Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews

Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews

Estrogen Receptor Null Mice - Endocrine Reviews


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374 COUSE AND KORACH Vol. 20, No. 3<br />

estrogen synthesis in the fetal gonad may be the first indication<br />

of differentiation to an ovary, although the secreted<br />

estrogens do not appear to be critical to development of the<br />

ductal structures of the female reproductive tract. Still, fetal<br />

ovarian estradiol may play a role in development of the<br />

ovary itself, as evidenced by the complete lack of ovaries in<br />

SF-1 knockout mice (137, 138). Furthermore, a recent study<br />

has demonstrated immunohistochemical detection of ER�<br />

and ER� in the neonatal rat ovary (103). Interestingly, a lack<br />

of ER� or ER� during development appears to have no gross<br />

effect on ovarian differentiation, since individual knockouts<br />

of both respective receptors possess normal ovaries at birth<br />

and during prenatal development (47, 142). A study of ovarian<br />

development in a double-knockout lacking both forms of<br />

ER will therefore prove interesting in the future. Still, distinct<br />

ovarian phenotypes become apparent in the adult �ERKO<br />

and �ERKO females, resulting in infertility and subfertility<br />

in each, respectively (46, 47).<br />

1. Review of the physiology and function of the ovary. A brief<br />

description of ovarian morphology is necessary for a discussion<br />

of phenotypes that result from a lack of ER. The<br />

ovary may be conveniently divided into three broad functional<br />

units: the follicles, corpora lutea, and interstitial/stromal<br />

compartment (203, 204). All three possess the capacity to<br />

synthesize hormonal factors, especially steroids, in response<br />

to gonadotropins secreted from the anterior pituitary. The<br />

maturing follicle is a relatively ellipsoidal unit that can be<br />

further divided into three main cell types: the outermost<br />

thecal cells, which surround a single or multiple layers of<br />

granulosa cells, and together act to encase the germ cell<br />

(oocyte) at the approximate core. The overall size of the<br />

follicle and the number of cells composing the thecal and<br />

granulosa cell compartments are dependent on the stage of<br />

maturation (204). The corpora lutea are clearly defined and<br />

vascularized structures formed from the terminally differentiated<br />

thecal and granulosa cells that remain after ovulation<br />

(203). And finally, the interstitial and stromal tissue is<br />

composed of undifferentiated cells that may eventually be<br />

recruited for the thecal or granulosa units as well as dedifferentiated<br />

thecal and granulosa cells from past atretic follicles<br />

or regressed corpora lutea. This compartment also<br />

functions as the matrix within which the follicles are suspended<br />

(203).<br />

Ovarian function is often divided into two separate<br />

phases. The follicular phase refers to the period of follicle<br />

maturation and increased estradiol synthesis that leads up to<br />

and terminates with ovulation of the ovum. Ovulation marks<br />

the beginning of the luteal stage in which the developing<br />

corpora lutea secrete large amounts of progesterone as well<br />

as estradiol to allow for successful implantation of the blastocysts<br />

in the uterus. During the follicular stage of the ovarian<br />

cycle, the follicles may be categorized based on size,<br />

responsiveness to gonadotropins, and steroidogenic capabilities.<br />

These stages are most commonly referred to as the<br />

primordial, primary, secondary, tertiary or antral, atretic,<br />

and mature Graafian follicle (204). The primordial, or nongrowing<br />

follicles, are the most prevalent stage in the ovary<br />

at any one time and provide the pool from which follicles will<br />

be selected for maturation. These follicles consist of an oocyte<br />

arrested at the diplotene stage of the first meiotic division,<br />

surrounded by a single layer of cuboidal granulosa cells<br />

(204). Commencement of the follicular phase of the ovarian<br />

cycle involves the recruitment of primordial follicles to form<br />

the assembly of primary growing follicles to be prepared for<br />

ultimate ovulation. The factors required for this recruitment<br />

are not well understood. Henceforth, each stage is characterized<br />

by dramatic changes in the structure and functional<br />

capabilities of the follicle, which have been well characterized<br />

in several reviews (204–208). As the follicle progresses<br />

toward the secondary stage, rapid proliferation of the granulosa<br />

cells results in the formation of several concentric layers<br />

surrounding the oocyte (204). By this stage, stromal cells<br />

have differentiated to produce a defined stratum of thecal<br />

cells that encapsulate the granulosa cell/oocyte unit. A basement<br />

membrane acts to separate the heavily vascularized<br />

thecal layers from the granulosa cells and ovum. Since capillaries<br />

do not penetrate the basement membrane, the granulosa/oocyte<br />

compartment depends on the passive movement<br />

of hormonal factors through this extracellular structure<br />

(204). Oocyte and follicular growth are linear up to the tertiary<br />

stage, at which time the ooctye appears to reach a<br />

maximum size, while the follicle as a unit continues to enlarge.<br />

The tertiary follicle is characterized by a hypertrophied<br />

thecal layer, multiple layers of granulosa cells, and the appearance<br />

of an antrum, a space that separates the granulosa<br />

cells from the ooctye/cumulus complex. The process of follicular<br />

selection for ovulation, although not well understood,<br />

appears to occur at this stage of folliculogenesis, when several<br />

secondary-tertiary follicles will divert toward a pathway<br />

of atresia. Still under the influence of gonadotropins, the<br />

“selected” follicles will continue to enlarge, mostly due to<br />

increases in antrum size, to eventually reach the Graafian, or<br />

ovulatory stage. Follicular rupture and ovulation occur in<br />

response to a surge in gonadotropin levels, at which time<br />

cellular proliferation is ceased, and the remaining cells of the<br />

follicle terminally differentiate to form the corpus luteum<br />

(209).<br />

In consonance with its gametogenic function, the ovary<br />

fulfills a critical role as an endocrine organ, serving as the<br />

principal source of sex steroids in the female. Therefore, a<br />

normal functioning ovary is an essential prerequisite to the<br />

function and maintenance of the reproductive tract, mammary<br />

gland, and behavior of the female. The research efforts<br />

of several investigators during the past decades have generated<br />

the well accepted “two-cell, two-gonadotropin”<br />

model of ovarian estradiol synthesis. This model and the<br />

investigations leading to its description have been discussed<br />

in great detail in several recent reviews and therefore will be<br />

only summarized here (204, 206, 210). The two steroid-producing<br />

components of the maturing follicle are the thecal and<br />

granulosa cells, which predominantly produce androgens<br />

and estrogens, respectively (210). Ample evidence exists to<br />

indicate that thecal cells possess the full complement of steroidogenic<br />

enzymes necessary for estradiol synthesis. In contrast,<br />

estradiol synthesis by the granulosa cells is dependent<br />

on thecal-derived androgens as substrates for aromatization.<br />

The amount and activity of the expressed steroidogenic enzymes<br />

within the two cell types vary depending on the<br />

follicular stage, and thereby determine the predominant ste-

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