Ph.D. Degrees Awarded - Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar

Ph.D. Degrees Awarded - Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar

Ph.D. Degrees Awarded - Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar

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15 PUSHPINDERKUMARIARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES(HISTORY)"Peasantry and Politics after the GreenRevolution in Punjab"16 RACHANA SHARMA ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES(SOCIOLOGY)17 SEEMA KHANNA ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(ECONOMICS)18 JATINDER BIR SINGH ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(ECONOMICS)19 MEENU ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(COMMERCE)20 RASHPAL SINGH ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(COMMERCE)"Globalization, Retail Invasion and the LocalSocial World: A Sociological Study of<strong>Amritsar</strong> City""Growth and Performance of ICT Sectors inthe Emerging Knowledge Economy ofIndia:Problems and Challenges""Economic Impact of Tuberculosis onHouseholds : A Study of <strong>Amritsar</strong> District(Punjab)""Rural Microfinancing in Punjab : BankingSector Interventions and CustomerPerceptions""Stress and Coping among Branch Managers:A Study of Banking Industry in Punjab"21 GURJIT KAUR EDUCATION(EDUCATION)22 NIRMALJIT KAUR EDUCATION(EDUCATION)23 BHASKAR REDDYPITTASCIENCES (CHEMISTRY)[184]"Value Patterns of Prospective SecondarySchool Teachers in Relation to theirPersonality Traits, Cultural Background adnAcademic Stream""Credibility of B.E.d. Joint Entrance Test inRelation to Intelligence, Teaching Aptitudeand Achievement in qualifying Examinationand B.E.d. Annual Examination""Studies Directed Towards the Synthesis of(-)-Diplopyrone and Synthesis of NovelTarget Based Anticancer Therapeutics"24 MATINDER KAUR SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "Design, Synthesis and <strong>Dev</strong>elopment ofConjugates of Samll Organic Molecules asAnticancer Agents and Multidrug ResistanceModulators"25 NEERAJ BALA SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "The <strong>Dev</strong>elopment of Biocatalytic andOrganocatalytic Methods for AsymmetricEpoxide Ring Opening Reactions"26 RUCHI TEJPAL SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "Terphenyl Derivatives : Molecular Insightsinto Ion Sensing and Switching"27 KULWINDER KUMAR SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "A Study of Influence of Additives on<strong>Ph</strong>ysicochemical Properties of ConventionalSurfactants"28 VIVEK SHEEL SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "Biomolecule Directed Synthesis andCharacterization of Nanocrystals"

29 BHUPINDER SINGH SCIENCES (PHYSICS) "Environmental Radioactivity Studies inSome Areas of Northern Punjab (India) forHealth Risk Assessment"30 AMANDEEP KAUR LIFE SCIENCES(ZOOLOGY)31 MANJU BISHANSHARMALIFE SCIENCES(MICROBIOLOGY)32 ROHIT SHARMA LIFE SCIENCES (BIO-TECHNOLOGY)33 ARPITA SAXENA LIFE SCIENCES (BIO-TECHNOLOGY)34 VIJAY KUMAR LIFE SCIENCES (MOL. BIO.& BIOCHEMISTRY)35 RAJINDER SINGH ENGINEERING &TECHNOLOGY(COMPUTER SCIENCE)36 RAMANDEEP KAUR PHYSICAL EDUCATION(PHYSICAL EDUCATION)37 NAVDEEP SINGH AGRICULTURE &FORESTRY(HORTICULTURE)38 SEWA SINGH ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES(JOURNALISM & MASSCOMMUNICATION)"Growth Regulatory Activity of PolyphenolsExtracted from Acacia auriculiformis A.Cunn. on Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coq.)(Diptera: Tephritidae)"Xylanases from Thermophilic FungusMalbranchea flava: Production, Purificationand Application in Pulp Bleaching"Toxicity Evaluation of a Novel AnticancerFormulation of Withania somnifera (L.)Dunal""Anticancer Potential of Spiro-IsoxazolidineDerivatives of Parthenin""Interleukin-10 and Interferon-y BasedSusceptibility in Tuberculosis""Optimized Access Strategies for aDistributed Database Design"Anthropometric Characteristics Contributingto Success at Different Levels ofPerformance in Cricket"Integrated Nutrient Management inCauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis)and Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)"A Critical Study of Various <strong>Ph</strong>ases ofThematic Changes in Punjabi Cinema Sinceits Inception"39 KAWALJIT KAUR LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) bdySI pMjwbI vwrqk : ieiqhws qy ivSlySx(AwrMB qoN 2000 eI: q~k)40 PRABHJIT KAUR LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "surjIq pwqr kwiv : swihq Aqy ieiqhws dysrokwr"41 SIDHARATH KUMAR LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "jgrwqw : smwj-siBAwcwrk AiDAYn"42 VIKRAMJIT SINGH LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "pMjwbI Kuxn klw : siBAwcwrk AiDAYn(mnu~KI srIr dy ivSyS sMdrB ivc)"43 HARDEEP KAUR LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "AMimRqw pRIqm, dlIp kOr itvwxw Aqy AjIqkOr dIAW khwxIAW ivc AOrq-mrd sMbMD :qulnwqmk AiDAYn"[185]

