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Tea Board/Kolkata/2011-12- QCL Tender Document-Original13 Sample Carry over Nil or < 0.02 %14 Flush Cycle User selectable15 Sample Rack cooling facility 8 – 35 o C16 Flush volume 0- 2000 μl, User selectable17 Max Operable Pressure Upto 5000 psi18 Valve Material in contact with sample Stainless steel, Vespel, Ceramic, Peek19 Ambient Temperature of operation 4 – 40°C20Ambient Relative Humiditylimits of operation20- 80 %21 pH of operation 1 – 922 Communication Port Available23 SafetyColumn OvenSlNoSpecifications/RequirementsStop operation when pressure is morethan 3500 – 5000 psi as per settingCriterion1 Operation Range 10 to 50 °C or better2 Temperature accuracy ± 1 °C3 ControlHeating / Cooling automatic sensorbased4 Post column derivatisationLoop should be provided to carry outpost column derivatisation.The suitable pump to be provided forflow of derivatisation liquid.Minimum 2 flow linesAuto stop of pump incase leakage or5 Safetyfailure of temperature controllingsystem. Liquid leakage sensor6 Communication Port AvailableDetectorsPhoto Diode Array DetectorSlNoSpecifications/Requirements1 Light SourceCriterionDeuterium and Tungsten – HalogenLamp.Long Life Deuterium lamp with 1000 –39

Tea Board/Kolkata/2011-12- QCL Tender Document-Original2000 hrs operation2 Number of Photo diodes Elements Minimum 5123 Wave length range 190- 700 nm, Increment of 1 nm4 Wave length accuracy ± 1 nm5 Wavelength Precision ± 0.1 nm6 Signal Noise 1 x 10 -5 AU or Less at 250 nm7 Linear Range Not more than 5 % deviation8 Signal Drift 1.0 x 10 – 3 / hr or less at 250 nm9 Calibration of Optics Auto calibration for GLP compliance10 Flow Cell Appropriate11 Ambient Temperature of operation12Ambient Relative Humiditylimits of operation22- 40°C20- 80 %13 Signal Processing A/D or D/A converter14 FunctionsContour out put, Scanning single ormulti wavelength at a time, MAXplotting, spectrum library,Multichannel signal acquisition15 SafetyLiquid leakage detection and auto putoff of pump. Easy cleanable flow cell.16 Communication Port AvailableFluorescence DetectorSlNoSpecifications/RequirementsCriterion1 Source Xenon Lamp2 Spectral acquisitionExcitation and Emission Septra, Scanspeed 25 – 30 ms per data point3 Cell volume 8 -16 ul4 Excitation Wave length range 200- 700 nm5 Emission Wave length range 210- 900 nm6 Wave length accuracy ± 4 nm or Better7 Wave length repeatability ± 0.5 nm or Better8 Sensitivity Range 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,2569 Gain x 1, x 10, x 100, x 100040

Tea Board/Kolkata/2011-12- QCL Tender Document-Original13 Sample Carry over Nil or < 0.02 %14 Flush Cycle User selectable15 Sample Rack cooling facility 8 – 35 o C16 Flush volume 0- 2000 μl, User selectable17 Max Operable Pressure Upto 5000 psi18 Valve Material in contact with sample Stainless steel, Vespel, Ceramic, Peek19 Ambient Temperature of operation 4 – 40°C20Ambient Relative Humiditylimits of operation20- 80 %21 pH of operation 1 – 922 Communication Port Available23 SafetyColumn OvenSlNoSpecifications/RequirementsStop operation when pressure is morethan 3500 – 5000 psi as per settingCriterion1 Operation Range 10 to 50 °C or better2 Temperature accuracy ± 1 °C3 ControlHeating / Cooling automatic sensorbased4 Post column derivatisationLoop should be provided to carry outpost column derivatisation.The suitable pump to be provided forflow of derivatisation liquid.Minimum 2 flow linesAuto stop of pump incase leakage or5 Safetyfailure of temperature controllingsystem. Liquid leakage sensor6 Communication Port AvailableDetectorsPhoto Diode Array DetectorSlNoSpecifications/Requirements1 Light SourceCriterionDeuterium and Tungsten – HalogenLamp.Long Life Deuterium lamp with 1000 –39

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