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-116-Table 41 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the 002 map unit .HorizonDepth(cm)Moist ColorAhl 0-4 very dark brow nAh2 4-11 dark brow nBf 11-16R 16+strong brown andyellowish brow nEst . Coarse H Organi cpFragments Texture(C H I) Matter (%)(%) 2< 1 silt loam 5 .2 243 silt loam 5 .2 1 25 silt loam 5 .7 5 .0Lithic Sombric Humo-Ferric Podzo lThe severe climate and shallowness to bedrock suggests that this map unit ha ssevere and very severe limitations for recreational and engineering uses .OP - Opabin Soilscape GroupPhysiographic SettingThis soilscape group occurs on active fluvial fans derived from non-calcareoussedimentary materials . Associated soilscape groups are O'Hara (moraines) and Burges s(colluvium) .Landform and Parent Material sThe Opabin soilscape group occurs on fluvial fans . The materials are noncalcareous,stratified, gravelly and very gravelly, medium and coarse textured fanalluvium, derived mainly from the quartzites of the Gog Group .EnvironmentThe Opabin soilscape group occurs on moderately well drained sites withi nthe subalpine vegetative zone .

-117-OP 1 Map Unit (Cumilic Regosols )This map unit is characterized by soils with little horizon development o nnon-calcareous fan alluvium . These soils are medium to coarse textured with coarsefragment contents of 20% or more . The coarse fragments are mainly Gog Grou pquartzites . The Regosolic nature of these soi Is suggests that they are subject t ooccasional stream channel shifting and/or overland flow during the spring runoff .Table 42 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the OP 1 map unit .HorizonDepth(cm)L-F 10-0C 0-2 7Ahb 27-43Moist Colordark brow npale brown 65dark grayish brow nand pale brow nEst . Coarse pH Organi cfragments Texture (CaCl 2) matter(%) (%)555 . 8very gravelly 6 . 2sandy loa mvery gravellyclay 5 . 8loam3 . 111Bmb 43-6 1Cb 61-75+Cumulic Regoso ldark brown to brown 55dark brown to brown 60very gravelly not sample dclay loa mvery gravelly 6 .2 3 . 5sandy. clay loa mThe high coarse fragment content suggests that this map unit has sever elimitations for recreational uses . Slope is the major limitation for engineering use son this map unit .

-116-Table 41 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the 002 map unit .HorizonDepth(cm)Moist ColorAhl 0-4 very dark brow nAh2 4-11 dark brow nBf 11-16R 16+strong brown andyellowish brow nEst . Coarse H Organi cpFragments Texture(C H I) Matter (%)(%) 2< 1 silt loam 5 .2 243 silt loam 5 .2 1 25 silt loam 5 .7 5 .0Lithic Sombric Humo-Ferric Podzo lThe severe climate and shallowness to bedrock suggests that this map unit ha ssevere and very severe limitations for recreational and engineering uses .OP - Opabin Soilscape GroupPhysiographic SettingThis soilscape group occurs on active fluvial fans derived from non-calcareoussedimentary materials . Associated soilscape groups are O'Hara (moraines) and Burges s(colluvium) .Landform and Parent Material sThe Opabin soilscape group occurs on fluvial fans . The materials are noncalcareous,stratified, gravelly and very gravelly, medium and coarse textured fanalluvium, derived mainly from the quartzites of the Gog Group .EnvironmentThe Opabin soilscape group occurs on moderately well drained sites withi nthe subalpine vegetative zone .

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