44 KULDIP SINGH LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "pMjwbI glp ivc ivsMgqI (AYbsriftI) :ivSlySxwqmk AiDAYn"45 SUREKHA LANGUAGES (ENGLISH) "Narrative Structure of J.D. Salinger'sFiction"46 MOHD. SADDIQUE LANGUAGES (URDU) "Syed Ahmed Asghar Qalam Zaidi :Shakhsiyat Aur Fun"47 RAJA ALSABA FIDA LIFE SCIENCES(MICROBIOLOGY)48 N. MANICKAM LIFE SCIENCES(MICROBIOLOGY)49 PRIYANKACHANDRA50 RAVI SHANKARSINGHLIFE SCIENCES(MICROBIOLOGY)LIFE SCIENCES (BIO-TECHNOLOGY)[186]Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity ofBoswellic Acids and Elucidation of theirMechanism of Action"Isolation and Characterization of BacterialStrains and their Genes Involved inDegradation of Hexachlorocyclohexane""Antioxidant Potential of some Soil Fungi""Molecular Studies on Shikonin Biosynthesisin Arnebia euchroma (Royle) Johnston"51 SANDEEP KAUR SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "<strong>Dev</strong>elopment of Chemosensors forColorimetric Detection of Ionic Analytes"52 ROHIT SHARMA SCIENCES (PHYSICS) "Higher Order Contributions to TransportProperties of Thermal Plasma"53 SEERAT PREET KAUR APPLIED SCIENCES (FOODSCIENCES &TECHNOLOGY)54 SEEMA SAINI ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(ECONOMICS)55 NARESH KUMARSINGLAECONOMICS & BUSINESS(ECONOMICS)56 KAMALJIT SINGH ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(ECONOMICS)57 RAVI SUTA EDUCATION(EDUCATION)58 KARAMJIT SINGH PHYSICAL PLANNING &ARCHITECTURE(ARCHITECTURE)59 MONIKA SACHDEVA ENGINEERING &TECH.(COMPUTER SC. &ENGG.)60 DILRAJ PREET KAUR APPLIED SCIENCES(APPLIED PHYSICS)"Isolation, Characterization, Modificationand Interaction of Pectin from Citrus Wastesand Starch from Kidney Bean""Investment Climate and Efficiency : AnAnalysis of Industrial Sector in Punjab andHaryana""Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Retail Chains andtheir Impact on Farmers in Punjab"Ancillarization in Punjab - A Study ofKapurthala Rail Coach Factory Units"Effect of Value-Oriented Curriculum on theSocial And Moral Values of SecondarySchool Students of Punjab"Understanding Sikh Architecture Throughthe Sikh Shrines in East PunjabA Distributed Approach for Defending WebService Against DDOS Attacks"Ion Transport Studies on Polymer GelElectrolytes Containing Ionic Liquids"

