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-168-(cont . )Table 67 : Interpretations for selected uses -I The degree of limitation is designated as SL (slight), M (moderate), S (severe), and VS (very severe) ; the nature of the mos tsevere limitations are also indicated ]Map Unitl Playgrounds Camp Areas Picnic Areas Paths & Trail sSK1 3 ' 6 - text - tex tVS- slope M - tex tM - slope m - slopeSKI SK13'6 VS- slopeS - slope S - slope m - tex t- slop eSKI SK13'6 VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope S - slop eG gSK13'6VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope VS- slop eHTAl S - C .F .M -text m - text M - tex tAC - sand - C .F .TA 1-DS -sand m - text . M - text m - tex t- slope- text - tex tTA 1M - tex t-VS- slope M - C .F. M - C .F .E- slope - slope- tex tTA1 TMVS- slope S - slope S - slope M - C .F .F- f- slopeSeptic Tank Permanent Buildings Local Roads Susceptibility t oAbsorption Fields with basements without basements & Streets Water Erosion 2M - slope- wet-slope- slopeM - slopeM _ frostM - str .- frost - frostS - slope S - slope S - slope S - slope SVS- slope VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope SVS- slope VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope SSL4 M -stony M - stony SL SLSL4 M - stony M - stony SL MM - slope4 M -aloPneM -SloPneM - slope S4S - slope S - slope S - slope S - slope STA 1- VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope S - slope VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope SFGTA1 TAIVS- slope VS- slope VS- slope S - slop e VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope SG gTA12VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope VS- slop e VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope SH-13'6 - wet - we tm -wetVS- slope M - text M - textMS -wetM - wet m -T0wetFS- text -slope - slope - slop e- slope - slopewe tT013'6VS- slope S - slope S - slope M - text S - slopeS - slope S - slope SS - sleotpe- slop eT013'6GVS- slope VS- slope VS- slope S - slope VS - slope VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope ST01 3 ' 6HVS - slope VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope VS - slope VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope SVA1 3 VS - wet VS - wet VS - wet vs - we t-text - text - text -tex tVA1 3VS -wet VS - wet VS - we t-D vs-we'- text - text - text - tex tVS - W .T .VS- W .T .VS- wetVS- wetVS- wetVS- wetVS- wetVS- wetSL - MM3 - wetVA VS- text- slopevs- te ' toVS- textvstextVS .- W .T . VS- wet VS- wet VS- wet SVAl VA13 VS- tex ts VS- wet VS wet vs- we t VS- W .T . VS- wet VS- wet VS- wet SF F--text -text - textslopeWI1S-stonym text m -textS _stonyM - W .T . 4 S - stony S - stony M - stony SLAC - sand -stony - stonyWR1 5' 7-CC S - stony S - stony S - stony S - stony SL4 S - stony S - stony S - stony SL_WR1-5' 7S-stonyS - stony S - stony S - stony SL4 S - stony S - stony S - stony S LWR1 5 ' 7- slop eVS - slope S - stony S - stony S - stony M - slope4 S - stony S - stony S - stony S LWR1 WR1 5 ' 7S - stonyVS-slopes -stonyS - stony S - slope4 SstonysS - stonysln yMWR1 5 ' 7- slope -slope - ope - oPS -stonyVS- slope VS- slope VS- slopeVS- slope VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope S- -- slop eN . B . Footnotes at end of table .M

-169-Table 67sInterpretations for selected use sMap Unltl Playgrounds Camp AreasWR2 5 ' 6 VS- stony VS- stonywR25,6WR25'6VSston yopVS _ stonyVS- stonyVS- stonyWR25 ' 6 - stony vs - stonyVS - slope slopeW~5 ' 6vs - stonyVS- stony- slope - slopeWR35S -surd M - tex t55sandM - tex t- P eWR35- tex t-~- VS- slopeM - slop eWR35VS- slope 5 - slopeWR35GWR4 5WR45VS- slope- wetM - text- slopeVS- slopeVS- slopeM - we t- tex t- we tM - tex t- slopeWR45F VS- slope S - slop eWR55 M - text M - tex tWR55WR55WR55S - slope M - tex tVS- slopem - so r P eVS- slope S - slope- (The degree of limitation is designated as SL (slight), M (moderate), S (severe), and VS (very severe) ; the nature of the mostsevere limitations are also indicated )Picnic AreasM - text M - text SL4 M - str . M - str . M - stn . Sm text 4 - sir . M - sir . M - str .M - textM - slope- slopeM _slope - slope - slope Sm -tex tS - slope5 - slope4 S - slope S - slope S - slope S- slopeVS- slope S - slope VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope S- wetm - wet M - we t5 -- text - textS - W .T . 