Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews

Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews

Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews


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TABLE 4. Summary of reported phenotypes in the �ERKO and �ERKO mice<br />

ERKO model Description of phenotype Ref.<br />

Lethality of mutation<br />

ER� No 46, 116<br />

ER�<br />

Fertility<br />

No 47<br />

�ERKO Both sexes are infertile 46<br />

�ERKO<br />

General<br />

Female is subfertile (reduced litter size); male is fertile 47<br />

�ERKO Exhibit normal expression of the ER� gene 93, 121, 352<br />

Female reproductive tract<br />

�ERKO Tract undergoes normal pre- and neonatal development but is insensitive to estradiol, DES, and hydroxy 46, 123, 153<br />

tamoxifen during adulthood<br />

Presence of non-ER� or -ER� receptor-mediated estrogenic pathway for 4-OH-estradiol and methoxychlor 173, 174<br />

Loss of mitogenic actions of EGF 170<br />

Responsive to mitogenic actions of androgens 154<br />

Responsive to progesterone and able to undergo artificially induced decidualization 183<br />

Ovaries undergo normal pre- and neonatal development, but are anovulatory during adulthood, exhibit<br />

multiple hemorrhagic cysts, and no corpora lutea<br />

46, 142<br />

30–40% incidence of ovarian tumors by 18 months of age Herein<br />

�ERKO Tract undergoes normal pre- and neonatal development and appears sensitive to ovarian estrogen cycling 47<br />

during adulthood<br />

Ovaries undergo normal pre- and neonatal development, but do not exhibit normal frequency of spontaneous<br />

ovulations during adulthood, exhibit a severely attenuated response to superovulation treatment with<br />

reduced numbers of oocytes and multiple trapped preovulatory follicles<br />

Mammary gland<br />

�ERKO Undergoes normal prenatal development but is insensitive to estrogen-induced development during puberty<br />

and adulthood<br />

269<br />

Responsive to exogenous progesterone and prolactin In preparation<br />

Susceptible to proto-oncogene (Wnt-1) induced ductal hyperplasia and lobuloalveolar adenocarcinoma but<br />

tumors exhibit a delayed growth rate compared to those in wild-type<br />

297<br />

�ERKO Undergoes normal prenatal and pubertal development, virgin gland is grossly indistinguishable from that of 47<br />

age-matched wild-type<br />

Undergoes normal differentiation and lactation during pregnancy and motherhood<br />

Male reproductive tract<br />

47<br />

�ERKO Tract undergoes normal pre- and neonatal development 315, 316<br />

Age-related phenotype of attenuated fluid resorption in efferent ducts leads to dilation of Rete testis, 315, 327<br />

atrophy of the seminiferous epithelium, and decreasing sperm counts<br />

Disrupted sperm function illustrated by an inability to fertilize 315<br />

Age-related decreases in testis weight Herein<br />

Age-related increases in seminal vesicle weight Herein<br />

�ERKO Undergoes normal pre- and neonatal development with no apparent defects in spermatogenesis that impede 47<br />

fertility<br />

Neuroendocrine system: females<br />

�ERKO Anterior pituitary possesses all of the expected cell types but exhibits elevated transcripts for the<br />

gonadotropin subunits (�-gonadotropin subunit, LH-�, FSH-�)<br />

282<br />

Elevated serum levels of estradiol, testosterone, and LH, but normal serum levels of progesterone and FSH 123, 252<br />

Normal lactotroph differentiation and number in the anterior pituitary, but exhibits significant deficits in<br />

transcription of the PRL gene and serum PRL levels<br />

282, Herein<br />

Medial preoptic region of the hypothalamus exhibits elevated levels of PR transcripts which reduce with 400, 423<br />

ovariectomy and return with estradiol treatment<br />

Rapid actions of estradiol on hippocampal neurons are preserved 364<br />

�ERKO Normal serum levels of estradiol Herein<br />

Neuroendocrine system: males<br />

�ERKO Anterior pituitary possesses all the expected cell types but exhibit elevated LH-� transcripts 282, 317<br />

Elevated serum levels of estradiol, testosterone, and LH, but normal serum levels of progesterone and FSH 317, Herein<br />

Behavior: females<br />

�ERKO Exhibit a lack of estradiol and progesterone-induced sexual behavior, increased aggression, and infanticide 417, 418, 419<br />

�ERKO Exhibit no defects in sexual behavior that impede fertility 47<br />

Behavior: males<br />

�ERKO Exhibit normal mounting and attraction toward wild-type females but a complete lack of intromission and 318, 427, 428<br />

ejaculation; display reduced aggression<br />

�ERKO Exhibit no defects in sexual behavior that impede fertility 47<br />

Cardiovascular<br />

�ERKO Exhibit reduced estradiol-induced angiogenesis and reduced basal levels of vascular nitric oxide 467<br />

Exhibit wild-type response to estradiol in the carotid artery injury model 464<br />

Exhibit increased expression of L-type Ca 2� channels 472<br />

Exhibit reduced response to estrogen-induced increases in serum apolipoprotein E 460<br />

Other<br />

�ERKO Both sexes exhibit growth arrest of longitudinal bones 447, 448<br />

Impaired glucose tolerance 490<br />

No apparent defect on B lymphopoiesis 507<br />


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