Responsible Gambling Code Of Practice - Jupiters Hotel & Casino ...

Responsible Gambling Code Of Practice - Jupiters Hotel & Casino ...

Responsible Gambling Code Of Practice - Jupiters Hotel & Casino ...


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Supporting documentsThe Queensland <strong>Responsible</strong> <strong>Gambling</strong> <strong>Code</strong> of <strong>Practice</strong>is supported by:• the Queensland <strong>Responsible</strong> <strong>Gambling</strong> Resource Manual (ResourceManual);• the Queensland <strong>Responsible</strong> <strong>Gambling</strong> Training Framework forIndustry; and• the provider’s <strong>Responsible</strong> <strong>Gambling</strong> Policy document.Queensland <strong>Responsible</strong> <strong>Gambling</strong> Resource ManualThe Resource Manual was developed in collaboration with gamblingindustry sectors. The Resource Manual is maintained by the Researchand Community Engagement Division of the Queensland <strong>Of</strong>ficeof Gaming Regulation, Queensland Treasury with advice from the<strong>Responsible</strong> <strong>Gambling</strong> Advisory Committee. The Resource Manualassists gambling providers to implement the <strong>Code</strong> of <strong>Practice</strong>.It includes:• guidance for gambling providers to develop and implementtheir <strong>Responsible</strong> <strong>Gambling</strong> Policy;• examples of practices that conform to industry best practice; and• an outline of responsible gambling strategies specific to each sectorof the industry, based upon the practices of the <strong>Code</strong> of <strong>Practice</strong>.Queensland <strong>Responsible</strong> <strong>Gambling</strong> Training Frameworkfor IndustryThe training framework outlines criteria for the development andimplementation of responsible gambling training programs, the specificlearning outcomes to be demonstrated by gambling provider employees,as well as benchmarks to indicate industry best practice. The overallpurpose of the training framework is to enhance the knowledge and skillbase of gambling employees and managers or other responsible officersin their work to promote other responsible approaches to gambling. It isenvisaged such enhancement of knowledge and skills among gamblingindustry personnel will lead to safer and more supportive environments forthe consumers of gambling services and products.Queensland <strong>Responsible</strong> <strong>Gambling</strong> <strong>Code</strong> of <strong>Practice</strong><strong>Responsible</strong> <strong>Gambling</strong> Policy13

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