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-142-Figure 100 . Site of the pedon chosen to characterize the WR 1 mapunit . The very stony surface is evident in the photo an dtypical of the map unit .Figure 101 .Orthic Regosol soil chase rto characterize the WR 1map unit .

-143-Table 53 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the WR 1 map uni tHorizonDepth moist color(cm)Est . Coars eFragments Texture(%)Organicp H(CaCI2) M otte (%)rL 1-0 very dark brown not sample dCkl 0-15 gray 45gravelly sandyloam7 .5 5 .4very gravell yCk2 15-30+ dark gray 60 loamy coarse 7 .6 4 . 7sandOrthic RegosolThe stoniness which is associated with this map unit results in severe limitation sfor most recreational and engineering uses . In addition, shifting stream channels ma ycause limitations for some uses.WR2 Map Unit (Cumulic and Orthic Regosols )This map unit is characterized by soils which frequently have an Ah horizo nand are developed on calcareous, gravelly and very gravelly fan alluvium . Texture sof very gravelly fine sandy loam and very gravelly loam are common . The coars efragments are often flaggy and oriented parallel to the soil surface . Steep slopes an dperiodic snow avalanching are common on this map unit . These soils are usuall yexceedingly to excessively stony .Table 54 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the WR2 map unit .HorizonDe th(cm)Moist ColorAhk 0-12 very dark brown 65Ckl 12-40 dark brown 60Est . Coarse H OrganicFragments Texture(CaCl2) Matte r(%) (%)very gravellyfine sandy loamvery gravellyfine sandy loa mvery gravellyCk2 40-100+ dark brown to brown 60fine sandy loa m* much of this organic matter is quite raw and may be fine live roots .Orthic Regosol6 .8 26*7 .0 1 . 27 .2 0 .2

-142-Figure 100 . Site of the pedon chosen to characterize the WR 1 mapunit . The very stony surface is evident in the photo an dtypical of the map unit .Figure 101 .Orthic Regosol soil chase rto characterize the WR 1map unit .

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