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BY JODIENOTHING MATTERSBUT YOU, BABEWhat would you do for yourbest friend when they’rehaving a shitty day/week/month/year/life? How aboutyour partner/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse? Would youtell them to suck it up, stopmoping around, and forgeahead? Or would you tell themthat it’s okay if other peoplesay and do things that makeyou feel small and weak, thatit’s okay to be run down andtired and triggered?You’d probably bring thema c<strong>of</strong>fee or a magazine oressential oils or bourbon orcrystals or ice cream or yourbest listening ears. You’dprobably encourage them t<strong>of</strong>eel whatever they neededto feel, without reason andwithout judgement. You’dprobably listen to them cryor take them out to distractthem or maybe just sit withthem. You’d send them a textwith the funniest combination<strong>of</strong> emojis possible and puppyvideos and articles aboutresilience.Why are we so quick to feelaffection for and to let ourhearts ache and bleed for oneanother, but not for ourselves?Why can’t you be your ownbest babe and your ownfavorite person in the world?Feel deeply about yourself.Show it in the best way youknow how. You don’t have todraw a bubble bath or throwyourself a parade — just feeltenderness towards the babeinside <strong>of</strong> you and let yourselfreceive it.Caring for myself resistseverything I’ve been taughtabout not being worthyenough. Caring for myselfputs the determination <strong>of</strong> myown value in my hands. <strong>Self</strong>careis a big fuck you to thekyriarchy and all the systems<strong>of</strong> oppression that affect mylife. <strong>Self</strong>-care keeps me aliveand gives me permission totake up space. It nurtures myvoice, validates my pain andpleasure. It keeps me aliveand sustains me for anotherday. Every day I’m alive I cancall out sexism, homophobia,transphobia, racism, fatshaming, heterosexism,ableism, and ageism.<strong>Self</strong>-care isn’t just massagesand silly tv shows and longwalks and ice water andorgasms. It’s work: knock ‘emdown, drag ‘em out work thatmeans diving down into the

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