4 S - W .T . S - frostfrostSL- frost- str .t- w e - weM -textM - wetS - W .T . 4 S - W .T . S - frost'ostSS _ Sr .- slope - fros t- wet _- W..T ., wet- fr t - frostS - slope M - text S S - frost S S S- slope-slope - sir .- slope- slopeM - text M - text S - W .T . 4 SM - text M - text S - W .T . 4 SM - slat slopePaths & TrailsSeptic Tank Permanent Buildings Local Roads Susceptibility t3Absorption Fields with basements without basements & Streets Water ErosionVS- stony VS- stony SL4 VS- stony VS- stony VS- stony SLVS- stony VS- stony M - slope VS- stony VS- stony VS- stony MVS- stony VS- stony S - slope VS- stony VS- stony VS- stony Svs - stonyVS- stony VS- slope vs-- stony - stony vs - stonyslope slope VS - slope slope Sstony - stony stony - stony stonyVS VS VS- slope vs- VS VS 5- ope ope ope - ope - opeM - text M - text SL4 M - str . M - str . M - str . SL - MS - slopeM - text S - W .T4 Sm - tex t- slopeS - W .T . 4- slopeS- frost- W .T .- frost- W .T .- frost- W .T .- frost- slopeS - frost S - frost SL - MS - frost S - frost SS - frost S - frost 5S - fros t- slop eS - frostSFOOTNOTES:1. The landform component of the map symbol has not been treated as independent of the soils component for the purposes of this table . The landform informatio nconsidered most important to making the interpretations is also an inherent port of the soil symbol .2. There are only three classes of susceptibility to erosion . These are designated slight (SL), moderate (M), and severe (5) .3. Rockiness and depth to bedrock may present additional limitations in these map units . Those units which are indicated as (map unit) +R, or R+ (map unit) on th esoils map will have moderate or severe limitations due to rockiness for most recreational uses . Those map units which are designated as occurring on colluviol o rmorainal veneers have depths to bedrock of less than 2 meters and will also present additional limitations for sane recreational uses .4. The rapid permeability of these soils results in a potential for causing pollution to adjacent waters . The degree of limitation caused by this pollution hazard must b eevaluated by an on-site investigation taking into account the proximity of the water body which may be affected .5. These map units occur on alluvial fans which may be subject to an overland flow of water during spring run-off . This overland flow is usually restricted to thosefans with slopes less than about 5% . On steeper fans, there is o possibility that the stream channels may change their courses in spring .6. Snow avalanching may occur on these map units, and where significant is indicated by the presence of A or 4A in the map unit symbol . BG4 and WR2 are associatedwith a high amount of avalanching . Snow avalanching presents a very severe limitation for all permanent structures and facilities and is also a factor to considerwhen planning hiking trails if these are to be used as cross-country ski or other trails in winter .7. Sane soils with high contents of gravels and cobbles and few fines, such as those on steep colluviol slopes and alluvial fans have little tendence to erode . This is inport o result of their low bulk density and extreme permeability which does not normally allow any surface runoff . However, if sane act of nature or man shouldresult in a significant flow of water along a trail or over the soil surface, these soils can erode very quickly, forming deep gullies .

