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-188-Unified Soil Classification System (Engineering) - A classification system based o nthe identification of soils according to their particle size, gradation, plasticit yindex and liquid limit .Valley train - An outwash terrace extending down a valley away from the ice front .Value, color - The relative lightness of color, which is approximately a function o fthe square root of the total amount of light . See also Munsell color system, hu eand chroma .Varve - A distinct band representing the annual deposit of sedimentary materials ,regardless of origin . It usually consists of two layers, a thick light-colore dlayer of silt and fine sand laid down in the spring and summer, and a thi ndark-colored layer of clay laid down in the fall and winter .Veneer - Herein used as a term to describe a mantle of unconsolidated materials to othin to mask the minor irregularities of the underlying unit surface . A venee rwill range from 10 cm to 1 m in thickness and will possess no form typical of th ematerials genesis .Water table - The elevation of the upper limit in the soil or underlying material whic his saturated by water (i .e . the pressure in the water is zero with respect to th eatmospheric pressure) .Water table, perched - The water table of a saturated layer of soil which is separatedfrom an underlying saturated layer by an unsaturated layer .Weathering - The physical and chemical disintegration, alteration and decompositionof rocks and minerals at or near the earth's surface by atmospheric agents .Xerophyte - A plant capable of surviving periods of prolonged moisture deficiency .

-189-REFERENCE SAdams, J . E ., D . Kirkham and D . R . Nielsen . 1957 . A portable rainfallsimulatorinfiltrometer and physical measurements of soil in place .Soil Sci . Soc . Amer . Proc . 21 : 473-476 .Agriculture Canada . 1976 . Glossary of terms in Soil Science . Information Division ,Canada Department of Agriculture Publication No . 1459, Ottawa .Aitken, J . D . 1971 . Control of Lower Paleozoic Sedimentary Facies by th eKicking Horse Rim, Southern Rocky Mountains, Canada . Bull . of Can .Pet . Geol . 19 : 557-569 .Alberta Department of Manpower and Labour . 1972 . Private sewage disposal .5th ed . Pub! . by Plumbing Inspection Branch, Provincial Dept .Manpower and Labour, Edmonton, Alberta .Allan, J . A . 1914 . Geology of the Field Map-Area, B .C . and Alberta . Geo .Surv . of Canada, Memoirs 55 .Allan, J . A . 1954 . Ice River Igneous Complex . Alberta Society of PetroleumGeologists Guide Book, Fourth Annual Field Conference . pp . 141-145 .Allison, L . E ., W . B . Bollen and C . D . Moodie . 1965 . Total carbon . I nBlack et al ., eds . Methods of soil analysis . Amer . Soc . Agron .Monograph No . 9 . pp . 1345-1378 .American Association of State Highway Officials . 1961 . Standard specification sfor highway materials and methods of sampling and testing . 8th ed .Washington, D .C . 2 vols .American Society for Testing and Materials . 1970 . Annual book of AST MStandards, part II . Amer . Soc . Testing Mater ., Philadelphia . 982 pp .Association of Official Agricultural Chemists . 1955 . Official methods of analysis .8th ed . Washington, D .C .Balkwill, H . 1969 . Structural analysis of the Western ranges, Rocky Mountains ,near Golden, British Columbia . Ph .D . Thesis, The University of Texa sat Austin . Univ . Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich . (Diss . Abstr . 69-21779 )166 pp .Bascombe, C .L . 1961 . Calcimeter for routine use on soil samples . Chem . Ind . ,Part I I . pp . 1826-1827 .

-188-Unified Soil Classification System (Engineering) - A classification system based o nthe identification of soils according to their particle size, gradation, plasticit yindex and liquid limit .Valley train - An outwash terrace extending down a valley away from the ice front .Value, color - The relative lightness of color, which is approximately a function o fthe square root of the total amount of light . See also Munsell color system, hu eand chroma .Varve - A distinct band representing the annual deposit of sedimentary materials ,regardless of origin . It usually consists of two layers, a thick light-colore dlayer of silt and fine sand laid down in the spring and summer, and a thi ndark-colored layer of clay laid down in the fall and winter .Veneer - Herein used as a term to describe a mantle of unconsolidated materials to othin to mask the minor irregularities of the underlying unit surface . A venee rwill range from 10 cm to 1 m in thickness and will possess no form typical of th ematerials genesis .Water table - The elevation of the upper limit in the soil or underlying material whic his saturated by water (i .e . the pressure in the water is zero with respect to th eatmospheric pressure) .Water table, perched - The water table of a saturated layer of soil which is separatedfrom an underlying saturated layer by an unsaturated layer .Weathering - The physical and chemical disintegration, alteration and decompositionof rocks and minerals at or near the earth's surface by atmospheric agents .Xerophyte - A plant capable of surviving periods of prolonged moisture deficiency .

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