Homosexuality: Legally Permissible or Spiritually Misguided?1

Homosexuality: Legally Permissible or Spiritually Misguided?1

Homosexuality: Legally Permissible or Spiritually Misguided?1

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Lockard, <strong>Homosexuality</strong>“married” without legal sanction in central London in places called “mollyhouses”. These places consisted of dis<strong>or</strong>derly pubs and coffee houses wherehomosexual activities transpired (N<strong>or</strong>ton 2004).The Netherlands. In 1969, 44 percent of the Netherlands population rejectedhomosexuality (DeBoer 1978). Loving relationships between two men <strong>or</strong> twowomen was by no means generally accepted in the Netherlands (Sand<strong>or</strong>s1980:1). However, a transition in the societal n<strong>or</strong>m occurred whenhomosexuality was transf<strong>or</strong>med from sin and pathology into psychologicaland social problems that could be treated in mental health care, thus usheringin a change in relation between religion and healthcare. Religion lostimp<strong>or</strong>tance in modern Dutch society because physicians, psychiatrists, andpsychotherapists created new areas of intervention in people’s private livesand took over the traditional task of the church in the field of charity andpast<strong>or</strong>al care (Oosterhuis 1996).N<strong>or</strong>th America. American settlers from England in the 17 th -18 th centurieslabelled homosexual behaviour a sin and a crime, an aberrant act f<strong>or</strong> which theperson received punishment in this life and the next. During W<strong>or</strong>ld War II,USA armed f<strong>or</strong>ces excluded homosexuals from serving in the military.In N<strong>or</strong>th America, during the 1940s, there were strong societal n<strong>or</strong>ms(religious beliefs, laws, and medical sciences) against homosexual behaviour.Typically, anti-homosexuality attitudes prevailed as a theme of Americanpolitical culture throughout the same era. It was during the 1950s whenAmerica swung the pendulum in favour of homosexuality.A leading advocate of gay rights began when Henry Hay, a member of theCommunist party, founded what is known as the homosexual emancipationmovement, the Mattachine Society (D’Emilio 1983). As a result, growth ofhomosexuality escalated into the 1970s through gay bars in New Y<strong>or</strong>k, LosAngeles, and San Francisco. These highly gay-<strong>or</strong>iented establishments servedas a marketplace f<strong>or</strong> homosexual liaisons (Murray 1996).In N<strong>or</strong>th American hist<strong>or</strong>y since the 1970s, homosexuals have beenincreasingly visible and militant. It was in 1973 that homosexual activistspressured the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexual from143

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