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-186-Granular - More or less rounded aggregates with an absence of smooth face sand edges .Amorphous (massive) - A coherent soil mass with no evidence of any distinc tarrangement of soil particles .Single grain - A loose, incoherent mass of individual particles, as in sand .Soil survey - The systematic examination, description, classification and mappin gof soils in an area .Soil texture - The relative proportions of the various soil separates in a soil a sdescribed by the classes of soil texture shown in Figure110 .Size group sfrom 2 mm to 0 .05 mm in diameter are called sand, those from 0 .05 to0 .002 mm are called silt, and those less than 0 .002 mm in diameter arecalled clay . Sands are coarse textured, looms are medium textured, an dclays are fine textured .Figure 109 . Soil textural classes (commo nabbreviations in brackets) .Percentages of sand and cla yin the main textural classe sof soils; the remainder of eac hclass is silt .Soilscape group - A defined and named aggregate of soil bodies grouped togethe ron the basis of similar parent materials, drainage, soil, and profile development .Soilscape map unit - See map unit, soilscape .Solifluction - A type of creep that takes place in regions where the ground freezesto a considerable depth, and as it thaws during the warm seasons the upperthawed portion creeps downhill over the frozen material . The soil moves a sa viscous liquid down slopes of as little as 2 or 3 degrees and may carry rock sof considerable size in suspension .Solum - The upper horizons of a soil in which the parent material has been modifie dand within which most plant roots are contained . It consists usually of the Aand B horizons .

-187-Stones - Rock fragments greater than 25 cm (10 inches) in diameter if rounded andgreater than 38 cm (15 inches) along the greater axis is flat .Stratification - The arrangement of sediments in layers of strata marked by a chang ein color, texture, dimension of particles, and composition . Stratified usuall ymeans layers of sediments that separate readily along bedding planes becaus eof different sizes and kinds of material or some interruption in deposition tha tpermitted changes to take place before material was deposited .Stratified materials - Unconsolidated sand, silt and clay arranged in strata or layers .Subalpine - Areas characterized by cold-snowy climates with no distinct dry seaso nand short cool summers, represented vegetationally by closed to open fores tof Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir in climatic climax stands ; betweenapproximately 1550 to 1600 and 2100 to 2150 m a .s .l .Subgroup, soil - A category of the Canadian soil classification system . These soil sare subdivisions of the Great Groups, therefore each soil is defined mor especifically .Talus - A sloping heap of loose rock fragments lying at the foot of a cliff or stee pslope .Terrace - A nearly level, usually narrow plain bordering a river or lake .Terrain unit - Natural segments of the landscape grouped on the basis of simila rlandfomi and materials .Terric layer - An unconsolidated mineral substratum underlying organic soi lmaterial .Texture, soil - See soil texture .Till - Unstratified glacial drift deposited directly by ice and consisting of clay ,silt, sand, and boulders intermingled in any proportion .Topography - The physical features of a district or region, such as those rep -resented on a map, taken collectively; especially the relief and contour sof the land .Truncated - Having lost all or part of the upper soil horizon or horizons .Turf - As used in this report it is the abundantly rooted surface(sometimes organic )layer common in alpine soils . This dense root mat extends into the surfac emineral horizon .

-187-Stones - Rock fragments greater than 25 cm (10 inches) in diameter if rounded andgreater than 38 cm (15 inches) along the greater axis is flat .Stratification - The arrangement of sediments in layers of strata marked by a chang ein color, texture, dimension of particles, and composition . Stratified usuall ymeans layers of sediments that separate readily along bedding planes becaus eof different sizes and kinds of material or some interruption in deposition tha tpermitted changes to take place before material was deposited .Stratified materials - Unconsolidated sand, silt and clay arranged in strata or layers .Subalpine - Areas characterized by cold-snowy climates with no distinct dry seaso nand short cool summers, represented vegetationally by closed to open fores tof Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir in climatic climax stands ; betweenapproximately 1550 to 1600 and 2100 to 2150 m a .s .l .Subgroup, soil - A category of the Canadian soil classification system . These soil sare subdivisions of the Great Groups, therefore each soil is defined mor especifically .Talus - A sloping heap of loose rock fragments lying at the foot of a cliff or stee pslope .Terrace - A nearly level, usually narrow plain bordering a river or lake .Terrain unit - Natural segments of the landscape grouped on the basis of simila rlandfomi and materials .Terric layer - An unconsolidated mineral substratum underlying organic soi lmaterial .Texture, soil - See soil texture .Till - Unstratified glacial drift deposited directly by ice and consisting of clay ,silt, sand, and boulders intermingled in any proportion .Topography - The physical features of a district or region, such as those rep -resented on a map, taken collectively; especially the relief and contour sof the land .Truncated - Having lost all or part of the upper soil horizon or horizons .Turf - As used in this report it is the abundantly rooted surface(sometimes organic )layer common in alpine soils . This dense root mat extends into the surfac emineral horizon .

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