61 SHABNAM ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES(PSYCHOLOGY)62 RAJNI NARULA ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(ECONOMICS)63 RASHMI ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(COMMERCE)64 HARSANDALDEEPKAURECONOMICS & BUSINESS(COMMERCE)"Role of Family in the <strong>Dev</strong>elopment ofSuccessful Intelligence""Impact of WTO Regime on Indian TextileIndustry""Consumer Choice Process : A Study of FastMoving Consumer Goods""Impact of Customer RelationshipManagement on Customer Loyalty : A Studyof the Indian Cellular Industry"65 MADAN LAL LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) fw. qrlok isMG kMvr, fw. AwqmjIq isMG Aqyfw. jgbIr isMG dw swihq icMqn: inkt Aqyqulnwqmk AiDAYn"66 HARIBHAJANPRIYADARSHILANGUAGES (HINDI)"Comparative Study of the Poetry of Hindi-Saint-Poetesses"67 SHIVANI RASWAN LAWS (LAW) "Cross Border Terrorism in India : A Studywith Reference to International Regime"68 LAJPAT RAI LAW (LAWS) "A Politico - Legal Study of Appointmentand Removal of Governors in India"69 JASWINDER SINGH LIFE SCIENCES(ZOOLOGY)70 VIVEK SHARMA LIFE SCIENCES(MICROBIOLOGY)71 HARSHARAN SINGH LIFE SCIENCES (BIOTECHNOLOGY)72 VISHAW GAURAV PHYSICAL EDUCATION(PHYSICAL EDUCATION)Biosafe Disposal of the Industrial Wastes(Beverage, Distillery and Paper mill) usingExotic Earthworm, Eisenia foetida Savigny""Cloning and Characterization of AntifungalGlycosyl Hydrolases from Trichoderma spp.Antagonistic to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.dianthi""Cloning and Characterization of GenesInvolved in Picrosides Biosynthesis inPicrorhiza Kurrooa Royle ex Bentham""A Study of Selected Components of<strong>Ph</strong>ysical Fitness, A AnthropoemetricMeasurements and <strong>Ph</strong>ysiological Variablesof Volleyball Players"73 RAJIV GUPTA SCIENCES (PHYSICS) "Semiclassical Techniques For Many BodyNuclear System and Role of Symmetries"74 AVINASH BHADANI SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluationof some Pyridinium and Imidazolium BasedCationic Surfactants"75 MANIK GUPTA SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "Synthesis of Nanosized Ferrites by SolutionCombustion Method and Investigation ontheir Magnetic and Electrical Properties"[187]

76 KULVIR KAUR ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES(LIBRARY &INFORMATION SCIENCE)77 RAMA ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES(SOCIOLOGY)78 PARAS SHARMA APPLIED SCIENCES (FOODSCIENCES &TECHNOLOGY)79 JASBIR KAUR APPLIED SCIENCES(APPLIED CHEMISTRY)80 KULWANT KAUR ENGINEERING &TECHNOLOGY(COMPUTER SCIENCE &ENGG.)81 DEEP KAMAL KAUR ENGINEERING &TECHNOLOGY(ELECTRONICSTECHNOLOGY)82 SMITI BRAR ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(BUSINESSADMINISTRATION)83 NAMRATA SANDHU ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(BUSINESSADMINISTRATION)84 PRIYANKAMAHAJANECONOMICS & BUSINESS(ECONOMICS)85 SATINDER KUMAR ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(ECONOMICS)"Role of <strong>University</strong> Libraries in Support ofSocial Science Research : A ComparativeStudy of Panjab, Punjabi & <strong>Guru</strong> <strong>Nanak</strong> <strong>Dev</strong>Universities""Panchayati Raj Institutions And Rural<strong>Dev</strong>elopment : A Sociology Study""Processing and Utilization of Barley(Hordeum vulgare L.,) in Human Foods forits B-Glucan Content""Study of <strong>Ph</strong>ysicochemical Properties ofsome Amino Acids and Peptides in AqueousSolutions of Metal Halides""Prediction of System Behavior for Modelingof an Object-Oriented System"" Electronic Characteristics of Cationic andAnionic Bases of DNA for Molecular<strong>Dev</strong>ices""Performance Evaluation of Mutual Funds inIndia"Impact of Television Commercials on theEthical Values of the Society"Trends and Determinants of Balance ofPayments in India""Productivity Analysis of Small ScaleIndustrial Sector in Punjab and Haryana : AComparative Study"86 SHAILJA SAILI LANGUAGES (HINDI) "Punjab Ke Hindi Sahitya Ki ChintandharaMein Parmukh Chintkon Ka Avdaan"87 SUNITA RANI LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) SRI gurU gRMQ swihb ivc bwxI Aqy rwgW dwAMqr-sMbMD : ArQ ivigAwnk AiDAYn (rwgquKwrI Aqy rwg bsMq iv~c sMpwidq bwxI dyAwDwr qy)88 SUKHDEV SINGH LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "gurU gRMQ swihb ivc drj slokW dw smwjsiBAwcwrkAiDAYn"89 JYOTI SHARMA LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "pRIqm isMG sPIr-kwiv: ivDwgq AiDAYn"[188]

