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ook was published, Elaine met a Tanzanian woman here locally withwhom she established a bond of friendship. Another opportunity wasopening doors for Elaine. “She invited me to go to Africa with her,”recalled Elaine. “Even though I was in school at the time, I took a leapof faith and went.”Always the reporter, Elaine took along her camera and began interviewingsome of the Maasai women, many of whom are destined tolive a life of poverty, and whom Elaine describes as a distinctively ruralyet very colorful tribe. Elaine returned there again during her secondyear of studies to conduct more interviews. It was during this timeshe heard about a doctor in the Congo who gave medical assistanceto these women. When she found out he was briefly in Washington,D.C. one day, she set out to meet him and interviewed him aboutthese amazing tribal women. It was through him that Elaine began apen pal-like relationship with the women, the result of which took 50letters, 2 videos and his interview to create a powerful and profounddocumentary called Touch a Woman, Touch a Rock.“These women developed a tough exterior, despite what wasgoing on within and around them, brutally raped and enslaved bysoldiers,” noted Elaine. “That resolve was the beginning of my concernfor women everywhere, even here in this country where so manywomen are still marginalized and objectified. I realized that while wereported stories on women in the news, they were primarily negative incontent.”This is when Elaine became inspired to create her weekly segment,Today’s Woman, which airs each Thursday at 5:30 p.m. Inspiring,thought-provoking, and eye-opening, these shows focus on womenwho accomplish goals through personal vision, tenacity of character,perseverance and unbridled determination, taking stumbling blocksand creating stepping stones to greater success along the way. It givesan honest and insightful voice to women who are struggling with issuessuch as breast cancer, the loss of a parent and even the challenges ofbeing in prison. This compelling program depicts women who arestretching themselves beyond what they ever thought possible, whoare bravely coloring outside the lines of linear thinking and tradition,and who are willing to challenge what has always been in an effort tochampion their true spirits within.“I have seen women who have been given little opportunitiesin life, yet they still get out there and accomplish amazing things,”reflected Elaine. “Through all of this, I have realized that whatever isgoing on my life that I think is bad really puts my thoughts into clearfocus.”However, Elaine’s work does not just confine itself to her professionalendeavors. Born with a compassionate and giving spirit, she isan integral part of the community. In 1990, she joined the New YorkState Mentoring Program as a mentor, and shortly thereafter created acommunications program at the Arbor Hill Community Center whichwas designed to educate children between the ages of 9 and 12 aboutthe basics in the broadcast industry. Eight years later, she created the“Cookie House,” an after-school tutorial program for kids. On theheels of that endeavor, she then organized a weekend trip to SpaceCamp in Canada for 30 educators with the intention of helping thoseteachers champion the pursuit of careers in science and exploration fortheir students.Her devotion to her community, coupled with her remarkablestories about teachers and her unwavering dedication to education,inspired the College of St. Rose to grant her an honorary doctorate degreein May 2004. Shortly thereafter, Elaine was selected as the MediaPerson of the Year for her accomplishments in the community as wellas for her achievements at WNYT.Life has truly shown Elaine that when God speaks, she is tunedin. Even though she has been in the news broadcast arena for nearly25 years, she believes there is something greater for her to accomplishyet. “If I find out about something–a story, a situation, an inspiringwoman, whatever it might be–I take the opportunity to learn more andeducate others,” said Elaine. “I tell young people today, ‘The world iswaiting on you. If you don’t do what you came here to do and stay onthe right path, others may miss out on your gift to them. Life is morethan just doing a job. It’s about taking the gift of opportunities andturning it into meaningful and life-changing experiences.’”When opportunity knocks, will you answer the call or complainabout the noise? Elaine has answered many doors. “As women, it isnatural for us to nurture and make life better for others,” expressedElaine. “Women share and build up those around them. When youeducate a woman, you educate a village. We give a perspective youdon’t always hear.”Elaine is a true believer in the value of women and fully recognizeshow and why they are changing the world. “Women are greatcollaborators. We work well with others to achieve a common goal. Itis not about making history for ourselves, getting our name and face attachedto a project or a bill or any individual goals. We see a problem,work to get it done and move on to the next thing. So we change theworld because we get things done. We think of the community, not theindividual,” she noted.Elaine further elaborated that women bring a new perspectiveand usually have fresh ideas never before considered simply becauseno one bothered to ask their opinions. The innovative perspectiveswomen bring are built upon positive insight and the desire to changethe world accordingly.“Women learn to figure out things on their own and how to befearless,” stressed Elaine. “We ask a lot of questions and we pay a lotof dues, but it helps us to be assertive, to get things done and to be thebest in our field.”Imagine a world, just as Elaine does, with more women in leadershiproles. Imagine a world which champions the philosophy that embracesthe wisdom where one person gives, two people receive. That’sa world where opportunity meets heart. That’s Elaine’s world and oneshe desires to continually share with others. ■For more information on Elaine, visit her web site atelainehouston.com.14 HERLIFEnewyork.com

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