Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews

Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews

Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews


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direct loss of or simply enhanced by the concurrent decrease<br />

in PRL signaling.<br />

Interestingly, the extremely low levels of PRL mRNA in<br />

the anterior pituitary of the �ERKO female are even significantly<br />

less than that observed 14 days after ovariectomy in<br />

the wild-type (282). Therefore, the loss of ER� during development<br />

and differentiation of the lactotrophs in the anterior<br />

pituitary has resulted in a phenotype that is more<br />

severe than that induced by postpubertal ovariectomy, possibly<br />

due to a decrease in lactotroph cell number. It has been<br />

proposed that the lactotroph and somatotroph cell types of<br />

the adult anterior pituitary may be derived from a common<br />

cell that expresses both the genes for GH and PRL during<br />

development (reviewed in Ref. 410). The factors that may be<br />

involved in the terminal differentiation of this stem cell into<br />

a distinct cell type secreting only one of the respective hormones<br />

remain elusive. Because the appearance of the ER and<br />

the ontogeny of PRL expression appear to coincide in the<br />

developing pituitary, estrogen action has been proposed as<br />

a possible factor (410–412). However, a defect in the cell<br />

lineage of the lactotrophs that may be expected due to a loss<br />

of ER� action was not apparent in the �ERKO, as immunostaining<br />

for both PRL and GH localized expression of the<br />

genes to distinct cell types (282).<br />

Furthermore, estrogen has also been shown to stimulate<br />

proliferation of the lactotrophs and PRL-secreting cell lines<br />

(reviewed in Ref. 339). Therefore, since the marked difference<br />

in PRL mRNA levels observed between the �ERKO female<br />

and the ovariectomized wild-type is not apparently due to a<br />

defect in the differentiation of the lactotrophs, it may possibly<br />

be due to a decreased number of lactotrophs in the anterior<br />

pituitary of the �ERKO. Scully et al. (282) provided evidence<br />

against this hypothesis, by once again employing immunohistochemical<br />

staining to illustrate only a modest decrease in<br />

lactotroph cells in the anterior pituitary of the �ERKO mice.<br />

Therefore, ER� action does not appear to be required for<br />

either differentiation or proliferation of the lactotrophs in the<br />

mouse anterior pituitary. However, a recent report by Chun<br />

et al. (413) has illustrated a distinct contrast in the level of<br />

occupied ER required to elicit proliferation and that required<br />

for PRL synthesis in PR1 cells, a PRL-secreting cell line.<br />

Whereas approximately 50% of the cellular pool of ER was<br />

required to be complexed with estradiol for half-maximal<br />

stimulation of the PRL gene, only 0.1% was required to<br />

induce cellular proliferation (413). These results suggest that<br />

the mechanisms required for estrogen-induced lactotroph<br />

proliferation are hypersensitive in this cell line compared<br />

with the mechanisms involved in regulation of the PRL gene<br />

(413). Therefore, it is possible that the small amount of the<br />

active ER� splicing variant known to be present in the<br />

�ERKO (see Section II.C.) has allowed for sufficient estrogen<br />

signaling and lactotroph proliferation during develpment,<br />

resulting in the apparent lack of a somewhat expected phenotype<br />

of decreased lactotroph cell number in the pituitary<br />

of �ERKO mice.<br />

B. Behavior<br />

There are obvious effects of the gonadal steroids on sexual<br />

behavior in vertebrates; however, a more defined knowledge<br />

of these actions has become evident from a series of classical<br />

experimental schemes. These laboratory studies often relied<br />

on perinatal castration and/or developmental exposure to<br />

exogenous steroids followed by studies of the activational<br />

abilities of the different steroids during adulthood. The majority<br />

of such investigations have been carried out in the rat,<br />

but similar results have been described in other species (345,<br />

414). Breifly, studies on sexual behavior in the rat have<br />

shown that 1) castration on the day of birth results in a<br />

feminized adult male that exhibits a female pattern of behavioral<br />

responses when treated with estradiol and progesterone,<br />

and 2) neonatal testosterone or estradiol treatment of<br />

a female results in a masculinized adult that exhibits a malelike<br />

pattern of behaviors and is refractory to estradiol and<br />

progesterone (131, 337). The culmination of the data collected<br />

from such experimental schemes has led to the conclusion<br />

that testosterone secreted from the perinatal testes during a<br />

critical developmental window results in permanent changes<br />

in the hypothalamic nuclei of the brain that mediate male<br />

sexual behavior. However, the data indicating that developmental<br />

exposure to estradiol results in an adult phenotype<br />

that is similar to that elicited by testosterone suggest that<br />

many of the masculinizing effects of perinatal testosterone<br />

may be via local aromatization of the hormone to estradiol<br />

and subsequent activation of the ER signaling pathway (reviewed<br />

in Refs. 406 and 407). In addition, estradiol is also<br />

necessary for normal development of the female brain, although<br />

in lower amounts (131). Therefore, sex steroid-mediated<br />

sexual differentiation of the various regions of the<br />

brain that are critical to behavior relies not only on the nature<br />

of the steroid ligand, but also on the dose and timing of<br />

exposure (348).<br />

Before the availability of the �ERKO mouse, McCarthy et<br />

al. (415) employed an elaborate technique of infusing anti-<br />

ER� oligodeoxynucleotides into the neonatal rat hypothalamus<br />

to elucidate a direct role for ER� in the sexual differentiation<br />

of the female brain. This experimental scheme was<br />

based on the hypothesis that the presence of specific ER�<br />

antisense oligodeoxynucleotides in the hypothalamus would<br />

interfere with proper expression of the ER� gene during a<br />

critical period of differentiation (415). The experimental<br />

groups included neonatal rats treated with testosterone plus<br />

or minus the infusion of the ER� antisense oligodeoxynucleotides.<br />

As adults, those females infused with the ER� antisense<br />

oligodeoxynucleotides exhibited more female sexual<br />

behavior compared with those treated with androgen alone.<br />

The investigators thereby concluded that the reduced ER�<br />

expression protected the infused female rats from the masculinizing<br />

effects of testosterone exposure (415), providing<br />

strong evidence that local aromatization and subsequent estradiol<br />

activation of the ER� pathway plays a primary role<br />

in the masculinization of the rat brain. However, the experimental<br />

scheme of McCarthy et al. does not allow for a direct<br />

comparison with the �ERKO female, due to the caveats discussed<br />

(see Section II.C.1). It is important to recognize that the<br />

�ERKO are deficient in ER� throughout development,<br />

whereas McCarthy’s scheme produced a lack of ER� action<br />

that was only transient and most likely not as complete.<br />

The use of technologies to target individual genes has<br />

created numerous models available for studies in the behav-

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