100 100 100 190_ 43 20 - - - 17 1 .1 22 96 .5 - 14 A-7-6 CL S iBC2L not sample dCkg1 100 100 100 100 100 100 I .6 MH* S iCkg2 100 100 100 100 100 100 0.8 - - ML* S iOfb not sample dCkgb 100 100 100 100 100 99 52 13 - - - 8 1 .6 - 4 .6 12 A-7-5 MH S iOmb - - _ 61 - A-8 Pt Om bL-F not sample dACk 100 100 100 100 100 97 13 - ML* SiBC3 Ckgl 100 100 100 100 100 97 1 .1 - ML* SiCkg2 100 100 100 100 100 45 trace - - SM* VFS LIICkg 100 62 39 28 10 3 NP NP 0 .43 2 .0 15 0 0 .4 0 A-1-a GP VGCoSBGInot sampledL- H - - - -BG2 A&Ck 100 - - 9 7 5Ck 100 18 10 6 5 4 N PSilty alluvial deposits with 15-60 cm ofpeaty surface material ; less than 5° ecoarse fragments; water table near surface ,seasonally flooded .Stratified silty alluvial deposit; organi csurface horizon thinner than 15 cm ; buriedpeaty layer may occur within the solum ;very poorly drained, water table near th esurface .Stratified very gravelly coarse sand yalluvium overlain by silty deposits ; hig hwater table; periodic flooding .Boulder field; . boulders > 2 - 30 m acros scover 80-90% of the ground surface ;landslide area .47 - - - Greater than 50% by vol .gravels,cobble s13 - - VGSiL and boulders, unstable ; many of thes eNP 10 40 60 1 - 5 .9 0 A-1-a CW VGSiL colluvial slopes are avalanched .Lnot sample dABk 100 - - 53 43 39 6 .7 - - GSiLBG3 Ck100 48 43 24 22 15 48 2 - - 2 1 .0 - - 0 A-1-a GM VGSiLRno t =led_Ah 100 - - 31 31 27 25 - VGSi LBG4ACk 100 - - 39 38 25 8 .6 VGSi LCkl 100 - - 38 33 27 -0 .5 - - GSi LCk2 100 62 37_26 20 17 44 7 - - 3 2 .3 2 .3 0 A-1-b GM VGSiLL not sample dBG5 Ckl 100 - - 59 54 43 2 .0 - - SC* GSi LCk2 100 94 80 66 62 47 33 9 - - 6 1 .5 24 95 .0 0 .8 3 A-4 SC GSiLL-F 78 - - -Ae 100 - 70 60 42 2 .2 - SM* FS LCM1 Bml100 - 57 48 32 1 .1 - SM* GFS LBm2 100 - - 90 75 48 0 .9 - - SM* LBC1 100 - - 71 60 41 0 .2 - - SC* LBC2 100 77 69 66 53 48 17 5 - - - 8 0 .6 - 0 .1 8* A-4 SC GLL - F 65 - - - -Ae 100 - - 67 66 60 3 .6 - - ML* Si LCO1 Bml 100 - - 55 48 42 3 .9 - SC* GSi LBm2 100 - - 55 48 40 0 .6 - - SM* VGS LCk 100 58 39 36 20 10 29 2 0 .07 1 .2 11 2 1 .0 - - - 0 A-1-a SP-SM VGSLL-F - - - -Ae not sample dDS1 Bm 100 100 100 100 100 97 - - 2 .0 - - ML* Si LCkl 100 100 100 100 100 100 CL* SiC LCk2 100 100 100 100 100 100 32 16 28 0 .6 15 112 .5 - 11 A-6 CL SICLN .B . Footnotes at end of table .Very gravelly to gravelly silt loam ; som enobbles and stones ;> 50 cm to bedrock ; steep ,colluvial slopes ; often avalanched .These map units restricted to sno wavalanche tracks; stoniness variable .Gravelly medium textured colluvium ,derived Fran schists and slates; few cobblesor boulders; unstable in spring .Slightly calcareous coarse textured till ;cobbles and boulders common; a fewimperfectly drained map inclusions .Stratified very gravelly sandy loam wit hsilty surface horizons ; well drained stabl ealuvial fans .Well drained, medium textured soils of lo wpermeability developed on shallow (ofte n< 1 m) lacustrine deposits over till .

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