Digicel's Odd One Out Game FAQ - Text To Win ... - Digicel Jamaica

Digicel's Odd One Out Game FAQ - Text To Win ... - Digicel Jamaica

Digicel's Odd One Out Game FAQ - Text To Win ... - Digicel Jamaica


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d<strong>Digicel</strong>’s <strong>Odd</strong> <strong>One</strong> <strong>Out</strong> <strong>Game</strong><strong>FAQ</strong> - <strong>Text</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>Win</strong> Competition1. What is the <strong>Digicel</strong>’s <strong>Odd</strong> <strong>One</strong> <strong>Out</strong> <strong>Text</strong> to <strong>Win</strong> Promotion?• The <strong>Digicel</strong>’s ‘<strong>Odd</strong> <strong>One</strong> <strong>Out</strong>’ <strong>Game</strong> <strong>Text</strong> to <strong>Win</strong> Promotion gives all<strong>Digicel</strong> customers a chance to win great prizes by choosing the word thatdoes not belong.2. Who is eligible to enter this promotion?• All <strong>Digicel</strong> customers, including postpaid, prepaid, dual and hybridcustomers are qualified to participate in the promotion.3. How do I enter the promotion?• You may enter by texting the word PLAY to 4442480• Upon texting the word PLAY you will receive a text message with a groupof words. The customer is required to respond with the word that does notbelong. (For example: What is the odd one out: Cow, Parrot, Dove). Youare then required to respond with the correct answer. In the example abovethe correct answer is Cow. Therefore, you should write “Cow” in the textmessage.• If you answer correctly, you will continue to receive a series of wordsuntil all the game has been completed correctly.• There will be a total of one hundred (100) questions to complete the game.• Each correct answer is an entry into the draw.1

4. How do I know if my answer is correct?• If the answer sent in is correct you will receive one of the messages belowwith the next question to answer:1. “You are correct! …”2. “Right answer, keep playing! ...”3. “That’s correct! ...”4. “You’re doing well! ...”5. “WOW you’re doing great! …”6. “You’re correct, keep playing! Now unscramble …”• Messages will continue until you have responded with the correct answersto complete all one hundred (100) questions.5. What message do I receive if the answer is incorrect?• If the answer sent in is incorrect, you will receive the following textmessage:“Sorry, that answer is incorrect, try again. What isthe odd one out…”• If you answer incorrectly, you can choose to retry the last questionreceived until you complete the question correctly and continue the game.(For example, if a customer answers Parrot in the example quoted inquestion 3 above, he should reattempt the correct answer to samequestion)6. How do I know that I have completed all one hundred (100) questions correctly?• Once you have correctly completed one hundred (100) questions thefollowing text message will be sent to your phone:“Congrats, you have successfully completed the <strong>Digicel</strong> <strong>Odd</strong> <strong>One</strong> <strong>Out</strong><strong>Game</strong>. Remember the more you play the more chances you have to win”2

7. Do I get one entry for each correct answer?• Yes. You will receive one entry for each correct answer that is sent.Note: You will also receive one entry when you send the word PLAY tostart the game.8. Do I have to complete the game for a chance to win?• No. You will receive one entry for each correct answer that is sent. Assuch, you are not required to complete the game in order to gain an entryin the competition.Note: You will also receive one entry when you send the word PLAY tostart the game.9. Is there a cut off time for entries to be received?• Yes. All entries must be received by 11:59:59 pm on March 31, 2013.10. What is the cost to enter?• Each text message sent will costs $20 per 160 characters.Note: This includes the initial text “PLAY” to enter the competition.11. What will I have a chance to win?• There will be a first place and second place winner who will win the prizepackage listed below:# of No. ofPrizeDays winnersGrand Prize 1 Day 1 winner 1 Samsung S3 Mini $20000 CASH2 nd1 Day 1 <strong>Win</strong>ner J$15k in CASHPrize <strong>Win</strong>ner3 rd 1 Day 1 <strong>Win</strong>ner J$10k in CASH3

18. How will the winner be selected?• After the Competition Period, the top three entrants will be selected from all thecorrect responses on Tuesday April 2, 2013.19. How many winners will be selected?• Three (3) winners will be selected at the end of the promotion (Tuesday,April 2, 2013) to win first, second and third prize.20. How will I know if I have won?• If your entry was selected you will be contacted via a phone call by arepresentative from <strong>Digicel</strong>.21. What if I was called, but I missed the call?• In order to win the prize you are required speak with the <strong>Digicel</strong>representative.• If the call is unanswered then the attempt has failed. A failed attemptincludes calls that are unanswered, calls that go to the voicemail or if thephone is turned off.• Five (5) attempts, within an hour, will be made to contact each customerthat is chosen.• If all five (5) attempts fail, then another potential winner is selected.22. If I was contacted and won where do I collect the prize?• You will be required to collect your prize at the <strong>Digicel</strong> office located inKingston.• The address is:<strong>Digicel</strong>14 Ocean BoulevardKingston5

23. If I was contacted and have won, how long do I have to collect my prize?• You are required to collect your prize within thirty (30) days of beingcontacted.24. What do I need in order to claim the prize?• You are required to take with you the following items• A government issued photo ID (passport, driver’s license ornational voter’s card)• The phone with the SIM card for the winning number that wasused to enter.25. Am I allowed to enter if I am under 18 years of age?• Yes. Persons under 18 years are allowed to enter.26. What do I do if I have won and I am under 18 years old?• If you are a winner and are under 18 years old you will be required to beescorted by a parent or guardian with a valid photo ID when visiting theoffice to collect your prize package.27. Is this game authorized by Betting Gaming and Lottery Commission? Yes, This game is “Authorized under Section 58(3) of the Betting, Gamingand Lotteries Act”.6

TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO THE ‘DIGICEL ODD ONE OUT TEXTTO WIN COMPETITION1. The ‘DIGICEL ODD ONE OUT TEXT TO WIN COMPETITION’ (“theCompetition”) is available to all <strong>Digicel</strong> customers (“the Customer”)2. The Competition will run from March 5, 2013 to March 31, 2013 at 11:59:59 pm (“theCompetition Period”).3. The Competition is Authorized under Section 58(3) of the Betting, Gaming andLotteries Act.4. <strong>To</strong> enter the Competition the Customer must text “PLAY” to 444-2480 the Customer willthen receive a welcome message with the question to guess the ‘odd one out’.5. An example of the question is as follows: Answer with the correct word for a chance towin! “What is the odd one out: Cow, Parrot, Dove?”6. The customer is required to reply with the word that does not belong to the grouprepresenting the ‘odd one out’.7. If the Customer gets the right answer they continue to play. The customer will get aresponse including the next question to complete. This will continue until the Customergets one answer wrong or until the Customer has correctly responded to all one hundred(100) odd one out questions.8. If the Customer answers incorrectly, they can choose to retry the last question receiveduntil they answers the question correctly and continues the game.9. If the Customer has correctly responded to all one hundred (100) questions, theycomplete the game and will receive a message stating “Congrats, you have successfullycompleted the <strong>Digicel</strong> <strong>Odd</strong> <strong>One</strong> <strong>Out</strong> <strong>Game</strong>. Remember the more you play the morechances you have to win.”10. The Customer can play the game as many times as they wish.11. Where a Customer has already begun the game and continues to play at another time, forexample on another day during the Competition Period, the Customer will continueplaying where they left off.12. <strong>Text</strong> containing the keyword “PLAY” and each text sending a correct answer will be oneentry into the draw to win the prize. Therefore if a Customer completes the game andsends in one hundred (100) correct answers they will get one hundred (100) entries into7

the draw and one (1) additional entry for texting “PLAY”. An incorrect answer does notgive the Customer an entry into the draw.13. Each text will cost $20 each and each text is regarded as an entry.14. <strong>Text</strong> messages are limited to 160 characters. If the text message exceeds 160 charactersthe Customer will be charged for an additional text message. Each additional textmessage will cost $20.15. Entries must be received by 11:59:59pm on March 31, 2013 to be eligible for the draw onApril 2, 2013.16. On April 2, 2013, after the Competition Period, the top entrants will be selected from allthe correct responses received during the promotion period.17. The competition will have the element of 2 double days. Double day will happen twiceduring the promotion. On the double days, <strong>Digicel</strong> will match every correct entries givingsubscribers an increased chance to WIN.18. There will be a total of 1 Bonus Day where on each bonus day one prize package will beawarded to the top entrant on the bonus day. A prompt will be sent to participatingcustomers advising of the bonus day.19. The Customer enters the Competition to win a Prize Package which includes:# ofDaysNo. ofwinnersPrizeGrand Prize 1 Day 1 winner 1 Samsung S3 Mini $20000 CASH2 nd1 Day 1 <strong>Win</strong>ner J$15k in CASHPrize <strong>Win</strong>ner3 rd1 Day 1 <strong>Win</strong>ner J$10k in CASHPrize <strong>Win</strong>nerBonus Days 1 Day 1 winner J$5k in CASH20. There will be three (3) winners of the draw for the Competition who will get the first,second and third place Prize Packages.21. <strong>Digicel</strong> will contact the winners by telephone on the day the winner is selected.8

22. A maximum of five (5) calls will be made to the selected winner within a period of anhour. If no response is received during that hour, another winner will be selected from thebackup list of 20 players until a winner has been contacted.23. The <strong>Win</strong>ner will have thirty (30) days within which to collect their prizes.24. Prizes are to be collected from <strong>Digicel</strong>, 14 Ocean Boulevard.25. <strong>Win</strong>ners must bring valid photographic identification and the phone and sim card withwhich they entered the Competition in order to redeem the Prize Package.26. Minors are eligible for this Competition but must be accompanied by a parent or guardianwhen coming to redeem their prize.27. <strong>Digicel</strong> employees, dealer principals or employees of any of our affiliated companies,advertising, Competition and public relations agencies, dealers, distributors, or anyoneelse connected with this Competition and their immediate family members and householdmembers are not eligible for entry. For these purposes immediate family members arespouses, parents, siblings and children.28. <strong>Win</strong>ners will be required to participate in any planned publicity in connection with thiscompetition. By entering the Competition, the prize winner consents to the use of hisname, likeness, image, photograph for any and all programming and/or publicity oradvertising purposes, commercial or otherwise, in all media and formats used by us orour agencies, without further compensation, throughout the entire world in perpetuity. Ifa winner refuses to do so, they forfeit their right to claim the prize.29. <strong>Digicel</strong>, with consultation and prior approval from the BGLC, reserves the right to at anytime vary the terms of the Competition, to amend its Terms and Conditions, or towithdraw the Competition. In any of these events notice will be given via mediaadvertisements or messages to subscribers and will be effective immediately or as of thedate referred to in such notifications.30. <strong>Digicel</strong>, with consultation and prior approval from the BGLC, reserves the right toterminate, cancel, suspend and/or modify the Competition if any fraud, virus or othertechnical problem corrupts the administration, security, safety or proper play of theCompetition. In such event, <strong>Digicel</strong> hereby specifically reserve the right (but not theobligation) to award some other prize hereunder (as determined by <strong>Digicel</strong>, withconsultation and prior approval from the BGLC) by means of a random drawing fromamong the eligible entries received up until the time of the impairment.9

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