Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews

Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews

Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews


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et al. (88) have demonstrated colocalization of ER� and ER�<br />

to select regions of the rat forebrain.<br />

C. Generation of the ER null mice<br />

The field of estrogen action has been and continues to be<br />

a dynamic one with broadening scope. Although estradiol is<br />

often called the female sex steroid, the list of tissues and<br />

organs in which estrogen actions appear to be critical to<br />

physiological function continues to expand, in both sexes.<br />

The crucial actions of estradiol in the female reproductive<br />

tract, breast, and hypothalamic-pituitary axis have been well<br />

described. However, we now know of significant functions<br />

fulfilled by estrogens in male reproduction. Furthermore, the<br />

effects of estrogens in the physiology, maintenance, and<br />

overall health of the cardiovascular, central nervous, bone,<br />

immune, skin, and adipogenesis systems have been an area<br />

of continued research. And finally, the role that estrogen and<br />

normal and variant ERs may play in carcinogenesis, especially<br />

in the breast and female reproductive tract, continues<br />

to receive great attention.<br />

The rationale for generating mice that possess no functional<br />

ER is multifaceted, but in its most simple terms, was<br />

founded on the classical ablation experiments of the early<br />

part of this century. In 1900, Knauer (105) described the<br />

ability of ovarian grafts to prevent uterine atrophy in the<br />

castrated guinea pig. Five years later, Marshall and Jolly (106)<br />

described the capacity of ovarian extracts to induce estrus<br />

when administered to ovariectomized dogs. Similar protocols<br />

were later elegantly employed by Jost (107) to substantiate<br />

the endocrine function of the testis and the importance<br />

of testosterone in sex determination. These studies were critical<br />

to establishing the following basic criteria required to<br />

verify an endocrine role for a particular organ or tissue: 1)<br />

removal or destruction of the synthesizing organ should<br />

result in predictable symptoms presumed to be related to the<br />

absence of the hormone; 2) administration of material prepared<br />

from the removed organ should relieve these symptoms;<br />

and 3) the hormone should be present in and extractable<br />

from both the organ and blood (108). In the spirit of these<br />

earlier studies, the later part of this century has witnessed the<br />

marriage of two relatively new methodologies to introduce<br />

a modern version of the ablation experiment. The combination<br />

of in vitro culture of mouse embryonic stem cells and<br />

targeted homologous recombination has generated a tool<br />

that allows for the precise disruption or knockout of a particular<br />

gene of study and the passage of this mutation to<br />

offspring. Although one can debate whether this new technique<br />

is more or less invasive than the previous surgical<br />

methods, it is obvious that the classic “ablation” experiment<br />

has been elevated to a molecular level. The function of a<br />

specific hormone can now be studied rather than the function<br />

of a whole endocrine organ that may produce multiple secretions.<br />

Furthermore, this new technology allows for the<br />

study of a particular cellular component, such as a receptor,<br />

that is intrinsic to one or more tissues. Such studies were<br />

previously impossible or relied on the use of chemical antagonists,<br />

which introduced their own inherent limitations.<br />

Additionally, gene targeting provides for in vivo methods to<br />

study the roles of a particular receptor throughout the life of<br />

the animal, including the early development stages. The current<br />

tools that allow for the generation of transgenic mice<br />

have already made significant contributions to our knowledge<br />

of particular genes, especially those involved in development<br />

and reproduction (reviewed in Refs. 109 and 110).<br />

At the time the ERKO mouse was envisioned, the ER� was<br />

the only form of ER known to exist. Furthermore, there were<br />

no reports of ER mutations in normal tissue that resulted in<br />

estrogen insensitivity in humans or laboratory animals. This<br />

was in contrast to the descriptions of syndromes of receptorbased<br />

insensitivity to androgens (37, 38) and thyroid hormones<br />

(40). Therefore, investigators were inclined to conclude<br />

that mutations that resulted in insufficient estrogen<br />

synthesis or resistance to the hormone at the level of the<br />

target organ were lethal at the earliest developmental stages<br />

(111, 112). This view was strengthened by reports of the<br />

detection of ER� mRNA in both human (113) and mouse<br />

(114) oocytes as well as in mouse blastocysts (115). Accordingly,<br />

the concept of generating a mouse devoid of ER� was<br />

initially met with skepticism but was pursued as a collaborative<br />

effort between our laboratory and that of Dr. Oliver<br />

Smithies of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.<br />

If disruption of the mouse ER� gene did prove lethal, a model<br />

to study the precise time and locations of critical ER-mediated<br />

actions during early development would be available.<br />

However, providing the animal was viable, an in vivo model<br />

of estrogen insensitivity would now be accessible for continued<br />

study. Six years after the initial description of the<br />

�ERKO mouse, we now take for granted that disruption of<br />

the ER� gene proved not to be lethal, but rather the animal<br />

develops normally and exhibits a life span comparable to its<br />

wild-type litter mates (46). However, as will be elaborated in<br />

detail in this review, the adult �ERKO mice exhibit several<br />

abnormalities and deficiencies, most notable of which are the<br />

phenotypic syndromes that result in infertility in both sexes.<br />

Since this time, additional discoveries have been made to<br />

enhance the utility of the �ERKO model. Soon after the<br />

generation of the �ERKO mouse, Smith et al. (116) reported<br />

the first and only known case of clinical estrogen insensitivity<br />

due to an inactivating mutation of the ER� gene in a human<br />

patient. Later came multiple descriptions of aromatase and<br />

subsequent estradiol deficiency in humans (117–120). And<br />

finally, a second collaborative effort resulted in the successful<br />

generation of the �ERKO mice, which also survive to adulthood<br />

and exhibit phenotypes unique from those of the<br />

�ERKO (47). However, splicing variants of the disrupted<br />

genes that may encode for receptors with decreased functional<br />

activity have been detected in small amounts in each<br />

of the respective ERKO models (as discussed below) and<br />

therefore complicate the interpretation of the nonlethality of<br />

the gene targeting. Nonetheless, we now know that a loss of<br />

full function of any one of the two ERs is neither lethal nor<br />

detrimental to embryonic and fetal development in both<br />

mice and humans. Perhaps the survival of the ERKO mice,<br />

the aromatase-deficient humans, and the ER�-deficient male<br />

will prompt a renewed effort among clinicians to suspect and<br />

investigate the possibility of estrogen insufficiency or resistance<br />

in patients not responding to conventional therapies.<br />

The ERKO mice provide broad and multiple advantages<br />

to the research efforts toward understanding the function

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