Sep 1911 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Sep 1911 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Sep 1911 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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!\'->:<strong>City</strong>SentlnelKran tnwurROBINSON** wort prataptlr done by e»parieooed, you not?Mik v " » V.• WAS if* ««»•«««II hM been claimed by a number .<strong>of</strong>people beratbat tbe couDcllmanlo Invntlgalloa<strong>of</strong> alleged graft lii tbl* cityWUC'llMOO." •Tt» following epeaka for llaelf: ,(Extract from itonograpber'* note* <strong>of</strong>testimony given by FlraCblerB.•' B.Oonver.) .A. If <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> ordered that taoaeI wu to have KMnetblDK. .t»ne In <strong>Ocean</strong><strong>City</strong>. He sold considerable mul probably did sell some to John MuAleei-e,and I UKed to loan MoAleene 'inmiey tupay his freights o_u the stone t l>at cameInhere. I also ndvaiicnl liliu iiitineyto help to pay fartla|!Kii>K. Mr. Kllpalrlckappointed nie ln» sKt-nt In<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, and for the iinn-Meratlonat helplug McAleeve, I Hii|ipom>. umklughim a little more secure <strong>of</strong> gettinghi* money.When the Hubjeot or hltieatone curb came u|> tin <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, heInformed me tbql I would get a commlwilonon thai, too, filename ax I ha aomethlng<strong>of</strong> a farce. The) got through early In April•aatteUovernor completed hi* taskwith the left-over bill* wltbln a rewwaaka,iyet the contracting printer ha*.kektoptbe publication <strong>of</strong> the laws,and drtbblea.tbe printed matter Intonthea-<strong>of</strong> »few pages at .a time. Tbelatt buncu Included bllla signed bytbeeorerboron April 27. Wbeu tbela to be completed DO oneSS-1iio?,deio?r.f.aaaya tbe Jersey Journal, yet the• are waiUog four months for thel! eopiea.mnd no one can goess'' how much longer they-will have to»|v''DBSgiaat majority <strong>of</strong> people coulddoobtotnenr power ol achievement by•.Uttto atlMlaslpune tn learning aoaa to gat (hold <strong>of</strong> tbeanclvea as todapendoo tbe prompt, decisive actiontf'lhdrown faculties, willea OrisonBwttt Ualaden In Hoeeeaa Uagarloe.A Jatttat •yatem alone would double tbe•(MmQr r jOf tuny t biuloeaa man. who does not know why he does not•^-gea^ao-graveluig: the roads year•fig-y^,method a e i , t« g a e g te roads y,method a,expeoaiveQ. Where did you get the »50? 'CA. Mr. Headley gave II to me.Q. Wbat did you bay to'him whenhe gave It to you?A. .1 don't know juut the conversalion.I cannot remember about tbat.lone, alter uivcontract wan awarded and (lie coiitrui-twas finished; but I did imt receive, anycommliwlon.# •'•(I.That la the reawm you wrote forit?.: " ' .A. Yen, and I never did receive any;and Mr. Kllpatrlck will tell you MI.Q. And you consider that entirely,consistent'with your CIIIIIFK U» Couiu-ilman?A* No, air; I do uot. 'Q. Tbat la one thlu; you regretA. Yea; I certainly do.«. • ' * . . « ' * * «. Further on wltneux HKIII: .."I wunt you tuill-tlnctly llniltTMlnnilthat there in not a man in th|Hii>authat baa nerved the city a* loiix uuil u-well aa I have."Q. I have heard you »ay.M»iief»re. •A. You have lieanl .oilier |>vi>|ile•ay It. • ' ",Q 1 liavenot. „•' - ' .A., You-have. You have not lieenIn the right crowd. -liou' it. I havetold you, and I am billing to tell youagain, that I. ueve'r "got a ce.ut. friunany man, and you ca)inot prove h>>-ldo_not_thluk_JLe.v.tr_diu»j«mltalJtj_!_Lwill say that, when I IIi>l got inCouncil .I did. .1 u'aa a- i-rookrd a»some other people. When I not'therefiraf 1 thought there was a Ifit in it. • Ifound out there wan uot..' For the la"tUve years I'.wariu Couucil, I want lotell you, and tell every other man.that I never di inanded a cent and IdlHflO»rageri other peup(e from- de-YAGBTMBN GOTO CHURCH HERBListen to a Strong Sermonby the Rev. H. T. Cas- 'selberry.' The untilbem <strong>of</strong> the Oceau <strong>City</strong>Yacht Club attended service* In abody lu the Klr»t rrexbyterlaa ChurchSunday evening, when a Npeclal aermonwaa delivered by the paator, tbeKev. '•I!. T., Caaaelberry. who .1* thefleet' chaplain.. The mibject. '<strong>of</strong> Mr.Caxwibetrv'n dlm.-iiuriw waa "Btlck tothe Hblp" He took hla text fromAct*. 27; no ai-8*.:.After extending a- Erecting to themeiube'm <strong>of</strong> Die club, Mr. Caa»ell>eiryapoke In part a» followa: '"I would not Inault your Intelligenceby bringing wme light auhject beforeyou, but will aim to elevate ourtlioiight antl character.••I would direct your attention eal>eolullyto the part <strong>of</strong> our text whlvlireudn; -except the.se abide In I lie »hlpye t-unuot be saved.' Tlie aceue ortlietext IH that <strong>of</strong> ttio tempte»Mi>s>edchip,witli a. little man wltn a cheerful faceand a big heart "landing ani|il«t acrowd <strong>of</strong> some 270 dlwouraged men.vayltig bright and "cheerful thing* tothem. .•Kroiu thin incident, we may learnthe lOMin, llrM, how to Hiiccevfullyco-operate with our fellow.man. Paul,In the time <strong>of</strong> the atorra. wa» the real••liutnanfler<strong>of</strong>thal i.hl|iand Us burden.'i'liuiii;li He hud revealed to him dialnot one would tie lo-l, yet II wan l>yilie ciM>|>erallou all atMiard nf the i-hi|iThe xupreme art above all oilier aria laIbe art <strong>of</strong> living together justly andcharitably.'•Let u» remember thl» in the futureor our club.Many good wen havegiven lhein»elve» In the |«a«t. Let u»never be guilty <strong>of</strong> luriilugour'backxon the nhlp when i-heneeda ua TIIIIIKKmay liot null ua. but thai can never beareawin tor acling In a amall, eelllrhway. Kach »lf un ban oqr part lu life'.Paul <strong>of</strong> W. Anaa*llnr.The feast <strong>of</strong> tit Augustine was obaervedwith special service* in 8t. Augustlne'aChurch last Sunday. Kxcellentmtislo was furulabed by a choircomprising Mia* leunle McKepwu,Mrs.Longworlh, Aothquy D.' Mc-Vlchol and'J.J. Camber, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia.The'Rev. D. J, Devlue, <strong>of</strong> NewYork <strong>City</strong>, preached in the evening onIbe aln <strong>of</strong> ••backbltlug."<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title andTrust Company« o«.« c,, y . N«W ;CAPITAL $100,000SURPLUS $20,000vovaK*. May we nllekwlivn xhe ueeilH IIM uiost.' • I think you will aKree witb me HIMIlie central figure in our it nry i» Haultin- A|H>MleLet us learn tlie le»«iii<strong>of</strong> KIMMI ulieer aud courage he teailn-fUH. We uihEht call attention tu-llieClirltillaii gentleman courteously nayIim, 'wherefore, »IW, or learn. MIIIIClerMiUH from UiU UH do not take the time to di> tbi* eveuIIIIIIII luxurlen and in Hie UIIH life itm!lv«H II fnrth In UH."What IH neeileiiKaiUHt the Hliiriu, lollMMiirixle who IH 'up uKaliirt it,' l.SPECIAL DE8IGNS INCONCRETE BLOCKand ttIdewalkH, alno. Itrlck Work• aud PlaMierius.Seriufeh, Carter & Co.', *Pr!TER«KtTI«l. N."J. • "- ABBOTTS*Alderney Dairies(Snct««5or to j. 8. Champion)Seventh St. and West Ave,• <strong>Ocean</strong> Cjty t N. J.Choice Dairy,. , Butter and Ejga . . •' Ask for Booklet <strong>of</strong> HpeclultlexOrdem Delivered -Kotli piionThe PontiereBOOtgSHOEREPAIRINGSHOPREPAIRING NEATLY DONE9la>*lo Aibory Ave., <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. N. J.UnM glmi. Bulldlnn anetcd by 000iraet or d»».Carpenter & BuilderJOBBING A SPECIALTYSIKH': r'ourlr*nlh anil llavrn Atriiuc• IKKH-K: 312 Mnlli Mlrrrl.-tartiii< nl ll^ii~.orricc: ci HTM ««D OCCAN »UC.OCCAM CITV • NCW.JKIKWILLARD S. STEELMANContractor and Builder939 Weal Avenue<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>Net*Jobb'.na Promptly Atlnidcd ToA. G. WINKLERPRACTICAL' PLUMBER,• li.-uv :i iiiaii-wlm \\:\< 1I !•'. M\'cis, •|2,-,7 Ri«l>;c- avelille, l"llH:nllhil• • 'Ask them alM>tUOTIS M. TOWNSENDOFFICEP. 0.OCEAN CITT.N. J.J. \V. U'ARUHK, Vri->t.'. -. JOHN MARTS. Tna|" I.'llnllt ('•illllttilnllr' . ". ...Sixth St. and West Ave.CULLUPERIORlANE „ •-ATISFACTIONARTSATERIALETHOPSANDATORY CoBUILDERSCottages' Apartments Stores . Bungalow!L. S. CORSON Soashore;cottago3 a Spoclatftj"' ^Hotels-and-Bungalowsl' •Contractor and Builder.KrcrytbinK '•> tue HUIIJIHK UUi'liuiA aiid.Sriecifieations Kuruislicd. ." Iwtjmates Cheerfuliy Given.•*X'-*K-81AVtat Avewl<strong>Ocean</strong> Clly ice and Coal BJA. J. SMITH, PROPRIETOR, sfHouasu '«•> uniL oiana i» ,PURE ICEBEST;/, COALOAK AND PINR • 'WOODOffice. Np.*634 ASBURY AVEHUEsirs.Phone ConnectionsJAMES B. HAMILTONGOALGOALCOALGOALCOAL• 'Buy your Coal from tlie ' . ,SHOEMAKER LUMBER CO.TWK(,PTH ; ST. AND WKH1 AVK. As you are M wayti aure <strong>of</strong> geil l M jj.'i!40 p,.iiudn to the tun "WALTER V. HESSj•CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERSNO BUILDEWE GIVE JOBBING SPECIAL ATTENTIONeSTIMkTrsruRNISHEOONAITLH»TIONS, (DJ,«O ALL KINDS OrWINDOW AMD ui• MADE TO ODDER_. ' . - ' •• BELVPHONC TT-KOCEAN i?w lce 3 0 6 E «eventh StreetOCEAN C.TV.NEWJEB8WUKADLKY ftAOASlt""'"*'• Reading CoalOB»c« sad Tam. TKDTH auui wuvrATLANTIC ICE COMPANY^Ll^Pocono Mountain Ice<strong>On</strong>eat. 1014. Asbury Av' .' OCCANCITV N.J.LESLIE POLHAMUS— —' . •" ^ •• • • n IVI ^tOO TENTH ST. .PHowr, 4T2-VJOHN V. PONTIERESI6 ASBURV AVCPOLHAMUS «& PONTIERECONTRACTORS AND BUMERS»l! l''"ni|.lly allvnileil to.,Superior WorkmanshipIce Plans and Specifications Furnished. . Estimates Cheerfully!BOURSE BUILDING, EIGHTH STREET* '. Phone4B2-X . .' Mrtif JCRSl<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> SentinelTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7.<strong>1911</strong>We Hhall baglaU to receive items orneWH and communlcatiqiis or luterextto thlM commuulty aud our readerseverywhere.All conimutilcatioiiM should be an-• conipauled with the full name andaddress <strong>of</strong> the writer, not ueuessarllyor publicatlou, but an a Kuarautee <strong>of</strong>Kood faith. • .: • " DOTS.Talk or another hotel fur IIIIH city.Many people nay Uie>liaMi)ecu|ilclefeel happy in the tuouRlit that Ilieclinrch and Bundaywliuul Have' been'MO in-eful aud helpful." . ;HEW FIREMEN 10BE HELPEDCouncil Adopts Recommendations<strong>of</strong> Ftre Chief 8* B.Conver. ..(.'ouuc|l, at Its regular meeting Mondaynight, rece|ved <strong>of</strong>ficial notice <strong>of</strong>the organization <strong>of</strong> the Active FireCo., No. 4, at Finy-!lfth street, a shorttime since.Council was also In receipt or thefollowing letter from Fire Chief 8. B.Conven<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J., <strong>Sep</strong>t. 4, 11*11.Honorable <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>,' Oceau <strong>City</strong>. N. J.-Uentlemen:—Ou Monday evening.AugUHt SH, <strong>1911</strong>,1 here was oritanl/vilat Ftfly.Hflh Htreel a lire company, tobe kuown an the'Active Volunteer Firenipany.'No. 4, or Oceau Clly, New.-Hey. The writer was present al lliisnieellnitaud wa» very much luipreHnedby the bUHlness-like manner In whichthese gentlemen weut to work at theirorganikallon, and ir the euthuHlasmthat was ex pressed by the twenty Homemembera Is au Indication a* to whatthey will do - In tbe future, tins companybids fair to be a valuable addlliouto our department, but all their interestaud enthusiasm will come to naughtwithout equipment.This company has a large territoryto cover, and as the number <strong>of</strong> collage*lu that *ectlon;<strong>of</strong> our city IH lucreaHlugyearly, or coune this means a greaterrevenue lu laxex to the clly. Thegeutlemenorganlnlug this company areBIG CROWD HEREFOR LABOR DAYThla Resort Bad', a Sunday. and Monday Record-Break*ing Gathering.The Labor Day crowds here thisyear were never excelled, lu point <strong>of</strong>.Association on the strand last Satur-^umbers, aud tbe weathercondUlonnday afternoou.waa witnessed by Ihou-' were delightful. There were many'sands' <strong>of</strong> people,'and ID every .way It bathera In the surf, from the liny totwas a great success, refleclluK credlijlo gray-haired, meu and women, and*•-- *-—•-••-•— •-•• -• a|| appeared to be well pleaned with».»..... ail larKe proiwrty owuerM :.„our city, aud have tbe welfare <strong>of</strong> thecity at heart, and do uot waul to burdenthe city with any unnecenHary expeuKen,but lbene people da want protectionfor the moueya they have Invested.:,. • '••. ••. ••:. '••:•• • . ••I am cotmelouH <strong>of</strong> tbe fact that thlaIn uot Ibe time <strong>of</strong> year to ank for anappropriation for tblH couipany, but,JIu making a careful estimate <strong>of</strong> Iheproponed erpenueH'for ruuuliiK the liredepartment for Ibe remainder <strong>of</strong> thinyear (uarriogany accidents to luachiuPrcaller cnsiotn <strong>of</strong> "TrcatH" m».cuwrdllp lite Hlaic.A dlHpatch-rrom.Trenlou Hayn: *The quertlon an to the time when acandidate for election In really a candidate',nubjecr to the Htrlugeut pruVinlonn<strong>of</strong> t he new corru pt pracllcea ai-l.anery 2iJ I believe there will be a eonnld-) balance left In the lire appropriation,aud the co»t <strong>of</strong> wbat I amRo'lug to a»k for will be within thinbalance. It may not be all the equipmeut IIIIH company Hhould hare, butwbat In absolutely necessary for I hemto have to make It or any mrvlce w hateverto the properly owner' In thatsection or the city.I liud that there in only about 3M»reel or hose in the Klfly-llflh nlreethoune tbat Is fit to une, but 1 thinkthat, with your permission, I can Irannfersome bouse from Noa. 1 and 2bouses tbat will uot aland the pressurefrom the Hleamers, that will d<strong>of</strong>or plug streams. Wecau make upabout 500 feet.This Is hardly enpugb for thin company,for lu that section <strong>of</strong> the oily theplugs are rew and far between, but It latbe best tbat cau be doue in regards tohose Just now. AH toother equipment.It la necessary for them to have name•paunern, noxzles, plug wrenche*. lanterns,bow ntrapn, oue Btainene, twoaxes and two tt-galloii hand cheuilralnThen.I think a very' Important equipmentto this houne Is a telrplioiie,*"bywhich. In cane <strong>of</strong> lire, some one couldImmediately call forawilnlance to No1 Company's houne aud additional lireapparatus and liremeii could bei-entlothat section ortlie clly In a nho|t lime-.The chemicals avked forhold nixgalloiis each and can be carried by oneman. Theyare invaluable for puttingout tires iu their luclplem-y or checkloKlarKellresuntil ai-HlHtanceoouieH.The loremau or the uewly-orgaulzedcompanyIH a permanent renldent otthis sectlou or the city aud he couldkeep the two exttnguUhers In IIIH renldeuceduring the rreezlug weather, andthey would at all time* be In readlnennfor Umlaut use Then we would ankthat electric lights be Inntalleil In thelire houne, two inside and one outnide.While Ibe request aa asked for is notallihe equlpmeuttblscompany wouldIlkel^iaveV^nHTnayTieHh-outd-liaverd It ithemIlkel^iaveV^nHTnayTieryet if thene are granted It Rives themsomething to work with, and makestheir company an erTectlve companyand gives the property ownern In thatsection <strong>of</strong>.the city a Hie protection overand lu advauce<strong>of</strong> anything they havehad before. . -, , • ;By having nome such equipment Itwill be a source or pride to the uieiiibern<strong>of</strong> this company-,'and I reel assuredIhat Hie apparatu* will be takencare or. and Ihe company will be miActive Company, uot In uame only.AntolhecoHt<strong>of</strong> thlnei|ulpiuent. I canassure you tliat without Ihe exiwnne<strong>of</strong> leleiihone aud electric llghlH, It willuot be over one hundred dollars, audr body to Instruct yoi> to ' puichaHe theturleaeUronr H. )HdelpblM Plra? Depairitnenl.(leorRe 11. !Hard»ley, who waabrother uf Johu Kardsley, former cilyIreaHurer, ol Puiladelpbia, died' Huddeulyat one <strong>of</strong> the hotels here Sundayeveninfr.Ueatb . waH due to acuteudiKestion.Tlie body was takeuMonday uioruink lo bin lale reaideuce,1032 MorriH Htreel,.Philadelphia.Mri ItanlMley, who' wan Hlxly-threeyean* old, bad beeu In the PhiladelphiaFire Department for thirty-five yean,twenty-live <strong>of</strong> wlilcli be waa auperlnlendent<strong>of</strong> the repair department. Heheld this' poHillou at the lime <strong>of</strong> IIIHdeath. He leaves a widow and livewills.' • '' . : .• •. "- '•' '"TIIIM waH IIIH fourlh, visit lo <strong>Ocean</strong><strong>City</strong> thlBfear. Hecamedowu Friday,uteudlng to return Tuewlsy morbiuR.IteturnluR frotft the Boardwalk Sundayevening, be complained <strong>of</strong> feelingunwell. Some reinedlea wereadtnlulBtered,aud then Mrs. Packer, proprletreiw<strong>of</strong>. tbe bouse, summoned a Ic"j* y "~d'ud"he"was glad to know thatdoctor, who responded at o.ice, but |b|l|'„,„,,,.