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-159-Table 63 . Guides for assessing soil limitations for permanent buildings )This guide provides ratings for undisturbed soils evaluated for single-family dwellings and other structures with simila rfoundation requirements . The emphasis for rating soils for buildings is on foundations ; but soil slope, susceptibility toflooding and other hydrologic conditions, such as wetness, that have effects beyond those related exclusively t ofoundations are considered too . Also considered are soil properties, particularly depth to bedrock, which influenc eexcavation and construction costs for the building itself and for the installation of utility lines . Excluded are limitationsfor soil corosivity (which is of little consequence in Yoho), landscaping and septic tank absorption fields . On-siteinvestigations are needed for specific placement of buildings and utility lines, and for detailed design or foundations .All ratings are for undisturbed soils based on information gained from observations to a depth of 1 to 2 meters .Item sAffectin gUseSoil Drainage Class 3(Wet)4Depth to Seasona lWater Table (W .T .)Degree of Soil Limitation 2None to Slight Moderate Severe Very SevereWith Basements : With Basements : With Basements : With Basements :Very rapidly, rapidl yand well drained .Without basements :Moderately wel ldrained .Without basements :Imperfectly, poorly ,and very poorly drained .Without basements :Permanently we tsoils .Without basements :Very rapidly, rapidly ,well, and moderatel ywell drained .Imperfectly drained .Poorly and very poorl ydrained .Permanently we tsoils .With basements : With Basements : With Basements : With Basements :Below 150 cmWithout Basements :75 - 150 cmWithout Basements :25 - 75 c mWithout Basements :Above 25 c mWithout Basements :Below 75 cm 50 - 75 cm 25 - 50 cm Above 25 c mFlooding (Flood) None NoneOccasional Flooding .(Once in 5 years)Frequent Flooding .(Every year )Slope 5 (Slope) 0 to 9% (AD) 9 to 15 % (E) 15 to 30% (F) > 30% (GH )Unified Soil Group6(Str .)GW, GP, SW, SP ,GM, GC, SM, SCML, CLCH, MH, OL, OH,P tPotential Fros tAction 7 (Frost)Stoniness 8(Stony)7Low (Fl, F2 )Stones > 10 m apart .(Class 0 to 1)7Moderate (F3 )Stones 2 to 10 m apart .(Class 2)7High (F4 )Stones 0 .1 - 2 m apart .(Class 3 to 4)Stones < 0 .1 m apart.(Class 5)Rockiness 8 ' 9(Rock)Depth to Bedrock 9(Rock - D)Rock exposures > 100 mapart and cover < 2% ofthe surface .(Class 0)Rock exposures 30 to100 m apart and cover2 to 10% of the surface .(Class 1)Rock exposures < 30 mapart and cover > 10%of the surface .(Class 2 to 4)Rock exposures to ofrequent to allo wlocation of permanen tbuildings . (Class 5)With _ Basements :With Basements : With Basements : With Basements :> 150 c m100 to 150 c m50 to 100 cm< 50 c mWithout Basements : Without Basements : Without Basements :>100cm50 to 100 cm

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