90 PRABHJIT KAUR LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "rwm srUp AxKI dy nwvlW ivc pyS ikswnIdw smwj-ieiqhwsmUlk AiDAYn"91 HARINDER SINGH LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "pMjwb dy bOrIAw kbIly dw siBAwcwrk mwnvivigAwnkAiDAYn"92 DINESH LAKHANPAL LIFE SCIENCES (BIO-TECHNOLOGY)93 HARDEEP KATARIA LIFE SCIENCES (BIO-TECHNOLOGY)94 SATYAM KUMARAGRAWALLIFE SCIENCES (BOT. &ENV. SCIENCES)"Effects of Chronic Valproic Acid Treatmenton Reproductive Neuroendocrine Plasticity inCycling Female Rats""Molecular Approaches to the Role ofWithania somnifera (L.) Dunal inNeurooncology and Neuroexcitotoxicity""Studies on Anticancer Potential of Erythrinasuberosa Roxb. And Anagallis arvensis L."95 TARUNPREET SINGHTHINDLIFE SCIENCES (BOTANY)"Bioprospection of Schleichera oleosa(Lour.) Oken for its Antiproliferative andAntioxidative Potential"96 SAVITA LIFE SCIENCES (BOTANY) In vitro Production of <strong>Ph</strong>ytophthoraparasitica Dast. Resistant Plants of Citrusjambhiri Lush. through Induced Mutagenesis97 MADHUNIKASHARMALIFE SCIENCES (MOL. BIO.& BIOCHEMISTRY98 RAMAN KUMAR LIFE SCIENCES (HUMANGENETICS)"Studies on Anticancer Agents from Ocimumviride, Ocimum carnosum and vallarissolanacea""Cardiovascular Risk Factors and FamilialAggregation of Blood Pressure in aScheduled Caste Population of North-WestPunjab"99 UPENDRA SHARMA SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "<strong>Ph</strong>ytochemical Investigations of Tinosporacordifolia, Asparagus racemosus andSynthesis of <strong>Ph</strong>thalimide Derivatives forImmunomodulatory Active Molecules"100 MAHENDHAR REDDY SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) Isolation, Design and Synthesis of AnticancerCompounds Based on Natural Products andPeptides101 ABHA CHAUDHARY SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "Chemical Investigation of Cedrus deodara,Albizzia chinensis, podophyllum hexandrumand Synthetic Modification of Himachalenesand their Biological Activities"102 PANKAJ CHAUHAN SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "Enantioselective Carbon-Carbon BondFormation Catalyzed by Cinchona-DerivedOrganocatalysts"[189]

103 NAINA SHARMA SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "Synthetic and Bioactivity Investigations ofsome <strong>Ph</strong>enolic and HeteroaromaticCompounds"104 POOJA SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "Design and Synthesis of Indole Scaffolds:Evaluation as Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anti-Inflammatory Agents and MDR Modulators"105 PARDEEP SINGH APPLIED SCIENCES(APPLIED CHEMISTRY)106 SUMEET GUPTA APPLIED SCIENCES(PHARMACEUTICALSCIENCES)107 DALJIT KAUR GILL ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES(HISTORY)108 DAISY ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES(PSYCHOLOGY)"Synthetic Studies and Evaluation of someFunctionalized B-Lactam Derivatives""<strong>Ph</strong>armacogenomics of Anti-HypertensiveTherapy in Rural Population of Haryana""Sikh Shrines From Sikh HistoricalLiterature (Late 19th and early 20thCenturies)""A Study of Identity Formation, Attachmentsand Adjustment in Adolescents"109 RADHIKA GUPTA ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES(PSYCHOLOGY)110 RAJWINDER SINGH ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(BUSINESSADMINISTRATION)111 NIDHI SABHARWAL ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(COMMERCE)112 NEERJA GUPTA ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(ECONOMICS)113 RITU PANDHI ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(ECONOMICS)114 RANJUMANDEEPKAUREDUCATION(EDUCATION)115 JASWINDER KAUR EDUCATION(EDUCATION)116 VEENU ANAND EDUCATION(EDUCATION)"Adolescents Emotional Autonomy in theContext of Parents and Peer Relationships""Modeling Supply Chain Performance : AStudy of Organised Non-Livestock RetailIndustry""Impact of Service Recovery on CustomerSatisfaction : A Study of theTelecommunication Sector in India""Foreign Direct Investment Inflows to India :Growth and Future Prospects""Health and Nutrition, and Economic<strong>Dev</strong>elopment in India -- An Inter-stateAnalysis""Pedagogical Implications of AxiologyPropounded in the Adi Granth and theBhagvad Gita for Value Oriented Education""Effect of Self Learning Modules inEnvironmental Education on AcademicAchievement and Attitudinal Change""Teacher Effectiveness, Job Commitmentand Organizational Climate In Relation ToEmotional Intelligence of Principals ofSecondary Schools"[190]