„•, |, a8 beeu organized ou awbeu he reached the bouae Mr.' Uub , |lel)|1 banlH and will take care <strong>of</strong>theBardHley was dead. l*P «o tbe lime <strong>of</strong> j|)luel|, • T|lh bm not beeu doueIIIH return to the house, Mr. Kardsley Ju ,, ie paHl .ibe speaker exprewtedapparently had beeu In, tbe bent or , lhUHelf aB „, favor or giving the. uew" Conner Mark Lakewaanotilied „,'company all po«,.b.e aid atthe prejenjnix death. '• lime.. The properly In that section« • . . I needa protection; Qelibcaeailml. . I <strong>On</strong> uiollon<strong>of</strong> L'ounclluiaiiNewberry,..Itelore returning to your winter'neroiided by.Ur. ltlf|er,-the matter wanhoiueH, don't -fall to mibHcrlbe for the placed lu tbe hands <strong>of</strong> the HrV coin-Henllnel at the publicationotllce,74t-4ll '..„_ ..till nower tonctA-bury aveuue. If you are now a Bub lu "' ee ' *» »•' po«.er «o»«-wriber, call and reuew your subadrlp- ••••»-: .IIOUB. By gettlug tbettontliial everyfine. iMnolal ameiarna Home.week, properly ownera here wbo areMinn Gladys L. Roulllot, <strong>of</strong> German-'can keen In' touch lo *' u ' »* luruedhome TuesdayIt will pay you lo' apendllig tbe Hummer In-tbls city, andwhere abe made a pronounced hit BH apianlat <strong>of</strong> remarkable ability.MiesKoul.llot, who'was a pupil <strong>of</strong> Couutaiiuotwould a'k youlire| eoiinrilllteeeuulpmenlH. . . • .• I.am very truly yours.• SB. CONVEB.Cl.lef<strong>of</strong> Fire-Uepartmeut.Theo. P. Itees, vice president <strong>of</strong> thenew company, assured the membersi<strong>of</strong>Council that this companymeansbusiuesH, aud be called attention to theurgent need <strong>of</strong> additional "equipmentDr. Rider said there la no doubt tbatprotection from lire hi needed by theresidents or the lower wclion <strong>of</strong> thewltb local allalM.get the Seutluel.To IU Voter*.I desire to say lo Ihe voters <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong>Jlty that I am a candidate fornomlnatiouaud election aaoue<strong>of</strong> tbeUouiluluulonerti<strong>of</strong> this city. . I have livedlu Oceau <strong>City</strong> mince* Ita birth (iu facttlue.Vou gleruberg, beald.B being askilled musician, has the. ability, lomemorize aa maiiy as Iblrty-alx pagesnt music, and her young bead, la fullhelped tnbrliift it Into being) and have' o f operas aud classics. Wbeu she apiSer^'malOTuTdevetopmeulx'have' pMred ln Fnuk M - Cou| y'" "x*"" 1 lunever held oltlclal poslltou except one !"*"•. Pint• M • K. t;hurob, a few week*term as mayor under lbs torougn form ago, «he pjayed a number <strong>of</strong> highly,uent. T have no relatives dinicult numbers" without a sheet <strong>of</strong>music before her. . ' • „ •'.for Mem. >- KurnlHhed cottage, ceutrally locatedwltb all modern conveniences, Includinghot air furnace, for- rant for wintermouths. Address Y. Y., RKPOHTER<strong>of</strong> government _ —_ __to help nor. any political enemies loget square with through the olUce.Those who. kuow me will admit tbat Ibave Ibe ability and Intelligence t<strong>of</strong>ultll all Ibe duties tbe situation maydevelop aud my geueral observance<strong>of</strong> things that make for greatest successelsewhere suggests safe, progressiveideas for our own clly. I believelu things <strong>of</strong> great moment tbe peopleshould be heard from. If these anamong the things you want lu a commlsaloner,vote for me.•.BOBEBT FlBBEB..otllce.trAttention to tbe mluor details baacontributed largely lo tba success <strong>of</strong>the First Nalloual' Bank <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong>Oily. , ..• • '. •..Yonng Stars in the BeachFront Association's AnnualMeet.The second annual alblello meet underIhe auspices <strong>of</strong> the Beach Frontupon the memtani <strong>of</strong> the associationand tbe manager <strong>of</strong> (be meet, J. F.O'Donnell, or Philadelphia. FrederickJ. Shoyer, or tbe association, who wasactively Interested iu the success ortlieaffair, waa honorary referee.Most <strong>of</strong> ihe participant!! were members <strong>of</strong> boys'athletic clubs, butamong the contestants were such wellknown young slam as Coe'Farrler, orthe University or Pennsylvania; Pierson,or Uermautowu, and FraqkSchneider, «' the <strong>Ocean</strong> Oily HighSchool. Schneldrr was uol In IIIHusual form, aud- came In third In thelive-mile race.' All <strong>of</strong> the evenlH were well contested.The P. K. Y. M-C. A. boyswou on poiniHhandHrtme cup.and, carried on" theWHEN 18 A CANDIDATBi?uy me activity or noiue avemdcandidates In llurliiigtoiiCouulythrough'their beer parties, U iuterentluglegally here, aud while 110 oue Inthe otllce <strong>of</strong> Attorney General HI.mund Wlloii will speak vw U|jpuilllulCUU»,. IUIiuperb bathing facilities, Uie new boardwalk, the trolley, system to Atlantic<strong>City</strong>,.the health-giving,' absolutely pure drinking water, superiorto any on the Atlantic coast,' and the moderate.prices that .will prevail,make this hotel oue most desirable to those seeking health and rest. 'The advanced improvements for the comfort <strong>of</strong> guests include a sunparlor, steam heat,, perfect electric lighting plant, elevator and a cafeand kitchen that are nfodels <strong>of</strong> sanitary completeness.Three sides <strong>of</strong> the hotel afford an .tin-obstructed'view <strong>of</strong> the ocean,whikMlie other side overlooks the bay, making each <strong>of</strong> the ioo roomsairy ami cheerful at all times. The rooms are arranged en suite, withprivate baths if desired.Porches also extend from nil floors.All inquiries for rates <strong>of</strong> rooms, either by mail or telegraph, will receiveprompt attention.Rooms may lie telegraphed for at the'expense<strong>of</strong> the. hotel. . . ' -.-• •'HRADI.KY & ADAMS,. ". Ownership-Management.latr> or votera ror Ibe apeclul fltoollon.Ffnt Ward -Clly Council clumber, Klglnliaud CVDlral avenu«. .?Htoond Ward—xcraDillloorNo: I Ore IIOIIM-,ODNIutlji>lm;l,liclwmu AnburyauU CoultulRVHIHV.. ROU..V OAUIlhTHDN.p. K.,«ui cityvierk.Clears and Tobacco.' Ordert recelre prompt ahcntlon.An Ordinahre.An orUluooi-* providing lorllui rouKlrurll.iu<strong>of</strong>u newalevalcd boardwalk bstween IheDnrtlMMiatcrly aide <strong>of</strong> Hevepteentli slnvtaod the aoulllwtwUirly altla or Twentyttilrdstreet and alonic tile .lulttrlor orlandward line between Ino«« polnlM olthe street laid out in Orvan Clly by ordinanceadopted April III, mil. provUluiAki•ndgnaaiaat boUla and willaf-'_and lonlo IrMtmanUadmlalattndtt Maaaov ••;>•> -,,, ~;jvby aimduata Nnraal and Atuaduila.••'•••.ft« '< + >,' -j •-,-•to. Ulgb «huaj.ublai. Oooklnc doa* :kr^, . *' '^Vgradual* dlauilu. . . _ . . . .B* McOIBENY,MISS N. B. TOWNER. R. N. -OPBN AU. THB• H. A.W.8UITH1015 UKNTKAt, AVK. OCEAN OUT, N JGARWOOD HOUSE,OCBAN CITY. New Jaraay'"'T" 1 "'' "—•f"i "• "nt Tnirr Im•ravsmaota:Houas Uaaud UmoajlManOpen all UM year.. • •• • -.•••Maa.n.0ABWOOtt,«MD. .'THEKATHLUlaif.niral ATenn*. ' '• OCEAN CITY, N.J.Upra for Uao season. PlaaaaJtly loaind." *war the Mub, wltb fnu oeaan Tfcnr.lluiuooomloru. Wrlwkirbookla*_ _ ' M1HHKH LlCWJa*CONABPWYOMING •tat OCEAN Aveavit ' .Orvaia <strong>City</strong>. M. «. .Open allllbe.yeir 3 Hoi WlaTBNA. r. BlUlatB• :J. WWITM TOWEMP. •»»«>•>Open all tbe yearWrite (or tansaJACOB SCHUFFTHE PIONEER BAKEIV.Ro. 700 Alton fcHM. Oem Cm. I. J.Bread. Flea and Cakas dally. Waddaalspsdalty. ordeca daUtarad Uw o».ttotSiiidaihrafS oa Boador.fresh!BEAL EKTATE AMD IHIHslWli'HARRY F. STANTONREAL ESTATE and UtSDRAHCEPROPERTIES BOUGHT. ANDSOLOMORTGAGES PLACEDOrTIBE-BgWh. StitMt Batal «Htr|C. L LAKE..REAL ESTATE AGENT...\«U Asbary Avenae, Oaean OUy,H. t. ;U>u for sale. CoUacestoiraat.Oorreapon

STATE INUNIORHERERepremaybet seated .at* Xrocel. HoteteThis Season.X*ublk»W j:J Almost'every Btato lu tbe Union.~\--" • . •InottospeakorLoudonand Llveipool,*!S£ff!2S.2\tm..»~repr-ented In <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>tMrMrtMtVVlit •» theyeerned,lo the anoalaoMhe city.wiya ou tbe alert lo pleanefi biwith them maou tbe alert l pgbring with them many newr- r, condition.At Council's mealing Monday nlghlrCouncilman George O. Adame saidtbat be baa been told tbat tbe ro<strong>of</strong> orthe. .Ninth' street Ore house Is. in bailshape and leak*.,..Mr. Newberry stated that tho flooringIs also .bad.'Councilman Sampson declared thothe foondallona need repairing soon ortbe building would tumble down.Ueorge O. Adams said It will takemore money than they have to puttbe building In proper shape. |It waa decided to look alter the repairsto tbe ro<strong>of</strong>.For Hale.Cottage with all modem conveniences,six bed rooms, parlor, library,dining room, kilcheu and servants'quartSrs, large yard, located on fentralavenue. In tbe central part or thecHy. Owner will fell on easy term*-.AddresaX.X..BBNMSEi.onice. trTotal" '• »MS.««.«|-EXPENDITURES.Notice <strong>of</strong> Registry and Electionl b 27li'8aJftor1ie.iSr;«n*a^?M!. V ! nand tor' <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>County <strong>of</strong> Cane Slay, (Male or MewJersey.will meet for tbe purpose or iiiakluK a milstratloDolvoters i>y a .Hour* lo " ou "" «yivasa~i •Tuesday, <strong>Sep</strong>tember 12, 19"and aitsln onTuesdayi' <strong>Sep</strong>tember 26, 101'ivixni MM.* fc...-— nft iQo iKHiru, «,,o« ,* . .• • •-« " until ^llVl'.*' 11*)*lR°^,5gK5 e ^ R *".?( ' Tncsday, October 3..- y .fgday relerred-toHo-MMggg^uor to Bootbby'a for "u.iD»Vndtandvor iSSkS 1 rexlsli'i" .» PKACi:DKLEUATrW XO tSOrstTV €.*«»!»-VF.MTIOJI'COMHTABE.K. . t m Member* or tfc'e BOBid or.The answer was that be did not. I education for two >eaisAUotorthe-election ot metnt»en» <strong>of</strong> theCounty Kxw)ullv«*couimiu*>f. • ^pSssBsfe 'fewCouncil Chambe ; Mecood Ward, No. 1 HreH O O K , , •..•,-••'GENERAL ELECTIONJ*or Ire purpose -ol elect log candidates t<strong>of</strong>lllthelolIowuiKOinru: -OMB AMtKMBt.VSf AM' ! ''' " ' COBOMBR -'' . ' '"' JCSTICEOF TUB PKACE ' 'CO9WTABI.KTwo Ncmkws <strong>of</strong> tbe Hoard orEducation for two ycors1C.Q013.(1.1S-.85-150.0(1.409.003C.S&. 1.3(1S.337.9B- . 4.0K3.ue.»:20 (10imi IWWUIIIU •*•» *.uw Baa—* ••*-—«»— —»tltlon to the courts asklngforanvestlgatiou <strong>of</strong> city atEUra. -Headley. in reply to. a question byBhoyer^aaWl be never Snew oollliboyer toMbim that night tbat hewaalbeVDOlitloal boas." Witness refusedto say anything against tbe presentcity administration.Mr. Bhoyer read a clipping .from theLedger. > eommnnlcatlonsignedHarry Headley, relating to the recent | «•—•»— — -eleetloD. and was commenting aareai^ one Member <strong>of</strong> tbe Board or r,dllcally,when'witness Interrupted by .. ,„_„„.._..„,iVklogwhySboyer bad switched <strong>of</strong>tilanKoagetoophUn-ibers or ex-mein-- lo brief.OHhorn'Corson•.It. Curtis • RobinsonIt. Curtis Robinson..It Curtis Robinson.,fvoi-an fltyiU.onard Krnuss ....John R. .aroves .... •. Reliance'Fire CompanyNo. S ......Headley S Adams ..Younffs Corson ......Samuel Carhart ....fteorge W. Lee ......Consumers—Ice and—Cool CoRSS.C-I• 1.0IH.171.IKI8.35S9u.H0sno.onar.o'oo700.0(1I'BI'ISsi.n. "IS.IIO. : -2,m2.14;.nn74.69.S.00ssijr.xr.o150.0079.CS'1.0023.65.70.00C5.002S.C065.01"'99.0O-*• ^saBaaa|iji|f a»a u« osttia w*w w~-m — — ^- -— — —ttyVyear»be«ra»!o council be nevereent and disapproved Of »UCHe Bald be wan ••crooked. ISS; when he-arat^eme^Council.Trust'. Co ..........<strong>Ocean</strong> Clt> Tltlo andTrust Co••Slrst National HankRll OrrtUon <strong>City</strong>^oiioal^Sbomaet us to William D.rjiiow, «U0O Lots 89.80.91. plan 6,t£Z front lota.? George U. X», New comb et ux toAndrew f; Chambers. Lots 411.41!!.HeetlonO- 'Ueorge D Mewcombet us to AndrewJ ChambtrH Lot 482 Sectlou OIMIIUm I-V3lassey et Ux lo f.innBowman ^ », ">{llasaey. «SOt». Lot783.8ectloo D.<strong>Ocean</strong> Front Beally Co-.toOU-" M.Towosend. 1800' Lot 18. rjecllon A,ptaBiMar 7Mar 7 v ir»i WM" 11 " -*^.;"Mar 10 Rolla Oarrt-Uon. <strong>City</strong>ClerkMar 13 E. WsSr S» E. W. BurlelKh. Col.Mar 31 B. W. BurlilBh. Col.Slar 31 Rolla OarreUon. <strong>City</strong>Apr SApr s.Apr. 17.BurlHEh Col.Burleigh. Col.B l l h ColE-'w^JBOrie'lBh.'^oi.490 50X. 3»4 SIgsoo81C7C1,148 VI35G0I1.180 6Ge:oo631 90ja. v.. DuvicllChi Col<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title andTrust Co ...•••.>>-,SSSSSS ^ceSn'Sl'ty 2 000 00<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title and2?&. &*&:'£&'<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title-andMay 3. 'SSn' C?ty Title* andApr 4Apr 4' 1.gwlBurlelShlcoi; 16.009 35432 68000 006.270 005.650.00May •, S.^Sr. Burle'lih" Coll'W»7»May «• BoWaarretoon. <strong>City</strong> 00qeurae-AV.jjota SSaud 87,Set-Lanil t'o.May I5»1£"W. Burleiih, Col.Say 20 B.'W. BurlelBh. Col.Sair.al. <strong>Ocean</strong> city' Title andlair SI. JE'W. BurlVlkh" Col.*y Si: a-V. •BurlelKh Col.we. First NatlonaF BankJune ». Rolla GarreUon,,Clty37 001026 C911,745.2312,000 00324 82402 387.S75.OO' 41.31\ OUI **« ».».»•.•••C. H. Wauon 'C. S. Corson ........<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Electric• A. cf HlldrethVCountyClerk ... - -• •Y«(» & Lulcens ......William f. GardinerJoseph P. Krauss ... -Masn-y & EdwardsMark LakeReuben Ludlam. ....... ,l»seph I." Scull ......*T. IJi-e Adanui ....-••' Walter Foster•H. \V. HlldrethGeoree A. Oatscbes..a. B. scuii-.....—I-..A. BchockK. Curtis Robinson..• R. Curtis Robinson.. .. R. Curtis Robinson..<strong>Ocean</strong> Cltv I*diter..<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Ledger..R. Curtis Robinson.; •Osborn Corson •.. H. 8. Mowrer ...... .R. Curtis Robinson..E. W. Burlelgh ....Rolla Oarretson ....Joseph D. lite ....%.. .W. W. Browrj ......."Albert A. Howell .. -• Lnwll M..Cresse ....K. B. EnglishJohn Llby .........Itobert OreenleaC ..K. A. Porter ;a Burley ....•.....'..fleort-e H. Ficmlnc ...Otto Thompson .......Mattero Qlovlotlona..Sampel Bapset .......Arthur Slmrns. John A- Washington... It. Curtis Robinson...Albert A. Howell ...Iluvld ({..Hudson....IlavM H.. Hudson....'Frank MoCulloush ..• Ralph U Ctott ......-Frank -McCulloDRh..-John Bramell ......; Lewis C Loder ....Hecurlty Trust Co..pir.r^a.'RnSl' & liliooeoWarchJIJ-C Bgl-h^-.^ ""•manA. DownesC. Ecart •C..H. WatsonH. C. Smith. Bee. <strong>Ocean</strong>Cltv Vo1 - Flre Co -George W."*Lee«amnel Carhart ....Headier * Adams ...lease T. TounKJoseph. D. lieC. 8. CarsonOrean <strong>City</strong> ElectricLlffht Co ....••••John R. Kendrlck.. ,Adder Machine Co ..R. Howard Thorn ..Yeo A LukensJoseph KraussEdgar Ferguson ....< Massey & Kdwards ..Yeo * LukensR. Constantino .....n*lK>rn Corson ... .•Hubert fire*nle<strong>of</strong> ..S.' Rurlevnnmlnlrk ScavlllK...Oeo. K Flnnilnir ...-•.J. A. Washington ..Arthur Wmms .......F. puttJohn Llby •'.'•J. MitchellJohn H. Morrison ..N. Rlsley i Sons. ..P. ClllbertoKdirar Peramson ....J .Wlllard Morgan .<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title andTrust Co..... ••••rvetin <strong>City</strong> Title ami• Trust Co —.<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title andTrust CoJohn nBrower ......It. U O<strong>of</strong>f .-.FrankMcC»llou(rh..,<strong>Ocean</strong>-<strong>City</strong> Title and-Trust Co ..........l..:wl» c. T.ndi>r ....<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title and.Trust Co,.........Pecurllv Tru«« Co..<strong>Ocean</strong> Cltv Title and• • Trust Co .:....%..dlnklnsr Fund O,immlsslan..........K. A. Porter .......'.•Security* Trust Co.. IHay 2 n.»rland AdvertisingAgency ....;•Oharles p. Sampson..John M. Sharp. A. T»ownesWilliamBarclay....Charles Fcert<strong>City</strong> Mill and LumherCompany.*...*... v*.•William Etsweller .. .Ymtngs Corson .......NPIIS Carlson .......Nells CarlsonOeorge W. I^M>ftimuelCarhart ....Charles Watson .....J. B. ChristianJobn Trout .........C B. Corson -• <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Electric =Lleht Co .....fllrard Trust Co....John .Rramell ......Henry A. W- Smith ..Oswln H. Henry Co..Jnneph Krauss.H. C. Smith .....-S. B. ScullWaller F oster•••.:•II. W. Illldreth' 'Z'.'Z'.n. Curtis Robinson..R. Curtis Koblnson ..,R, Curtis Robinson ..R. Curtis Rohlnsan..<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> ledger..Oahorn Corson ....E. B. English -Wnrren W. Brown..H. P." foulds'I. M. CresseR. Curtis Robinson . ,Beatrice Townsend—Rolla-Garretson-^^E. W. Burlelgh ...A. A. HowellH. 8. MowrerJohn Bramell ....John Bramell49R.410S9.o».nn2.312.15703,51S.AO25.8117.K»s.on• • .7r,en.on70.00RE.nn4.772.O0124.501.0C5.7C. 25.no2.0037.00c'no4.n10.00KO.AA- , 7n no70.007n.ooW. W. BrownWm. G. Moi»r»* -Oi-i-nn <strong>City</strong> C.intrortHr.-19-r.to ....:,....Jobn llrami-ll ..;...John Ilraiii.-llll..njamln Huffman ..A. Tlie,Mlnri» ,,C II. HIiiH-iiiaki-r LumberCo ;•C. II. Slioeninker I.umlierCoC. II. Shoemaker LumberCo' C. II. 