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-132-Table 48 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the TA1 map unit .HorizonDepth Moist Color(cm)Est . CoarseFragments(%)TextureH(CaCI2) pOrgani cMatter(%)L-F 5-0 blackAe 0-1 light gray to grayBm 1-20 yellowish redBCk 20-47 yellowish redIICk 47-90+ light olive brown2585notgravell ysilt loamsampledvery gravellyloa mvery gravelly90 coars esandy loam4 .2 785 .4 2. 16 . 76 .9Degraded Eutric Bruniso lThe high coarse fragment content and silty surficial texture associated withthis map unit result in moderate limitations for many recreational uses . Steep slope smay cause additional limitations in many areas of this map unit .TO - Tocher Soilscape Grou pPhysiographic Settin gMembers of this soilscape group occur along the unstable river banks wher ethese cutbanks are mainly comprised of till, and occasionally on steep, unstabl etill slopes along valley walls .Landform and Parent Material sThe Tocher soilscape group occurs on morainal blankets over bedrock a swell as deeper morainal deposits . On the deeper morainal deposits, Tocher map unit sgenerally occur on the extremely sloping river cutbanks . The parent materials ar ecalcareous, non-stratified, medium textured till .

-133-Environmen tzones .The Tocher soilscape group occurs in the montane and subalpine vegetativ eT01 Map Unit (Cumulic Regosols )This map unit is characterized by Regosolic soils which are found on calcareous ,medium textured till . The soils have loam to silt loam textures and are well drained ,except for those in the Mount Hurd area which are moderately well drained . Thi smap unit occurs on the extremely sloping (greater than 60%) cutbanksof the Amiskwi ,Emerald and Otterhead Rivers where soil instability results from steep slopes and under -cuttings at the bases of the slopes by the rivers, and in the Mount Hurd area where th esoil instability results from excess soil moisture from snowmelt in spring and earl ysummer . Soil slump and soil flow scars, as well as curved trees indicative of soi lcreep, are common on this map unit .Table 49 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the T01 map unit .HorizonDepth(cm)moist colorEst . Coarse H Organi cpFragments Texture(CaCl2) M te r(%)()dark reddish brown; partly decomposedL- F 18-0 5 .1 82organic litter plus charcoa lCk 0-1 light yellowish brown nil loa mBmb 1-5 yellowish red 35 gravelly loa mCkb 1 5-43 light yellowish brown 50Ckb 2 43-80+ light yellowish brown 50very gravell yloa mgravellysandy loa mnot sample d6 .7 9 . 07 . 37 .4Cumulic Regosol

-132-Table 48 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the TA1 map unit .HorizonDepth Moist Color(cm)Est . CoarseFragments(%)TextureH(CaCI2) pOrgani cMatter(%)L-F 5-0 blackAe 0-1 light gray to grayBm 1-20 yellowish redBCk 20-47 yellowish redIICk 47-90+ light olive brown2585notgravell ysilt loamsampledvery gravellyloa mvery gravelly90 coars esandy loam4 .2 785 .4 2. 16 . 76 .9Degraded Eutric Bruniso lThe high coarse fragment content and silty surficial texture associated withthis map unit result in moderate limitations for many recreational uses . Steep slope smay cause additional limitations in many areas of this map unit .TO - Tocher Soilscape Grou pPhysiographic Settin gMembers of this soilscape group occur along the unstable river banks wher ethese cutbanks are mainly comprised of till, and occasionally on steep, unstabl etill slopes along valley walls .Landform and Parent Material sThe Tocher soilscape group occurs on morainal blankets over bedrock a swell as deeper morainal deposits . On the deeper morainal deposits, Tocher map unit sgenerally occur on the extremely sloping river cutbanks . The parent materials ar ecalcareous, non-stratified, medium textured till .

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