Volume 4, Number 1, March, 1996 - Noise News International

Volume 4, Number 1, March, 1996 - Noise News International

Volume 4, Number 1, March, 1996 - Noise News International

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I•Do your work faster and moreaccurately with RTA's proven acousticalsoftware.Environmental <strong>Noise</strong> Model(ENM) is world-class . Now, the newWINDOWS version is even more so.Individually defined noise sources,ground effects, topography , wind andtemperature gradients, and barriers areall input on spreadsheets. Predictionsinclude contour maps and rankordering of noise sources.Also available are dB box for fastcomputing in acoustics, including STC ,TL and IIC. And dB ray for modelingacoustical paths in rooms. Alloperate on IBM compatibles.Be time- and value-conscious.Call today.SCANTEI INC.916 Gist AvenueSilver Spring, MD 20910Tel: (301)495-n38 • FAX-n39Reader Service <strong>Number</strong> 7Sound and VibrationFOR RENTOR LEASEInstrumentationTo help you meet today's capitalspendingconstraints, we will work withyou on whatever ittakes-Rental, Leaseor Lease Purchase - to get you theequipment you need.From single instruments to completesystems, we offer Outdoor <strong>Noise</strong>Monitors, SLMs, FFTs, Dosimeters,RTAs, Tapping Machines, ReferenceSound Sources, DAT Recorders, Multiplexers,Human-BodyVibration Analyzers,Level Recorders, Microphones,Calibrators, and more.Our rental and lease plans are flexibleenough to meet your needs. Ourrates are reasonable. And you still getour expert engineeringassistance-evenpaid on-site personnel are available.Strike a deal with us. And get onwith your job.Call today.SCANTEK INC.916 Gist AvenueSliver Spring, MD 20910Tel: (301)495-n38 • FAXn39Reader Service <strong>Number</strong> 10<strong>1996</strong> December 02-06132nd Meeting of the Acoustical Societyof America, Honolulu, Hawaii,USA.* Contact: Elaine Moran, AcousticalSociety of America, 500 SunnysideBlvd., Woodbury, NY 11797, USA. Telephone:+1 516576 2360; FAX: +1 516576 2377.1997 June 16-18NOISE-CON 97, The 1997 NationalConference on <strong>Noise</strong> Control Engineering,State College, Pennsylvania,USA. Being arranged in cooperationwith the Acoustical Society of America.Contact: Institute of <strong>Noise</strong> Control Engineering, P.O. Box 3206Arlington Branch, Poughkeepsie, NY12603, USA. Telephone: +1 9144624006: FAX: +1 9144630201; email:INCEUSA@aol.com.1997 June 16-20133rd Meeting of the Acoustical Societyof America, State College, Pennsylvania,USA.* Contact: Elaine Moran,Acoustical Society of America, 500 SunnysideBlvd., Woodbury, NY 11797,USA. Telephone: +I 516576 2360; FAX:+1516576 2377.1997 August 21-23ACTIVE 97, The 1997 <strong>International</strong>Symposium on Active Control ofSound and Vibration, Budapest.Hungary. Contact: ACTIVE 97 Secretariat,OPAKFI, Fa u. 68, H-1027 Budapest,Hungary. Telephone/FAX:+36 I 2020452.1997 August 25-27INTER- NOISE 97, the 1997 <strong>International</strong>Congress on oise ControlEngineer ing, Budapest , Hung ary.Contact: OPAKFI, H-1027 Budapest,Fo u. 68, Hungary. TelephonelFAX:+36 I 2020452.1997 December 01·05134th Meeting of the Acoustical SocietyofAmerica,SanDiego,California,USA.*Contact:ElaineMoran,AcousticalSocietyof America, 500 Sunnyside Blvd., Woodbury,NY11797, USA. Telephone: +15165762360; FAX: +1 5165762377.1998 June 20·27<strong>International</strong> Congress on Acousticsand Meeting of the Acoustical Societyof America, Seattle, Washington, USA.*Contact: Elaine Moran, Acoustical Societyof America, 500 Sunnyside Blvd.,Woodbury, NY 11797, USA. Telephone:+1516576 2360; FAX: +15165762377.1998 October 12-16136thMeeting of the Acoustical Societyof America, Norfolk, Virginia, USA.*Contact: Elaine Moran, Acoustical Societyof America, 500 Sunnyside Blvd.,Woodbury, NY 11797, USA. Telephone:+1516576 2360;FAX: +15165762377.1998 November 16-20INTER-NOISE 98, the 1998 Int ernationalCongress on <strong>Noise</strong> ControlEngineering, Christchurch. ew Zealand.Contact: New Zealand AcousticalSociety, P.O. Box 11 81, Auckland,Z. FAX: +64 9 309 3540.1998 November 20Recreational <strong>Noise</strong> · Its Effects onMa n and on the Environment, An<strong>International</strong> INCE and ICBENSymposium, Queenstown, New Zealand.Contact: P. Dickinson, ew ZealandMinistry of Health, POBox50 13, Wellington, New Zealand.Telephone:+644 496 2268; FAX: +64 4496 2340; e-mail: phi lip.dickinson@mohwn.synet.net.nz1998 November 22-277th <strong>International</strong> Congress on <strong>Noise</strong> asa Public Health Problem, Sydney, Australia. Contact : N. Carter, Nation alAcoustic Laboratories, 126 GrevilleStreet,Chatswood, NSW 2067, Australia.Telephone: +61 24126800; FAX: +61 24174709.1999 <strong>March</strong> 15-19Forum Acusticum and Meeting of theAcoustical Society of America, Berlin,Germany.* Contact: Elaine Mo ran ,Acoustical Society of America, 500 SunnysideBlvd. , Woodbury, NY 11797,USA. Telephone: +1 5165762360; FAX:+15165762377.*Sessions on noise are planned.

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