'Shoemaker Ullll-. I»er Co.c. H. Shoemaker I.urplu-r• Co'.. •C. II. Shoemaker LumberCoW. H. Campbell ....." Cltv Mill and;I.umberGeorge II* PleminK • • ..• -ivier-Murdoch .. ,^...'John H. Morrison ...' Albert Slmms..."..•--f.' FrancescoJohn LlbyRobert Greenleur ..' Homers RiirleyIt. Constantino ......Oxhorn Corson '. -r>. sidhltorP. Rlllherto .........Ocenn <strong>City</strong> Title and• >Trust Co<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title andTrust CoSecurity Trust Co...•Rnlph L. G<strong>of</strong>t •O,onn Cltv Title and'. ' Trust Co. " Harry H.. Lake ..'July IS -O.S. CorsonJulv 22 Harry H. Lake ....AUK. I! norland Advertising• Agency ..;• Roard or Health .....I..r,n H. Sharp•William Jone»Samuel 'Carhar.t ....Oeorye W. Le«c. H. WatsonJohn RomelyHarold Hand ....Liberty Fire Co. No.Toun'gsCnfsonIrving HillC S. ' CorsonL«-o Haggerty ......_.l^-o HaggertyH. W. Simon .........nnnlel Kraussisr.lH73.TC ,4.CS2.632.73IS.7H44.II.' l»4-9t4I.W4". 145.13!W42.»l.Ollll.ii*l.!t'«3.59. r.00.00211.105110.002.10R.153iMl.ltO'StoneHarbor-AngleseaFERRY SERVICEIFAHEI Longest,Coplest,Cheapest FARE\lM Boat Trip on the Coast I |l«cConnections for:CAPE *MAY COURT HOUSEWILDWOODSEA ISLE CITY . / „OCEAN CITY'ATLANTIC CITYHOLLY BEACHWILDWOOD CRESTCAPE MAYAtlantic<strong>City</strong>toCapeMay.vlaStoneHarbor, Fare $3.25 round tripFor illustrated literature and maps., address . .South Jersey Realty Co.,eiSR.*si Estate Tru»tBidg.,PhlU., Pa.- -- >-. -. ^M. SiMMrUrbotOftet.HaiCHSlsa.''. .11i150.00• 8S.001.004.00S».50- 15.110-. .12.2025.0020.4060.5061.6U{:o.no- 75.0065.0027.SO24:8519.00. 31.405.B578.1U72.407C4U- CO.dO75.0048.00.50.0070.00100.00S0.0045.00. 2.S9C.913.11• 3.70. . 4.441.561• 2.»2• '2.B2S.11' 1.5633.0025.0017^015.00205.SO127.23200.00380.00380.001 519.022.720 2fiH00000200.00,14.7820.45£6.00250 0065 00'70 00- 1».9BCOOISO89.S0955 32109.28276.551E0.00««.V OS ^*mw..— ......Boyd A Foekler ... -Henry A- W Bmlth..p. A. Shock' Oeora-e < A. DatsctaevKT W. 1 Hlldreth ....S . B. Bcull ..,-\Palter Poster ......Masmiy A Edwards ..Osborn CoraonRolla OarreUon ....H. T. Foulda ,....,K. W. BurlelchA. A.- Howell ...'...H. a. MowrorB. B. Enitl'shi' W> W. Brown>R -C. Robinson' I>et. ClUberto ...".-• t S.avld Calhoun ......Kdward Weiss .......—Fr*d-Oel«-r.rt.i41870.57'° 11 a ''''' °" i' Ollr " extHoAM work.sr.,nft,40.00|:|:Eyes Examined Without Drops4.t!0 I NdWHtt np-lo- til*)*! Imlx. Kutlufncl InnOCEAN CITV, N. J.I.Kfi KUJtrufat** tt-cln«w »>ptiml w«tCO.ftO I here it nont^HrMMUy <strong>of</strong>uMiiiitf tn rhllfuif I [>)...„. ft.Olt j MV Hl€M*k Ul K>H (JlUM VH UlUl Kltri-llUiit-M |M UM,1.uuiueTHcull., UillMlnlE Inspector—II. A. W. Hmllli.Ntraet Huiwrvlsor—Warren W. Ilruwn.illy Holloltor—A. A. Howell.t*ouuollluen—II. K. HtHOton. Julin Mnrls.IK M. HainisMMit Ueorice l>. AUSIIIH. lit. ClmrlusIL Klder, Win. M. Kuntk. K. II. Newue'ry.Uoard ol llealtb-r*nsuaer.t, Owen J. Mi-.Cuiin; Ueallb omeer and HecrcUry. T. U«Adams; TreasuKr, J. K. Urovea: Meulcsl Ins|iet:Uir.;Membersol UourU,lir. a. K. ••'dwurds. (leorge II. llarrell amiWIIIIKiii f. Uanllner; Hunllan- l U UJoaepb loo.Hoard ot Kdueallnn-A.J. Minlih.l M W Al Vi l*qdtArrtmnnm.Mt.iJkw.(MORGAN HAND,ATTORNEY andCOU NSELLOR-AT-LAW.4-*r*e BULV rouBT HOIHE, a. J.(Opposite Public Buildings).JONATHAN HAND,Dollollor, Mactar InChaooerr, Notarr Public,CAPE MAY COURT HOUBK, N. j.-lADic UUIaneeTelepbone.w. HOLT APQAK. ; Anmnr.o. HOHWKI.I.LAW OFFIGESApgar &. Boswell,iff cuANOKMV.BOUKHK HUILIHNU.AHIIUUV AVKNUK and KIUHTH KTKKI.TOCEAN CITV. N. J.-u»nl; M. W. Ailsms, V4c«-4.'r««ldtU»p. m..ln K.orP.ba'l. Bara J. Blrecording «»r«u«ry.WahJJtella^^;%??cll.^*ft B-orP^inertaOenin <strong>City</strong> Branch. No. 21B, <strong>of</strong> the U randKralcrnliy, holds regular inonUily uuelloiis.bit tbe second Toesduy <strong>of</strong> eacu montb Intt."f p. Ui^ Ctornmaiuir, LewU B Biultb;llaeorder, Leon K- Button. . . - , ' . •Vrubtmen's Assoclatlbn. Wlllan WUleta,president: Mark Lake, ssoratary.. Annualmeef—obtmens AssoelaUon. Wlllnident: Mark Lake, secretary..ting will be beld la June. , „ .President. oeor«e O. Ada• llowitrd Thorn.., •'.••• ••aurles E. AdamsWUIard W. AlamsCHAS. E. ADAMS & BRO.(Buoceasora (o Baker « Adami) .Fmllan. CirpeU,Malltaf and BetUtaf;:WI^8taitefc:«e:-~v^::';OFFICESGodfrey & Godfrey,Itooins (116, aid and 817liarllett Building, r. t:ATLANTIC CITV. II. J.NO WAITINOLAKE •Undertaker "and Embalmer«B> QKKTRAI. AyaHoaPhone IM»OCKAN CITV.N.JMORGAN HAND. JR.ClVII. KNOINSSKR AMU HOKVSJVOKJ1IO WBMKMV A M . oniH .Orrv. N.' J.(Ura HUOam Huai. W. J.NKf.1. Mora, . ,n|'iSuffi!?oriK«il"wrt«u. o5U^wiudoO'diSSStrtq .Incrrfrirur m-rvrylvlt»»ty. IteccomBiBoa^lfortoo.<strong>of</strong>—•'••snd Utaltuilo. .HIEOICAI.'. C HUTCHINSON, M. D.HomojopatliiDt.624 EIGHTH STREETOCKAN CITY, N. J.orricn HoUKH—8 to 10 a. m.12 to 4 p ni.,-• "„„„-_ I Bell Pbone 4K7-Xpnolle "Vlnt«r-8lale 178-MPHILADELPHIAN SAVEDFROM WATERY GRAVEtt to B p. m.J N. GRISCOM, M..D.KIUHTH BT. AND WESLEY AVE.Kolb PTones-Uell, Id; lnteJ4late, 113OtOoe Hours- Until 10 a. m. From a to 8 p. m.No ollloe. boars Hunday.At Keobrn B. C'OIKOU'S. Mainora, Mondays,Wcdne»dB)sandvabirdayH,tuu lo 690 p. m.Hours•mos.in.S-4p.ni.7Bp.ni.HundayAllen Corson, M.D.-:--:81S Wesley Avenue<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>•*"lnur-Biale IJO-A..' Now JerseyDR. W. P. HAINESCOR. NINTH AND WESLEY AVEOCCAM CITV. N. t.IHtolUa.m.OKKK'K IIOUIIM: 11 loS p. Ul.111 ton p.ni.I'lionss: lieu m.W; Intor^llaU i:p.AWatte Bliven, Caught in Current,Brought Ashore byLifeguard Flowers. 'The moat IbrllllDK rescue on the\fe beach tbla year-Hhere were nutmany <strong>of</strong> Its kind durlnu'.tlie aeaabn—look place at Fourteenth street Tueadayafternoon, and the hero <strong>of</strong> tbe occasionwaa Lifeguard.KeeveH Flowera,who saved the life <strong>of</strong> Walle Bliven. <strong>of</strong>Pblladelpbla, vice presWu-iit <strong>of</strong> tbe In-Burance Company <strong>of</strong> Peiinsylvaiila, aminer resident <strong>of</strong> thla clly.Mr. Bliven *yas takltiK hla usual flipthe surf when he found-that be waabeing carried out to sea. Although a: man, weighing about 910 pounds,'tid a powerful swimmer, be tailed toike any headway against the currentor' <strong>of</strong>fset In which he was.Kltidlng that hla fetrengthwas fast deerllnghim, and knowing that .be£)K. CHARLES B. RIDER••Dentit-it" •809 -Central AvenueOCKAM 4JITY. J». J. ' •R. CHAS. VV. McCURDYOSTEOPATH704-Central A\enue<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, -" .New JerseyThird Hea'von.Atlantic <strong>City</strong> TheatresBI, AMD HAT.' ..Mat. Hat. at j.o©• Heptrmbcr 14,19 and 16 •CHARLES DIM.INGHAM Presentsmuld not stay on top niuch longer, hefrantically called aud beckoned forh e l p . ' •/•'•;• P..' . '; ' :." Vlowen, who was the only guard at'ourteenlb alreet, the force having;n reduced with Ibe departure ol theilg crowd, saw Mr. Uliveu'a MlRualaid .went to bin rescue with the llfeiuoy.After a bard time be succeeded11 reaching the drowning man, gotm on the. buoy sud tried tqawlm•Im ashore. In these eHbrts, howiver,he was unsuccessful, as the w,liidvas blowing hard from the .west andiking both farther out to «ea.Flowere decided that the only thing'i do vu to leave lite uiatitin tbeuoy, swim ashore, get the boat andI11K him' to land In I list way. Mr.tllven was 600 feet from shore wheu•'lowera reached him with the boatind brought nim ashore.Flowers baa been 'the recipient <strong>of</strong>arm congratulations from his friend*.[r Bllveu also gave ulin a preseut <strong>of</strong>oney that was appreciatedIJAN IIn her Famous Comeily Succciw •"THE SUM PRINCESS"\yjTH•Joes CawthornTHRBE XOT8 8OLD!mprovvniealatol>eln Crn*tral <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>.t'lareuceU Bcull, real estate dealer,a« disposed <strong>of</strong> two lots at Twentyilxtbstreet wltii riparian rlghtB, forieorge B. Laugley.loPblladelpbiaiiH,vbo .will build thereon before nextummer.. .Mr. Scull has also sold a lot atTblity-fourth street and Wesley ave.nue. owned by A \V. Henry, to a Plillidelpblan.. .' :Central <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> has been forgingrapidly to Ihe frout.wlthln the last fewyean. , • " ; ' :And Company <strong>of</strong> 490Music Ky Composer, <strong>of</strong> "F1orone most desirable to those seeking health and rest; ''• : The advance'improvements for the comfort <strong>of</strong> gueats include a sunparlor, steam heat, perfect electric lighting plant, elevator and a: cafeand kitchen that are models »jf sanitary completeness. ' • • 'Three sides <strong>of</strong>. the hotel afford an nnobstructed vfcw <strong>of</strong> the ocean,while the other side bverloolcs the bay. making each <strong>of</strong> the 100 roomsairy and cheerful at all times. The rooms are arranged en suite, withprvVate baths if deshed. Porches also extend from all floors. '' rivate baths if desired. Porches also•- All inquiries for rates <strong>of</strong> rooms, either by mail or telegraph,ive prompt attention. » Booms may be telegraphed for at< theceiye<strong>of</strong> theexpenseHEADLEY &; :v: OwnerahlprManagement.CAPT. BLACKHANNOW IN CHARGE8ttcceeds Capt. J. MackeyCoraon at Fourth Street- _ X,ife-8avlng Station.Capt J. Mackey Corson ban been relieved<strong>of</strong> hla duties as bead <strong>of</strong> theFourth Htreet Llfemavlng Hlallon, InIbis oily, and f hpt. Ueorge Hlackiuan,<strong>of</strong> the Policed ItlverHtallon, lias takencommand.Capt t^irson was lu III health forsome mouths, and lastaprlng lie failedlo pass the cuilomary yearly physicalexamination. •He has been In the life-Having syrvlceforabout 34 years', nearly halfor which time'be was captain or theFourth street station, succeeding Capt.J.8. Wlllets.•Captain Blackman, tbe new keeper,has been In the lire-Having service: for28 years, sir <strong>of</strong> which he baa beeu Incharge <strong>of</strong> the Forked River station.During these six years he gave asiilstauceto more than 60 cralt or dlHeretitkinds. , I •If he can secure a bouse uear thestation. Captain Blackman will bringbis family to this city. During tbe Mxyean be waa In. charge at ForkedRiver be saw little <strong>of</strong> them. In fact,he almost lived the life <strong>of</strong> a hermit,about Ibe only bouse anyway near beingIbe oilier lire-saving station threeinllesaway. • ."•OCEAN PIBR COMPANYPlan RaiMclljr'TMklas: ttnape far. an ImpoaJUK Slraclarr.Tbe <strong>Ocean</strong> Clly Title and Trust Companyotter elsewhere In this Issue alimited 'quantity <strong>of</strong> ten-year six'percent, gold bonds or tbe Chris. Hand<strong>Ocean</strong> Pier Company, <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>.Our local trust company Is trustee forthe bonds nuder tbe mortgage and willbe the chief depository <strong>of</strong> the pier corporation..The price lo Iocs! Investors makesthe bonds a seemingly desirable Invetment.anda descriptive prospectuswill be sent lo any address ou reelon baa Issaed a compeodlom <strong>of</strong> tbeSlate lleb and game lawa, abowtnc allIbe changes mode by the IstglabUamla»t winter. Itglvea the ant ••railableInformation as to bow the lawaaland at Ibe preaent time.The open or anootlng acaaoa forquail, rabbit, squirrel, Engllah ring,neck pheasant, Hungarian partridge,prairie chicken, wild turkey and partridgel» from November 1 toOeeemberIS throughout tbe entire State.It la Important to note that ttwiU beIllegal to kill upland plover until August1,1916, the season having beenclosed by law until tbat time. Woodducks cannot be killed until April 1,1915, for Ibe aame reason.Theopen season for woodcock la October15 toDecember I In Ihe counties<strong>of</strong> Paasale. Buosex. JUorrta, Warren,'Hunlenlon. K>wex, rjomerset, Hudson/Union and Bergen, and November 15to December 81 in tbe counties <strong>of</strong> MMdlesex,Monmouth, Burlington, <strong>Ocean</strong>,Atlantic, Camden, Gloucester, Balem,Cumberland and Cape Hay.. The open season for other principalg-me la as followa: Snipe, March,April. <strong>Sep</strong>tember. October, NovemberROAD IN BAD 8HAFEnav-a •u»fnHna;-Tocfc"lioe Hluti-LEAVING HERE TOATTEND COLLEGEThe following la from the AtlanticCounty Record! '_ - •Some day somebody will be feuied byone <strong>of</strong> "these frequent auto accidents onthe dangerous road from May's landingto Tuckahoe unless the county soIonBand the State road commissioner gettosether • noon and pMce it in decentlui-ie. It la a disgrace to the countyaiid tin- State and,a menace to everydriver »Iio is obliged to go over it SUdden.euryvs, narrowness, ruts and holes,bridges »o narrow vehioka cannot pauon them. and the' death-trap <strong>of</strong> * a roadover tlia ilum, constitutea'deplorableqon'Jition, <strong>of</strong> affairs. There isn't; oiexeuMt for such a condition to extThe mon«y for tho road waa appropriateda year ORO and It'is time somethingwas done. .. • , .'.•t'ti--SMany <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Boys and. Girls to Complete Their; ' Education.A number <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> boys audgirls are preparing to enter well knowuschools and colleges. • •Miss Iuez Corson will attend theState Normal. Hhe graduated at tbelocal nigh school last June.Hiss Anna'Wallace, <strong>of</strong>thls city,- willreturn to Alfred University.*MlssOlive Ernst, <strong>of</strong>tbla city, hasgoue to Philadelphia, where she willenter a well-known business college..Hiss Beatrice Duncan, daughter orMr. aud Mrs. Thomas J. Duucan, willattend a Philadelphia'business collegeIbis rail and winter. "• • • ' •Hiram Bteelmaii, Jr., will attendVale tnls winter and will reside withbis Bister, Mrs. Arthur Aduiux, atHartford, Conn.GeorgeNorcomand Edward l.'ottoti,also graduates here in Juue, will enterBulgers. Mr. Norcum wou a ncholarshlpat thla college. William Hancock,, another graduate <strong>of</strong> the localhigh school, will attend the PennsylvaniaState College. .William Campbell will be a studentat Rutgers. Format 1 Wllllaand HarryW. Foulda will return lo the Uulverslty <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania, and Eugene 8.Miller plans to euter this Institution olearning when It reopens, for] the faland'winter, term. . . ,ao More Enrolled Than." atthe Same Time Last•"• . •.'• V e a r . .The public schools or thin city repenedMonday murniug fo'r Ihe foilind winter session. There were 41Uupils enrolled-air the llrst day, andmore have been added to the lint sincelieu. , , . „ . .There were 20 more pupils registeredu tbe lint day .than there were last•ear. 'V • 'The high school is filled. The newirlncipal, .Pr<strong>of</strong>. O..\V. Relchly, <strong>of</strong>fork, Pa , went o;i duty Monday.The third grade has a new teacher,Miss Eva Saudt. or Kastop. . Bbecomes highly recommended for theosition! . ,In the elichth grade. there was ouemore pupil thau there were desks tn:' ' : owaVoar Home,•It's dlgnlBeid and givea you a dellcloussense <strong>of</strong> security to,own. yourborne atOCEAN CITY.Besides; your responsibility aa a realestate owner makes yon a desirablecltixen. Thuik It over, then call on:i ' HARBV: HBADtBy;E O..iHARBV: HBADtBy.;,Beat Estate Operator, Ninth and Aabury.avenue, next to Ore house whowill show yon tbe-very bert way andtome or the, greatest bargains tobef d he n the* easiest •termstome or the, greatestfound here on the*Pnoueconnection.bargains tobeeasiest •terms^ • 'OoneloGlens valla.Mrs. Warren, <strong>of</strong> Oil Central avenue,started Tuesday for Philadelphia for aweek's atayelslera in U before golug to visit herllena Falls. N. V., audMlddletown, Conn. Hbe expects toreturn In October. Her ulece, 51lssHall; acoompauled.her.i Comfortable furnlaned eottageror t hebalaiittrot'Hepteuiber or by the weeklilea»aiilly located; moderate rent. Apply llox2Q.Hil'n'IMBt» <strong>of</strong>flce.^ - tfFOB HALH.--TWO lota. 25X105 feetNtt.086, «ec A.,Wesley avenue. PriceU00.'JApply B 18BNTiMBi.omce. •CLOSES SEASON. AGED WOMAN DIBSIra- c. a H. csldwcll, widow or• Well Known Doctor.Mm. Caroline M. Caldwell, or Philadelphia,died* at on advanced age atone <strong>of</strong> the Wesley avenue hotels earlyTuesday tunniing/ Hhe had been Infalling health for some time, due toailments incident to old age.Bbe bad resitted herewith her daughterat dlHereut times during the lastyearortwo, her daughter. Mum FlorenceH. Caldwell, ownlug the cottageOU Fourth street. .Mrs. Caldwell was the widow or Dr.Samuel Caldwell, a former well knownTook Two <strong>of</strong> the. Three• Games with Johnstown•: .::Trl-Statc.The local baseball club ended' Itsseason last Sal unlay afternoon by tiefeatiiiKit teain koiiwii, OH the Johnstown,<strong>of</strong> the Trl Stale. League, butmade up or players rrom other Trlrjlateclubs, by the score <strong>of</strong> 2 to 1.The <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> boys Won two <strong>of</strong> thethree games played aud showed upwell In such fast company. Thelocals did not have tliel full team,Montgomery being out with a sprainedankle. Pitchers and catchers- playedpositions lu the outfield aud Thornwas on second. Frltn.<strong>of</strong> tbe WllmlngtouTrl-Htate, a former member <strong>of</strong>. the<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> team, "was on. third forthe locals and helped win one, <strong>of</strong> thegames by a timely hit. ....•Taking the seaiiou all through, the<strong>Ocean</strong> Clly boys coaalir oeti laataie- Over Lalt Vcaw.The New Jersey taxing dUtrieta wUlreceive taxes on t20^303,93e more secondcluHi railroadla»t accordinguatioiw <strong>of</strong> such property made by theState'board <strong>of</strong> Assessors to the variouscounty tax boards. Tbe total aaseatment<strong>of</strong> thin property this year 1s 900,*, compared with «73,57«,458 last*property tola yearithanto tlio certUication ol val-Philadelphia physician.Services will be held at the residencehere at H o'clock' tomorrow afternoon.Tim larce increase- was mainly brought ,about by a tight which has been wagedIn the Loifiulaturo for several yean.'.Till- new figures are those <strong>of</strong> the specialniilroail commissioner, Charles Hansel,as revised 'by' the Btate Board.Every comity in the State shows «.comfortablo increase except Mercer.In Cuiw May County the present ei-.sfstuiu-nt w $400,010, white last year itwas $240,175, making tho Increase $181 * TDelia Powell. AHo'iruiau and Alice, WrlancLaw, . irotel Keepers EII,Twenty-Keven members <strong>of</strong> tbe <strong>Ocean</strong>.<strong>City</strong> Hotel' Proprlelun' Associationwere the iriiests <strong>of</strong> 'Mra.>Elsely at theKemuKky Hotel, Atlantlo <strong>City</strong>, Tuesdayevening, and partook <strong>of</strong> a Unasupper Hhe Was formerly <strong>of</strong> tbe Sterling,lu this clly, and sue Invited themembers <strong>of</strong> the association to be herguests a.1 her new bouse. ' - ' . 'renee Lear,- Leonard Lear.' j. E.Voss,Leslie Blackmail, Homers Young. Mr.Hogan. Harry Kaldthuser, Mr. Fritz.Herbert Sharp. Constaut Ford andArthur Bhoeiuaker.Far Kent.Three small bouses, $0, $7 and 88per month; can take'possession > atonce.- Apply O. H; Shoemaker I

