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ure 102 .tte of the pedon chosen tocharacterize the WR 2 ma punit . The slope is 45 to 55% ,and evidence of snow avalanchingis evident in the photo .gore 103 .Orthic Regosol soil chosen tocharacterize the WR2 map unit .The loose nature of the profil eand the abundance of flat coars efragments is typical of this ma punit .

-145-The stoniness and periodic snow avalanching which are generally associate dwith this map unit result in a very severe limitation for most recreational and engineeringuses .WR 3 Map Unit (Orthic and Cumulic Regosols )This map unit is characterized by those soils which have developed o ncalcareous, stratified, gravelly to very gravelly fan alluvium overlain by mediu mtextured deposits . Silt loam and fine sandy loam textures with about 5% coarsefragments are common in the medium textured surficial deposit while gravelly sand yloam and gravelly loamy sand textures are common in the lower horizons . Thes esoils have weak horizon development although a thin (less than 5 cm thick) B mhorizon is sometimes present .Table 55 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the WR3 map unit .HorizonL-F 3-0Depth Moist Color(cm)Est . Coars eFragments Textur e(%)very dark brown; partially decomposedneedles and leave sAe 0-1 gray not sample dpH(CaCI 2)Organi cMatter(%)6 .0 47ACk 1-4 brown < 5 sandy loam 7 .2 1 4Ckl 4-40 light gray < 1 silt loam 7 .3 trac every gravell yCk2 40-90 gray 60 loamy coarse 7 .2 trac esandCk3 90-110+ pale olive 10 silt loam trac eOrthic Regoso lThe generally silty surficial texture results in moderate limitations for mos trecreational uses . In addition, the Regosolic nature of these soils suggests that the yare subject to occasional stream channel shifting and/or overland flow during sprin grunoff .

ure 102 .tte of the pedon chosen tocharacterize the WR 2 ma punit . The slope is 45 to 55% ,and evidence of snow avalanchingis evident in the photo .gore 103 .Orthic Regosol soil chosen tocharacterize the WR2 map unit .The loose nature of the profil eand the abundance of flat coars efragments is typical of this ma punit .

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