Background & Methodology

Background & Methodology

Background & Methodology

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EN13852-1 Upgrade of API2C Deck Cranes for obtaining AoCMAERSK REACHER to Norway

Agenda• <strong>Background</strong> and methodology•Scope of Work• Compliance VerificationTechnical OrganizationSlide no. 2

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• The 2 Deck Cranes on MAERSK REACHER is anelectro hydraulic operated, rope luffing cranetype with rotating superstructure. The crane isconfigured in four (4) falls on main hoist andsingle (1) fall on auxiliary hoist.• Maker: Favelle Favco - Type. 20/10K - Serialno. 1304 & 1305• The cranes are designed by FFCA in 2007 andmanufactured by FFCM in 2008.• The Crane design were initially reviewed andapproved by ABS 16 February 2007.Technical OrganizationSlide no. 3

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• Workshop & GAP-Analysis 29 Jun 2010 – 01 Jul 2010• Feasibility Study by FFCA/M/US 01 Jul 2010 – 01 Nov 2010• Electrical and Hydraulic offshore survey – Oct. 2010• Second workshop at FFCA 09 Oct – 25 Oct 2010• Decision to upgrade cranes vs. Purchase new – 01 Nov 2010.• Offshore interview of Crane Operators – 09 Nov 2010• CRIOP for the Crane – 16-17 Nov 2010• Compliance Matrix ”completed” – all ”non-compliances” identified – 21 Dec 2010• Installation Project Management Team identified and kick-off meeting held – 30 Dec2010• Kick-Off with cabin supplier – 07 Jan 2011• Kick-Off with structural sub supplier – 08 Jan 2011• Compliance meeting BP & MD – 10 January 2011• PSA Presentation – 14 January 2011• PSA Presentation – 25 Feb 2011• PSA Presentation – 25 May 2011• ABS Approval – 27 June 2011Technical OrganizationSlide no. 5

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>Structural Design -2Total 122 PersonsQA/QC - 1 Documentation - 3Hydraulic Design -1CEO - 1Customer Service-1EngineeringManager - 1MD CR - 2Chief Designer - 1Design - 1Mechanical Design–3Drawings - 4FKS - 24DC - 2Upgrade - 1 PM - 1Supervisor - 5Others -60DC & Software(US) - 1Software - 2FFCA – 6Commissioning - 1Technical OrganizationSlide no. 6

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>Enterprise ofCompetence – OMHECCrewInvolvementABS SurveyorFAT & SATComplianceMatrixIndependent audit byDnV – Ordered by BPTechnical OrganizationFFCA, FKS & MDengineering reviewSlide no. 7BP IAT TeamIndependentengineering review byABSPSA & NMD

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• Guidelines for implementation of EN13852-1 on existing offshorecranes on mobile offshore units, rev. 1, 30.11.2007, Issued byNSA• MD have mainly used the attachment A: DNV report no. 07-BGN-4960. Guide for part implementation.• MD have not used attachment B: GAP analysis. As this mainly evaluateEN 13852-1 against NMD regulations and therefore found, not adequate.• MD have used the methodology from DNV 07-BGN-4960. The usedmapping and assessment processes are very close to the methoddescribed by DNV.Technical OrganizationSlide no. 8

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>Source: DNV report 07-BGN-4760.Technical OrganizationSlide no. 9

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• Guidelines for implementation of EN13852-1 on existing offshorecranes on mobile offshore units, rev. 1, 30.11.2007, Issued byNSA• MD have chosen not to use appendix A (DNV report 07-BGN-4760. ):Guided safety level for existing offshore cranes. As this mainly is for partimplementation on older cranes build after NMD regulations.• MD have used appendix B (DNV report 07-BGN-4760. ):Recommendations for use by CEN/TC147/WGP5. As this is the workgroup behind the EN 13852 answering questions from manufactures,production platforms operators, rig owners and class societies• MD have not used appendix C (DNV report 07-BGN-4760. ): Datasheetfrom NORSOK R-002. As MD are not using this systemTechnical OrganizationSlide no. 10