,.v ^;,ai.r«i'n Report ^Conllnw*.from Jin. 1,<strong>1911</strong>, to Aug. 30.jtaacuto^I*. Curtis „ Robinson.KsecutorKmVNVtTonFlrat National BankOman city-Title and<strong>Ocean</strong> LA.!cf jUiaSstnV County,•^Clerk .it,'Yeo » JLuKonsWilliam V. aardlner •Josenh P. Krauss ...Mamr * EdwardsMark LakeReuben L.udlam ....Josoph I. ScullT. lA*e AdamsWaller Foster11 \V. Hlldrethaeorco A. UatschcB. •a B. Bcull• P. A. achock 'It. Curtis Unblnso.ni..U. Curtis Robinson.. •It. Curtis Roblnsun..<strong>Ocean</strong> 4 <strong>City</strong> Ijods>wr..<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Mda"cr. •K. Curtis Robinson..Osborn CorsonH. B." MowrerR. Curtis Robinson..H. W. BurlelBh ....Rolla, OarreUon ....Joseph D. IJOOW. W. Brown .......Albert A. Howoll ..I^wls M. Cresso13. B. EnglishJohn l.lby .........Itobert Greenlcnf ..K. A. PorteraBurleyUeors-e H. FlrmlnB ..Otto ThompsonMattoro alnvlotlurt" • •Hampel Sapsi-tArthur SlmmsJohn A. Waahlntrton..R, Curtis R.iblnson..Albert A. Howrll ...David 1L Hudson....David H. lludnon....Fronlc McCullounh ..Ralph tj. Golf ......FrankMcCulloiwh..John BramellSecurity Trust Co..COOTBACTOsM JUID WUBWI.150.0080.001.004.0060.D015.0M13.2021.0030.4UOS.HO—01.0020.no7B.00oi«o„ w. Burleilit 8. MowrerJohn BramellJohn Bratnoll .-----West Jersey * Seoshoro -B. R. Co8. tleto .*•,*U UsonD. Soavltots.aut14D. SoavlJ.' LackAd TF. oi.5-.SII I34.H&'1U.0031.405.K31,7«.172.4070.411so.no76.00-4K.00£0.0070.UI)loo.oo30,004.1.0112.896.913.113.704.44l.Gll2,»S2.923.11l.sn31.00. 2S.0017.H0ir..oo• inn.r.o127.23200.003K0.003KO.00Tl»02•.7io.seJBH3?._.'potfthmiI Apr.ltlo-*nd-43M3ITrust Co»••.«-*P'«- •2S5BS. SSS.'SS 10*0.00liter;PlUIH«Mler»Vl». Worth*tolkBoberuJan. «. William F- aardlner. .$M. CreaseYounsa Corson .....Robert.H. WeCarterCurrle Company....Slnklns Fund Com*mlsslonersa. B. ConoverK. B. KnstlsnJAdolphoa Cox...,Cnarlea BcertK. W. BurlelBh ....atoneA. DatschtB-H. w. HHdnth ...Walter FosterCnarlea Relntuurdt...Osborn Corson14.78S0.4K(11.00•lo.flnand"Coal Co.Oeorg* wan Cty KlectrlcnWSifflrea::J. A. Jamison i8. B. Soullneorgo K. Seaman ..V. A. SchockB. Tl. Scull ...'.-Dally. Bond Buyer..R. Curtis Robinson..Commercial nnd FlnnnceJournalAlfred Cooper•It. Curtla Robinson..•R. Curtla Rohlnson..>n. Curtta Robinson..Oshorn corson ......Beatrice TownsendE. W. Burlelgh ....A. A. Howell ,lit 8. MowrerR. CurtlK noblnson..1«. M. CresseW. W. nfownII. -T. Foulils• R. B. English .......Rolla nnrrenon ....John BramellE. A. Corson •neorne Fleming ....It. HlllmanAtlanto <strong>City</strong> R. It. C.Benjamin H<strong>of</strong>fmanJohn H. Morrison ..H. a Mowrer'Ell F. StewartO. OessonlaArthur SlmmsJohn Uby<strong>On</strong>born Coraon ,.Malteo BattlJohn A. Romoly ....Adam Theodore ...." The Mcnmles Street-Cleaner Co *• Nick Domlnlck ....A. J. Steelman ....Jcftse Murdock ....Wlllam O. Moore....William O. Moore.... 'I>. BcavldorP. Dottr. ClllbertoRobert Oreenlenf ..O. Ruan :.•John FlnmerF. V ranccsnIt. CnnHtantlno« BhOTISM.TOWNSENDBUILDEROPPICR: 8tli'8t. Opposite P. O.Plans and Specificationsprepared without charge ,<strong>On</strong>ly galvanized nails used onexterior workALLEN SCULL£oi roKu'mmLr »•»«•. meuu. MHO MAmrm oo jJ5. BUILDER7?.:oo Consult with mcfteely'on Seashore'2"!! n "building. There is no charge. Myoiujo long experieiTce is yours for theorFicEi • .<strong>Ocean</strong>. Ave. below EHghth StJS Si!.5V.77 I4.0O.i.noso.ooR.no. 3.00Il.ns11.2s- 43.seins.stir.K.«82s.n0:«.no1R.3SSS.3310.R94.K0m.r.r.«arr<strong>Ocean</strong>'<strong>City</strong>New JerseyFuel • Power: , » Gas^M become a necessity not a luxury v ^and'can be adopted %o all domcBlic and com- ;,^mercial purposes., ^hynothaveagaskiychen I|£operated in con'nection with your present |1method ot house Heating? With this you have, ;/£•anjabundance<strong>of</strong> Lot water Wi h the bestrf;.^fidlitiesfor cooking and a perfect M i y .p..: ,.:pliance at 1-3 saving over <strong>of</strong>t way. • We have ^our informatori department.at your disposal.. ^,,& You are under no obligation. We have the ^M^.-^wantvomonetit. Let us show you. ,Office open Monday and hnday evenin R s, 7 to ^rJiWoASUGHT^^^^I\ENBLISH & JOHNSON,Contractors ana Builders134© Anbury Avenue,«a.•O4.R33«Br.34.B134.S140.OS17.HXjr.ii42.103A.O743^5.Eleventh St. and Haven AveOVEAM If. J.Mfuhore nomes and Bemod'llnK a «pc«Iall>r.EsUmates.cbeerfully irlvrn.I. BNKEOIS I MlCarpenters and Builderso*:EAa ci¥». *>• J.btunatra ttna.Bououun ereeted b» ooniraetordar.Llicht Co.nn Cit L.._. "^Ity LeanerKranihes J. Smith . •,I..lin St. SharpII. W. Hlldrelh ....Prank A. Bclipck .....«'nllfrlo«l*r ......R. .n. Bonn ........<strong>On</strong>unrn Corson .......T» M. Cresse .".V..W. BurlelKh ......Kcatrlce Townsend...It. Curtis Robinson ..W. W. BrownUnlla-Oarretson*.'...IT. T. Moulds „..It 8. Mowrer ....•V-.. R English ......, Alli.rt A. Howell ..••••; .1. ljiok .............K. n*V- ..V...Oeorire Flemtnir ••••^I>. Rcavlllla -.,llohert Oreenlf af ....Somvrs Burley-...... .-John Uby . ...K. A. Porter .......l> ClillHTtoHeadley & Adams •.'I-elloy BrownI^wls C; I^Mler. Warren'W. Brown ..P. Do« ..-...!.••/.—Adsrn TheodoreArthur Slmms• Hundley A Adams ..Benjamon Hodman ..* 8. Francesco •....-..Jesa Murdoch ......William U. Campbell.' R, ConstantinoJohn H. Morrison ..o^born Corson ......Ralph U OoRWilliam .a. Moore ..William O. Moore.'.7.'»4r..r,S""BITMMARV. •la! reeelpm. 1 , lnr»»llnB— -HEADQUARTERSFor anything y»« want to know about .building., WonM von Ufc- to lnve vo.ir htait «fVno\V wliai ; t would cost to Iniild i\Vc hnve a dra-i SIitHinini Mways at your wnice.Free.merits ami cost discus.-.ca.. linvc Iniilil vo'""2!>79l(i.r.5nilexpenditures, aslutwn nl»avo,I. In hands, or Trias . . ft 1.7.1 CMRmpectfuily sulimllted.B. CURTIS nOBISSON.HJO «..!». K.. tl44.».Clly Trensnrcr.JAMES H. TODDCarpenter & BuilderJOBBING A SPECIALTYHIU II 1 : fourteenth-nod Haven Avenin.OKK1CK: SI* Ninth Klrert. "~OI;EAN CITY, NEW JKHSKYESTIMATES AND~PLANS RURNISHEOJOHN T. SEAL. BUILDER -,vc a mnn who luis designed and'milt man><strong>of</strong> tlie finest buildings. i iii <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. ... #JOS. G. CHAMPIONBUILDER_Eighth St.. Opp. Pcnna. R..R. DepotVui-Int'- HulM«nU«l_Al«rtnu uHIoiiorncc: ci HIM »»D OM;« »v;..<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title andTrust Company<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, New Jersey3I.CSSlnklnir Fund ComtnlsmlHsloners.'....June 13'Frnnk McCuIIoUBh' JohnBrower1,000.00960.001.S4O.-410J>0John A; MrlJ«oaSey.BL B. Cono»erRolla OarretaonBvCortlaR.T. SFrank A ShockliutB. Scull 225.00FiraTWllnal Bank 11.515 00<strong>City</strong> Title andCO ........T •SS.OOVlnt KaUonai Bank lt.691 SI0rHarurlty Trust Co..Ci<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title andTrust ....Com-<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title andTrust Co "...First National Bank<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Electrlo-T.lKht Company... •H. A. W. SmithaConrad Ott. Gen.Asent.Oeo. A. Hayes ......•Joseph T»ouBherty •.. *Oharleit Shock "......ITarry H. Lake .Oeo. A. PaUcheff. ..8. B. Scull.-.Walter Foster11 W. HIMrethF. A." Schock .. i..'." R.-Curtis Robinson.. .<strong>On</strong>horn Corsan ....A. - A-* Tf owell ;.....IT, T. Voulda »' TL CurtlR. Robinson..H. S. Mowrer •....:.* Ttollo. Oarretson •'....'" Wnrre.n ' W. Brown..E. B .English •:..•' E. W. Burlelsh'.....T* M. Cresse. - B. Constantino; nsborn Corson .... •,Robert..Oreenleaf .. 'R Burley ............., nomlnlrk Scavlllg. t-nut, K FlemlnirJ. A. Washlnitton .. •Arthur 8lmms'......F. Dott ..........'...John'Itfhy ..........J. Mitchell' ....'.....John H. Morrlsonr ..N. Rlsley & Snns ..P. Clllberto-..........Kdear Feriruson ....1 ' J .Wlllard 'Morsnn . ,<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title andTrust Co.<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title and• Trust' Co .<strong>Ocean</strong> Clly Title nndTrust PoJohn Brower ..R. Ix Oan* ... .FrankMcCnltmijrh<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title andTrust Co .....T^wls O. Tender ..<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title nndTrust Co —......(Security Trust Co<strong>Ocean</strong> rttv Title andTrust Co - .,...Blnklnir Fund Commission......... s•R. A. Porter. Security Trust Co . 15norland Advertising >iarle« f> Sampson"John K. SharpA DowneswaiiamBarclay....rharteii Rcert .......<strong>City</strong> Mill and Lumberwrtiuun Etswiolier'I!Taonsa CorsonNells CarlsonKelts CarlsonJune 30 Slnklns Fund Commls- ., '•lonvra -......:.'.. 5 i 8 .". 0 . 0 ._Iul>_5^Board or Health .....John 1L Sharp .. --Allnwoy SL Smith ..l?-5»Harold Hand ........C. H. Shoemakr A CoYournrx Corson ......U 1* Wallace' Nells Carlson bOeorse W. tA^f .....c. H. WatsonBamuel Carhart ..... T- lr«t Natl.xial Bank•<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title and.. Trust Co ........Benjamin Pollock....J<strong>of</strong>ifrph Krauss ••...'•Harry Foulds .....Oeonre Korcum' lEeeVt-ff' Flowers *...Daniel Krauss<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. ElectricUBht CoF." E. Champion ...Joseph Krauss ......8. B. Scull . .•• Headley S Adams "..Del. and Atlantic TrLand Tel. Co•R II. ScullF. A. SehocltII. W..Hlldreth .-..•...Wnlter FosterOitborn Corson ......B. B. EncrllshH. 8. Mowrer ......Rolla Garretson .... .•It T. Foulds ...•..."..Tt- C. Robinson .......L. M. Cresse ......... R. W. Burlelffh ......" Reatrle Townsend.. .. A. A. Howell ..:...- W. W. Brown ......Wm. O. Moore ..... t.<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Contract*633-640 -• Jrihn Bramell ......John Bramell( Benjamin H<strong>of</strong>fmnn ..A. Thftodore ...;....•' C. Tf. 8hoemnker LumberCo ...........C. TI. Phrtemakcr Lum-•ber «o,.:i..C. R. Shoemaker Lum-.ber. Co i....C H. Shoemaker Lum- ,. : her Co. .........., c H. Shoemaker LumberCo .......*..' C. Tf. Shoemaker Lum-ber-Co-;...-W. H. Campbell ,Cltv Mill and Lumber.CO ' .....V........fteorce It Fleming; ;.Peter Murdoch ...... 'john-H. Morrison ..Albert Slmms -.-F. Do" .'..'..'..-.....T». FranceseaJohn Ltby ..........'. .Robert Oreenleaf • •Somera Burley1500 00 B. Constantino .......nsborn Corsonn. Sldhltor ...'.....-p. Clnberto ".<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title and~ it -Co ........<strong>City</strong> .Title and- "Co"IWILLARD S. STEELMANContractor, and Builder,939 West Avenue<strong>Ocean</strong>Clty-" New Jersey., JobKng Prasjptly Attended ToCAPITAL $100,000SURPLUS $2O,o6oConduct" a general 'bankinghmlncs,reetilvInK drpOHlla subject torberk wlllmutd ll 3 u I U I onnotice and allows 3 iwr eeuu IDUTCTI onTime Accounls. . . 'AclBas executor, a>liulnliilralor, truMtce ortuardlan. Wlll« receipted for and kv|>t wllltoutcharge. . . -A..G. WINKLERPRACTICAL PLUMBEROsK.HIetm ond Hot V/itter'Ntter.Office, Hlxlh street and-West »venne;residence. Tenth mreei nnil(•Insure »ve., oee in <strong>City</strong>, N J•9-Ucll Phone IM-X.4.509.00S.1.00S5.0070.00603.07S55.r,7. 14.S028.00" 4C.C5' . 42.0042.0042.0022.941.5S0.3*1 SO.OO4.00K0.00lc.r.o' 12R0OS.50. ;o.»o70.0070.007S.0043.0040.0060,(10sn.oo7S.00:40.00100.00ns.noIS6.9473.76.53.00. SI.SS. 60.11044.73"4.68IJ.05S3.0Sc.:4"'•MSRO.451O-.C7.18.7044.7244.7SI. M. ClltXHK, PmldvntHKNBV 1). MUOHK. nm Vlee-I'LKMLII£H.l.l)UUA>M.Hecond Vlce-I'r .tdeiilC. K. HTIl.WKI4»Heereliiry, and T»va«ureiJ. K1THIAN TATKM.Koll.llor '_YOU SHOULD. HAVEA ReKable Builder^rriuvc huilt for Rev. C. W. Bisphaip 4,4,Joseph V. Myew. 1237^^ avenue; l'l.il»«!el,,h.a.Ask them alioutOTIS M. TOWNSENDBUILDEROFFICE8tn St. Opposite P. 0.OCEA* cnr.N. J.J. W. BARBKR, Prest,JOHN MARTS. Trea.«, JronucclloiiMSixth St. arid West Ave,ARTSQEO. 0. AOAMS & BRO.PIASTERING, RANGE SETTING• BUCK LAYDtG. Etc., Etc. 'All Work la Mason <strong>Line</strong> Promptly• • Atteoded To.OCEAN CITY. N J(j CULLUPERIORANE .ATISFACTIONATERIALETHODSANDATORYCO.DIRECTORS:U JI.Cr.iueE." V. Cor»on ,Henry l». Mooie'CharlesK V/.'IWwards K. B. Slllwi ' .Harry HeadleyJiMepli I. Hcull. M. W. Ljike . Wm. IHflH-mrdUeslle 8. Lndlaiii "j. Kltbl "uTutemC 9. LaamlngB. Boward TnornAaron G.BIeeJamwd.Krnli' . Cluu. e. VanamaVBaoki<strong>of</strong> by Mall a SpeciallyBLJll^OH^RCottages Apartments Stores Bungalow*;? T|IRAE.WALL725 Central Ave.<strong>Ocean</strong>'<strong>City</strong>New JerseyALBERT G. GILBERT,PRACTICAL HOUSE PAINFER645 Asbury Avenue,ttVKAN CITY*, N. 1. •KslluiHteM Kurnlsliew. .Full <strong>Line</strong> ol-John Lueo* A lW< r>ulnt' vice to you. •<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> ice siDil Goal GO.A.'J. SMITH, PROPBltTOWALLENSGULlJ•iarrnL nul> iPhone Connections104.0044.314S.1145.119SecUS««aiSamuel Carhart ....<strong>On</strong>arleaiWatson .J..3. B. ChristianJohn frontC. SL Canon ....'<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> KiectrloU«ht Co....rard Trust Co....John BramellS.AO.It(5.00TO.SO«S 004T71.00134 SOJosjpKyKrauaaH. e. Smith 1.1B- B. Scull ,vXf.very pleaianllyat Wynburii Inn, Devon, PaMr". Oeo. O, AdaiUH and dniichterMIHM loua. have returned from a pleuHantvlxlt to frleudH In Camdeu: ' ~- Mr. and Mm. John ConeyK, uf Went. Philadelphia, have relumed : homeafter a vi«it to relative* in IIIIH city.VMra. Henry I. Rudd.<strong>of</strong> Mt. Holly.. ha* returned home after a few dayx'vblt lo Mr-. J ' K. Boyle in tliU clly 'ilna MsKul'auWllkliMon, have gone to -lioiidnn,Cauada, for a'slx weekn' visit to friends."CharleH Uowker, <strong>of</strong> Uermaritour,. bait returned home after visiting hi*friend, MIHM Iteatrlce Duncan,.<strong>of</strong> IIIIHo i l y .' -" -• •"•--."•The Itev. K. K Whle, pantor <strong>of</strong> IinuiauuelHaptlKt Churcb; is taking IIIHyaeallou at his home In North -faroUna.Mm. Clinton John«an aud Hon. William,returned home after a pleaasutVIHII lorelnllveH at .Cape May tTourtHouse. . , . . * .." •J. Nliiinluon. an electrical cniiBlruetnr.<strong>of</strong> Pliiladelphla, wan-here Baturday,.visiting Mr. .and Kirs. J. H.W l l u i e r . '•••': 1 . .• The Kei>. J. B Mct'laxkey, <strong>of</strong> AtlanticCltv. and lire Itev. Dr. Kennedy,<strong>of</strong> New York t ity, were here duringthe week. ' . '. K. V. Corfon and wife and E. A.'Corsuu and wife will leave tomorrowfor an auto trip through Halem andCumberland Counties • '• 1* H.Hewllngs and family, or theHtraud, wl(l occupy a' cottage atKeventh street and <strong>Ocean</strong> avenue duringthe winter luontbH.Joseph Fletcher and wife, or Philadelphia,have ueeu occupying ItielrbuiiRalow at Tweuty-thlrd and Asuuryavenue for a ueaoon".