Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews

Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews

Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews


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479. Pedersen SB, Borglum JD, Moller-Pedersen T, Richelsen B 1992<br />

Effects of in vivo estrogen treatment on adipose tissue metabolism<br />

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Mol Cell Endocrinol 85:13–19<br />

480. Price TM, O’Brien SN 1993 Determination of estrogen receptor<br />

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competitive polymerase chain reaction amplification. J Clin Endocrinol<br />

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481. Day JK, Bagegni A, MacDonald RS, Lubahn DB, The phytoestrogen,<br />

genestein, inhibits growth in an ER�KO mouse model via an<br />

estrogen receptor-� dependent mechanism. Program of the 80th<br />

Annual Meeting of The <strong>Endocrine</strong> Society, New Orleans, LA, 1998<br />

(Abstract P1-20), p 126<br />

482. Setchell KD 1998 Phytoestrogens: the biochemistry, physiology,<br />

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488. Kahsar-Miller M, Azziz R 1998 The development of the polycystic<br />

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489. Franks S, Gharani N, Waterworth D, Batty S, White D, Williamson<br />

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490. Taylor JA, Lubahn DB, Impaired glucose tolerance in the ER�KO<br />

mouse. Program of the 80th Annual Meeting of The <strong>Endocrine</strong><br />

Society, New Orleans, LA, 1998 (Abstract P2-15), p 257<br />

491. Mullis PE, Yoshimura N, Kuhlmann B, Lippuner K, Jaeger P,<br />

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ovaries, and bone densitometry in childhood. J Clin Endocrinol<br />

Metab 82:1739–1745<br />

492. Sudhir K, Chou TM, Messina LM, Hutchison SJ, Korach KS,<br />

Chatterjee K, Rubanyi GM 1997 Endothelial dysfunction in a man<br />

with disruptive mutation in oestrogen-receptor gene [letter]. Lancet<br />

349:1146–1147<br />

493. Sudhir K, Chou TM, Chatterjee K, Smith EP, Williams TC, Kane<br />

JP, Malloy MJ, Korach KS, Rubanyi GM 1997 Premature coronary<br />

artery disease associated with a disruptive mutation in the estrogen<br />

receptor gene in a man. Circulation 96:3774–3777<br />

494. Rosenfeld CS, Bagegni A, Lubahn DB, <strong>Estrogen</strong> receptor-� knockout<br />

mice reveal a role for estrogen in mammalian female sexual<br />

development. Program of the 80th Annual Meeting of The <strong>Endocrine</strong><br />

Society, New Orleans, LA, 1998 (Abstract OR20–3), p 79<br />

495. Kurita T, Lee KJ, Zhao C, Cooke PS, Taylor JA, Lubahn DB,<br />

Cunha GR 1998 <strong>Estrogen</strong> induces progesterone receptors in uterine<br />

stroma of estrogen receptor-� knockout mouse. Mol Biol Cell<br />

9:238A–238A<br />

496. Kenney NJ, Washburn T, Afshari C, Bocchinfuso W, Korach K,<br />

Barrett JC 1997 The response of null estrogen receptor mammary<br />

parenchyma and mesenchyme in vivo. Mol Biol Cell 8[Suppl]:1976–<br />

1976<br />

497. Young LJ, Wang Z, Donaldson R, Rissman EF 1998 <strong>Estrogen</strong><br />

receptor � is essential in the induction of oxytocin receptor by<br />

estrogen. Neuroreport 9:933–936<br />

498. De Vries GJ, Sannen K, Rissman EF, Steroid-responsive vasopressin<br />

innervation in the brain of estrogen receptor-��mice. Program<br />

of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuroscience,<br />

New Orleans, LA, 1997 (Abstract 830.14), p 2139<br />

499. Wersinger SR, Barron KI, Rissman EF 1998 Estradiol decreases<br />

proGnRH immunoreactivity in female wild type but not estrogen<br />

receptor � knock-out mice. Program of the 28th Annual Meeting of<br />

the Society for Neuroscience, Los Angeles, CA, 1998 (Abstract<br />

632.6), p 1607<br />

500. Fugger HN, Rissman EF, Foster TC 1998 <strong>Estrogen</strong> receptor � is not<br />

required for estradiol’s effects on inhibitory avoidance behavior in<br />

female mice. Program of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for<br />

Neuroscience, Los Angeles, CA, 1998 (Abstract 84311), p 2121<br />

501. Fugger HN, Schiml PA, Rissman EF, Foster TC, Characterization<br />

of spatial behavior and hippocampal electrophysiology in male<br />

estrogen receptor-� minus mice. Program of the 27th Annual Meeting<br />

of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA, 1997, (Abstract<br />

825.10), p 2124<br />

502. Fugger HN, Cunningham SG, Rissman EF, Foster TC 1998 Sex<br />

differences in the activational effect of ER� on spatial learning.<br />

Horm Behav 34:163–170<br />

503. Johns A, Freay AD, Fraser W, Korach KS, Rubanyi GM 1996 Disruption<br />

of estrogen receptor gene prevents 17�-estradiol-induced angiogenesis<br />

in transgenic mice. Endocrinology 137:4511–4513<br />

504. Freay AD, Curtis SW, Korach KS, Rubanyi GM 1997 Mechanism<br />

of vascular smooth muscle relaxation by estrogen in depolarized rat<br />

and mouse aorta. Role of nuclear estrogen receptor and Ca 2� uptake.<br />

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505. Cross HR, Steenbergen C, Korach KS, Murphy E 1998 <strong>Estrogen</strong><br />

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than wild-type mice but are equally susceptible to ischemic injury.<br />

Circulation 98:758–758<br />

506. Roemmich JN, Rogol AD, Hale JE, Lubahn DB, Rissman EF 1997<br />

Bone strain independently augments bone mineral in pubertal mice<br />

with the disrupted estrogen receptor gene. J Bone Miner Res 12:<br />

T563–T563<br />

507. Smithson G, Couse JF, Korach KS, Kincade PW 1997 The role of<br />

estrogen receptors and androgen receptors in sex steroid regulation<br />

of B lymphopoiesis. J Immunol 161:27–34<br />

508. Hurn PD, Sampei K, Sawada M, Goto S, Crain BJ, Alkayed NJ,<br />

Korach KS, Traystman RJ, Demas GE, Nelson RJ, Stroke in mice<br />

deficient in classical estrogen receptors (ERKO�). Program of the<br />

28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Los Angeles,<br />

CA, 1998 (Abstract 207.2), p 516<br />

509. Couse JF, Lindzey J, Dixon D, Korach KS, Use of the estrogen<br />

receptor-� to investigate the role of ER� in the developmental and<br />

carcinogenic actions of diethylstilbestrol. Program of the 80th Annual<br />

Meeting of The <strong>Endocrine</strong> Society, New Orleans, LA, 1998<br />

(Abstract OR48-2), p 114<br />

510. Yellayi S, Teuscher C, Lubahn DB, Hess RA, Bunick D, Lee KH,<br />

Cooke PS 1998 Role of estrogen receptor-� (ER�) in the development<br />

and function of the thymus in male and female mice. Biol<br />

Reprod 58[Suppl 1]:131–131<br />

511. Dieudonne SC, Xu T, Chou JY, Kuznetsov SA, Satomura K, Mankani<br />

M, Fedarko NS, Smith EP, Robey PG, Young MF 1998 Immortalization<br />

and characterization of bone marrow stromal fibroblasts<br />

from a patient with a loss of function mutation in the estrogen<br />

receptor-� gene. J Bone Miner Res 13:598–608

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