zefiro - larius.org

zefiro - larius.org

zefiro - larius.org

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ZEFIRO• Make sure the product recycles from the return tube (G4).• Now the machine carries on sucking the product till the flexiblehose is full, up to the gun. Then it will stop automatically.G4SPRAY ADJUSTMENTEnglish• Slowly turn clockwise the pressure control knob to reach thepressure value in order to ensure a good atomization of theproduct.• An irregular and marked spray on the sides indicates a lowworking pressure. On the contrary, a too high pressure causesa high fog (“overspray”) and waste of product.• In order to avoid overthickness of paint, let the gun advancesideways (right-left) when spraying.• Always paint with regular parallel bands coats.• Keep a safety and constant distance between the gun and thesupport to be painted and also keep yourselves perpendicularto it.Never point the spray gun at yourselves or atother people. The contact with the casting cancause serious injuries.In case of injuries caused by the gun casting, seekimmediate medical advice specifying the type ofthe product injected.• Close the recirculation - safety valve (G2) (turn clockwise theknob to close the valve).The drain valve is a safety valve too. When workingat the maximum pressure available, releasing thegun trigger sudden increases of pressure can occur.In this case, the drain valve opens automaticallyeliminating part of the product from the recirculatingtube. Then it closes so as to go back to the firstworking conditions.G2H CLEANING AT THE ENDOF THE WORK• Reduce pressure to the minimum (turn counterclockwise thepressure control knob (H1)).15

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