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• Guidelines for implementation of EN13852-1on existing offshore cranes on mobileoffshore units, rev. 1, 30.11.2007, Issued byNSA• It’s worth highlighting Q-019 from this appendixwhich is about response time for the AOPSsystem• This answer correspond with FFCA’sinterpretation of the standard and is expressedin the AOPS calculations.Technical OrganizationSlide no. 11

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• Items highlighted by PSA:• Document control, Follow Up and Quality Assurance• FFCA has an ISO 9001:2008 QM System• MD conducted an Audit at FFCA 25-27 Nov. 2010.• MD received status reports min. 1 time per week; normally 2 times.• MD had a 100% dedicated onsite Company Representative•Competences• MD received CV’s of all involved FFCA/M/US personnel prior to contractsigning.• Head of project is FF Chief Designer supported by Group EngineeringManager – reporting directly to the CEO.• MD CR is Competent person B1 approved by NMD.Technical OrganizationSlide no. 12

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• Items highlighted by PSA:• Specification of Scope of Work• Technical Purchase Specification, Rev. 3 – 17 November 2010.• Compliance Matrix• All sub standards has been evaluated, i.e. “no pick and choose”tolerated. In addition to standards specially called for by MD TPS,such as NORSOK S-001, S-002 and C-002.• Compliance Matrix database includes hyperlinks to all supportingdocumentation.• FMECA Analysis’s in accordance with recognized standard• TPS calls for using – IEC 60812:2006Technical OrganizationSlide no. 13

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• Items highlighted by PSA:• FFCA has an ISO 9001:2008 QM System• MD included verification of system in Audit conducted in Nov.• Several certificates is required for showing compliance• All certificates verified by attending surveyor – signed originalsstored onboard.• Personnel Lifting• Both Cranes will comply with all safety requirements for this typeof operation.Technical OrganizationSlide no. 14

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• Items highlighted by PSA:• Hoisting speeds, Luffing Speeds and Boom Speeds• Several changes made to hydraulic system on the cranes toperform as required in all conditions. Documented by calculationsand SAT.• Automatic Overload Protection System (AOPS)• Old API design did not include an AOPS system. AOPS systeminstalled in new Boom Buttom section.• Calculations of response time performed and verified by testingwith logging equipment.Technical OrganizationSlide no. 15

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• Items highlighted by PSA:• All documentation and certificates clearly state that the cranes hasbeen upgraded from API 2C, hence they have not originally beendesigned in accordance with EN 13852-1:2004/AC:2007.• NR, API 2C and EN13852-1• Gap between EN13852-1 and API 2C known by FFCA.• Full GAP performed of NR and EN13852-1.Technical OrganizationSlide no. 16

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• NMD / API 2C / EN 13852-1• API Spec 2C 6th Edition and European standard EN 13852-1• Both published 2004 addressing offshore crane sizing and safety requirements• Main difference is on safety methodology• Main requirement difference is an Automatic Overload Protection System (AOPS)from the EN 13852-1, which prevents a catastrophic event from happening incase of an entanglement situation, and the crane can return to normal serviceafter the situation.• API 2C 6 th Edition, did not specifically address Gross overload conditions and failuremode calculations only required upon request of purchaser• EN 13852-1 has very specific requirements for min. hook speed related to SWHcompared to API 2C 6th Edition.Technical OrganizationSlide no. 17

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• NMD / API 2C / EN 13852-1• Other differencies• Cylinder design factors• Hoist section requirements for separate dynamic and staticbrakes• Requirements for load/moment indicators• Personnel capacity requirements of SWL• SWL Calculations• Noise requirements• Material requirements• Minimum toughness (Charpy) requirements•Etc.Technical OrganizationSlide no. 18

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• NMD / API 2C / EN 13852-1• Regulation 4, July 2007, No. 854• § 10 - Methods of calculation, design criteria/ construction requirements andmaterials• Pressure systems to be redesigned as per EN982 and ISO4413.• IOM Manual to reflect standards used for electrical systems• Hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical systems to be re-designed and constructed sothat failure in any of them will not result in a situation that cannot be controlled• Change of access ways to the operator’s cabin so that the operator can make aquick escape in the event of collapse of the crane or part of it as a result ofunforeseen overloading or any other failure.• § 16 – Marking• New marking done in accordance with MD tagging procedure.Technical OrganizationSlide no. 19

