Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews

Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews

Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews


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roid being produced. The cell-specific and temporal actions<br />

of the gonadotropins, LH and FSH, regulate the type and<br />

activity of the steroidogenic enzymes expressed within the<br />

granulosa and the thecal cells. The model states that LH<br />

acting via the constituitively expressed LH receptor on the<br />

cell surface of thecal cells stimulates the synthesis of androgens<br />

(androstenedione) in the growing follicle. This requires<br />

the initial conversion of cholesterol stores to pregnenolone by<br />

the cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme (P450 scc) and is<br />

thought to be a rate-limiting step in thecal cell steroidogenesis<br />

(204). Still within the thecum, pregnenolone is converted<br />

to progesterone and then to androstenedione via the enzymatic<br />

actions of 3�-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 17�hydroxylase/C<br />

17–20 lyase (P450 17�), respectively (204, 206,<br />

210). Regulation by LH has been shown to occur at both the<br />

transcriptional and translational levels for the P450 scc and<br />

P450 17� genes (206). Granulosa cells lack expression of the<br />

P450 17� enzymes required to produce androgens, the precursor<br />

of estradiol, and therefore are dependent on the passage<br />

of the thecal-derived androgens through the basement<br />

membrane and into the granulosa compartment. This cellular<br />

cooperation provides the basis of the two-cell portion of<br />

the model. The second gonadotropin, FSH, acts solely upon<br />

the granulosa cells to stimulate the enzymatic conversion of<br />

the androstenedione and testosterone to estrone and estradiol,<br />

via P450-aromatase (P450 arom), and 17�-hydroxysteroid<br />

dehydrogenase, respectively (204, 206, 210). The estradiol is<br />

then released into the follicular fluid, whereupon the bulk<br />

passes back through the basement membrane and enters the<br />

circulation. Upon ovulation, the luteal phase begins with<br />

luteinization of the follicle and differentiation of the remaining<br />

granulosa and thecal cells to form the corpus luteum. The<br />

relative amounts and activities of the steroidogenic enzymes<br />

are altered once again and shift toward synthesis of large<br />

amounts of progesterone.<br />

Recent data have challenged the “two-cell” model to<br />

incorporate the descriptions of a role for the oocyte in regulating<br />

granulosa cell steroidogenesis. Elegant in vitro experiments<br />

involving the surgical removal of the oocyte from<br />

isolated growing follicles have demonstrated the existence of<br />

an ooctye-secreted factor that is able to inhibit granulosa cell<br />

estradiol and progesterone synthesis (211–213).<br />

2. Review of intraovarian estrogen actions. In 1940, both Pencharz<br />

(214) and Williams (215) independently reported a<br />

direct and specific ability of estradiol or DES to induce significant<br />

increases in ovarian weight in the hypophysectomized<br />

rat. These same seminal studies also described the<br />

synergistic effect of estradiol on gonadotropin-stimulated<br />

increases in ovarian weight (214, 215). Since then, numerous<br />

intraovarian effects of large amounts of locally synthesized<br />

estrogens have been described and postulated to be essential<br />

to normal follicular development and ovarian function. In<br />

granulosa cells of the growing follicle, estrogen has been<br />

reported to increase the levels of its own receptor (216), as<br />

well as induce DNA synthesis and proliferation (205, 217–<br />

220), increase the number and size of intercellular gap junctions<br />

(221), stimulate synthesis of IGF-I (222), and attenuate<br />

apoptosis and follicular atresia (223, 224). Estradiol is also<br />

known to augment the actions of FSH on granulosa cells,<br />

resulting in the maintenance of FSH-receptor levels (218,<br />

225–227) and the acquisition of LH-receptor (218, 228–231),<br />

an event critical to successful ovulation.<br />

Ultimately, the actions of estradiol act to enhance follicular<br />

responsiveness to gonadotropins and thereby result in increased<br />

aromatase activity and further estrogen synthesis<br />

(231, 232). Therefore, normal ovarian function appears to be<br />

dependent on a multitude of auto- and paracrine actions of<br />

estradiol that act in concert with the gonadotropins secreted<br />

from the anterior pituitary to provide for successful folliculogenesis<br />

and steroid production. Nonetheless, immunohistochemical<br />

detection and characterization of ER in the different<br />

ovarian compartments have proven difficult, although<br />

studies employing binding assays with radiolabeled ligands<br />

report the presence of ER in ovarian granulosa cells of the rat<br />

(216, 233–235), mouse (236), rabbit (236), and pig (235).<br />

The discovery of the ER� and its reportedly high mRNA<br />

levels in the ovary (49, 63, 93) reinforces the need for thorough<br />

immunohistochemical studies for the two distinct ERs<br />

in the ovary. Reports of localization of ER� and ER� transcripts<br />

in the rat ovary by in situ hybridization indicate the<br />

presence of low levels of ER� mRNA with no specific pattern<br />

(63), whereas ER� mRNA is easily detectable and predominantly<br />

localized to the granulosa cells of growing follicles<br />

(49, 63). Sar and Welsch (103) recently described immunohistochemical<br />

studies with ER�- and ER�-specific antibodies,<br />

reporting that ER� immunoreactivity is indeed highly<br />

expressed in and localized to the granulosa cells of growing<br />

follicles, whereas ER� staining appears limited to the interstitial/thecal<br />

cells in the rat ovary. Similar findings of immunohistochemical<br />

localization of the ER� to the ovarian<br />

granulosa cells were reported in the rat by Hiroi et al. (104)<br />

and in the cow by Rosenfeld et al. (69). Brandenberger et al.<br />

(94) reported the RT-PCR detection of ER� and ER� transcripts<br />

in normal and neoplastic human ovary and ovarian<br />

cell lines. This study further described the presence of easily<br />

detectable levels of ER� mRNA and very low levels of ER�<br />

mRNA in the granulosa cells, whereas the opposite was<br />

found in a cell-line derived from the ovarian outer surface<br />

epithelium (94). Misao et al. (237) also used RT-PCR to detect<br />

ER� and ER� transcripts in human corpus luteum. Both<br />

Misao et al. (237) and Byers et al. (63) demonstrated a downregulation<br />

of ER� mRNA during luteinization of the follicle<br />

and the differentiation of the corpus luteum in the human<br />

and rat, respectively. Interestingly, a report by Iwai et al.,<br />

before the knowledge of ER�, described the detection of ER�<br />

immunoreactivity in the granulosa cells of the rabbit ovary<br />

(238), possibly illustrating another variation in the expression<br />

pattern of the two ERs among different species. Nonetheless,<br />

ER� and ER� are present in the adult rodent ovary.<br />

Therefore, disruption of the genes encoding these receptors<br />

may be expected to result in distinct ovarian phenotypes. In<br />

addition, the dissimilar expression patterns for ER� and ER�<br />

among the functional units of the follicle suggest that compensatory<br />

mechanisms fulfilled by the remaining functional<br />

gene in each respective ERKO may not be possible in the<br />

ovary.<br />

3. �ERKO ovary. The ovary of the neonatal and prepubertal<br />

�ERKO female does not exhibit any gross differences when

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