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-106-Landform and Parent Material sThe O'Hara soilscape group generally occurs on morainal veneers and blanket sover bedrock . The parent materials are non-ca lcareous,coarse textured stony tills .EnvironmentThe O'Hara soilscape group is found in the subalpine vegetation zone .OH 1 Map Unit (Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols and Degraded Dystric Brunisols )This map unit characterizes those soils developed on non-calcareous, coars etextured glacial till at elevations below the upper subalpine ecotone . These soil shave textures of grevelly loamy sand to sandy loam, coarse fragment contents of 1 5to 30%, and are well drained . These soils are exceedingly stony and occur onl yin the Upper Cataract Brook - Lake O'Hara area .Table 35 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the OH 1 map unit .HorizonD e(cm)t hL-F 7-0Ae 0-5Bhf 5-99-38BC1 38-54BC2 54-66+Moist ColorEst . Coars efragments(%)moss and needle litte rpinking gray 1 0weak red toreddish brow nreddish brown 45strong brown 45very pale brown 405TextureH Organicmatter(CaCI 2 ) (%)3 .4 -silt loam 3 .3 5 . 0silt loam 4 .2 1 9gravellyloamy san dgravellyloamy san dgravellysand4 .5 1 .44 . 65 . 2Degraded Dystric Bruniso lThe stoniness and generally steep slopes associated with this map uni tresult in severe and very severe limitations for most recreational and engineerin guses .

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