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-108-OL - Ottertail Soilscape GroupPhysiographic Setting (Figure 55, page 91 )This soilscape group occurs on morainal landforms below 1550 m a .s .l ., i nthe main valley bottoms, often as remnants and small pockets of what was probabl ymore extensive moraine .Landform and Parent Material sThe Ottertail soilscape group commonly occurs on morainal blankets overbedrock, but morainal veneers and deep morainal deposits are not uncommon . Theparent materials are compact, calcareous, medium textured till which may hav ebeen locally reworked by water . Small lacustrine pockets are often found as inclusion sin this till along the Kicking Horse Valley .EnvironmentThe Ottertail soilscape group occurs in the montane vegetative zone rangin gin elevation from about 1050 m a .s .l . at the western Park gate to about 1550 m a .s .l .Table 36 . Key criteria differentiating the Ottertail map units .Soilscape Coarse Fragment DrainageClassificationTextureMap Unit Content (%) Clas sOL 1 Degraded Eutric Brunisols silt loam 10-20% wel lOL2Gleyed Melanic and

Figure 73 . Degraded Eutric Brunisol soil chosen to characterize the 01 1map unit .

-108-OL - Ottertail Soilscape GroupPhysiographic Setting (Figure 55, page 91 )This soilscape group occurs on morainal landforms below 1550 m a .s .l ., i nthe main valley bottoms, often as remnants and small pockets of what was probabl ymore extensive moraine .Landform and Parent Material sThe Ottertail soilscape group commonly occurs on morainal blankets overbedrock, but morainal veneers and deep morainal deposits are not uncommon . Theparent materials are compact, calcareous, medium textured till which may hav ebeen locally reworked by water . Small lacustrine pockets are often found as inclusion sin this till along the Kicking Horse Valley .EnvironmentThe Ottertail soilscape group occurs in the montane vegetative zone rangin gin elevation from about 1050 m a .s .l . at the western Park gate to about 1550 m a .s .l .Table 36 . Key criteria differentiating the Ottertail map units .Soilscape Coarse Fragment DrainageClassificationTextureMap Unit Content (%) Clas sOL 1 Degraded Eutric Brunisols silt loam 10-20% wel lOL2Gleyed Melanic and

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