-169-Table 67sInterpretations for selected use sMap Unltl Playgrounds Camp AreasWR2 5 ' 6 VS- stony VS- stonywR25,6WR25'6VSston yopVS _ stonyVS- stonyVS- stonyWR25 ' 6 - stony vs - stonyVS - slope slopeW~5 ' 6vs - stonyVS- stony- slope - slopeWR35S -surd M - tex t55sandM - tex t- P eWR35- tex t-~- VS- slopeM - slop eWR35VS- slope 5 - slopeWR35GWR4 5WR45VS- slope- wetM - text- slopeVS- slopeVS- slopeM - we t- tex t- we tM - tex t- slopeWR45F VS- slope S - slop eWR55 M - text M - tex tWR55WR55WR55S - slope M - tex tVS- slopem - so r P eVS- slope S - slope- (The degree of limitation is designated as SL (slight), M (moderate), S (severe), and VS (very severe) ; the nature of the mostsevere limitations are also indicated )Picnic AreasM - text M - text SL4 M - str . M - str . M - stn . Sm text 4 - sir . M - sir . M - str .M - textM - slope- slopeM _slope - slope - slope Sm -tex tS - slope5 - slope4 S - slope S - slope S - slope S- slopeVS- slope S - slope VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope VS- slope S- wetm - wet M - we t5 -- text - textS - W .T . 4 S - W .T . S - frostfrostSL- frost- str .t- w e - weM -textM - wetS - W .T . 4 S - W .T . S - frost'ostSS _ Sr .- slope - fros t- wet _- W..T ., wet- fr t - frostS - slope M - text S S - frost S S S- slope-slope - sir .- slope- slopeM - text M - text S - W .T . 4 SM - text M - text S - W .T . 4 SM - slat slopePaths & TrailsSeptic Tank Permanent Buildings Local Roads Susceptibility t3Absorption Fields with basements without basements & Streets Water ErosionVS- stony VS- stony SL4 VS- stony VS- stony VS- stony SLVS- stony VS- stony M - slope VS- stony VS- stony VS- stony MVS- stony VS- stony S - slope VS- stony VS- stony VS- stony Svs - stonyVS- stony VS- slope vs-- stony - stony vs - stonyslope slope VS - slope slope Sstony - stony stony - stony stonyVS VS VS- slope vs- VS VS 5- ope ope ope - ope - opeM - text M - text SL4 M - str . M - str . M - str . SL - MS - slopeM - text S - W .T4 Sm - tex t- slopeS - W .T . 4- slopeS- frost- W .T .- frost- W .T .- frost- W .T .- frost- slopeS - frost S - frost SL - MS - frost S - frost SS - frost S - frost 5S - fros t- slop eS - frostSFOOTNOTES:1. The landform component of the map symbol has not been treated as independent of the soils component for the purposes of this table . The landform informatio nconsidered most important to making the interpretations is also an inherent port of the soil symbol .2. There are only three classes of susceptibility to erosion . These are designated slight (SL), moderate (M), and severe (5) .3. Rockiness and depth to bedrock may present additional limitations in these map units . Those units which are indicated as (map unit) +R, or R+ (map unit) on th esoils map will have moderate or severe limitations due to rockiness for most recreational uses . Those map units which are designated as occurring on colluviol o rmorainal veneers have depths to bedrock of less than 2 meters and will also present additional limitations for sane recreational uses .4. The rapid permeability of these soils results in a potential for causing pollution to adjacent waters . The degree of limitation caused by this pollution hazard must b eevaluated by an on-site investigation taking into account the proximity of the water body which may be affected .5. These map units occur on alluvial fans which may be subject to an overland flow of water during spring run-off . This overland flow is usually restricted to thosefans with slopes less than about 5% . On steeper fans, there is o possibility that the stream channels may change their courses in spring .6. Snow avalanching may occur on these map units, and where significant is indicated by the presence of A or 4A in the map unit symbol . BG4 and WR2 are associatedwith a high amount of avalanching . Snow avalanching presents a very severe limitation for all permanent structures and facilities and is also a factor to considerwhen planning hiking trails if these are to be used as cross-country ski or other trails in winter .7. Sane soils with high contents of gravels and cobbles and few fines, such as those on steep colluviol slopes and alluvial fans have little tendence to erode . This is inport o result of their low bulk density and extreme permeability which does not normally allow any surface runoff . However, if sane act of nature or man shouldresult in a significant flow of water along a trail or over the soil surface, these soils can erode very quickly, forming deep gullies .

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