• •A. Lake AdaniM, <strong>of</strong> Handy Hook,Conn, IH among llio«e who haverecently come to IIIIH cily, where hewill remain a few weeks.. 'O. W, ICelcbly. <strong>of</strong> York. Pa., who IBthe new principal <strong>of</strong> tbe <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>.High Hehiml, arrived In tills city withbis fauiMy. a few dayt. ago.The ltey. D. J. Devlne. who asaUtedthe Kev. J J. Bweeney here this euminer,has ended bis labors lu ibis cllyand uas returned to Ne-v York.The KevB Junieti and PatrickUahagher, both, or the at: CbarlesChurcb, Philadelphia, have been,spending their vacation* In this city.'•Mrs R F. Wert, Mins Amy Millerand ' Austin Neely have returned totheir home lu this citV' after spending•the .ummer montba at York Springs,Pa. ' ! ; • • • •• .Postmauler Button aud K. A.Corsouhave gone to New Egypt and Lakewoodtoexainlue 12mlles<strong>of</strong> new road,tbe contract for wblcb is to be awarded• s o o n . 1 ' ; W ' :"v':. • ", • ' > • • • '• Airs. Kllzabein Breck ley. has "reutedone or ber Central aveuue: cottages toK. f|. Iiambert.ortbe St, Charles, who.with bis ramlly, will occupy U durlugthe summer faontbs. •Tbe Munes Alice and Vera Biwb, <strong>of</strong>• Paterson. N J.. and Mls» Alice K.Foot, or PhlladelDbla. bave been vlaltlugtheir aunt, Miss Mary Backus, orFourth street and <strong>Ocean</strong> aveuue. -Atleutlon to the mloor details hascontributed largely to tbe successor. tbe First National Bank <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong><strong>City</strong>.• . •FOUND.—In Longport, N. 'J., paireyeglasses,'gold spring; was purchasedIn Waablugtou, D. V. For Informationapply, Tlio». \V. Petllt. AtlantloMtantloOlty.N.J.CAPE HAY IS IHHIGH GOOD HONORPeople Pleased Because CommissionGovernment WasKnocked Out.The following Is taken from, lastweek's Issue or the Cape Hay Star andWave and refers to communion form<strong>of</strong> government, which was rejected bythe people or Cape May at a recentspecial election:Let us bope tbat the resort will bepermitted to go on Ita way rejoicingwithout farther annoyance from thisparticular freak law. We are fortunateIn having a charter which willapswer our purpose formany yeara'tocome and we should adhere to It. Ina year or two the Commission GovernmentLaw will be Ibe most unpopularlaw on tbe statute books aud the citieswlilch adopt It will bemoan their follyIn sackcloth and ashes. In the lastanalysis It Is nothing but a rlp|«r billenacted lo assist in' changing thepolitical complexion <strong>of</strong> Ihe Slate, audthe commission once elected would beHO entrenched and HO absolute for fouryearn that they' would be miniatureczarn.The initiative, refereudiim and recallnre named in the bill merely lo catchthe gullible and would be or no valuerrnm the people's standpoint. Theseprovisions are Intended lo attract sulllcluntattention to prevent Investigation<strong>of</strong> other provision* <strong>of</strong> the bill and theyd» this In many caiJen.Cape May should have a special dayor thanksgiving for Its deliverancefrotn.llie most Iniquitous law placedlit the statute books <strong>of</strong> New Jersey Ingeneration. It is a line tribute toI lie common seniie or our people <strong>of</strong>every Hectlon <strong>of</strong> this city that therewere majorities against In each or thefour election districts: ir there hadbeen time for a fuller discussion or thelaw, there would have been no votesfor It, excepting. thoM> <strong>of</strong> lu promoter*It Is noteworthy that all <strong>of</strong> the. publicitygiven to the provisions <strong>of</strong> thelaw wan In our columns. We published,the law In full-in both dallyand weekly, and many <strong>of</strong> those whoread it became ardently opposed toUsadoption at once. . ~' To call an election upon mich an Imimrlantsubject at this lime or I lieyear, when all or our people ire so engrossedwith their own affairs, shouldtie prohibited by law.MARSHMALLOW TOASTThe churches In <strong>Ocean</strong> Oily were allwell Ulled at Ibe services ou SundayFollowing aie reports <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> ibe'sermons heard:FIRST u.Uutrusted Trust" was tb« subjector tbe Itev. Or. Brunyate'a serniou inthe First M. E. Church Sunday tuorii'ing be taking hla text from John. 223-24; 11 Tim., 2 21.•The thought that arrested niy ateutlonIn tbe text Is this, 'that manyliusted Christ tn whom He did uotInifct Himself,' " said Ihe speaker.'The contrast is emphatic and startling.They trusted In His name, butHe did not trust them. There is 1trust that. Is uot trusted"Faith may be sufUcleut for •ulva.Ion and yel not worthy lo receive Ibetrust or Uod. It Is astoulshlug towhat Imperfect faith Christ respondedlit blessing. The faith <strong>of</strong> the womenwith an imue <strong>of</strong> blood' was slraugeiyntixed with Hiiperstltutlon, but Jesushealed' her.It Is one thing to respondlu blesslug and another thing[o respond lu trust."It Isa great thing to trust In (tad,buUUitJtKceater-thtiig to be Inuted.VittaiiK i*«*oplr Hud MIS 1Time on ike Mrasd.Thiirxday evening, on the beachfront oir .Thirteenth street, where-Hem* and darkness reigns, a novelfeature wan presented lo tbe Boardwalkthrong, whose Interest In walch-'Inp a J My crowd, around a large bunlire,toastlug mnnibmallows, madeilieui forget Ihe cool ocean breezes.While relating weird tales, a round••r watermelon helped lo hasten Ihebrowned marshmallow lo its destination.. ' " •' .Later, games suggestive <strong>of</strong> childbonddays were enjoyed. Tbe affairended by the Impressive effect ~ otHeury Maalrangelo being made to reciteunder a hypnotic Influence.' Tbe following were present: Mr. ahdMm. J. Oluckert. Mr and Mrs. A.McCurdy. Mr. and • Mrs A. Wlnkler.>ir.ai«l Mrs. Joliu Pontlere, Mf. andMni D. DeBeuedlctiH, Misses.Florencelooney, Emily Poutlerp, • Marlon. rocker, Margaret Poutlere, I«al>ellePontlere. Edna Bramell, Bearl BusHum, Maria Mastraugelo; HumbertPontlere,~Henry~—Mantrangelo—andHarry Pontlere ' .•' »Jtr. c. T. V. Heellns;."' '•The lirnt meeting or the local W. C,T. I!, or the rail and winter seawinwill be held ou Tuesday aftvrnoon at•1.10 o'clock at tbe home or Mrs Hatnl.HaHKett, DM Wesley avenue.' Oltlcerswlll.beelected A meeting i.rthe W. C.T. U. fountain commlltee will_bejieldaveuue. tomorrow evening. This willbe ilie llnol meeting to receive theliiiaucial accounts <strong>of</strong> the public fountain.•' ,To Coadrna load.JUHtlce KallHh has appointed a committeeto condemn and determlue theprice <strong>of</strong> Ihe old Cape May turnpike,runnhiK from I'ape May <strong>City</strong> to CapeMay Point, a distance <strong>of</strong> about threerallex. The committee comprises W.Hcott Hand. orihiH city; William L.Hteve'iiH, <strong>of</strong> Cape May. nnd JeremiahCliamberH, or Hrlcksboro, Cumberland'oiiiity. / _ '_. ,:Courtly W. C.'T. V. Convention.The annual Cape'May Couuty. Conventionor tbe W. C. T U. will beheld In the First M. E. Churcb, thiscity, Tuesday, <strong>Sep</strong>tember 28 Theevening speaker will be MIra Heleu P.Strong, president ot the' MoumoulhCouuty W. C. T. U. Her subject willbe "Twentieth Ceulury Temperance."The public In cordially invited to attend.. . I ' •Auolbcr.Cotlasie.Joseph U Chanjplou has received.he contract to build a pretty cottageat Twentieth street and Central aveuuefor a P.blladelpblan. The bou«ewill have two stories and basement,and will cost about »3 000 •LIFEGUARDS DID GREATWORK DURING SUMMERSUNDAY IN THELOCAL CHURCHES8trong8ermons andBxcellentHnslc Heard by,AjueaWha<strong>of</strong>tiod.Wbat.are the marks <strong>of</strong> Iheuntrusted? First.. It Is a trust thatrests upon slgus and wonders. The believebecause <strong>of</strong> slgusls.uot a falseatari In faith. '•Second. Then Is a faltb that goeswith the crowds and trusts In numbers.Idonotdesphiearalthllketliat<strong>On</strong>ly cynics aud supercillibus peopledespise tbe electrical enthusiasm <strong>of</strong>great crowd* ," ' • 'There hundreds who go becau eothers are going.Their fallh Is sincere,but nut deep, aud Ihe faith thaiborn <strong>of</strong> a crowd may turn with thecrowdThe multitude must be riftedbefore It can he trusted.•Third. an iuti'llijtent* answer?iVhut niTount run you «ive "' younelfto thoM-who uxk. you the inline <strong>of</strong> your[willing spirit. - * '. * '"He who in' wim-ly anxiaiH to knowan what buiii* to roiuluet hiu'. busine**slioulil also, fai-e the jireat quihitioii, 'upwhatprinclplv i< my .intellertual,einotioiial, moral anil spiritual-life pr<strong>of</strong>ewliiiB.'• 'i'lt-i^truoIthat-U- there- isla~Uwl-IIemiiKt \H> Komrund loviug aud beuevolent,and thin fiod hail itlven us life, and ifle luii. |:ive11 IM life He will |ioint outhe bt-nt wuy for. us to" live. Hut notlot only, will lie' point out the best use0 iiiukv <strong>of</strong> life, but lias nia'de it surelint it !» best to live* the bent way.VXot only this, but He'will give u»reliuioii th«f will carry u* to perfm.-inn. He will make it so plain that lie1I TOO mucd praise cannot be giventhose responsible for the placing orthe emergency tent, as it lias proven agrand success."BDX1VDO6 ON X.OVBSf ISM Black's) H«w Book la Tanking' ' a Hit. ' •<strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the new books, just Issued liyJarob* &. Company, <strong>of</strong> IMilloilelphia, andnow on sulo at Cnrillner'n baokston*, 750AVbury avenue, *U **TIIA .lournal <strong>of</strong>'aN'eKleetvd Hull Dags or, Imptvm;ioiis <strong>of</strong>Ills Master's l Alfalrs," by llartuiraIllair. . "Thii book should make a apeclal upmlto tlie summer ^irl and man, andbo 1fouud very helpful In jtuidiiig themnver tlie HIUMIH af summer Ilirtatiousanil steering them safely into—or uway—from tho port <strong>of</strong>' matrimony* a* 4heymay ilenlre. Iridml, onemispivtH, attiint-t that Cupid liinm-lf is niiin-ea«llyovercome, by usiiii« u little tuct.Kirnt—Night after night, men sit a-rourid the musicpavillion,' chewing,amokiiiff and spitting. This'was sa badat times tbat In some places, ladieswent not- able to sit dawn, for fear <strong>of</strong>polling their skirts. This could be reudfystopped, by having an <strong>of</strong>llcer on duty,in the evening to: break up thin, veryonVnuive hubit. • . .,Second—there .should lie more uniting'accommodations. Time and apiln, I have,noticed ladies, and old ladies, too, standaround waiting to get a seat, then werecompelled to go home, to get. rested.They wanted'to stay and enjoy the-music,but could not, on account <strong>of</strong> thelack <strong>of</strong> uccoinmodations, but tlie'boardwalkin this section should be ample forplenty <strong>of</strong> seats. There . should be atarge npace in front <strong>of</strong> tlie music pavillion,suitable, for a .largenumber <strong>of</strong>benches, besides having them all aroundthe building.' Then there should be alarge space at the- Intersecting streetopposite 'the pavillion, and this spaceshould have several rows <strong>of</strong> benches.Then, 1(10 benches could be used to greatadvantage betweenTenth and Fourteenthstreets, along the boardwalk* Andif we cannot, have a resting pavillion" onthe boardwalk at each street, let Ushave one,,at Fourteenth street, whichis the next largest bathing place to Tenthstreet, and it is badly needed here, andwill be more »o next year;Third—This very objectionable habit<strong>of</strong> tearing up tlie beach should certainlybe stopped during the summer season.The 'pleasures <strong>of</strong> scores and hundreds <strong>of</strong>people were spoiled this season by allowingthis work <strong>of</strong> filling and gradinglot* that should he dona in the Fall orWinter, and not after'the bathing seasonhas opened, u it waa this year. Weall lite to see these improvements come,but let them come at the proper time.The beach «t this bathing place Is notyet iu good shape, and will not be forsome 'time to come. <strong>On</strong> account <strong>of</strong> somuch sand being taken, people were compelledto cany chairs, boxes and variousother things* to the beach. A good part<strong>of</strong> the season It was.not much betterthan a swamp unaer the boardwalk duringbathing noun.'. •I trust I nave not taken tip too muchyour paper; and that my few suglonswill help to give us a better<strong>City</strong> and that next year williessome <strong>of</strong>- these improveraenta. >,NOTICE.liven thai aDuring the absence <strong>of</strong> tbe pastor.Ibe services at Ibe churcb ou two perbapathree, or tbe Buuday. will beconducted by tbe Rev. B. M. Chamberlain,<strong>of</strong> Philadelphia.arino How «3anteu. -President Harry Morris, or the localbaseball team, whose cottage la 712Wesley aveuue, baa one <strong>of</strong> Ibe very'prettiest lawn* In the clty.and oue thatis greatly admired by many peoplepassing the.bouse. He has sTroM)garden whose dimensions are JSOxoO,and lu which there are always rosesIn bloom. Mr. and Mrs. (Morris takegreat delight In their garden.In Cbnneery <strong>of</strong> New Jersey.eWiltO.Uarroli and oUSriiS>jraad othdWilliam O.Uarroli and oUSriiS>coants axd jraa and others are detent .be-rlna-ualelbedllb) elsvenlb day <strong>of</strong> An.niH,aust.nlae esn hundred and eleven,hereby required loai pear, plead, d"Bsw«rJpJftB-connilalnant J ii hill, fVSSlfc ! we i"i day ol uctober...o«- »ou aredemur »ron or he.detenu; ibm<strong>of</strong> «cbuiSS-win'% £j£ugatnstyon as tbe Chancellor snail inlineequllabfesndjust..• - •.JJsJd billamMtsoarlaln tends l>Ins; betweennnnandautta Htrats, Inn Aiuufla uoronand Beach Thoroagnfjira, or any lands orrlinls under lbs wsurs or slUaer. In Oorsn«•%. Cape M«y Ooanly, Mew Jerxy.-siidold bill bated for tbe purpose or obtaininga deeiw restraining and preventing anyallena-lon, disposition or use or uldUn.afor any private' purpose or fbr any uuewhatsoever uot rally conrlslent wllfi tl>«use inVre<strong>of</strong> for a eampmeetlnc (round, i>rfor spy w contrary 10 tbe rfgBW <strong>of</strong> iliepubllo andtbengbt.or lot owuers In llwvlelnlly who may be entitled lo Ibe benrlll<strong>of</strong> Implied covrnantabytbe <strong>Ocean</strong> t'l'y A«-sortailon, sod dlracilns- tbe removal fromwld lands or all bulldlncsor oilier Improvement,whatsoever wblrh may uaw.tieererlrdtberenn. And you. Kbeunrr Adsuis, W/M-UamW>lsoiiA- V^|M.MI IHaMaUltJvioemtAilK''^-i \ ' M*'THE ELBERONi m. IMfUM, ravf).HOTEL ATGLENNINTH ANO OENTBAI. AVKNOKOpeo lor nineteen and KlntnUotWalarHemt<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, St. J.OCEANICPrivate bains. Most, desirable tocation.Capacity SOO. BtaTBtor.Hervlee unexoell^d.Open for Ibe season.nrta. tv ••Lots for sale. Ooltacesfbt rent.Oorrespondenee aolicitXI 111 < 11QHARLES L. HOFMANNREGISTERED ARCHITECT ' ;purn, •pseineaTioaaaaoaurraismnaues421 Mariner * ncrchaoU' BotUtaKPHIi.AOEI.PBIA. PA.In uoean Clly, at Joe. I.8eaU'a<strong>of</strong>fl«).aTtryWednesday anaHatuiday and every arentna-.Howe & niller ,^v . 'jMACHI1N.|%# ( ;|rioter Beat ant) Aate RtpeJn' '• ,

