Checklist ISO/IEC 17021: 2006. Conformity assessment ... - Sanas

Checklist ISO/IEC 17021: 2006. Conformity assessment ... - Sanas Checklist ISO/IEC 17021: 2006. Conformity assessment ... - Sanas


ISO/IEC 17021 Requirement CB’s References COMMENT BY ASSESSORspecified consultancy organization is used?F 155-025.2.10 Does CB ensure no conflict of interest of personnel?2-Years rule applied, how effective is the process?5.2.11 Is action taken to respond to any threats to CB’simpartiality arising from the actions of other persons,bodies or organizations?5.2.12 Does all CB personnel, internal, external orcommittees, act impartially and does the CB allowcommercial, financial or other pressures tocompromise impartiality?5.2.13 Does the CB require all personnel to reveal anyconflict of interest situations?Information used as input to identifying threats toimpartiality?5.3 Liability and financing5.3.1 Is risks and liability analysis done?5.3.2 Are finances and sources of income evaluated?Has the CB demonstrated to the impartialitycommittee (see 6.2) that impartiality is notcompromised?6 Structural requirements6.1 Organizational structure and topmanagement6.1.1 Organizational structure documented, includingduties, responsibilities and authorities for personneland committees; and relationships to other parts ofthe organisation?6.1.2 Does the CB identify the top management (board,group of persons, or person) having overall authorityand responsibility for each of the following:a) development of policies relating to the operation ofthe body?2008-07-25 ©SANAS Page 4 of 34

ISO/IEC 17021 Requirement CB’s References COMMENT BY ASSESSORb) supervision of the implementation of the policies andprocedures?c) supervision of the finances of the body?d) development of management system certificationservices and schemes?e) performance of audits, certification andresponsiveness to complaints?f) decisions on certification?F 155-02g) delegation of authority to committees or individuals,as required, to undertake defined activities on itsbehalf?h) contractual arrangements?i) providing adequate, qualified resources forcertification activities?6.1.3 Formal rules for the appointment, terms of referenceand operation of any committees?6.2 Committee for safeguarding impartiality6.2.1 Does the structure of the CB safeguard theimpartiality of the activities of the CB and does itprovide for a committee to:a) assist in developing the policies?b) ensure consistent objective provision of certificationactivities?c) advise on matters affecting confidence, includingopenness and public perception?d) Conduct an annually review of the impartiality of theaudit, certification and decision making processes?6.2.2 Is the composition, terms of reference, duties,authorities, competence of members andresponsibilities of this committee formallydocumented and authorized by the top managementof the CB to ensure:a) representation of a balance of interests?b) access to all the information (see also 5.2.2 and5.3.2)?c) the right to take independent action (e g informingauthorities, ABs, stakeholders)? Is confidentiality2008-07-25 ©SANAS Page 5 of 34

<strong>ISO</strong>/<strong>IEC</strong> <strong>17021</strong> Requirement CB’s References COMMENT BY ASSESSORb) supervision of the implementation of the policies andprocedures?c) supervision of the finances of the body?d) development of management system certificationservices and schemes?e) performance of audits, certification andresponsiveness to complaints?f) decisions on certification?F 155-02g) delegation of authority to committees or individuals,as required, to undertake defined activities on itsbehalf?h) contractual arrangements?i) providing adequate, qualified resources forcertification activities?6.1.3 Formal rules for the appointment, terms of referenceand operation of any committees?6.2 Committee for safeguarding impartiality6.2.1 Does the structure of the CB safeguard theimpartiality of the activities of the CB and does itprovide for a committee to:a) assist in developing the policies?b) ensure consistent objective provision of certificationactivities?c) advise on matters affecting confidence, includingopenness and public perception?d) Conduct an annually review of the impartiality of theaudit, certification and decision making processes?6.2.2 Is the composition, terms of reference, duties,authorities, competence of members andresponsibilities of this committee formallydocumented and authorized by the top managementof the CB to ensure:a) representation of a balance of interests?b) access to all the information (see also 5.2.2 and5.3.2)?c) the right to take independent action (e g informingauthorities, ABs, stakeholders)? Is confidentiality2008-07-25 ©SANAS Page 5 of 34

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