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• In order to ensure a systematic compliance assessment, MDorganized an initial work group to make an preliminary GAPanalysis between original design and EN13852-1. The analysisworkshop took place in Malaysia, 29 June 2010 01 July 2010.This group consisted of:• MD Owner, engineering, mapping, assessment, audits and coordination.• FFCA/M Design team consisting of structural, mechanical, hydraulic and electricengineers. Mapping, design, fabrication and installation.• FKS Enterprise of Competence - Competent person B1 approved by NMD. Acts asMD-CR at FFCA and connection link to MD. Mapping and assessment.• In addition a GAP analysis was made of NMD 854 and publishedinformation from PSA were incorporated into the planned upgrade.Technical OrganizationSlide no. 21

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• Having completed the initial GAP analysis, it was clear thatadditional mapping were required. The work group was expandedto consist of:• MD Owner, engineering, mapping, assessment, audits, crewinvolvement, FAT and coordination• FFCA/M/US Design team consisting of structural, mechanical, hydraulic and electricengineers. Mapping, design, fabrication and installation• FKS Enterprise of Competence - Competent person B1 approved by NMD. Acts asMD-CR at FFCA and connection link to MD. Mapping and assessment• Lloyds/Scandpower Specialist engineers, Cabin assessment, CRIOP• FORCE Technology Specialist engineers, Material assessment• Scancab Design team and fabrication/installation – Custom made new cabin• Constructioneering Specialist engineers, Structural strength assessment• Bosch Rexroth AOPS System• Avezaat Cranes FFCA European affiliate on structural design and manufacturing• ABS Class society. Design approvalTechnical OrganizationSlide no. 22

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>Source:FFCA Quality Plan:QP72920 Rev. ADeveloped forEN13852-1Upgrade ProjectTechnical OrganizationSlide no. 23

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>Source:FFCA Quality Plan:QP72920 Rev. ADeveloped forEN13852-1Upgrade ProjectTechnical OrganizationSlide no. 24

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• Compliance to 105 Standards, 7 Standards Obsolte• IEC 61131.3:2004,NZS 61000.6.2:2006, NZS 61000.6.4:2007, EN 14502-1:2005, EN 10137-1:1996, EN 10137-2:1996, EN 10225:2001, EN 1050:1997, EN 12077-2:1998, EN 12385-1:2002,EN 12385-2:2002, EN 12385-3:2004, EN 12385-4:2002, EN 13001-1:2004, EN 13001-2:2004, EN13411-4:2002, EN 13411-6:2004, EN 13411-7:2006, EN 363:2008, EN 60079-14:2008, IEC 60204-1, IEC 60204-32, EN 10025-1, EN 10025-3, EN 10025-4, EN 1005-3, EN 1127-1, EN 12644-1, EN12644-2, EN 13135-1, EN 13586, EN 13852-1:2004/AC:2007, EN 349, EN 418, EN 457, EN 614-1, EN 795, EN 842, EN 894-3, EN 954-1 , EN 982, EN 1070, EN 1993-1-1, EN 1993-1-6, EN 1993-1-8, EN 1993-1-12, EN 10113-1, EN 10113-3, EN 10113-4, EN ISO 11064, EN ISO 14122-3, EN ISO14122-3:2002, EN ISO 14122-4, EN ISO 14122-4:2004, ISO 1219-1:1996-03, ISO 1219-2:1985-02, DMA BEK 11643,EN ISO 12100-1:2003, EN ISO 12100-2, EN ISO 7731, F.E.M. 1.001 3rd EditionRevised 1998.10.01, F.E.M. 1.004 2000.07.30, EN 10083-1:2006, EN 10083-2:2006, EN 13135-2:2004, EN 61310-3:2008, EN ISO 11688-1:2009, EN ISO 13849-1:2008, EN ISO 14122-1:2001,EN ISO 144122-2:2001, EN ISO 7731:2008, EN 10204:2004, EN 11688-2:2001, EN 13411-3:2004,EN 13463-1:2009, EN 13557:2003, EN 13586:2004, EN 13850:2008, EN 4871:2009, EN 61310-1:2008, EN 61310-2:2008, ISO 11201, ISO 12100-2, ISO 12100-2, ISO 12478-1, ISO 12480-1,ISO 12482-1, ISO 14120, ISO 14121-1, ISO 3744, ISO 4308-1, ISO 4413, ISO 8566-1, ISO 898-1,ISO 9927-1, NMD 854, NORSOK - C-001, NORSOK - C-002, NORSOK - E-001 , NORSOK - E-002,NORSOK - R-003, NORSOK - S-001, NORSOK - S-002, NORSOK - S-003, NORSOK - S-005,NORSOK - Z-001, NORSOK - Z-006, NORSOK - Z-007, NORSOK - Z-010 , pr EN 14492-1 & FacilitiesRegulations.Technical OrganizationSlide no. 25

