Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews

Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews

Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews


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396 COUSE AND KORACH Vol. 20, No. 3<br />

ioral sciences. A recent review by Nelson and Young (128)<br />

summarized and compared the behavioral or lack of behavioral<br />

phenotypes in a select 50 murine knockout models. Due<br />

to the lack of any grossly apparent behavioral phenotypes in<br />

the �ERKO mice, only those studies concerning the �ERKO<br />

will be discussed here.<br />

1. �ERKO female. The dependence of female sexual behavior<br />

on the synchronized fluctuations in estradiol and progesterone<br />

that occur during the ovarian cycle have been described<br />

in detail (reviewed in Ref. 416). In the rodent, circulating<br />

estrogens continue to rise as ovulation approaches, eventually<br />

leading to the gonadotropin surge that not only triggers<br />

the release of the oocyte from the ovary but also a marked<br />

increase in serum progesterone. This dramatic rise in circulating<br />

progesterone is required for an optimal display of the<br />

lordosis posture, a measurable response required for successful<br />

copulation (416). The gonadotropin surge from the<br />

hypothalamic-pituitary axis is due to the postive-feedback<br />

actions of estradiol. The development of this pathway in the<br />

rodent is unique to the female as a result of sexual differentiation<br />

of the neurons in the anteroventral periventricular<br />

nucleus of the preoptic area that serve to regulate hypothalamic<br />

function (264, 365, 405). As discussed above, feminization<br />

of the brain involves the actions of estradiol during<br />

fetal and neonatal development that may rely heavily on the<br />

dose and time of exposure. Therefore, knockout models for<br />

ER� and ER�, as well as the PR, have and will continue to<br />

serve as invaluable resources for dissecting the role of each<br />

receptor-signaling system in female sexual behavior.<br />

In general, evaluation of the aberrant sexual behaviors of<br />

the �ERKO female must consider not only the absence of ER�<br />

signaling, but also the elevated levels of serum testosterone<br />

that exist in the adult female (Table 2). Despite the presence<br />

of the hormones presumably required for sexual behavior,<br />

intact adult �ERKO females exhibit behavior that resembles<br />

that of a male in terms of parental, aggressive, and sexual<br />

activities (417, 418). When placed in the presence of a stud<br />

male, �ERKO females display a complete lack of sexual receptivity,<br />

measured as prelordotic behavior and a lordosis<br />

posture (418). In fact, intact �ERKO females were often<br />

treated as intruders and attacked by the stud male (417).<br />

However, similar studies using ovariectomized females indicate<br />

that this behavior of the stud male was most likely<br />

elicited by the significantly elevated levels of circulating testosterone<br />

in the �ERKO female (418, 426). These same studies,<br />

employing ovariectomized females coupled with steroid<br />

replacement of varied combinations, illustrated a complete<br />

resistance to estradiol (418, 419) and a minimal effect of<br />

progesterone in inducing a lordosis response in the �ERKO<br />

female (418).<br />

Although the above studies have indicated a prominent<br />

role for ER� in sexual behavior in the mouse, the precise<br />

pathways disrupted by a lack of ER� remain unclear. Not<br />

surprisingly, the PRKO female mice also exhibit a lack of<br />

normal sexual behavior and are unable to produce a lordosis<br />

posture even when treated with doses of either estradiol<br />

and/or progesterone (44). However, this same study reported<br />

an inability of estradiol alone to induce lordosis but<br />

rather a requirement for both estradiol and progesterone in<br />

wild-type females (44). This is in contrast to the capacity of<br />

estradiol to solely induce lordosis in the wild-type controls<br />

employed by Rissman et al. (419) and may be a reflection of<br />

the differences in background strain and/or experimental<br />

design employed in the two studies.<br />

The �ERKO and PRKO models nicely illustrate a requirement<br />

for both estradiol and progesterone action for a full<br />

lordotic response. As early as 1939, estrogen exposure before<br />

progesterone treatment was found to be required for a full<br />

display of sexual behavior in the rat (420). As in the uterus,<br />

the expression and induction of PR in certain regions of the<br />

brain is under estrogen regulation. Studies have indicated<br />

that estradiol elicits detectable increases in PR in the hypothalamus,<br />

strongly suggesting that this estrogen-action is<br />

required for ultimate progesterone-induced sexual behaviors<br />

(346, 421, 422). Therefore, disruption of the ER� gene may be<br />

expected to cause abnormally low levels of PR expression in<br />

those areas of the brain that mediate female sexual behavior<br />

and therefore may explain the lack of such behavior in the<br />

�ERKO mouse. However, two separate reports have described<br />

the ability of estradiol to induce increases in PR<br />

transcripts in the forebrain of the �ERKO female mouse,<br />

including regions of the preoptic area (400) (Fig. 8) arcuate<br />

nucleus, caudal ventromedial hypothalamus, and posterodorsal<br />

medial hypothalamus (423). However, the extent<br />

of estrogen-induced increases in hypothalamic PR in the<br />

�ERKO female is slightly attenuated compared with that<br />

observed in similarly treated wild-type mice (400, 423). It is<br />

possible that this observed estrogen action in the �ERKO<br />

female is either mediated by a splicing variant of the disrupted<br />

ER� gene or by ER�. Regardless, the level of estrogeninduced<br />

PR in the �ERKO female does not appear to allow<br />

for a response to progesterone that is sufficient to elicit sexual<br />

behavior. These data support the conclusion that normal<br />

expression of female sex behavior requires the sequential<br />

activation of the ER�- and PR-signaling pathways.<br />

Significant deficits in parental behavior and a greater tendency<br />

toward infanticide is also observed in �ERKO females<br />

compared with wild-type littermates (418). These phenotypes<br />

do not dramatically differ between intact and ovariectomized<br />

�ERKO females; however, levels of infanticide<br />

were reduced in tests carried out after a prolonged postgonadectomy<br />

period (65 days) (418). The �ERKO female<br />

exhibits aggressive behaviors that are significantly elevated<br />

compared with the wild-type female littermates, and in stark<br />

contrast to the dramatically reduced aggressive behavior<br />

displayed by the �ERKO male (to be discussed below) (418).<br />

Remarkably, acute treatment of ovariectomized females with<br />

estradiol resulted in the expected reduction in aggressive<br />

behavior in both the wild-type and �ERKO females (418).<br />

Previous studies have shown that whereas both testosterone<br />

and estradiol can elicit aggressive behaviors in the castrated<br />

male mouse, only testosterone is effective in the ovariectomized<br />

female mouse (424, 425). These studies, in combination<br />

with the findings in the �ERKO, indicate that differentiation<br />

as well as activation of aggressive behaviors in the<br />

female mouse are testosterone dependent. However, the preserved<br />

ability of estradiol to reduce aggression in the ovariectomized<br />

�ERKO female is puzzling and may indicate an<br />

ER�-mediated pathway.

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