—* •*•.•« worn'for tba•tollwlatortan ml co«u <strong>of</strong>rwrm.<strong>of</strong> •sen^ftdber .13,19IJ.100 00K7&OJ*Moa.jaooosXl»wvoosumA. D. Ht'UllCUMIM L. HUIMT• Sec.Co»l»H OilaimsinHUO.HOO10 07raws s*"N.I'.«oa. »450 00 10 44«0 00 10 41430 09 10 41450 00 10 444,10 00 10444mao as4110 UU •»«•WOOD II3H -WO 00 H 1-13U 00& HO410 00 10 44JUIOO MO£O00 . t>»xn oo 7 M4£> 09 * M•tW 00 74 M1300 00 W IIISMO 00 0» ISXUOOO 41 04JttWOO 4 b- IMrkiiJ.I", uili-rKrU-r>IIIHT .V MIlHWM. Ktillu»>tKt ahle nrtoWenlvv uvenutv-BM Itwl 1 MiutliucMI Fiflv.70 ' wrohcl -Infl,.winniwr«l eoo I «l by MIUUIloom100 IB•i :a-i ua iu-J or.!«! •iir,^oUertortSale <strong>of</strong> Propertiesfor Unpaid Sttwt AMemmoitB.^^or Ueran Clip., N. j „ pi,.PuaetorItk OHvat» • » •it no11 UOISKtt-'my-aroond1M|-|tbflUl|,|O Hit* .\||sn| C U.1IHUUnknown, lntori*riioii MomiiciioiHIIIO <strong>of</strong>W«wivy avcuui*. :ISO fa-t Mmllmvttl <strong>of</strong>rcnnd Httcet.iouthweM Iiu u-«t liyiMllnthr .ttliintliMUvitli. IntcrHK-tllHI . HIlllllMSt Hldtt Of'• luTax CutIi1itbit Mnrt».rra.4.uiDw«ttt ji Wt by Homltttmt to thoAtlantic »H--Hti ..ukuoHiMM)UitteaNl»M a or Wr*'ey itvenut*,r>» f«-l M)iitlmv*>t i>r Kl.tv-ll.lni «lrwt,Ktoihwoul ou h*i by Mouttit^tht to ibvrnknown.Mimht-not «id* <strong>of</strong> We«lo •JTU le«t Mouiltwtwt <strong>of</strong> Fifty-'birbl fid0"~VOL. XXXI. OCEAN CITY; N. J^ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2t, <strong>1911</strong>.id* <strong>of</strong> We«lo HVn,<strong>of</strong> Fifty-'bird#irv*l.l»>' wnnbewi tu ihvraulb oAtUDllo Uoeuwk ittbMv nvenue.vt »lde <strong>of</strong> ^Vc»ley nvelrt*t wi|rhw« i'or l-'ifiy-thtrU utivuib>r««i m feel by HuntbviiMt to thelUnltc *,»«•••**'* 'mti*Nt «ltl*or W«*>i»y uv«ntio.tl«or W « i y u ,i tit Klfty iblra *tr«t'hy Mtutlttkutt to tlri-ci <strong>of</strong> tmy finml, wo fvflTurlflU Mrvft,«outhwt)«I-.mlhwr»l "IU lt-«l by HiulbraMl lo l»lt-*>unt>»\ til CriiMweii, till tlmi unil lytnc bttwMMiMMIf'llitttrrvluit«lror«M)n'Klulei.l " 'sai u>•MHO' MVI»known,»m:tjd (eel Houiliuutiw>athwr»i M tvt• * AUaulW net*»o - .IUU ftwt m>uthy Hvenuti,loir hv»i MHiihwiwi Klity-iannli ninn. - •-. . • . '_ suutliwt^t ;Wii te*l by MoulbniNt lo Hie •—WW—**»:—Att»iiiiM>^-»ji :. . iiw IM i; «.• ; iv,rnknuwn. «outlivu*.l *>ldeor Wtwlvy ikvenuv, ~~1—:—. •• 400 roel Mnllliwnit ol Kllly-faunh mjn>l. • , •miutliWMl 101 fcvl by HOUlliva«t lu lu*" " '«.•-« >-^»n JOOIU I 111 '-'IV,llrnr.l.ll»'. WIIUIIUIIII Hi»>«l»>KllralNrlli Miyi:lir*tli*r .1 H.-UI.K. J.-nill"w. n.»'ii"ylli.nl•'«>•>'KllUII. I I'II.,IIII illHoutbwtAtlantic iU*«ritnk " Intf mt.BUI«S^?S!^3vJ•ata•uooo »««40000 •»9U00 4»4ano» .leiaOOOO 4 04moo 4 08I7&0S ID17100 «OS1T6 00 «O>13OO t«Uaaa a«sU000 I4Suo on J4S• IOOOOas—n»a»—4-is-TiOO 1747&00 17474 00 174T4 00 17175 OO 174, Ti 00 I 74T&OD ,174• to 09 174' - ' . * » • ' • ' • • ' • • • • ' • • «*"» sw>'J4X.0O •»!- , - ' - » ••• • .: ?:. i • an 1 «»«..4 • ' SS09 T&4a . anoo «w- e .. asoa TU"'.- 7. . ' . HOOD tW• .» .W5 0O TUW ' ' .U0 0D 148mSBOO IN. n • . xnoo IK.•-»» i ma' sis••:••.«•-•"-*••,•..•• a s ' a s5 ^k; -ss =??gK. w. Lake -Vaoann ulnurManb u. uuuonB.H«ank-Jobn 1>. MahoneyOarita'CWMnO- H. tibocniakrr,.. A-W.MmiyTO tU. Wtriiiu70 A.W. ll«orj7070 M. B-lHl>rt70 Kd.W»UUi70Tol Janua U Uonlban-7»l H, W. !*«•li:.i illl'»i **!• ; , \ \ \IMI .id*>(tf \Vr*ley uveuu,i uriy-niin •trwt. «oatb>iulbm t totbe AMnntlcK. ILTorb*' II t'uknnwn.witilli »•! KM^OI U'e«l**v avrmi*,uv*Kj0Uxl lo w*niH*«»t»l to the AtlttnUcknuwn.Mi itliCMt cl.tv>>f,\Vei>lfy HV^tuit*.I'AlVrlMHilllVf'wt Klll> nilb-Httl.H>Utb.«>liml vi l>> »ouitleu*l to Ibr A'IHDUCS. SkullMl >l>M 'irtiiihHnd.TW'ttil In block Wtw«>«Mt Nln* 1 *' ;n, miuihru»i •>itltuf \V»?i Miuinu«>*t Ktnv.tUtnVfthiaJ«*y uvtn *«*,irwft. MOIIUI*AtlfII Ul 1 HInk 4 O re*( m' M>uiiiwv»tA l h t». •*t>nih'i>i «*t«lf H >•)inii*in.llM-tor.<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> SentinelPubll.h.d Wt.kly alOCKAN CITY, IM. ,Huaril <strong>of</strong> Kdurallan—A. J. Miullb. I'mt -WlHU^MVAItVkl'hklM^KIU HWulHU^MVAuoirVkwlcwhkHilM'^K'"IUIIU, HmiKtitry; Itlrbara U. Hlllra. A. W.ro»rll. It. lluwnnl I li'iru. •I'lly nuiiertiilaad«Dtur HfbmilM-Pnil. Jiu*.H. --IfCHUUCH SERVICES.KliMt M. tCCburcb. Mirnerc«ntrul uvenueu.l KmblU MlneU Hev. l»r. h^ IU llrun>uu-.,no 7B-WPO WE L-l-'SMurtilti){t)rvPrayer IUWIIIIIrtuuf TruAit«Hlr6Mldent.M ^cretiury. ii. H. 34owr«r; trwuiunr,It W.>UlwHrdN: Kdwttrd M.Hul un. W111.I-.ti.bb, Jotiu M«rt«. Ueunce 'J. AUUIUM.G. It.l-arker.KllK.Htewi.ruObvMi MtwiiniCH—Huiitl»yinnrnlnK,iutU,JubiiMurtM, lettilur; Mouilny evuutui,, ".*&, Mm._ K.* Urlck. l«uuier Krldtiy" uvoumif. VUr«in«t.u i«3iuler. Tbi^**i uiVtiuKM wUterburriiYOU WILL PROFIT BY TRADING HERE921 ASBURY AVENUEOCEAN CITY, N. J.K luM«utur Kiuurlb I*w*«uoTburMbty, tvuiiI UK. 7^1), It. UuwurdTlturn. 1'rvMlilfUt.'f ' Kirst l*n»*byterUtu Ctmrcli,Wenley uvenuuand Heveutit Mireci.lUiv. H.T. c*iu**?ilM*rry,iMMor. Huuduy Mirvlcvn* io:*u u. m. uuu t*u. iu. I'rmyer mtwttux*. Wetlutwluy «veu wisl. a -• vrntttlbu-vwt UV, ft**11 by w«mtiit-A»tlMDtlo lWntl ;" m *TStSaml 7S7 \V«rleyave --ocean front.7X1 uml 7:>ti C'enlml aveirue—trolley.,VM A-burv a\Vnuc.S7!i ami list), curlier. Wet avenue—IVuiirylvanla Hallriiml •"ARTHUR D. BARROWS, Guardian,832 Central. Avenue • <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.I'rit-en i|iiule»iW»*itbi*«VftlWtM>utbwe»l UCAtUniw Omu*Zoutbw«*t IU*"Ailnnlt« O.'>el|tbtll »trrel.ai ifIOXVU\< IMU Ul;, u'47• :s4 41ri*• 'i;i:. TtfTOTV^ti by »e A/ \\v*lryot KortielbPort*-tfr*t* -^j —anrt '»Lrvrl.l to ttw At- *H. H. LakeI.S. Ktttert woibw>l »tfKtuy-*l*bibi»ir«i, rr«»t V furl by -OiUb**»l IO Ibr _llr I'KiMD . • .*••';»*oibt««i-nar<strong>of</strong>Ur»Vy uvena*".i MNiOWMil o< Fir.y-nlain »ir^-l. vw i - ^ I-vi by »oaturM-i' TO ii»ifti^KHD ' '*• ELMER H. CRANE. . B2O M.OORLVN TERRACE:Oqean <strong>City</strong> • '- . f NiwJeriayluyrr uirf'llUK WeulieMluyYvruIni; Ml 7.IA.liniluy Hfbiiul.-2!lu, Ibr Itev.. !•-, K. Wbllr,uii^riutviitluut]VIadame jUazziWOPISTBMuWDa.nnd Fancy Witlata. Tallorlre aHpcclally. rtlem Moll.bu-tory.60S.CIOHTH ST. OCCAM CITV, N. J.. Uuluu THlwruMcle UH|>U»1 I'lmrtl., Kl«jlilh4tre«l Utnl W«-"t MVeUUr. KvV. W.II.* Kfhi|»Hottur.Nuattuy Hervic«M, preuitinut; Ii u. nt., uud A p. IU* PruyeriutMittUK.KouloukKrliliu-« wol uif.—oitlcwnt-**T-( IH*> tKwrit—4-tutr I««-Hrlluwwra. cbairuikui; ti. Hurt, uburrii rlvrk;Julia •Kfiit*', tremi irer.HI. Jnuivii \. M. K. Churcli, corner H*)V**ntuKiitl Hi.vvuitVtmiie (»oeun <strong>City</strong>, .N- 4.* J. H.Ju4'k|u>u iuit>|ur.HuuUuy >**>rvictor fieucttthit.ll.l.Su.tu.; HiiMialli Kchool,.LW p. in.;• ^nwiilut:, IUW |>. m.; l'ru>cr Mv«*tiui:HW«Hliif»uluy v yuiilntiM, ut so*el(x*k.Uiutfloulit M. K.*'lturcli. Tenth Mlretil amt' HltlllWUII HVeitlU*, HtMtVe IWaUlltlK'ltfL^ ll»f* lt«v. t:. \V. II. HrlUilvll. uamor. K»-rvlt*K, IIM. ui.. suutluy NcluMii,:M0p. iu.;t;iirl^lluu Kuabove willel infere"-!.E. W. BURLEIQH; '11 v). Collector <strong>of</strong> Tsxes.!A HOT TIME;Imiiliic, hi ilie kiti'fifii »r Imin.lry. raii lie avniiletl ."During July and AugustHy III-IIIK."' .ELECTRIC IRONSVim Hit* fiMilt»h tu rtiu^l IUIT H t'niil, vttiuit. oil, 'uu ftui tiHf tin elerlrit* inui .mnlHit- wi'ii|icnilurc t.f the riHiui will n.i; bv rttUvtl. 'If you art- . . ......•' • From. MissouriI'all '.. •• ui* (c»»i»-iii'uaiui« iplMi'r*: KM \titrKK.%1. KRTATE AUCNIK.HBO oT Ibr Tax ColUrlor. OcnutOlly.X J."Uhbr llliaIttwW»rtil»r.U>«T>xObllMtaralUMat>cnT.9» «M« made aod ptovtded, «ui«rJ»-lby IM mnmtakuicn orteincaaanaBUUM-Aii Ac*UtuvuiaUasttx^l • an J a.lju«*a by.UxOwn Hi oc w*!*! rtts*HTIIflawiol Ik.Maty *BI«arda*••UI»l«»ilr"niiVjWiin.iiMra»i1awTlnn(irilM ion 1 - . • -- • .HHtifiH' Hqlon, II. M. iluwrtr. prfHldvni;|*urkttr Mhlvr, ireiutuivr. • >( ;• llukv TKINITV CiiUKrH. •Car i« 11 Uutld.urwt Monday ID I be month.Wuutbii'M Umid. evrry,Tlnir*duy :(.UU p. m.Woiuna'M AUxtlunry Mliwionury, lu»»l TtaurM'dity lu the month.;• ; *Woruau'H Uhrtnttan Temperance Union,andenoiiitntttlonul. ueem wuml'montbly.I* tmltfeul. HTH Uell U. Huilth; correnpoud-111; M)cr«iury.M>M Ctfuun; reoordlnic +rrreUry.Mm. M. SI liner; treuvurer. Mm. K.Parker. ^. ,SECRET SOCIETIES.C'lly lOdKtt No 171 Kan• survcylni:.r,in\vyan»i"Hl.rvll.valiflly lluinllae »U» mil. rilrnt.li^lur liiiliirill.h^ or trtrbange.nid-t. IVO. llox-*Ti. , WM- LAIOORSOUcb moiilh. In MuMinlo bull, W. M.Itat.rt VI horj'Hocrtftary, P. M. Thomui J.Tuoru. . '(iivnn <strong>City</strong> l^odjee. No. (U. K. or P.. meeurlrnt und tlitrd Momtuy eventuitH <strong>of</strong> eaebtuuiith lu K.«if V. bull. AMbury avimue, tumrHwwelUltHir^rt. 1'. »'., Murk Ijikr; K. uf K.Hhd «., It. Huwnrd 1 Imru.Kklu-Couueil, No. Vpi, Jr. O. U. A. M.. mwUevtrv TutMdHV wvninu In ('hmiiplon'H t-aii«!ounulll6r. JtiM^pli Cox; Willoti ll, WUletN,HeoreiHry. • ' * ,'ttwHii t'ity itouuoil. fio. 10, l>. ot Att meelMeviiry Thiimduy oveuluie iu K. ot P. bttlLMItrtAl|lt W lj»k»«**»ureiury;Solute to limit Civdilors.LICENSED AUeTiONEER,!N6..721 Asbunj Aoeriue, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N.jj* >lo ES!T'J 4r "*''"iiif^r lln< h< *»»»" and "c^tiiso. for f»o< ID all imrtaal ib» clt». *>SJl*Ur»Ui«itl to It**: Ardc-r >i| Olii'rlr* )'nmn. Karr<strong>of</strong>Nl«-«ttlW tVtutii) . Wallace, keeper olr«corda., WanbluKlon'Camp. No.'7&, p. o. H. ol A.,•n>ein every Friday eight cbaiaplon'a baitI*. P.,.Frank Kcliuclder: 1'rulileiil. 1.'(Wullttc^; Heorutury, KdmuiUamp' lu, K O. or A., meetH every Hatnrdaykt7JIU|i. in., lu K. urH. hull. Hum 0, Kl.ley,rucordliitf 4*«retury. * • •Wab^ttella Cooncll, No. W, I), or P.. meeUevery Monday aleep at 7JW.IU K. or H. Hall.Mra.Holiplits.Culupbell, K. or It.Owun . 'Filr Member or the (leneral Asseiubly—JamesM. K. Illldreth.Fur'Coniner—Nathan A. Cohen.For JuKlice <strong>of</strong> the Peace—Keiibenudlain. " ' „•. • . .' ,For Constable—Walter Foster..Hoard or Kducallou (two years)—Alfred \V. Powell, Itlcbard It. Hllles.Board <strong>of</strong> Kducatlon (one year}—Willard W. Adamv,Spencer It. riwun.Members or the Executive

will »prin« up •• aoou anoint waterlm'ltly large to accommohliupcd that tlMt* will bo a"fyllVoU CMtat the election lurcom-Ii>»|rould tatornoln mlml that tho| f bing or wliI?"taw.nrahlbit* one from buying or sell-^tS'jVptes. <strong>On</strong>o can buy votes somellmta by nuking proromos. The Cor-*iq|* rra,Ctleei Act la lu full o|"> •" r. Itriiuyale In Hie l*"lr»t M.; K.I'liurch lu»t Sunday.Italli the Herviresweie «cll attended. , '•IMMVM'KI. II.VITIKT.The llov. K. +:. Tyi-ou, <strong>of</strong> AllantloCtly, |irem'lieil excellentaeriiious luImmnniirl Iliiplixt t'liun-lion Huuilny.Thrre were large «*»iigrrg»lloiis|ire«eiil.Mr..Ty»on willriuidurt 1he nervlrenimil preneh next Kuii.lay.• •VIIIMT IMtK-tHVTKHIAN. _In Hie nliseiu.'e or tins i"i»liir, Mr.I'nxHfllierry. the Itev. II N. I'lminlirrlulii,«r rhtlitilelplittt, rtiinliirleilHit*«ervlifa mill |ironelu*il to » larm- i*""-greKHtlnu In the KlmlI'reMliylerlandiurrli lii»t isumlsy nuiriiltig'. Mr.Climulierltilu IKKII Inxlriieilve and «•»•lertnliilUK-renUer, und lie held Hiri>rH lu O.-eiui<strong>City</strong> recorded lu the ullleo <strong>of</strong> rooro«rn ro<strong>of</strong>s, Into the worlds <strong>of</strong>wbnwdeeper live, very likely «• havetttver Ottca enttnnl or even looked,vnolo iplflt MM aa much otrauger* a«Ifoot botnaa w*re ou itUlerenl conlrututa.'• 4limtA ItoUu ti> your wot hers. You^Ulnavttrecnttt. No matter whatjour«l««uU|taaMBtmva «l»at ner*'-wet* you are no better. You, can restaasortd that ttila not book learning•<strong>of</strong> fashions that will, away from the manyshe can warn you from,iD.MKUr, loving fashion, that youwooht do wall to bted. No matterho^ nMUMta may apoak, you m«yMatTfjitaNd their hearts at* la thetight place, and they wanttlielrdaugb-< tat*.tot* Ititiooent and go»d, ratherUutnlathlonabl*.1—rJAmmlilie iiuiliy-cowmlasioit_hks•jMehMlbat no «nw grade crossings»tMt»b»ooa*truoted without drst ob-MlnlnrUM permtalon <strong>of</strong> the cointuh.* IttoubdHatootl that tho com-I* lean lawn, and a |iro|"er obwrvnnw<strong>of</strong> the *(>lrlti>f the few. An mankindha* gmwu Wlwr In tlie paal hundredyear* the more .lawn that have beenmade the leu .real ob«ervHiu-e h»« eoinefrom them. The operation <strong>of</strong> one l»oneu Interrupted by the e'xMenee oranother, and Inrtead <strong>of</strong>»|ie«ly- Juallcemuch lime KJont whlli) awnlliiiK theoutcome <strong>of</strong> the lawyer.' bmtttw na tothe lulerprelatlou <strong>of</strong> "Hie l»w«. TheHeld <strong>of</strong> practice ha» been widened andthe old-time legal ll«ht w mid notknow he wa«B lawyer ir ho could wmtforth and Me w^iat hla aii.-fe«.or» haveto du to eatabllah the line''betweenright and wrong, «ay» the IMalnlleldCourier-No «.. Yet there la an exteinalright and wrong, but the line or demarcationaeeui* to bv le~. aharply dellnednow Ihau ever. It happen« thatthe more law there I. the more lawabiding people areoppremed, but Uuwwhom the more mrlngenl law»trj-'«>rearti are there with aome^hlnK tpuncture them. Much'n.-w law wenacted to patch up the holm hi oldlaw*, but, like Hie maker* <strong>of</strong> IIIRIIpow«rprojectllea, alway. worklnir tomake aomelhlng to pierce the moreheavlly-ctad armor <strong>of</strong> the batlteahlp.IIUM wlwm the new law. try toreach are ever formulating new meana<strong>of</strong> attack. ' *BIKINU *-T MOMK.The following from the I'orl AnitHiyt'hroulcle I* timely and to the point:The more money you wild awayfrom borne, the poorer your towngrow*. Uthereanyoiiewhu doubts If,.iroiillnetico limn In miy former yenr.for two entire bulMliiKHu III lie rnucli <strong>of</strong> the fulr.TlieflilldrtnV dvparliiu'nl'lia" beenilaiKeil Mina In innke II tliciuoxl lin-IMinant deiiionelrailou <strong>of</strong> children'*work ever iitleui|>t»l In till* i-«unliy.Agrlnilliirnl lm| Hrit-v»m.can llud nny cla*> »f t*\lillilt yon meliiterotrd (11 iri udmlnlHiruhtr, triiitif'ENGLISH ft JOHNSON,1240 Attbury Avcnn«snlroii» l»>l'I'lie llelilx will IK- UTKvr till- youranil the etitrlc» more ol»««y: tlu-u fonanamatter <strong>of</strong> i-ourw, thr rni'liiK fnniu>tliei|> but t* iK-tler. •Anotlierim-ut Imimivt-uifiit will I"'foumllii tlierallle-exhlbil. i'luri' l>lit be a Him' nurrmiuilt.il l>y »eut« whrrrthe t will IH>lrill* will mirely |ili-n»nmlulflnu-r>-»l«i|.Mtoatoo will not grant such • permit.> Mow Colonel 8te»«n», the Slate road,, conmlaiVinerihasabuouaeed that he- will uot approve or any road that lug.,ThU cuts <strong>of</strong>f- tyatttM mm roaU* wrltb grade cro*»l t t o i H V are good e<strong>of</strong>ar a.the commlwtou mayreniaybo built without^» •" bettor to pa*.« 1 «w WO 5!a law wouldyfk^W' taU«da to beeomenine-'*" lblng.m|i». Mw'iIS', I'lan -^ -' " • ' \The l.Vnleiiary Fund and I'rfacher- 1Al«l Society «'f the New Jersey Aiinutilr.nifereiice<strong>of</strong> tin- M. V. Clinrcli !•• Kilwardllniwn.*WiU. l->t iWI, Se.-l(.iiiII.' " • ' ' ' . • • " . -S. Wenley f.ake et ii»i t>> II. I*. Va;>Hart.*I;VM>. l.oi IWalnl part <strong>of</strong> l.'t147. Section M.(Ill* M ..TowiiMHid el ux to J. It.llaiuVvk.4HWII.' >'"t I4"4aiid part ..fl»l US, Section M.•Krcilerti-k J. Slmyer et us to fitynut uU M. (•KKHKK.IIKNItY II. MII.UtK, r'lrxl Vi.-.-l'r.Tl.l.liiI.KHI.IKS. l.irill.AM,l>*r«>il>l Vi,Tl'r^Hl,l,.|il«'. II. HIII.WKLI, M.vrrt'try iinil,Tn*»»iii..*rJ. Hill IAN i'ATKM.H.illi;lli>r . *DIRECTORS:1. it. rrow«K. V. 4'ar»onJ, M. Climti-r.It W. K.i«iir.l»" ill.ury l>. M.Kitet'lmrlett MtllltfU 1W. K. MiixwyII. H. HlliIt W"ilnrtv lirll.llryJ.iw|>li I. M'. tU-atulltt: ^ It. Itiiwiic.l IhitrtkAurmxl.lt!.-* V .lnui^-11. S.MUIL'lltu.. I*. Vllllltintllt :Baoklnit by Mail a SpeciallySTORE and STOCKAUDITIONS. ALTUKATIONS ANI> l(iil>AIUSSpencer B. Swanjobbing Carpentera Specialty an|| Builder1040 Aibury ATCHUC <strong>Ocean</strong> CIly.N. J.'•JAMES"H7f"66b : -Carpenter & BuilderJOBBING A SPECIALTYSllol*: Kalinvvnltl Hlut llHv. 1 iu.\\» > tiii*.iiKfivK: wi Nliitli sm-n.OCKAN t'lTY, KKVV JKUSKYtSTIMATtB AND PLANS FURNISHEDJOHN T. SEALBUILDERHEADQUARTERSFor anytViin^ you want to know aboutbuilding.Are.vou .tu.Uvi.W iiow to i>l;in y.mr lu.ttr*?You are invited* to cnmcaiitl M-e our f.pk-nili.1 •f-llivtion ».l np-lo-ilalc plnnr..W'onM Wni 1it. f> lisivo viiin- i.U-:i-i «»f n T">«so ilcvriopml nn»" relative•net its nml n»t IUM.MI>-.CI1.il "*'"• '*•'••"••'• lniilil \-nr lionsi;? It will-ftol'tliyou'un more toiiaye :\ niaii \vlti»_tias l l>iiiIiliiiK s i" Oi'ean <strong>City</strong>. • ,,-••: 'JOS. G. CHAMPIONBUILX)EREighth St.. Opp. Pcnna. R. R. DepotThe BOIIOOIM neeil coal for the winter,Wedding bells will won ring lu<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>.Norman llreekley lia» rented thecoltake 710 Plymouth place, where heand IIIH bride will rehlde.Lewis K. Smith Is lia«|ng ii hotwaterheatliig Hyntem Installed lu hiscottage, 0U3'Wesley avenue.Dr. I'lnrenre W. Kavt IIIIH arrivedand will occupy Hie nlHeex <strong>of</strong> the lateDr. It. I". Abbott, Klghlli hi reel anCentral avenue. ., Oliver M. dandy IIIIH Hold hlx limii-eami farm ut lleesley's I'olut lo OIL Atlantic<strong>City</strong> parly. Mr. Mainly wll' lake up his resilience nt PleaMiintvllluMadame Muz/.llitt^x reutlil thexeeond Hour or the Itapp. n|iurliiient>>,MU Klghlli Hlreet, lur two yearn, wliere••he* will engage In the (IrexHiuukluirKluard llanil,euKhieeroii the We«tJerney aud SeashoreItaltniad, Imulieen oil' duty thin week becniiHe (if apainful Injury to one or hi» eyeH. HeRot name foreiKii "lllwlallce In It whlliat work'on IIIM engine.Out <strong>of</strong> every purchane made In yourtown,•certain percentaise I*aet't Iddd t' our' hometo I*When added to' our' homeborne ' trade Inoreane*,fton* tfumeis and old'oue* do a'IK'«.budueThat lueaua morelarger proltu for theetuployer, .TlieInevitable mult to the building <strong>of</strong> morehouK» for tbe»e people to live lu. ThaiMill aii.l l.timtier t'o,Sei'tlou A." ' •'Mellxnit J lluiilleyt). IVurct;. ».:,-,: I..Uli.v.111 i'llN .«i;ll"ili'ii-\lmi|.-i-rtJT.V ,'Uitn, illI.I.^L~ il .III.I !.>.. I'hin I.TII.K I..VIHKI..Vll»» Mamie I'liillip., Wet I'lul.i-.lel|.lita. , . . .. ". . ,IMI*KUIAI. 'AuUrt*w. llrou'ir niulwift*. Mrt>.