Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews

Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews

Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews


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362 COUSE AND KORACH Vol. 20, No. 3<br />

TABLE 1. continued<br />

Author Yr. Title Ref.<br />

Gu et al.<br />

Behavior<br />

1999 Rapid action of 17�-estradiol on kainate-induced currents in hippocampal neurons lacking<br />

intracellular estrogen receptors.<br />

364<br />

Ogawa et al. 1996 Reversal of sex roles in genetic female mice by disruption of estrogen receptor gene. 417<br />

Ogawa et al. 1997 Behavioral effects of estrogen receptor gene disruption in male mice. 318<br />

Rissman et al. 1997 <strong>Estrogen</strong> receptors are essential for female sexual receptivity. 419<br />

Wersinger et al. 1997 Masculine sexual behavior is disrupted in male and female mice lacking a functional estrogen<br />

receptor � gene.<br />

427<br />

Fugger et al. 1998 <strong>Estrogen</strong> receptor � is not required for estradiol’s effects on inhibitory avoidance behavior in<br />

female mice. a<br />

500<br />

Fugger et al. 1998 Characterization of spatial behavior and hippocampal electrophysiology in male estrogen<br />

receptor-�-minus mice. a<br />

501<br />

Fugger et al. 1998 Sex differences in the activational effect of ER� on spatial learning. 502<br />

Ogawa et al. 1998 Roles of estrogen receptor-� gene expression in reproduction-related behaviors in female mice. 418<br />

Ogawa et al.<br />

Cardiovascular system<br />

1998 Modifications of testosterone-dependent behaviors by estrogen receptor-� gene disruption in<br />

male mice.<br />

428<br />

Johns et al. 1996 Disruption of estrogen receptor gene prevents 17�-estradiol-induced angiogenesis in transgenic<br />

mice.<br />

503<br />

Iafrati et al. 1997 <strong>Estrogen</strong> inhibits the vascular injury response in estrogen receptor-� deficient mice. 464<br />

Johnson et al. 1997 Increased expression of the cardiac L-type channel in estrogen receptor-deficient mice. 472<br />

Rubanyi et al. 1997 Vascular estrogen receptors and endothelium-derived nitric oxide production in the mouse<br />

aorta: gender difference and effect of estrogen receptor gene disruption.<br />

467<br />

Srivastava et al. 1997 <strong>Estrogen</strong> up-regulates apolipoprotein E (Apo E) gene expression by increasing Apo E mRNA in<br />

the translating pool via the estrogen receptor �-mediated pathway.<br />

460<br />

Freay et al. 1997 Mechanism of vascular smooth muscle relaxation by estrogen in depolarized rat and mouse<br />

aorta.<br />

504<br />

Cross et al. 1998 <strong>Estrogen</strong> receptor knock-out mice exhibit higher myocardial contractility than wild-type mice<br />

but are equally susceptible to ischemic injury. a<br />

Bone<br />

505<br />

Roemmich et al. 1997 Bone strain independently augments bone mineral in pubertal mice with the disrupted<br />

estrogen receptor gene. a<br />

506<br />

Pan et al. 1997 <strong>Estrogen</strong> receptor-alpha knockout (ERKO) mice lose trabecular and cortical bone following<br />

ovariectomy. a<br />

448<br />

Korach et al.<br />

Other<br />

1997 The effects of estrogen receptor gene disruption on bone. 447<br />

Smithson et al. 1997 The role of estrogen receptors and androgen receptors in sex steroid regulation of B<br />

lymphopoiesis.<br />

507<br />

Hurn et al. 1998 Stroke in mice deficient in classical estrogen receptors (ERKO�). a<br />

508<br />

Couse et al. 1998 Use of the estrogen receptor-� to investigate the role of ER� in the developmental and<br />

carcinogenic actions of diethylstilbestrol. a<br />

509<br />

Taylor and Lubahn 1998 Impaired glucose tolerance in the ER�KO mouse. a<br />

490<br />

Yellayi et al. 1998 Role of estrogen receptor-� (ER�) in the development and function of the thymus in male and<br />

female mice. a<br />

ER-deficient humans<br />

510<br />

Smith et al. 1994 <strong>Estrogen</strong> resistance caused by a mutation in the estrogen receptor gene in a man. 116<br />

Sudhir et al. 1997 Endothelial dysfunction in a man with disruptive mutation of the oestrogen-receptor gene. 492<br />

Sudhir et al. 1997 Premature coronary artery disease associated with a disruptive mutation in the estrogen<br />

receptor gene in a man.<br />

493<br />

Dieudonne et al. 1998 Immortalization and characterization of bone marrow stromal fibroblasts from a patient with a<br />

loss of function mutation in the estrogen receptor-� gene.<br />

511<br />

a Abstract.<br />

heat-shock and other proteins that appear to disassociate<br />

upon ligand binding, resulting in a “transformation” of the<br />

receptor to an active state (75). With continued research, the<br />

two-step mechanism model has evolved to state that upon<br />

binding of estradiol, or an estrogenic ligand, the transformed<br />

receptors form dimers that tightly associate with specific<br />

consensus DNA sequences, consisting of 15-bp inverted palindromes<br />

in the regulatory regions of target genes (52, 74–<br />

76). This complex then interacts with basal transcription factors,<br />

coregulator proteins, and other transcription factors to<br />

ultimately regulate transcription of the target gene (52, 55,<br />

76). However, in recent years, pathways of gene activation by<br />

the steroid receptors that deviate from this classical model<br />

have been described. These include gene activation by<br />

ligand-bound steroid receptors without evidence of direct<br />

DNA binding, but rather via interaction with other DNAbound<br />

transcription factors, such as an AP-1 complex (77, 78).<br />

In addition, ligand-independent activation of the receptor<br />

through pathways that alter the activity of cellular kinases<br />

and phosphatases has been demonstrated both in vitro and<br />

in vivo (reviewed in Ref. 55). The discovery of these pathways<br />

strongly supports the great importance of the ER and its<br />

ability to possibly provide diverse physiological functions<br />

even in the absence of ligand.

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