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-98-Landform and Parent Material sThe Odaray soilscape group generally occurs on morainal veneers or blanket soverlying bedrock . The materials are generally calcareous, coarse to medium texturedtill, but some non-calcareous parent materials are present in the upper Catarac tBrook - Lake McArthur area . In general, the Odaray map units in the upper Catarac tBrook - McArthur Lake area are strewn with large stones and boulders unlike thos eOdaray map units located in other parts of Yoho Park .Environmen tThe Odaray soilscape group occurs in the upper part of the subalpine vegetatio nzone at elevations of about 2000 to 2150 m a .s .I . This zone is referred to as the uppersubalpine ecotone, and has a relatively open (< 30%) forest cover .OD 1 Map Unit (Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols )This map unit occurs on morainal landforms in the upper subalpine ecotone .The soils which characterize OD 1 are medium to coarse textured, generally contai nless than 50% coarse fragments and usually are well drained . A thin, turfy Ah or Hhorizon is usually present . In the McArthur Pass area, there is an abundance of stone sgreater than 1 m in diameter, and roughly 5 to 25 m apart. Occasional poorly drainedlate snowmelt areas occur as inclusions in this map uni tTable 31 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the OD 1 map unit .Est . CoarseH OrganicDepthHorizon Moist ColorFragments Textur e(cm)(%)(CaCI2) M otte r(%)dark reddish brown; well decomposed5-0 4 .8 6 1material with Ah-like appearanc eAe 0-2 light reddish brown < 5 silt loam 4 .5 6 . 4Bhf 2-15 dark reddish brown < 5 silt 5 .8 1 7Bm 15-35 yellowish brown 15finesandy loam6 .2 1 3Ck 35-62+ light yellowish brown 35gravelly7 . 3

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