-.Manila I'ouuell. Kuilly Sarah Siiillh,J K. Ha'wlvy'. II V. ;Nu« .anil wifeMargaret K Iliwklii", J. M. UoMell.r.j » 4 r y ynott*iajo|lt Utter «ud why they are«^SJbhll »btab lyall theft]jfpowlbly cau, both Intlk^MkUl^t better In acliool,h t h t \ tI tb* 8«» late l^ty llevlew:-oT- puahlns l^a|l.,Jr.,'N. C.Homer,' I'lilladelplila^J.ilui Vun.lrrbolT..I> ater«oii: J. t* WIIMII, Veadon:William II. l.onu»trcllian.l uite. Mirclwnlvllle;1\ K. CorM>ii,el vlr to MiltonA2I, Se»*ll«iii t)I'.., lo'Wm. I.!ii.loiii. Mir.HousefurnishingGoods...FOR SALE..,OCEAN AV.C. NEW juorricc: CHHTKoceaH CIT»_^WILLARD S. 8TEELMANContractor and Builder939 Weat Avrnuc.Ocrun <strong>City</strong> . . - New JrrsryPromptly Allrndcd ToYOU SHOULD HAVE_ A Reliable BuilderTo erect your Qotan <strong>City</strong> cotUKe.You fiiiluot spate the timeto. look alter it closely youiSelf niid must 'depend upon thehonesty <strong>of</strong> the contractor. " '•'• ' . . . t .;AnioiiK others I have Imilt for Rev.'C.'.W. Bwnlmm. ,.i3.|j'rine tst. mid-Joseph V. Myers, 1137 Rid};e avenue. I'hil.'ideljihia;. - " Ask ihein ulioul •> .":• .OTIS M. TowNSEND8lb SI. Orroslle P. 0. O \3 I L.U IL PiOCEAN CITY,N. J.*7iV l.i\IA\K- .mil Kr,t>ik S.'Xjliilii. tjl.vk I. pl.ui' I. " .Kr.-.liVl.'k I'.inii.iv'.-l i|\ t.» Ikiiijiiu:.'IV lyiiwli.'ti-. L>! HtV-.vli.m «'. • .t'h.ivl.'- i". lilt..- lo iii-.irj!r It. IWkiit:>.'•!•.I Jlll.l III S.Vlil>H I- •• I VIM11 t 11» t Jli.l I'.i. t"> .l.w.>pli V. W.ill»...rlli."«-»iiim. I...K Sifall.1 .tS. .'tPennsylvania R. R.• BRICK LAYING, Etc.. Etc.All Work In Mason <strong>Line</strong> l>rompll>. Attended'.To.. OCEAN CITV..N J •WyUARliKR. l'test. . . JOHX. MARTS, Treas.: I'liiiiieCiiniieelloilH " • .' ,.. Sixth St. and West Ave. -PCULL-UPERIORI A N E " : • - 11 '••ATISI-ACTIONARTSATERIALETHODSANDATORYfi IDCCo.Person ally-Conduct c»l Excursions \• • • _ - •• TQ ... /Niagara Falls' October 5. <strong>1911</strong>.8 -ii;: r " > $11,75 k>. tVcl**t^r 10, lyll, b*.^wn lh< h<strong>of</strong>tr* >*lt. A. M. «uj 71*.M. (artbeilt. between 11»* 1 our.> I »n,t» f. M. 10tr> »1 Vi*i»jr»forillpUlMrcloKir+t Ward -<strong>City</strong> t»ua«ii Cb»mbfr.d (Vinti v#np« " . tOKhltr^Ftt AttOT T^Owt HTV bntl«e>,Ntntti»tr«vt.b*ffw«0n AUMiryetnd tVtunU*VDU« •Pictore«qae Sawjnchanna Valley Route'Ticketf fiivxl «Ma< on Te*«ul*r tntim to I'hilarftumm*oxi rrfuUr tT»in* Miihtn SIXTKKSPAYS,Su>p o(* within limit UldBffl i 'rsltfj Booklet aad full info*n}ati^n xnxrb« obtAlnwl ^r^m Ttckvt Ac^otf. , , ..ALIJERT G.PRACTICAL HOUSE PAINTER645 Asbury-Avenue*AS VITV". N. J.Contractor and BuiMer.;"" ""KverytiriiiB~t«~iiieI'lans nncl Specitii,-ations luiniishetl.. listiinatcs Cheerfully Given.—S10 A-liiiry'Avi-iuie' OKKICK—745 \V«»t Avenu*Full <strong>Line</strong> ol Jotiu l.uciiN * *'o-> I'MHru Mlm. Kir., Hi Our Hlon*. , • - ' ;Al»o, John r;jrt«wi-' l>ml itml .%* , . , . » •BREtKLEY'SHOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERSCLINTON L. BRECKLEY, PROPItea.ly MUttl I'aint-, I.ea.l .iii.l Oil-' ftU'antl WS Antiuryavenue.IJILDHRSTCottages . 'Apartments Stores BungalowsIi. S. CQRSON, $pashoro Cottages a Spocialty* Hotels and Bungalows<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> IGB and Goal GO:A. J. SMITH, PROPRIETORThl» .pat* (•W. 1^. BERRY,Manufacturing' Jeweler,NO. aa SOUTH SECOND ST..PKIUidrlpbla. Pa.In Chaucer?jjfNew Jeisey.To t3>*i>M«ir ' Adaipx. vriUUm V«MHAaara«u»lCti>irtM W. MuUnd:Hy vtriu«* <strong>of</strong> mn oM*r <strong>of</strong> Itoc e ttlttii ri*wnlb J«y OIADao*l«IITD* ««« bttn »t w«r. t»l*Jd. tteiuur'arr«rr> tbe iwvifUi a*y 01 ivtobcr. But. or t&4.tir.tiU ihercoT Mi^tt «tivr«** «U1 h»( m*4em» Uw cxuuMvOor .*Ban iluakMUll»hl««oJJu«- .ibM btUaa*n»««ala land* lytocbnawarutbaoiIKUUi Slmu, U>« AlhMk Omanaad BcMrb TtHwoacbfar*. or asy* lattd* orrl~u»ipotaw and ut ncta« otf W» oworn to >bsvtdBBUr wno auor •» «U1M la la* .or taaMMd orotliy,wu«aiuoiii;the vlnllorM to HIIH eity Monduy.MIHM Maiule riilllliiH,<strong>of</strong> \\Vi.| I'lill,.del|ihla, IN a Riient <strong>of</strong> the Imiirel.H. H..CniHlmiil uml fuiully, <strong>of</strong> I'lill.iilel|iTila,HrejiuehlN nf the AtKlen..VirH. Ii.. A. MeKurlund,, nf-\ViVtI'hexler, IH Mijouriilnit In tliln city:W. II. YerkeH, Jr., or l>|illadel|ihia,waH a recent |?iit»l-"f the Illxcayue,- Thos. 8. Mellor and family, <strong>of</strong> 'Chexler, are KUe»tH <strong>of</strong> the WyoniliMIxHtlerlrnde'Kutterworlh.o!ilul)ihia, i» reglxlereil ut the Kallilu.Mrs. Blanche AVorth, <strong>of</strong> Tuckahoe,IH a palleut Hi Scotch Hall,.tlil« city.J. Kllhlan Talent', <strong>of</strong> llaildoiifleM,wan uiuoiiK-tli** visitors licw Tueiluy.w'ilM.n Y*. Clirl-.tlan.uill enter- the' Itnlvemlly <strong>of</strong> FeiniHylvania till" fallAndrew llrown and wife,<strong>of</strong> I'lillailrl|ihin,ure reKl"ter«*il ul the ImperialMI»M Imra'AdaiiiH IH taking a bu»l-,III?M.«I' finite in 1111 AllamleClly col-Mr». C.>'. l,ymli ami Mi>n VirginiaII. Lynch, nf i'l>llttliin,-iirf vlHtiiir"here. •'•-.•' —Mayor Wllllnin II. l.onc tretlt andwife, .<strong>of</strong>. Mert*liiinlvillf* t nrv vUitorH- here; '., r .—^—•—.M|r*>> Knniile Nixon,<strong>of</strong>llfruyn, I'II ,IH .the H""". nf S.|iilre and MrH. J. S.'H11-I1. : . .. . . ' .Itohl, I... l.lnyd and wlft*, or I'haniI'll, are aiming the elly'i• 'littH. llarlnn and family, <strong>of</strong> I'liijadelnlila,Were reyent arrival* at tin<strong>Ocean</strong>ic. .'"..• -t'lareiu'CrthariihaH returnetl lol'ourtHoiine after H|iendine the mitnuier in• tlilnilly. ' ' 'Mm. M.I'.Smi IH VIHIUIIR Mrn 1>.Clarence Ullilmny, In riill»ilelinilu,.fora Week.• 'Minn Irene llendcr, a nnrHO. at the- I'reHbyterian lloH|iilal, IH takliiK a rentin I IIIH city. . • " * •MIHH erly owner in thlnuliy, won'herea fewiluyM recently.ile|iuly Hherill' «'. K. CorHon, or• Court Houve,- WBH KrceliUK rrlemlH• here during the week. • ' •l»aac('arney and family have movedto Ilttiuiuontou, where he willin tlie.raluhiK <strong>of</strong> poultry.MIBO Kintua Cornon Ua» returned toher home In thm city, after »|ien(liii|{* the Hummer iu Tuckalioe. . '' Klwood Hteelman, or I'lillndelplila,. vlnlteil IIIH parcntH, II Irani Kteelmauand Wife,'In HIIH clly overHiinilrty.The MIHWH Maxwell, <strong>of</strong> I'lillaUelplila,have been uccu|iylng their BeveuleeiiliiHtreel cottaKe for a few duyn.. Dr. N. A. Cohen aiid wife and MIHH. Kilua Hlldreth, or Wlldwnnd, viHlledrif Ca|*e May l.'ounly, <strong>of</strong> which H. >V.ilwanlH, <strong>of</strong> tills eily, wan foreman.Clliberlodld not know <strong>of</strong> the'death<strong>of</strong>'the child until after It was buried,when t*vo <strong>of</strong> his frleiidHtouk tbe uewaIn lihu in his cell at Ca|w May CourtI Inline.(Couiiuuuicnteit.)N«4*d ul CUJMICMI 1-ralnlUK.KitrrimTIIK. 8KNriNKi.: — Muelirreilll IH due-Ocrau <strong>City</strong> for. Its Huelent <strong>of</strong> |iublic schools. They aretxcr|illonally Kood for a plucv <strong>of</strong> thisHl/.e. However, there Is one tlnug laekln(f_tliatwould bo <strong>of</strong> great beuelll tohe |Mi|ilh -both. iiliy>*lcally aud luen-•tlly—Hint Is phyHlcal traluliiK. par-Icularly in the llrxt icntdeH, a» the'ablls formed iu SIIIIIIK and HUIIIIIIIKure very <strong>of</strong>ten * detrimental to thehealth, 'eH|ieclally in small childrenwho ore mil robust, and wheu a habitIrionce forme.) It IH very bard Id correct'.., . •„•• •'". • • '•When our |>bjtliiii|{ <strong>of</strong> .tin 1 t'liumrtiT <strong>of</strong> Iliiini|Hirtiiiit |iii*ii*'ni° l>*|(ii>liitiiHir und tliIIKIIUIIM liuvt* in iiiiliujl in tin.IIHilitii'*:Tilt* rilliili.lilto rallliotI iinlul|;i. inith*> UNiiitl Ikirrooin t*uiii|i:ilj{ii>if u**it .Uunlawful (or liiiu to ttvut 11-lot.T or InUII.VWU.V .X|HJU1 hi« moiiry MI\V tliraiicltit-4 iij^fiit,' to .whuni ull roiitribiitioii'rllllrtt (JO.!. ' • : - ''No (*or|K>riitinii '1* HIIOWIMI 'to coutriU*utI on-fioii ilny.Tin. .Mii.ri.lnti- i< ivi|iiiri*il' tn link.' nilnfliiluvit <strong>of</strong> nil th«* nu>iu*y In* II.IM rivciv*i*.l nml i*X|»*mliil in i-oiniivlioii with' lu>\priinury uiul rejculur «-t*-i-t IOIIH. nn U UIHOtin* tri*»*>iirll'liu.'.l ill .l.'til|l. .''Tin-niiidiiiit llmt a cnniliiltitt* tuny |i.*r-•oimlly rontrlliiiti* 'towunl hU prliiiuryuml «.liu-tiiiii'i*uiii|ini]4n i*t uli*Holu{i*ly "rtct^il,anil tliU'r«*4trlctioii i>t MO frum-.«*il UH to Imiiitti* nil liii*Ti'liit[v*M, A «•»• I KOB RENT. — Unfurnished brlokFOK HALE.—Two lota, 25x106 feet [ dwelling; 7 rooms, bath and pautryiNo. (186, Seo. A., Wesley aveuue. Price Aebury aveuue.near Ninth Btreet. Ap-1100. Apply B,, BSNTINEL <strong>of</strong>llce. I ply 619 Asbury avenue. - ItPatrons <strong>of</strong>. New Institutionat Post Office IncreasingSlowly.The Oceau Clly Title and Trust Co.has been named by the government asthe depository, <strong>of</strong> the postal savingsbank receutly opened lu tbe poBlioOTeehere., Tb'e post ottlee savings bank Islu charge <strong>of</strong> N. .T. Lulton, motieyorder clerk.Tbe deposits lu the postal Haviugsbauk are growing every day. Therehas been no rush thus far by the poIrons <strong>of</strong> tbe poet <strong>of</strong>fice to open accounts,but there has been au increase such asto show tbat the bauk Is appreciated''by those familiar with the conditions.It will become better knowu wlthiu ashort time, and then undoubtedlythere will be a lot <strong>of</strong> business trknsacted.' .'. ,The,heaviest.single deposit withinthe last few days was one <strong>of</strong> nearlytlflO..Pamphlets glvliig mil information'concerning the postal savings bankare to be had at the <strong>of</strong>Mce.Will Klecl omccrsi.' The members <strong>of</strong> the Itellance FireCo. will elect onicers at their.nextmeeting, which will be held on the11 ret Thursday evening In October.Capt. I). L. Vauaman IIBH been preHidentsix yearn. ' .Kleclrd Moderator.The Heuil-auuiial uieellng <strong>of</strong> theWent Jerney Presbytery was held atl^Otli_XheJtev^Jaiue«.Mcl.eod, resnmaker Wauled. —An expert,enced sewer ou llrMclaw) work; a IMlearner.. Apply at «tt KlKhthHecouil floor, Oi-eanCily, N. J.Try «an - .• Adyertiseinent ;-in the SentinelREPORT OF THE COXOITibNor TMttFirst National Bank• or OCEAN CITY. «TOo»an <strong>City</strong>, In Hie Htale «r New Jerwv.Ht theCIOMIOI bualnnw Mrpimniier I, lull"-HKHOUHI'KH. .unit itlM-ouutH, ; It-Volt'";iifiit luL-unMl and UIUMH-IIIVIIIIVH-~»Irom National Itunku inot re-Uuu frou* upprovvd nwerveItm-kMuuilotlivrraitti ttviuiNoteHorotlur iiutlonul bum'ructlouul paptfr uurr«iicy,li»wfu;juou«y reserve In Uiiik,yl>.;tMidtfr noiim.' ; CTO.NXI-'I.IUUJIWIW.7IKedumptlou funil wltli t'.'RTniHHurer(& pt*r t-eur. or i-lrvliuttlini).. LIAHILITIKM,Capital "lock paid In,• • •HurpluM fund*Tndlvlded prottts, Inw eiponuraand taxes paid. ' •~*'"National bank noteH ouutnndlnirlus to other National lUnlu. V ,Due to TruM fbmpanlrv nn.lHuvinicH Banks,adlvldualday <strong>of</strong>Hept niber. <strong>1911</strong>.It. CUItl IN HOHINKON,NoU^r rui.ll.v'orr«ct-At.«.l:XTmiltN:Olraolom.SEALED PROPOSALSALLEN SCULL TOBUILD COTTAGESIOUnd ' 1 ' •*&%AMES CLARK :: ProprietorMAIN STREET and ...NEW. JERSEY AVENUESOMERS* POINT :: N. J.MCALLISTER'S. ' ...XHE... • • . . ; •BUSY DRY GOQDS STOREARE SHOWINGA FINE LINE OF NEW FALL GOODSNew line <strong>of</strong> dress materials from tayic yard to |i.oo, in Serge*. Clmllen,Panama, Broad Cloth, Danish Cloth and Cotton Suiting.*SKIRTS-'New line <strong>of</strong> cloth skirtsin serge, Panama, etc:, at &, $4, f j'anil I5.98, all new. • . 'OUTING FLANNEL .GOWNS—Two special-values in outing flannelgowns at 59c nn.l 85c,- worthmore.': • " , 'NEW GINGHAMS-I'or waistsand dresses, plaldH and ntriped.FLANNELS-New outing flunnelaand flannelette.BLANKETS—New Blankets from50c up. "White and gray.s. s. MCALLISTER755 Asbury Avenue <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N.* J..-«»••>•>•«*.OCEAN CITY 6%GOLD BONDSIn-order to'provide the <strong>Ocean</strong>, <strong>City</strong> Boardwalkwith a Recreation Pier and Auditoriumworthy <strong>of</strong> the city's extraordinary growth andfor the immediate erection there<strong>of</strong> and enlargement<strong>of</strong> present building thoCHRIS. HAND OCEAN PIER COMPANYNinth Street and Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong> Bonnlwalk, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.,<strong>of</strong>fer to investors a limited quantity <strong>of</strong> its FirstMortgage Ten Year Six Per Gent.Gold Coupon .Bonds.Total issue authorized, $.50,000,00, <strong>of</strong> whichone-third has been subscribed.These bonds are in denominations <strong>of</strong> $100,$500 ami $1000" aiid can be registered at thepleasure <strong>of</strong> the buyers.PRICE 90to irnmodin.o invoslors only from Cnpn Mnyand adjoining counties.* 'TERMS OF PAYMENTTwenty-five per cent, (bearing interest) will!)e due when reservation is made and the remainderDecember 1 and January 1 next, bywhich time the, company.V extensive improvcnentsplanned, will be fully under way. •Prospectus describing the security <strong>of</strong>feredand embodying all information needed for ;insjsent on request by theChris. Hand <strong>Ocean</strong> Pier Company...'•_ * <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, New Jersey " • .-Good Lot Bargains•,New tvn riKnu cottage (just living Imilt) lar};e lot,lfK'ation, fine oocan vieiv, tiKxIctn ami up-to-ilate in e"verj rway. Trice'• '-• - .-.-.•• ..•.-. ^3500.00••'•"t'ifty feet ocean .front with ripa.rian riglits .it-Twelfthstreet. Price . -, - , - - - . - • • .$7000.00•)]. Fine lot on Park- place, 40x100. Sale, price. ^900.00Joseph I. Scull-'.'..'• .757 Asbury Ave a ,<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> . ' New JerseyS >* •9 'i •9 >.9'OXJRSPECIELTY ISOCEKN FRONTMore pr<strong>of</strong>it has'been made from <strong>Ocean</strong> ' •Front investments llian all others' coinhiiieilii\ <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>.We can secure yoit,the liestbargains to be found here from $1000.00 up- •."."*..;. • wards with riparian grant. 'MHSSEY & EDWHRDS• . • Kighth and Central Avenue. — • •Real Estate BulletinFIFTEENTH STREET, "ear Motor lUiul rigb, IMixTS feel.'Up to grade, curbed,,street built . S325.OOST! CHARLES PLACE, SOxlul) r«.'et, alley In rear, Rrailed, 'Hliiewalk and curb • '. , • $600.00- WESLEY .AVENUE, n«w Hovenlewitii' Htreet, Klclewalk. curb,.'' up-l«Kr«ile -. - .• $1,075.00WESLEY AVENUE,Ketwt-t-n, Tl.lrUH-nth and Kourteeut'h• u t i e e l H .,.._• ...."••• .• ,. . . , $1,850.00; OCEAN AVENUE, Between •Tli'lrleenlli 'anil h'ourteenlli •M, gra(le

Val.Tai CoatsHWOO HUM 7°IWOIW um 1°WOO 00 *MW 1IHOO UI 41 W* tO>mm 18 ii ~woo in« ro, inoo . inlowoobaiuioDO HO•! OKaait to to* AUanllo OoeanIon eoitbeaat aide olWM-,U.banonlCat.^«^»£!2i amount <strong>of</strong> IUH midrankle. ChampionatomxnocuoouaamVMUbD UIKMTMarahU. uuumitw(TO OilTW0U.Mo inlowlow•A>CJOICU.W100 00imwUU MlUO 00WOW)IIWOO100 00l«l WU1UIaim.auwwiniwouIWIUlain)l m mIWiultd 00 II Ti* a.h .k* fJT^m* .*A110 UOI HI 00WU00WOO)MIUIADO,C»UI&U0•in ih u)MU5 00aimuouoVia4')U)IWOIsuuu>uu.woSolt»001UIf. 11)a>u>loomitunt11X100Ols Sale <strong>of</strong> PropertiesA88688lllC&t8aor iwrtaot laartreaialorwbWbanv tx-Itwaaieaaiinalaialii'l'. maSSeaXUTut UaUattar." 1Ma.su r.r.tai ax9 ISMono lisaoo Mia«nm'' •»«xioo sai'rank K.CImmplon.7» Ireioomn front, In-IvrMftlon mulbnnl Atlnnlio nvcnlir nailM>utliwi»t Maarlyn lirran, MillUitnal J^i'. M. Campbell. 3k (M>I aorau front. aaulbMilOocup iiv«ntw *t'A tttl • wHillnnMl' (mmJohn MMtlrwrfMt tMur fronl« norlh^asl aor*T."th >na (ba Iwy.WfntuaitlMMuibytlnut 10 IMan mnwValmT.th >na (ba Iwy.WfnMUtlinut 10 IMan mnwlolm Mula. Inlaraaollan Pulen »»«nuo «naTouth ulivcl.norlhoiuit TIV fMl bjrMinih.wiilhtl ' • • '• ','''''',. l)?Beull,iK>ulh ±n>u)MurlhaN. It'll, be.liia in loot aoulhweat olwual ««nwr <strong>of</strong> aller alHDclh and Ueniraluvonur, tlnjn aoulbwrat alonu the alley XV.irvl.thrn or Idle width parallel with Hiixbaw to0 no" in•so 00 >> to 1 op•jan in 5101 1 inam oo *a to a inT. N. tllnimu.ua, lunj In nlnok tietween Nineteenthand Twentieth mreela. K. WeeleyT. tt.Turanians, aanlhoaal aldeol Wealey ave.ime.'.soreeiaauiu«reaioiTvrenilelliBtreei,aoulliwuaiaia.tMl by aaulheaat lu Atlantic.inU«wn'!»oulliM«t side oi Woaloy avenue,w feel aonlhweal Twenty-Oral alreel,aulilhweel 100 feet to Ilia Allan!mo 00 15 ou a 00IV CO I 00I»ID . woo satnoulhweal Tweitly-llral etreet,eoutliwealuUfenllolno. AllantloOeeaniliauown.eolllhMuil aide Wealey avenne,-illfret aoutliwoal Tawntv-Krat atreet, aouln*wraf.au feel by aoulbeaat to lue Atlanticocean • • • - . , iI'nkniMvn. Mnlenwlionaoulheaai aide orWealey avenue and aootnwest aide orTarnlv-Moond atreel, aouthwest 160 leelby aoulbeaat to Ine Atlantic OoeanIJnkiiowii.aonlbiwalalde.il Wra ey av>>noe,IbolVel Miutbweal <strong>of</strong> Twenty-aeeonil al, ,Miulliweat iwreel by euullnnut loin* At-Unam'wn^aauUicaataldeal Wealey avenue. .ilaoaitiWCTt<strong>of</strong>Twanty-aMondatr«l.aootbweat'jaoreM by aoathxaat U tba Atltnin'oV wn?Jotlibeaat'alon>f W«ley aranue.;»»> frel eoulnweat <strong>of</strong> Twenu-ruurlli"'" »ir«et. anutl'Weat IK) feet by wulliaaal lAll*utteOo«an . ''nkU'iwii.ooulbeaalaldeol Wealey avenue.mi reel aoulhmat. <strong>of</strong> Twenly-«eveuiii• »irvet,aautnw*e» to feet by toulneaal u>ma Allauleran. • .. .:•i n known, aoulneaai aide <strong>of</strong> Weatey avenue. -- !.'