117 ANJU VERMA EDUCATION(EDUCATION)118 AMARPALI EDUCATION(EDUCATION)"Comparison of Curricular and Co-CurricularActivities Followed in Government and Non-Government Secondary Schools in LudhianaDistrict""Study of Academic Interests and StudyHabits in Relation to Creativity AmongSecondary School Students"119 SEEMA SINGH LANGUAGES (ENGLISH) "Dialogics of Novelisation in AmitavGhosh's Fiction"120 NIDHI KOCHHAR LANGUAGES (HINDI) "Interdisciplinary study of Post-Independence Hindi Novels with specialreference to Sociology and Psychology"121 NEELAM KUMARI LANGUAGES (HINDI) "Streevadi Chetna Aur Chitra Mudgal KaKatha Sahitya"122 PARGAN SINGH LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "pwiksqwnI pMjwbI nwvl ivc duKWq-sMvydnw"123 HARMEET KAUR LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "pMjwbI siBAwcwrk vwrqk : ivSlySx qyivvycn"124 AMARJIT SINGH LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "AmrIkI pMjwbI kwiv : pRivrqImUlk AiDAYn(1960-2000 eI.)"125 SURJEET KAUR LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "pMjwbI ieiqhwsk nwtkW dy iesqrI pwqrW dwsrUp"126 JATINDER KAUR LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "nirMjn qsnIm dy nwvlW dw ibrqWq SwsqrIAiDAYn"127 CHANDER SHEKHAR LAWS (LAW) "Police and Criminal Justice Administration :A Critical Study of Human RightsPerspective with Special Reference toPunjab"128 TABASUM SIDIQ LIFE SCIENCES(BIOTECHNOLOGY)129 GEETANJALIRAMPAL130 MUKESH KUMARKANWARLIFE SCIENCES (BOTANY)LIFE SCIENCES (BOTANY)131 PRAVEEN RAHI LIFE SCIENCES(MICROBIOLOGY)"<strong>Dev</strong>elopment of Vaccine Adjuvants fromAsparagus racemosus and LipidatedTripeptides in Response to HBsAg""Bio-protective Effects of HydrolyticProducts of Glucosinolates from Brassicajuncea (L.) Czern. and Brassica oleracea L.Var. italica Plenck""Expression of Brassinosteroids under HeavyMetal Stress in Brassica juncea L. duringGrowth""Selection of Widespread Genotypes of PlantGrowth Promoting Bacteria from Lahaul andSpiti in the Western Himalayas forImproving Crop Productivity"[191]

