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-176-Humification - The process by which organic matter decomposes to form humus .Hummocky - A very complex sequence of slopes extending from somewhat roundedhilly, uneven landscape resulting from deepseated soil movement usually ofa rotational nature . Depressions or kettles of various size to irregular conica lknolls or knobs . There is a general lack of concordance between knolls o rdepressions .Humus - That more or less stable fraction of the soil organic matter remaining afterthe major portion of added plant and animal residues have decomposed .Usually it is dark colored .Hydrophyte - A plant that grows in water, or in wet or saturated soils .!fluvial horizon - A soil layer of horizon in which material carried from an overlyin glayer has been precipitated from solution or deposited from suspension . Th elayer of accumulation .Illuviation - The process of deposition of soil material removed from one horizon t oanother in the soil ; usually from an upper to a lower horizon in the soi lprofile . Illuviated compounds include silicate clay, hydrous oxides o firon and aluminum and/or organic matter .Impeded drainage - A condition which hinders the movement of water through soil sunder the influence of gravity .Impervious - Resistant to penetration by fluids or roots .Infiltration - The downward entry of water into the soil .Intergrade - A soil that possesses moderately well-developed distinguishingcharacteristics of two or more genetically related taxa .Kame - An irregular ridge or hill of stratified glacial drift .Kame terrace - A terrace-like ridge consisting of stratified sand and gravel depositedby a meltwater stream between a melting glacier or a stagnant ice lobe and ahigher valley wall or lateral moraine, and left standing after the disappearanc eof the ice .Kettle - A depression left after the melting of a detached mass of glacier ice burie din drift .

-177-Krummholz - The stunted creeping growth habit resulting from the shaping by win dof some high elevation tree species near the upper limit of their distribution .Lacustrine deposit - Material deposited in lakewater and later exposed either b ylowering the water level or by uplift of the land . These sediments range i ntexture from sands to clays .Landform - The various shapes of the land surface resulting from a variety of action ssuch as deposition or sedimentation (eskers, lacustrine basins), erosion (gullies,canyons) and earth crust movements (CSSC 1976) .Landslide - A mass of material that has slipped downhill by gravity, often assistedby water when the material is saturated .Leaching - The removal, from the soil, of materials in solution .Lime (in soil) - A soil constituent consisting principally of calcium carbonate ; andincluding magnesium carbonate, and perhaps oxides and hydroxides of calciu mand magnesium .Liquid limit - The water content corresponding to an arbitrary limit between the liqui dand plastic states of consistence of soil .Lithic layer - Bedrock under the control section of a soil .Loam - A soil textural class . See also texture, soil .Loess - Material transported and deposited by wind and consisting mainly of siltsizedparticles .Luvisolic - An order of soils that have eluvial (Ae) horizons and illuvial (Bt) horizonsin which silicate clay is the main accumulation product . The soils have developedunder forest or forest-grassland transition in a moderate to cool climate .Map unit, soilscape - A defined and named aggregate of soil bodies occurring together i nan individual and natural characteristic pattern over the and surface . Asubdivision of soilscape group based on variations in texture, coarse fragments ,and depth to bedrock (lithic vs . non-lithic) .Matrix , soil - The main soil constituent or material that encloses other soil features ,for example, concretions embedded in a fine-grained matrix .Meander - One of n series of loop-like bends in the course of a stream .

-177-Krummholz - The stunted creeping growth habit resulting from the shaping by win dof some high elevation tree species near the upper limit of their distribution .Lacustrine deposit - Material deposited in lakewater and later exposed either b ylowering the water level or by uplift of the land . These sediments range i ntexture from sands to clays .Landform - The various shapes of the land surface resulting from a variety of action ssuch as deposition or sedimentation (eskers, lacustrine basins), erosion (gullies,canyons) and earth crust movements (CSSC 1976) .Landslide - A mass of material that has slipped downhill by gravity, often assistedby water when the material is saturated .Leaching - The removal, from the soil, of materials in solution .Lime (in soil) - A soil constituent consisting principally of calcium carbonate ; andincluding magnesium carbonate, and perhaps oxides and hydroxides of calciu mand magnesium .Liquid limit - The water content corresponding to an arbitrary limit between the liqui dand plastic states of consistence of soil .Lithic layer - Bedrock under the control section of a soil .Loam - A soil textural class . See also texture, soil .Loess - Material transported and deposited by wind and consisting mainly of siltsizedparticles .Luvisolic - An order of soils that have eluvial (Ae) horizons and illuvial (Bt) horizonsin which silicate clay is the main accumulation product . The soils have developedunder forest or forest-grassland transition in a moderate to cool climate .Map unit, soilscape - A defined and named aggregate of soil bodies occurring together i nan individual and natural characteristic pattern over the and surface . Asubdivision of soilscape group based on variations in texture, coarse fragments ,and depth to bedrock (lithic vs . non-lithic) .Matrix , soil - The main soil constituent or material that encloses other soil features ,for example, concretions embedded in a fine-grained matrix .Meander - One of n series of loop-like bends in the course of a stream .

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