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-178-Mechanical analyses - See particle-size analyses and particle size distribution .Medium texture - Intermediate between fine textured and coarse textured soils .It includes the following textural classes : very fine sandy loam, loam ,silt loam and silt . See also texture, soil .Mesic layer - A layer of organic material at a stage of decomposition between tha tof the fibric and humic layers .Mesophyte - A plant that grows under intermediate moisture conditions .Microclimate - The climate of a small area resulting from the modification ofthe general climate by local differences in elevation or exposure .Microrelief - Small scale local differences in relief, including mounds, swale sor hollows .Mineral soil - A soil consisting predominantly of, and having its propertie sdetermined predominantly by, mineral matter . It contains less than 17%organic carbon except for an organic surface layer that may be up t o40 cm thick if formed of mixed peat (bulk density 0 .1 or more) or 60 c mif of fibric moss peat (bulk density less than 0 .1) .Montane - Areas characterized by cold - snowy forest climate with no distinc tdry season and cool summers, represented vegetationally by closed t oopen savanna forest of Douglas fir, aspen and lodgepole pine; Upperelevation 1550 - 1600 m ASL .Moraine - An accumulation of earth, generally with stones, carried and finall ydeposited by a glacier .Morphology, soil - The physical constitution, particularly the structural properties ,of a soil profile as exhibited by the kinds, thickness and arrangement o fthe horizons in the profile, and by the texture, structure consistence an dporosity of each horizon (CSSC 1974) .Mottles - Spots or blotches of different color or shades of color interspersed wit hthe dominant color . Mottling in soils is usually considered to indicat epoor aeration and drainage .Munsell color system - See color, soil .Order, soil - The highest category in the Canadian soil classification system (CSS C1976) . The soils of Canada are grouped into nine orders : Chernozemic ,Solonetzic, Luvisolic, Podzolic, Brunisolic, Regosolic, Gleysolic, Cryosolic, an dOrganic . All of the soils within an order have one or more basic characteristicsin common .

-179-Organic - An order of soils that have developed dominantly from organic deposits .The majority are saturated for most of the year unless artificially drained .Organic matter, soil - The organic fraction of the soil : includes plant and anima lresidues at various stages of decomposition, cells and tissues of soil organism sand substances synthesized by the soil population . It is usually determine don soils that have been sieved through a 2 mm sieve .Orthic - A term used in soil classification to denote the Subgroup that typifies th ecentral concept of the Great Group .Outwash - Sediments "washed out" by flowing water beyond the glacier and lai ddown in beds as stratified drift . Particle size may range from boulders t osilt .Outcrop - That part of a geologic formation or structure that appears at the surfac eof the earth .Paleosol (fossil soil) - A soil of the geologic past that was buried subsequent to it sformation .Parent material - The unconsolidated and more or less chemically weathered minera lor organic matter from which the solum of a soil is developed by pedogenicprocesses .Particles size analyses - The determination of the various amounts of the differen tseparates in a soil sample, usually by sedimentation, sieving, micrometryor combinations of these methods .Peat - Unconsolidated soil material consisting largely of undecomposed, or onl yslightly decomposed, organic matter .Ped, soil - A unit of soil structure such as a prism, block, or granule, formed b ynatural processes (in contrast to a clod, which is formed artificially) .Pedology - Those aspects of soil science dealing with the origin, morphology ,genesis, mapping and taxonomy of soils, and classification in terms o ftheir use .Pedon - The smallest volume of soil which we should describe and sample to represen tthe nature and arrangement of its horizons and variability in the other propertie sthat are preserved in samples . A pedon is comparable in some ways to the unitcell of a crystal (Soil Survey Staff, 1975) :Percolation, soil water - The downward movement of water through soil ; specificallythe downward flow of water in saturated or nearly saturated soil at hydrauli cgradients of 1 .0 or less .

-178-Mechanical analyses - See particle-size analyses and particle size distribution .Medium texture - Intermediate between fine textured and coarse textured soils .It includes the following textural classes : very fine sandy loam, loam ,silt loam and silt . See also texture, soil .Mesic layer - A layer of organic material at a stage of decomposition between tha tof the fibric and humic layers .Mesophyte - A plant that grows under intermediate moisture conditions .Microclimate - The climate of a small area resulting from the modification ofthe general climate by local differences in elevation or exposure .Microrelief - Small scale local differences in relief, including mounds, swale sor hollows .Mineral soil - A soil consisting predominantly of, and having its propertie sdetermined predominantly by, mineral matter . It contains less than 17%organic carbon except for an organic surface layer that may be up t o40 cm thick if formed of mixed peat (bulk density 0 .1 or more) or 60 c mif of fibric moss peat (bulk density less than 0 .1) .Montane - Areas characterized by cold - snowy forest climate with no distinc tdry season and cool summers, represented vegetationally by closed t oopen savanna forest of Douglas fir, aspen and lodgepole pine; Upperelevation 1550 - 1600 m ASL .Moraine - An accumulation of earth, generally with stones, carried and finall ydeposited by a glacier .Morphology, soil - The physical constitution, particularly the structural properties ,of a soil profile as exhibited by the kinds, thickness and arrangement o fthe horizons in the profile, and by the texture, structure consistence an dporosity of each horizon (CSSC 1974) .Mottles - Spots or blotches of different color or shades of color interspersed wit hthe dominant color . Mottling in soils is usually considered to indicat epoor aeration and drainage .Munsell color system - See color, soil .Order, soil - The highest category in the Canadian soil classification system (CSS C1976) . The soils of Canada are grouped into nine orders : Chernozemic ,Solonetzic, Luvisolic, Podzolic, Brunisolic, Regosolic, Gleysolic, Cryosolic, an dOrganic . All of the soils within an order have one or more basic characteristicsin common .

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