Homosexuality: Legally Permissible or Spiritually Misguided?1

Homosexuality: Legally Permissible or Spiritually Misguided?1 Homosexuality: Legally Permissible or Spiritually Misguided?1

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Lockard, HomosexualityHeim D, Stackhouse M, Johnson L & Matzko D 1998 (1 July). Homosexuality, marriage andthe church: a conversation. The Christian Century. Online article. Accessed fromhttp://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1058/is_n19_v115/ai_21003284, 2007-04-30.Hine P n.d. [2007]. Ancient Germanic and Celtic Cultures. Accessed fromwww.philhine.org.uk, 2007-04-30.Hubbard R & Wald E 1999. Exploding the gene myth: how genetic information is producedand manipulated by scientists, physicians, employers, insurance companies, educators,and law enforcers. Beacon Press.Jones SL 1999 (4 October). The incredibly shrinking gay gene. Christianity Today 43:11, 53.Kane J 2007 (20 February). The Christian Century, 4, 18.LeVay S1991. A difference in hypothalamic structure between heterosexual and homosexualorientation. Archives of General Psychiatry 48:1089-1096.Levay S 1996. Queer science. MIT Press.Matheson DA 2007. Origins of male homosexuality. Accessed fromwww.genderwholeness.com/origins, 2007-05-05.McFadden D 1998. Scientists challenge notion that homosexuality is a matter of choice. TheCharlotte Observer, 9 August 1998.Murray SO 1996. The American Gay: Worlds of Desire: The Chicago series on sexuality,gender, and Culture. University of Chicago Press.NARTH 2004. “Is there a gay gene?” Adapted article 21 Sept. 2004. Accessed fromwww.narth.com, 2007-04-02.Needleman J 2004. The American soul: rediscovering the wisdom of the founders. NationalPublic Radio Programme, Morning edition: 23 February 2004.Nelson J B. 1977. Homosexuality and the church. Article first appeared in Christianity andCrisis, 1977-04-04. Accessed from www.religiononline.org, 2007-04-27.Nicolosi J 1991. Reparative therapy of male homosexuality: A new clinical approach. JasonAronson.________ 1993. Healing homosexuality: case stories of reparative therapy. Jason Aronson.Nicolosi J, Byrd AD & Potts RW 2000. Retrospective self-reports of changes in homosexualorientation: A consumer survey of conversion therapy clients. Psychological Reports,86:1071-1088.O’Brien D 2004 (27 January). A more perfect union. The Christian Century, 27.Oosterhuis H 1996. Christian social policy and homosexuality in the Netherlands, 1900-1970.Journal of Homosexuality 32:95-111.Homosexuality in the Netherlands (April 18,2007). Oxford,Oxford W 2000. Review of S De Gruchy & P Germond, Aliens in the household of God:homosexuality and Christian faith in South Africa (Johannesburg: David Philip, 1997).Journal of Theology for Southern Africa 106:94-96.Robinson, B. 2006. Roman Catholics and homosexuality. Ontario Consultants on ReligiousTolerance.Rossi HL 2006. Conservative Jews seek middle on gay issues. The Christian Century, Vol123 (30 May 2006) 11:16.Sanders G 1980. Homosexualities in the Netherlands. Alternative Lifestyles 3:278-311.168

Lockard, HomosexualitySchuklenk U, Stein E, Kerin J and Byne W 1997. Ethics of genetic research on sexualorientation.” The Hastings Centre Report 27(4):6-13.Spitzer RL n.d. Can some gay men and lesbians change their sexual orientation? 200 subjectsreporting a change from homosexual to heterosexual orientation. Archives of PsychiatricBehavior, forthcoming.Strauss GH 2006. Sexual identity development. Journal of Psychology and Theology34:296-301.Throckmorton W 1998a. Gay-to-straight. Research published in the APA Journal. Accessedfrom www.narth.com/docs/throkarticle.html, 2007-05-05.Throckmorton W 1998b. Efforts to modify sexual orientation: a review of outcomes. Journalof Mental Health Counseling 20:283-304.Valenstein ES 1998. Blaming the brain: the truth about drugs and mental health. Free Press.Waldrop R 2001. The church and homosexuality: recent developments. Accessed fromwww.narth.com, 2007-04-10..Warner CT 2001. Bonds that make us free. Deseret Book.Fischer L (ed), Turning Freud upside down: gospel perspective on psychotherapy’sfundamental problems. Brigham Young UP.Zyga L 2006. Is there a homosexuality gene? Accessed from www.PhysOrg.com, 2007-03-25.169

Lockard, <strong>Homosexuality</strong>Schuklenk U, Stein E, Kerin J and Byne W 1997. Ethics of genetic research on sexual<strong>or</strong>ientation.” The Hastings Centre Rep<strong>or</strong>t 27(4):6-13.Spitzer RL n.d. Can some gay men and lesbians change their sexual <strong>or</strong>ientation? 200 subjectsrep<strong>or</strong>ting a change from homosexual to heterosexual <strong>or</strong>ientation. Archives of PsychiatricBehavi<strong>or</strong>, f<strong>or</strong>thcoming.Strauss GH 2006. Sexual identity development. Journal of Psychology and Theology34:296-301.Throckm<strong>or</strong>ton W 1998a. Gay-to-straight. Research published in the APA Journal. Accessedfrom www.narth.com/docs/throkarticle.html, 2007-05-05.Throckm<strong>or</strong>ton W 1998b. Eff<strong>or</strong>ts to modify sexual <strong>or</strong>ientation: a review of outcomes. Journalof Mental Health Counseling 20:283-304.Valenstein ES 1998. Blaming the brain: the truth about drugs and mental health. Free Press.Waldrop R 2001. The church and homosexuality: recent developments. Accessed fromwww.narth.com, 2007-04-10..Warner CT 2001. Bonds that make us free. Deseret Book.Fischer L (ed), Turning Freud upside down: gospel perspective on psychotherapy’sfundamental problems. Brigham Young UP.Zyga L 2006. Is there a homosexuality gene? Accessed from www.PhysOrg.com, 2007-03-25.169

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