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>AHLS-System• New Design Submission to ABS – Re-calculated to EN13852-1.• Contract Design Specification• Load Charts and Design Loads• Crane Structural Analysis• Critical Load Cases – Boom, A-Fraame, Machinery Deck & Pedestal• Analysis: Wire rope, Hooks, FEM modelling, etc.• Power requirement calculations• Winch & Winch drive calculations• Crane group classification calculations• AOPS Calculations• VORTEX induced vibration analysis• Failure mode analysis (FMA) and Failure Mode, Effects Analysis and Criticality Analysis(FMECA)• Mechanical, Hydralic and Electrical components.• Welding & NDT details• Drawings• Risk AssesmentTechnical OrganizationSlide no. 28

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• Mapping.• All original design and fabrication data available throughFFCA/M/US - MDR.• Where sub supplier data was found insufficient to make a propercompliance assessment, the sub supplier/manufacture has beencontacted in order to provide data with the required information.E.g. Bosch Rexroth, Bonfiglioli, etc.• MD have substantial knowledge of operating rigs in the North Sea(UK, DK and NO), and provided inputs to operational andmaintenance procedures which are needed in the assessments.Technical OrganizationSlide no. 29

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• Compliance assessments• Initially a GAP analysis of EN 13852-1:2004 was made.• Subsequently it was decided to make a full GAP analysis of all normativestandards together with relevant NORSOK standards, Danish andNorwegian maritime legislation and standards called for by MaerskDrilling project team.• Every single GAP analysis has been filed into a standardizedform/template and compiled in a matrix of compliance.• In this matrix every GAP analyses can be accessed via hyperlinks andfrom there every compliance or noncompliance is hyperlinked to thesupporting documentation or in the case noncompliance, to a designproposal or comment of actions required to bring the Deck Crane intocompliance.Technical Organization Slide no. 30

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• Compliance assessments• A CRIOP (Crisis Intervention and Operability Analysis) were conducted inrespect to the new design and the new cabin to be installed as perNORSOK S-002 section, 4.4.6 and G 3.2. Findingsincorporated into the final design, e.g. CCTV coverage, Changes todesign and placement of emergency stop and MOPS activation button,changes to ladders and railings, sliding door to enter cabin, Maintenanceaccess (design changes), Adjustments to HVAC design, Changes toinstructors seat and implementation of a small desk in the cabin.Technical OrganizationSlide no. 31

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>• Accomplish Compliance• Non-compliances can be brought into compliance by calculations, updateof manual, modification of the crane or replacement of components.• FFCA were responsible for design and drawings, simultaneously withupdating manuals and calculations to prove compliance.• An updated version of the compliance matrix were issued every 6 weeksfor MD review. Until 0 non-compliance accomplished.• Modification of the cranes commenced 1 st April 2011.• ABS conducted independent analysis of the upgrade, which confirmedcompliance to ABS Guide for the Certification of Lifting Appliances, 2008(revised 2011), EN 13852-1:2004, NMD Regulation No. 854.• Design approval granted by ABS 27 June 2011.Technical OrganizationSlide no. 32

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>Source:FFCA Quality Plan:QP72920 Rev. ADeveloped forEN13852-1Upgrade ProjectTechnical OrganizationSlide no. 33