132 J. SRINIVAS SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "Design, Synthesis and Studies on Biphenyl,Biphenyl Alkene and Cyclic Peptide BasedAntimicrobial and Anticancer Compounds"133 ROOPA SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "Design and Synthesis of PentaquinoneDerivatives : A Search for NewChemosensors"134 HARPREET KAUR SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "Biomineralization of Gold Nanoparticles:Synthesis, Characterization and Applicationsin Biodegradable Film Formation"135 MEENAKSHI SCIENCES(MATHEMATICS)136 RAMANDEEP KAURDHILLONSCIENCES (PHYSICS)"A Study of New Classes of Wavelets""The Effect of Heavy Ions and GammaIrradiations on the Optical and StructuralProperties of Some Conducting and NonConducting Polymers"137 RAVINDER KAUR SCIENCES (PHYSICS) "Steady State Nonlinear Self-Focusing ofIntense Laser/EM Beams of DifferentIrradiance in Plasma: A VariationalApproach and Paraxial Ray Approximation"138 GURINDER PALSINGHSCIENCES (PHYSICS)"Role of Transition Metals in Structural,<strong>Ph</strong>ysical and Optical Properties of BorateGlasses"139 VIBHA CHOPRA SCIENCES (PHYSICS) "Dosimetric Aspects of Boron BasedNanocrystalline Thermoluminescent<strong>Ph</strong>osphors"140 KAMALJIT SINGH ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES(HISTORY)"The Lubanas of Punjab: A Study of Social,Economic and Political Change (1947-2001)"141 NISHA KHANNA ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES(PSYCHOLOGY)142 AMRAJ KAUR ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES(SOCIOLOGY)143 SAURABH GROVER ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(BUSINESSADMINISTRATION)144 DAVINDER KAUR ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(COMMERCE)145 PRIYA KALRA ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(COMMERCE)"Effects of Temperamental Dimensions,Food intake and Gender on CognitivePerformance""HIV/AIDS Stigma And Discrimination: ASociological Study of <strong>Amritsar</strong> City""Consumer Behaviour Towards Cars inPunjab: A Comparative Study of Rural andUrban Consumers""Customer Satisfaction Regarding BankingServices - A Comparative Study of Rural andUrban Branches in Punjab""Growth, Problems and Prospects of SportsGoods Cluster at Jalandhar"[192]

146 POOJA LOOMBA EDUCATION(EDUCATION)"Professional Ethics for Teachers asPropounded by Some Indian EducationalThinkers"147 HARJEET SINGH LANGUAGES (ENGLISH) "The Recurring Images of Heroism inGurdial Singh's Selected Novels"148 YOGITA PASSI LANGUAGES (HINDI) "Manmohan Sehgal Ke Upnyas Sahitya KaSanskritik Adhyayan"149 HARJINDER KAUR LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "sMq rwm audwsI, surjIq pwqr, pwS kwiv dwlokDwrweI AiDAYn"150 RAMA KUMARI LANGUAGES (SANSKRIT) "An Analytical Study of India as depicted inthe works of Kalidasa"151 IRFAN AMINE LANGUAGES (URDU) "Urdu Navil Nigaari Mein Khawaateen KaHissa (Ek Tanqeedi Jaiza)"152 PUSHPINDER KAUR SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "Synthesis of Biologically Active y-Butyrolactone Derivatives and ChemicalInvestigations of Ginkgo biloba andCrataegus oxyacantha"153 HARDEV SINGH SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "Studies in the Synthesis and <strong>Ph</strong>otophysicalBehaviour of Discoidal Materials"154 VICKRAM JEETSINGHSCIENCES (CHEMISTRY)155 SUMESH CHOPRA AGRICULTURAL ANDFORESTRY (AGRONOMY)156 EKTA ARORA ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES(JOURNALISM & MASSCOMMUNICATION)157 GURPREET SINGHUPPALARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES(POLITICAL SCIENCE)158 KAWALJEET KAUR ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES(POLITICAL SCIENCE)159 NEETU BALA ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(COMMERCE)160 TRIPTA KAURGREWALECONOMICS & BUSINESS(COMMERCE)"A Study on Solvation Behaviour ofSaccharides in Aqueous Solutions of VariousAdditives""Studies on Enhancing the Productivity andProfitability of Wheat and MenthaIntercropping Under Different Methods ofCrop Establishment""Growth And <strong>Dev</strong>elopment of HindiJournalism in Punjab : A Study""Democracy and its Working in Kazakhstan""Politics of US Nuclear Non Proliferationand Sanctions Regime Against India:Pokhran-II and Aftermath""Marketing of Services : An Empirical Studyof LIC in Punjab""Job Satisfaction Amongst the Teachers ofUn-Aided Public Schools: A Case Study ofPunjab"161 GURBIR SINGH LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "kysr isMG dy nwvlW ivc nwiek dw srUp"[193]

