Checklist ISO/IEC 17021: 2006. Conformity assessment ... - Sanas

Checklist ISO/IEC 17021: 2006. Conformity assessment ... - Sanas Checklist ISO/IEC 17021: 2006. Conformity assessment ... - Sanas


ISO/IEC 17021 Requirement CB’s References COMMENT BY ASSESSORthe customer’s management system.Is the Stage 2 audit taking place at the site(s) ofthe customer?Does it include at least the following:a) information and evidence about conformity to allrequirements of the applicable managementsystem standard or other normative document?b) performance monitoring, measuring, reportingand reviewing against key performanceobjectives and targets ?c) the customer’s management system andperformance as regards legal compliance?d) operational control of the customer’s processes?e) internal auditing and management review?f) management responsibility for the customerorganization’s policies?g) links between the normative requirements, policy,performance objectives and targets, anyapplicable legal requirements, responsibilities,competence of personnel, operations,procedures, performance data, and internal auditfindings and conclusions?F 155-029.2.4 Initial certification audit conclusionsDoes the audit team analyse all information and auditevidence gathered during the Stage 1 and Stage 2 audits toreview the audit findings and agree on the audit conclusions?9.2.5 Information for granting initial certification9.2.5.1 Does the information provided by the audit team tothe CB for the certification decision include, as aminimum:a) the audit reports?b) comments on the non-conformities and, whereapplicable, the correction and corrective actionstaken by the customer?c) confirmation of the information provided to thecertification body used in the application review(see 9 2.2)? andd) a recommendation whether or not to grant2008-07-25 ©SANAS Page 20 of 34

ISO/IEC 17021 Requirement CB’s References COMMENT BY ASSESSORcertification, together with any conditions orobservationsF 155- Does the CB make the certification decision on thebasis of an evaluation of the audit findings andconclusions and any other relevant information (e.g.public information, comments on the audit reportfrom the customer)?9.3 Surveillance activities9.3.1 General9.3.1.1 Did the CB developed its surveillance activities sothat representative areas and functions covered bythe scope of the management system aremonitored on a regular basis, and take into accountchanges to its certified customer and itsmanagement system? Do surveillance activities include on-site auditsassessing the certified customer’s managementsystem’s fulfilment of specified requirements withrespect to the standard to which the certification isgranted? Other surveillance activities may include:a) enquiries from the CB to the certified customer onaspects of certification;b) reviewing any customers statements with respectto its operations (e.g. promotional material,website);c) requests to the customer to provide documents andrecords (on paper or electronic media); andd) other means of monitoring the certified customer’sperformance?9.3.2 Surveillance audit9.3.2.1 Are on-site audits planned together with the othersurveillance activities, so that the CB can maintainconfidence that the certified management systemcontinues to fulfil requirements in between recertificationaudits?Does the annual surveillance audit programme2008-07-25 ©SANAS Page 21 of 34

<strong>ISO</strong>/<strong>IEC</strong> <strong>17021</strong> Requirement CB’s References COMMENT BY ASSESSORthe customer’s management system.Is the Stage 2 audit taking place at the site(s) ofthe customer?Does it include at least the following:a) information and evidence about conformity to allrequirements of the applicable managementsystem standard or other normative document?b) performance monitoring, measuring, reportingand reviewing against key performanceobjectives and targets ?c) the customer’s management system andperformance as regards legal compliance?d) operational control of the customer’s processes?e) internal auditing and management review?f) management responsibility for the customerorganization’s policies?g) links between the normative requirements, policy,performance objectives and targets, anyapplicable legal requirements, responsibilities,competence of personnel, operations,procedures, performance data, and internal auditfindings and conclusions?F 155-029.2.4 Initial certification audit conclusionsDoes the audit team analyse all information and auditevidence gathered during the Stage 1 and Stage 2 audits toreview the audit findings and agree on the audit conclusions?9.2.5 Information for granting initial certification9.2.5.1 Does the information provided by the audit team tothe CB for the certification decision include, as aminimum:a) the audit reports?b) comments on the non-conformities and, whereapplicable, the correction and corrective actionstaken by the customer?c) confirmation of the information provided to thecertification body used in the application review(see 9 2.2)? andd) a recommendation whether or not to grant2008-07-25 ©SANAS Page 20 of 34

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