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-122-SI -Silverslope Soilscape Grou pPhysiographic SettingSILVERSLOP ESOIISCAPESI 11 SI2 ~ T. 7/r 0- /Z_COLLUVIU M1 4,74:: BEDROCKFigure 84 . Sketch showing the landscape relationships between Silverslope andassociated soilscape groups .Landform and Parent Material sThe Silverslope soilscape group occurs on residual and colluvial slopes . Theparent materials are usually calcareous and range from medium to coarse textured .Shallow materials (lithic) of undifferentiated (till, colluvium,residual) origin ar ealso included within this map concept .EnvironmentThe Silverslope soilscape group occurs in the upper part of the subalpin evegetative zone at elevations of about 2000 to 2150 m a .s.l . This zone is referredto as the upper subalpine ecotone and has a relatively open (< 30%) forest cover .

-123-Table 44 . Key criteria differentiating the Silverslope map units .Soi Iscap eMap UnitClassificationTextureCoarse Fragment Drainag eContent (%) ClassS1 1Orthic Humo-Ferric andFerro-Humic Podzolssilt loam tosandy loa m< 50% wel lSI2Lithic Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzolssilt loam to sandyloam over bedrock< 50% wel lSI1 Map Unit (Orthic Humo-Ferric and Ferro-Humic Podzols )This map unit is characterized by non-lithic soils which are developed o ncolluvium within the upper subalpine ecotone . A turfy Ah horizon is often, but notalways present . Snowchute areas which occur within the upper subalpine ecoton eare generally mapped as S1 1A .Table 45 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the SI 1 map unit .HorizonDepth(cm)moist colorAh 0-6 very dark brown 45Est . Coars eFragments(%)Textur egravellysilt loa mAe trace light gray to gray - fine sandy loamBhf 6-21strong brown and10 silt loamdark yellowish brownBm 21-38 yellowish brown 50very gravell ysandy loamvery gravellyCkl 38-85 pale olive 90 coars esandy loa mCk2 85-95+ pale olive 40-50 gravelly loa mp H(CaC I2)Organi cMatter(%)4 .5 22- -5 .0 8 . 85 .0 1 . 65 .2 -6 .0 -Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzo lThe steep slopes and severe climate which are associated with this map uni tsuggest that it has severe and very severe limitations for most recreational an dengineering uses .

-123-Table 44 . Key criteria differentiating the Silverslope map units .Soi Iscap eMap UnitClassificationTextureCoarse Fragment Drainag eContent (%) ClassS1 1Orthic Humo-Ferric andFerro-Humic Podzolssilt loam tosandy loa m< 50% wel lSI2Lithic Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzolssilt loam to sandyloam over bedrock< 50% wel lSI1 Map Unit (Orthic Humo-Ferric and Ferro-Humic Podzols )This map unit is characterized by non-lithic soils which are developed o ncolluvium within the upper subalpine ecotone . A turfy Ah horizon is often, but notalways present . Snowchute areas which occur within the upper subalpine ecoton eare generally mapped as S1 1A .Table 45 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the SI 1 map unit .HorizonDepth(cm)moist colorAh 0-6 very dark brown 45Est . Coars eFragments(%)Textur egravellysilt loa mAe trace light gray to gray - fine sandy loamBhf 6-21strong brown and10 silt loamdark yellowish brownBm 21-38 yellowish brown 50very gravell ysandy loamvery gravellyCkl 38-85 pale olive 90 coars esandy loa mCk2 85-95+ pale olive 40-50 gravelly loa mp H(CaC I2)Organi cMatter(%)4 .5 22- -5 .0 8 . 85 .0 1 . 65 .2 -6 .0 -Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzo lThe steep slopes and severe climate which are associated with this map uni tsuggest that it has severe and very severe limitations for most recreational an dengineering uses .

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