Volume 4, Number 1, March, 1996 - Noise News International

Volume 4, Number 1, March, 1996 - Noise News International

Volume 4, Number 1, March, 1996 - Noise News International

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World Conference CalendarThis calendar includes major conferenceswhich feature programs on noise and itscontrol. The working language of eachconference will be English, unless otherwisenoted . This calendar does not includ eseminars, short courses, workshops andother small, specialized meeting s whichare listed elsewhere. The shaded entrie s inthe calendar are conferences which areorgani zed or spon sored by I-INCE orINCE/USA . Entries for this calendar aresolicited from the I-INCE Member Societiesand from other organizations. In orderfor a listing to appear in this calendar,information must be provided by the conferenceorganizers concerning the sessionsplanned for the technical program that willbe devoted to noise and its control. This isparticularly important if the word noisedoes not appear in the name or theme ofthe conference. Send reque sts for listing sof future meetings with required details to:World Conference Calendar, INCElUSA,P.O . Box 320 6 Arlington Br an ch,Poughkeepsie, NY 12603, USA. FAX +19144739325.<strong>1996</strong> April 01-04Forum Acusticum, European AcousticsAssociation, Antwerp, Belgium.*Contact: C. Mortelmans, Desguinlei 214,Celestijnenlaan 200D, B-2018 Antwerpen,Belgium. Telephone: +32 3 2160996; FAX: +3232160689.<strong>1996</strong> May 06-0817th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference,State College, Pennsylvania, USA. *Contact: L.N. Long, Dept. of AerospaceEngineering, 233M Hammond Bldg.,Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark, PA 16802, USA. Telephone: +1814865 1172; FAX: +1 8148657092;e-mail: Inl@cac.psu.edu<strong>1996</strong> May 13-17131st Meeting of the Acoustical Societyof America, Indianapolis, Indiana,USA.* Contact: Elaine Moran, AcousticalSociety of America, 500 SunnysideBlvd., Woodbury, NY 11797, USA. Tele-phone: +1 5165762360; FAX: +1 5165762377.<strong>1996</strong> May 18-24American Industrial Hygiene Conferenceand Exposition, Washington, D.C.,USA.* Contact: C. Tobin, AIHA, 2700Prosperity Avenue, Suite 250, Fairfax, VA22031, USA. Telephone: +1 703 8498888; FAX: +1 703 207 3561; e-mail:ctobin @aiha.org<strong>1996</strong> May 23-25Acoustical Measurements - Methodsand Instruments, Moscow, Russia.* Contact: Russian AcousticalSociety, N.N. Andreyev Acoustics Institute,4, Shvernik st., Moscow117036, Russia. Telephone: +7 095 1267401; FAX: +7 095 1268411; e-mail:bvp@asu.acoins.msk.su<strong>1996</strong> May 28-31<strong>Noise</strong> & Planning '96: <strong>International</strong>Conference on Acoustics Applied toPlanning, Pisa, Italy. Contact: G. Lombardi,via Bragadino 2, 20144 Milano,Italy. Telephone: +392480 18833; FAX:+392480 18839.<strong>1996</strong> June 12-14Nordic Acoustical Meeting, NAM 96,Helsinki, Finland.* Contact: NAM, HelsinkiUniversity of Technology, AcousticsLaboratory, Otakaari 5A, 02150Espoo, Finland. FAX: +358 460224; e­mail: nam96@hut.fi.<strong>1996</strong> June 12-1424th Annual Meeting, Italian AcousticalAssociation, Trento, Italy.* Contact:A. Giacomazzi, Provincia Autonoma diTrento, via Mantova 16, 38100 Trento,Italy. FAX: +39461 236574.<strong>1996</strong> June 24-274th <strong>International</strong> Congress on Soundand Vibration, St. Petersburg, Russia.Contact: M.J. Crocker, Dept. of MechanicalEngineering, 202 Ross Hall, AuburnUniversity, AL 36849-5341. Telephone:+1 3348443310; FAX: +1 3348443306;e-mail: mcrocker@eng.auburn.edu<strong>1996</strong> July 31-August 2INTER-NOISE 96, the <strong>1996</strong> <strong>International</strong>Congress on <strong>Noise</strong> ControlEngineering, Liverpool , Eng land.Contact: C.M. Mackenzie, Institute ofAcoustics, P.O. Box 320, St. Albans,Hens, AL I IPZ, UK. Telephone: + I44 1727 848195; FAX: +1 44 1727850553.<strong>1996</strong> September 23-253rd Transport <strong>Noise</strong> Symposium, St.Petersburg, Russia. Contact: East-EuropeanAcoustical Association, MoskovskoeShosse 44, 196158 St. Petersburg,Russia. Telephone: +7 812 127 9348;FAX: +7 812 1279323.<strong>1996</strong> September 25-28Building and Room Acoustics - 33rdConference on Acoustics, Prague,Czech Republic. * Contact: ABF, Secretariat33rd CA, Vaclavske nam. 31, 11121Praha 1, Czech Republic. Telephone: +422 231 9054; FAX: +42 2 231 8614; e­mail: 33ca@feld.cvut.cz<strong>1996</strong> September 29-0ctober 2NOISE-CON 96, the <strong>1996</strong> NationalConference on <strong>Noise</strong> Control Engineering,Bellevue, Washington, USA.Contact: Engineering Professional Programs,3201 Freemont Avenue North,SeattleWA98103, USA. Telephone: +1206543 5539; Fax: + I 206 543-2352.<strong>1996</strong> November 17·22Symposium on Thrbomachinery<strong>Noise</strong>,ASME <strong>International</strong> Congress(IMECE), Atlanta, Georgia. Contact: N.Humbad, Ford Motor Company,CCO/ITC Room G301, 15031 S. CommerceDrive, Dearborn, MI 48120, USA.Telephone: +I 313 3213 8243; FAX: +1313 594 1738; e-mail: nhumbad@for.com<strong>1996</strong><strong>March</strong><strong>Noise</strong>l<strong>News</strong> <strong>International</strong>55

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