<strong>Background</strong> & <strong>Methodology</strong>Source:FFCA Quality Plan:QP72920 Rev. ADeveloped forEN13852-1Upgrade ProjectTechnical OrganizationSlide no. 34

Scope of WorkTechnical OrganizationSlide no. 35

Scope of Work• New FMA Analysis• New FME(C)A Analysis•New Risk Analysis• Compliance Matrix• Revised IOM• Revised MDR• New Vortex AnalysisTechnical OrganizationSlide no. 36

Scope of Work• Replacement of non-compliant materials(Compliance between BS, JIS and EN)• Replacement of Boom Base and Fly Section• Changing the hook parking system• Installation of AOPS System in Boom Base• Replacement of Cabin (CRIOP)• Ceiling height, Maintenance access, Control panel, Lineof sight, Noise reduction, HVAC upgrade, Instructorschair, Upgrade to Norwegian Weather, Physical size,New chair, etc.• Access Ways and Handrails, incl. staircase• Check of all wire sheaves and replacement of some• Upgrade of Luff system to increase speed• Modification of Slew Brakes• New fly hooks (Charpy Values)• New wedge socketsTechnical OrganizationSlide no. 37

Scope of Work• Extra safety switches installed inboom to have redundancy• Slack rope added to Luff system• Everything in the crane changed to”best practice” fastening, i.e. Doublemeans of locking.• Improved maintenance access toaviation lights• Upgraded man-safe wire system• Replacement of all hydraulic oiltanks• Improved access space along powerpack to improve maintenance andinspection areas• Upgraded lighting arrangement• Improved maintenance access in A-FrameTechnical OrganizationSlide no. 38

Scope of Work• All PVC materials removed from JB’s• Centralized greasing stations installed• Ex slip ring installed• Upgraded PA/GA system (Improved coverage)• Upgraded AC/DC system• Improved access ways in boom (No fall arrestor required fornormal access)• Upgrade of floodlight system• Upgrade of CCTV system (CRIOP)• Replace Main ropeTechnical OrganizationSlide no. 39

Scope of Work• New louvres installed• New firedampers installed• Emergency lowering system (Redundant joystick)• Changed software system for man riding• Improved LINEC system• Improved functionalities in joysticks e.g. 1 stroke windshieldwipers, toggle switch for VHF/UHF• Flushing of hydraulic systems• Tagging and certification of all componenets• All magnetic valves for break system replaced• Indicative Proximity Switches installed on all main shut off valves• Installation of small workshop• Additional lifting lugs installed for improved maintenance• Improved design of maintenance access to machinery houseTechnical OrganizationSlide no. 40

Scope of Work• Installing Stryker Evacuation Chairs• Upgraded filling station incl. CJC filter (Work environment)• Installation of wear strips on boom bracings• Upgraded F&G system• Full redundancy on computer hardware and software• Self closing gates• Improved fleet anglesTechnical OrganizationSlide no. 41

Scope of Work• Analysis of Crane Power Requirements• EN 13852-1 Clause 5.3.3• EN 13852-1 Part B.4.2Technical OrganizationSlide no. 42

Scope of Work• AOPS SystemPiston Speed designed for up to 2,4 m/s!!!Technical OrganizationSlide no. 43

Scope of Work• AOPS System• Reaction time 0.12-0.21 second, pending radii and loadTechnical OrganizationSlide no. 44

Scope of Work• AOPS SystemSydney – 18 April 2011Technical OrganizationSlide no. 45

Scope of Work• AOPS System1.25 x SWL Maintain Hook Load1.16 x SWL commence RetractingTechnical OrganizationSlide no. 46

Compliance Verification• Verification of upgrades after completion• Extensive F.A.T. Of Cabin and AOPS• 3rd party verification of design by ABS• Extensive S.A.T. Programme• Regulation 4, July 2007, No. 854, §15• Certification by A1 approved person byNMD (ABS)• OMHEC by B1 approved person by NMD(FKS)• Noise & Vibration measurements• Testing of all systemsTechnical OrganizationSlide no. 47

A.O.B• Questions & Comments?Technical OrganizationSlide no. 48

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