162 GURPREET SINGH LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "pIr-PkIrW sbMDI pUjw ivDwn : smwjsiBAwcwrkAiDAYn (sKI srvr dy ivSySpRsMg ivc)"163 RAJNI WADEHRA LANGUAGES (SANSKRIT) "Sodasasams Karas and their SocialImportance : An Analysis"164 SATINDER KUMAR PHYSICAL EDUCATION(PHYSICAL EDUCATION)165 DALJEET SINGH PHYSICAL EDUCATION(PHYSICAL EDUCATION)166 SHASHE BHUSHAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION(PHYSICAL EDUCATION)"Relationship Between KinanthropometricMeasurements and Motor Abilities inRelation to Playing Abilities of Footballers""Media Portrayal of Female and MaleAthletes: A Comparative Study""Attitude of <strong>University</strong> Teachers andStudents Towards <strong>Ph</strong>ysical Education andRecreation"167 ASHWANI KUMAR SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "Recognition of Anions and Cations UsingAbiotic Chromofluorescent Receptors withHeteroaromatic Platforms"168 RANJU MAHAJAN SCIENCES (PHYSICS) "Theoretical Investigations of PropagationCharacteristics of High PowerLaser/Electromagnetic Beams in a Plasma"169 IQBAL SINGH SCIENCES (PHYSICS) "Preparation and Characterization ofNanostructured CuO Films For <strong>Dev</strong>iceApplications"170 ONKAR SINGH SCIENCES (PHYSICS) "Synthesis, Characterization and Gas SensingProperties of Zine Oxide Nanostructures"171 SUSHIL KUMAR ENGINEERING &TECHNOLOGY(COMPUTER SCIENCE &ENGINEERING)172 KANWALJIT SINGH AGRICULTURAL &FORESTRY (AGRONOMY)173 LAVLEEN KAURRANDHAWAECONOMICS & BUSINESS(ECONOMICS)174 SHASHI KIRAN EDUCATION(EDUCATION)"A Measurement Framework for Aspect-Oriented Software Testability""Effect of Some Agronomic Practices onQuantitative and Qualitative Parameters ofSelected Potato Varieties""Agricultural Credit And Kisan Credit CardScheme in Punjab""Comparison of Music Curriculum andSupport System in Higher EducationInstitutions in Punjab"175 PAVITTER PAL KAUR LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "fw. jgqwr-kwiv : QIm Aqy rUpwkwr"[194]

176 SUSHIL KUMAR LIFE SCIENCES(BIOTECHNOLOGY)177 PRIYANKA SOOD LIFE SCIENCES(BIOTECHNOLOGY)178 HARDESH KUMAR LIFE SCIENCES(BOTANICAL &ENVIRONMENTALSCIENCE)179 SEEMA SAINI LIFE SCIENCES (HUMANGENETICS)180 NABODITA KAUL LIFE SCIENCES (HUMANGENETICS)"Effect of Intermittent Fasting-DietaryRestriction on Brain Plasticity, EnergyHomeostasis and Reproductive Function inYoung Adult Rats""<strong>Dev</strong>elopment of Genetic TransformationSystem for Dendrocalamus hamiltonii Neeset Arn. ex Munro""Isolation and Characterization ofBrassinosteroids from Camellia sinensis (L.)O. Kuntze and Evaluation of theirAntioxidative Potential""Molecular Genetic Analysis in RetinitisPigmentosa Cases""Association Study in Type 2 Diabetes insome Population Groups of Punjab inRelation to UCP2,PGC1 and SIRT1 Genes"181 DURGESH NANDNI SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "Effect of Different Additives on theAggregation Behaviour of Surfactants/Triblock Polymers"182 KULJIT KAUR SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "Synthesis and Association Behaviour ofMolecular Receptors Based on Uracil andAnthraquinone Moieties"183 DIVYA SAREEN SCIENCES (CHEMISTRY) "<strong>Dev</strong>elopment of Colorants as ColorimetricChemosensors"184 YOGINDER PALSINGHLIFE SCIENCES (HUMANGENETICS)"Genetic Analysis of KCNJ11, TCF7L2,MT-ND3 Genes in Type 2 Diabetes Patientsof Different Endogamous Groups of Punjab"185 AMARJIT KAUR LANGUAGES (PUNJABI) "bulHySwh-kwiv Aqy AlI hYdr-kwiv :qulnwqmk AiDAYn (sUPI AnuBv qy icMqn dykwiv-rUpWqrx dI idRStI qoN)"186 SUNIL KUMAR ECONOMICS & BUSINESS(COMMERCE)"An Analytical Study of Value Added Tax inPunjab"[195]

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