«> tret aouUiw«tat <strong>of</strong> Twenly.eeveMlliairert, aoutmreal 60 feet by aoiiltieaal i».the Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong>• -••.--, . •Mlmiuona A Harold, ~xilhe««l aide <strong>of</strong> Wealey .avnur. Xal leet aouUiawat ol TwentyrlKhlliatreet,anutbiraate<strong>of</strong>«elbyeunllieaaltotfceAUanUeOfean• . •Unknown, Inlereeetloo aouUi>aatWealey.avenue and aoutbwrat<strong>of</strong> Twttilv-rlullialreel. aonlUweal U leefoy aaulneaallutheAtlanlle<strong>Ocean</strong> • . •• . ... ,Unknown, inlereeolton aoutbeaat \\ ealeyavenue and aauthereal <strong>of</strong>Tblrllelb alreel.aoillnweat JUO feet by aoulheaat lu liuAtWnllo <strong>Ocean</strong>Unknown, aoutneaal aide or Wealey avenu.AO tail aonlliw.nl or Thirtieth atnvl.auulbwe leel by aoulbeaal loI he Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong>Unknown. InlaraeeUon aontheaat aide <strong>of</strong>Wealeyavenue and aontbweal Ktny-* aeennd Street, aouthweat jdfeel by aonth-'eauiutne Atlantic OraanUnknown. • laterarcUan ^oulbeaat aide <strong>of</strong>.'Wealey ax-enue. » feel amilbweat Wftyaecon•traet^toolbweal ISO Metbf aooUmsatto • '.Abe AUBQUQ vOoaaQ >- • >' •>* . JOO' 00nknown, Inlanmtloa aonlbeaal alda <strong>of</strong>Waaler avenue, XOInt aoulbweat flflTaecondalreel,aouiiiwaat an feat by eoutbeaatto Ine Atlantic ucean1(0OOIknawn, Inleraectlnn aoulbeaat aid* OfWealey avenue, SM leataoauiwealor Klfly-,ssrond , aUeel,aontbweat to ; tan byeootbean to Iba Atlantic Ooa.n , • 100 00Dkbown, Inlrratcll.in aoulbeaalaide'<strong>of</strong>Wealey .avenue, inj reet aou'hweal <strong>of</strong>KIHv-ieooridHri.li, aoulbweaiou). leet by• aooUjtaaltoHie Atlanta <strong>Ocean</strong>100 Ooaoaiknawn, Interaeotlun aoutbeaataideWealey avenue, 1130 feet aouihwrei <strong>of</strong>Viny-areandaireei.aoutnweat 100 leet byaooibeaaltothoAlUnllcUoeank t t l t lb.<strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>bCollector's Sale <strong>of</strong> Propertiesfor Unpaid 8freet ABseBSinents.OSIcaortueTaxCnllootor,2S^?y^enanant to tbe _— — -•ale M pnbllo anrtlon on, a»iunknown, Interiicllon aoulbeaat aide, <strong>of</strong>Wealey avenue, 430 ..bet aoulhw.at loinity-aaoond Hreel, aoulhweal W leet by •aoafbcaaitotiieAilanllo <strong>Ocean</strong> 100 00nknoWn, tnt«raeeil«in aomlicaai alda <strong>of</strong>'Wealey avenu», tin feel aouihwrat <strong>of</strong>fllly-tblrd atreel, aoulbweal ID0 Met byaoutbeaal lo lue Atlantic O wannanown. aoulbeaat aide <strong>of</strong> WeaUy avnnuo,U0 feet aoulhweal Kllty-lblrd atreehauulhweat 00 leel. by aonlbeaal to lb»AtbulloOoean . 100 oornaoown,aoaibeaat aldt or fllty-tblrd atreel, 'aouthweat » leel by aouthejal to tbeAtlantlaOoiMn • loamnknown, aoul beati>t«lde or Wealey• avenue,ago leit .aouthwe't <strong>of</strong> Kirty-lhlrd alreelaonlbweal M fret by aouibeaat to IbeXlUullor."'»«IB! 8004IU 209•1x1tiroworn,'.HIM 3 uc>Friday,.the thirteenth day <strong>of</strong> October,p. m. or tbal inineteen bn"Jr«f fW£*gber, aaoond floor <strong>of</strong> MaeeevVonuSTiTHliTTghwaw ID iKuifuor cement In Irant<strong>of</strong> oertalo lotad1c*. whiVh aweMment aa aaxajed, nxad and a*«V W «Blnsltt»lo*u^orpj«i.«^"»BS!?.18!»Si u .SLSn^JrSBToMSd KS"r»r«a» will £«-Id.Jtortb.aboruat umI OJOOa IBa IAif 32 1 mnknown, aoulbeaat aide <strong>of</strong> Weal«y avenue,SOO reel aoutbwen ol Kiny-lblrd alreet.aoulhweal «J feet by aouthaut 10 Ibe 100 00AUan'lc Ocrannknown, aoulhroat aide <strong>of</strong> Wealey avenue,100 reel aoulbweal ol Flny.tblrd alnel,aoulbweal 100 reel by aoulbeaat to tbeAtlantic Orean . • •nknown, Iniencellon aoulbeaat Wealeyavenue and aouthweat Kiny-tourtbalreel,.aoutb real loo reel by aoulbeaat to tbeAtlantic Oreannkno>n, aoutnmtal alda <strong>of</strong> Wealey avenue,10U kMl< aouiliweal Fllly-lnurlb alreet,•uuthweal ID! feel by aoulbeaal lo IbeAUamtaOo an . .Unknown, aoutbiaai aide or Wealey avenue,«» leetaonlbvreat ol Kllly-fourlh atreel.aouthweat 10.) reet by., aonlbeaal to tbeAtlantic <strong>Ocean</strong>Unknown, Interaction aoutbeaat Wealeyaveouo and aonlbwe»t Fifty flflb atreef,aoulbweat lo fM by aontnaaat to theAUauile <strong>Ocean</strong>Unknown, aoaibeaat aide <strong>of</strong> Wealey avenue.SO leet aoulbweal Hirty-nrUi alreel, aoulhwealU> reel by aoulbea I to Ibe Atlantic<strong>Ocean</strong> . un 00Unknown, aoulhraal alda ol Wealey avenne, .linievieoutuweai Fllty-flnb atreel. aoutb- • •weal to leel by aoutbeaat to tbe Atlantic ' .H>ceao-I00-OJ-DnknowD.aonlneaalaldeor Wealey avenue,1U> feel aoulbweal Finy-ttllb alreet. aoulhwe.tU bet by aoolbeaat to Ibe AtlanlloOoean • 100 00Unknown, aoothraal aide <strong>of</strong> Wealey avenne, *anftetaoutbwMt Finy-mtbatrevt. aoulb- . .weat-U reet by aoulbeaal to Ibe AtlanfeOcran100OO.ioknown,aou*bi-aataldeol Wealey aV'-nne. -SiOleel aoulbweal Finy-finb alreet.aoulbwealCOleet by aoulbeaat to tbe AUanllc<strong>Ocean</strong>, , •.•-.- 1UI00Unknown, aoothmtal aide <strong>of</strong> Wealey avenue.!kv reel aoulb weal FlUy-nnb alreet. aoul b-weat 100 reet by mi .tbeaal lo tbe Atlantic<strong>Ocean</strong> . . __ • • 20000Unknown, aoulbeaat aide olWealey avenne.400 reet aoulhweal <strong>of</strong> r'lny-nllb alreel,aoulbweal liu leet by aoutheaal lo Ibe 'Atlantic Oceau . . - 200 COUnknown. Interaerllon aou>beaal Wealeyavenue and aoulbweat Flftyailxlb alreel.aouUiweal 60 reel uy auulueaai lo IbeAUanllc O.van . 100 00Unknown.. Inlereectlon aoulberal Wealeyavoou. anOaoulhwral Fllly-alatb alreel.touth*eat 100 tevl by anulbeaal ItillieAlltintlrtKvun' "" — • - - - 10000Unknown, lounutllon aonlbeaat Wraleyavenue and .aoultrweat Fifty alxlh alreel.aoutbweal I Ml reel by aoulbe .ai to IbeAtlanllcOcan ICO 00Unknown, Inte-eecllon aoulbeaat Wealey >avenue aud anulbw«at Klfly-alslbalfeel,aoutbweal au feel by aoulbeaal tu IbeAtlanlle<strong>Ocean</strong> . 100COUuknowo, lnterae Wet by-aoulbeaal to lue ''AtMnllc<strong>Ocean</strong> • , ... ; XiOO H To «To ibe above will be adde1 Interest, together wltb coula <strong>of</strong> aaleexeruilnc deeda, etc.ft-U.V.P.E. W. BURLEIGH.si a. ' .- Collector <strong>of</strong> Taxes.Collector's Sale <strong>of</strong> Propertiesfor Unpaid Street Assessments.OmworibeTaxOolloclor ' . . . '' NoUcalabrrebfttvenlnat ine iubacribir. tin- T»t t\4lect^>» <strong>of</strong> Oewi Clty'.N. J;.aaant to tbe Cttartrr<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. N- J-. In .urti raara roa.lr ami |>ro.rhli|utaale al public auction ouFriday, the thirteenth day <strong>of</strong> October, ,'A. l«- nllM-leen hnodred and elrwroat tw.>"oVhwk |v i» <strong>of</strong> that day, at the'Council.Vharuhrr.orondaaararMaw;. A VilwiuJ.' ItulMlnK. north eiimrr<strong>of</strong> HlebthanJCVt.tr* 1aw«Ur. Ith aakd city, crrtalu lota, tracta ur i^uvela «if land >rrrlliattrr more particularlyUocrlunl. fiirb«wfl*I«Vair.vt lui|irovvn n»e«t .in.l a.1," -•--"- •CttsrUT «el nf *all»n»l>lla»l»."|~»vl>W^na <strong>of</strong> an thc-Uutun** cutllltHt M A»«mltnano for the Iniaux-vl,from WMMl«Mi.i«ar l.v tlv^r.^—- ——*.....— —.. .^ ........ . *,_.... „. ,u,' ,^.j4K.|i ,*y K4UI Oo'iiii Oily and. filed' In tbl*a»i WJJ«!eJ by aaU contmlaalonrn oT aaaraa-^^Jaat lota. tr*cUV«r t>Art\^rtla«iu«t\^rtla«iu« "•• anouat <strong>of</strong> noneytlObn.appaaroney aaxnaOat • »«£b, Df eafcl &oia> t racta or panjete <strong>of</strong> bukil rrvpecll ve^y^amoant stoe oroo «jvl. MI. tract or ptrcet <strong>of</strong> land «• nnelsarlerppaaronaaxnaaed,IRA E. WALL72& Central Ave.l >New JerseyAll grades Cbor^ete Gravel and Sand..Top Soil forLawn Purposes. -. for w — Jt —«K1»K. W. Bl' KJ-EI^U. Tax Collector.LAKE- Undertaker and Embalmersv cxVTaJit.OCKAMO1TY.N.J..Notine <strong>of</strong> Registry and Election. Farantnt to Uiw DOUce.ta nerahr tffventhat tbe tliard<strong>of</strong> Reclalry and Kt^clloita Inaad lor ' :. .-<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> •. • " ' . . Jejfuejt, •..' . , •will n>eet for tbe purpoaearniaklni: a r-tl*-UaUan <strong>of</strong> TOleW »y a bouae to nouae rauv.ua•' '. ' . . ' ' • ' • .'Tuesday, <strong>Sep</strong>tember is, t*)it •* . ' * alMkazalnon •' ' ' „Tuesday, <strong>Sep</strong>tember 26, <strong>1911</strong> ,al tbe aou'r'oraeveo C7) o'clock In ine mornlaland remain ,16 a.aafcin oBVlaek ID tbeemnloc and ibelrIBnatu rutau f«>ail u«loaeand alae lo thetbf DlelatMli j t o a nartemoiia <strong>of</strong>faald da>- for tbe purponeaaaadCamcUBjE tbe rcglauiConstruction Sand & Gravel Co.•—*"" •>•>'•,MI| ab dwp <strong>of</strong> H«pumber.tm.3adrrcuury day. bttalaas tb*booraoravn<strong>of</strong>TloVlaeka. ta. sad Mao atIhefollowlni deaKnalrdplaeaa: Klral U'.rd.council Obambe : Hecood Ward, No. 1 FireGENERAL ELECTIONKortreparppae ot electlpr candidatranil the loliowlog <strong>of</strong>flcec .. O3«E AtUaEJaBLVMAK' . . «?OaIO!«I%ac 'jmiCK OF THE PavACK','COXSTABU: ' . •Two Memberm or tbe Baud oratttncaUan for two jweint<strong>On</strong>rHerabrraflbeBoanlorKd..: Bcatlon'fdr oiie year• WlllbebeMon- . *Tuesday. November 7', <strong>1911</strong>and tbal tbe election olBrera will alt a-, itbrawl <strong>of</strong> election at tbe plaeea above mrni>lx'te" 1 ! 0 " """boTOday.commenclnto;«locKlalbemortiln(andclo lo( al'o'clock In toe evening.ROLI.A UAKKKTH.IN.yHtmc t t iNotice to Limit Creditors.Buate ot Samuel Mrburcb. drcaawd.futatmuit lotbeordrrol Cauaa f, Veman.Kurraca>aotlbe av --aub^nber aoatIbclrrtalmaanddfmaadaor aaM deceaaad witblo nlitbaBtbdayolSeiUmber.A.££S5 tl * •UBlH.Executrix.ABBOTTS*.Alderney DairiesitSTCca«ar>ol.S.--iaj|ilii)Seventh St. and West Ave.<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>; N. J.Ctioteo Dairy ProduetaAak for Booklet <strong>of</strong> 8pccUnic»OrdctaDettreradBoth PbouesTry an Ad.in the SBNTINEI,Yard and Lawn.work allemleil l» promptly. All klniln <strong>of</strong> .liouw audyard plauU.. Special Bt«»liore lawn |»n»«» i*eil for Bale. Jleat Rradea <strong>of</strong>,nbadeaud ornarueiilal treexaud lieilisliii;." Would be pluaVed todoyouiTop HaininlTflii any qimnllly airl xpeclil fertilizer for.walk for you.your flower beilM.ELMER H. CRANE• • aao MO.ORLYN TERRACR:ean <strong>City</strong> , : • . NawJeraayA HOT TIMEIroiiliiR, In the kitchen or laundry, can be avoided'.During July and August• • By using - ,- •ELECTRIC IRONS;t nu are fiioliali 10 roa«l over a coal, wood, otl, or RIM ulnve.IIOIUB your Ir6ulnic when you ian use au electric Iron aud. Jlie temperature <strong>of</strong> the room will uoi be rained. , ' " .• . If you are ' ,FVorVi Missouri. rail 70 1) 011 the I tell, ^ 01* Prayer ineellnir, Wedneaday eveu{ata o'clock. Hunday aohool.'UUp. iuIUJV. H T. CaaaollwrTyt auDennlendent. C.IC7u'clock.IMittrd f>l Trualeea—l^ewla M. Creaae. prt>litdht: Jobn It. .Urovea. aecralary; L*»|K K.Hiollu, ireaaurer;Jaav|>li 1. Heuiu Joliu KTownaeiulund Warntn w. llrown.' Holy Trinity CbaronTfroteUant Kplacouul,Ceotral avenue and Klevttntb atrrel. ^lurK-v^J. Wood Klllou. union rector; WIIIUi.T. ITIUKle Lay Ueauer. HuuCay Hohool. -Xp. lit.; Moriilnic H«rvloe antl Hvrinon, la+i.•evening r*ruyer and Heruion. 7.16 p. uu, Jliibi^kuiuunlon. llratHooday In lue uioutli. lu.(a. m.; ollH>'Hundaya,7JUa. ni.; Holy iluy,' HfniorWarden.V'. T. Prlnulu:Junior Wnrden,. .\. U Wluklen Vt.lrymifU. Tbouiaa V.Ueunt>ll« Jobn l>alaclietf.*X. l • .: _ Mat., 25,50, 75 and $1.00 •. '" ' NEXT WEEKcbaUUNCIHO MOHOAT. OCTOSCT >The latest Lomlon Musical Success' THE QUAKER GIRL'It may be just barety possible that someother fellow may sell it a little cheaper,biit abetter quality—"IMPOSSIBLE."- We have it and we have it good:, Giveiisyour order for the Sunday poultry. ..Wedress thera.:' . • "Boyle's Dependable MarketS. W. Cor. Twelfth St. and Asbury Ave.Everything in Meats, Groceries itnd VegetablesR. Curtis RobinsonConveyancing andInsurance: . Notary 'Public and Commissioner <strong>of</strong> Deed*lNoa. 744—46 Asbury Avenue'CK58AN CITY,' IV. al.Money to UMUB 00 Bowl aad MortCM*.Try an Advertisement in , :; f- ; ifte SENTINEL150 FEET OF OCEAN FRONTSOLD TO PHILADELPHIANSoaepb X. 8cnll 8ells Bungalowto Capitalist fromCleveland.Charles II. Conmtook, one <strong>of</strong> Cleveland'scapitalists, after sneudlnK thesumiuer In Ibe Ureat Lake, section,decided to pass the autumn lii AtanllcIMly.Mr. t'omsl'ocb, the oilier day,thought be would take a trip to tuln*city 'and sltorlly afleirward boardedone <strong>of</strong> the Shore Fast <strong>Line</strong> cars'. HeuaJin't here very long uerore he uiadeip IIIH inlud to own n home on thisMaud, and the bay front made fa, particularappeal to him. .He saw County Collector Joseph I.Scull and askid him about the bungalow1407 Pleasure aveuue. Tbe conditionsbeing satisfactory, he at -loiit-ebought the house aud will live herenext summer.'ni'Welt Known Pbtiaaelpblan*Home <strong>of</strong> Mr*. J. M. stile*;The Mucker Club.-<strong>of</strong> Philadelphia.Is holding Its annual house pa.rly atbe home <strong>of</strong> Mra. J. H Rlley, 8i!llriglitou place. Six coupleH have beenkeeping dull care away for the pantweek and enjoying the u«ual.round <strong>of</strong>elights best known to liouee partlen.Tennis has not been the least or theirdlventlous, and, with such stars asFrancois Connolly, who competed Inhe Newport championships, Ur.'C.H.'HIckox aud Proteiwor A. l«. Rowandto make things interevllng, "thecourts have fairly teemed with "briliantplays. • ' . ' tThose In tbe parly Include Pr<strong>of</strong>essorand Mrs. A. Ij. ltowland, Mr. andMrs Francis Connolly, lir. and Mr*.Arthur Clark, Mis* Doris Ogrem, MIHHane Anthony, Miss Cecil Blley, It. KScbmld, Or. C. H. Hlckox and H. H.Kyuetl, Jr. • . .visitor from Ml. Molly._llaro!d_B.^Jienji!M^ainny,_or ;.Mt_Holly, were visitors here Suuday. Mr.AIJvu, who has a drug store In Ml.Holly, WBH at.one time In ciiarRe <strong>of</strong> adrug Hlore here.and tuaile many warmfriend*. Mrs. Alien alw> met many <strong>of</strong>her friends. She was a schonl teacherhere a few yean ago. • :Keep Back from Ihe Polls. -<strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> tbe features <strong>of</strong> the new (Jeranlection law prevents any person fromilectloneerlng within 100 reet or a polllugplace, either at the primary orgeneral election. Iu order to com plyLATE IN AUTUMNMore Than ; Three HnndredFamilies Break Record<strong>of</strong> Other Summers. 'Many <strong>of</strong> the cottager* are •till enjoynglife In tbla resort, they being loathapparently to leave the ocean side.. 11Is decidedly unusual for so many <strong>of</strong>he renters to remain bere this far Intobe fall, but Ibe prolongation <strong>of</strong> theirvisit Is appreciated. Up to the beginulng<strong>of</strong> this week, there were at leant800 more families here than at. theme time last year, which mean»,<strong>of</strong>course, any year sluce' the resort wass t a r t e d . • ' • • • • • . • • ' • • • ' • . . - . •This Is a condllion <strong>of</strong> aHalrs !decidedly,gratifying ' to ' the businesspeople, whose days or activity are thus,extended to a period covering at leasttwo or three weeks moretUan formerly.Vacbt clab'a mew Houw.t.'onsiderable has beeu said 'aboutthe Oceau <strong>City</strong> Yacht Club building at35,0Q0 club bouse oh the Gardens tract.At the yacht club meeting, Cowinbdore William K. Hexamer appointeda committee to Investigate and reportto the board <strong>of</strong> governors. This wasdone and tbe board <strong>of</strong> governors baveai>ked Commodore, Hekamer to call ameeting <strong>of</strong> the club, but, as his termexpires soon, be aald he would prefertbe meeting to be held after Beptember80, wben Coinmodore«iect Ralph Wilsontskes over, the <strong>of</strong>rlce and all thenewly-elected <strong>of</strong>ficials take tbelr re-'specllve oMces.Harold Hi Kyoett, Jr., <strong>of</strong> West Philadelphia,well known to the people <strong>of</strong><strong>Ocean</strong> Clly, will be editor In-chief <strong>of</strong>tbe Pennsylvaulan, the <strong>of</strong>ficial paper<strong>of</strong> the University <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania,during Ibe.uext eollexe year. Haroldknows the'business, and will makegood.Own Your Home*It's dignlfled and gives yon a dellcloussense pf'. security to ,own yourborne atOCEAN CITY.Besides, your responsibility as. a realeatate owner makes, you a detlrabteltThink It over, thea call onHARRY HKADLEY. .Seal Batata Operator, Ninth' and A«-bury avenue, next, to Ore bouse whowill show you the very brat way audsome <strong>of</strong> the greatest bargains to befound ben on. tbe easiest \W"»»Ifhotie connectlo0

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