AY 1984 - Voice For The Defense Online

AY 1984 - Voice For The Defense Online

AY 1984 - Voice For The Defense Online


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-~~TEXAS CRIMINAL DEFENSE LAWYERS ASSOCIATION314 West 11th. Suite 315Austin, TX 78701(RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED)TEXAS CRIMINAL DEFENSE LAWYERSASSOCIATIONMEMBERSHIP APPLICATION(Please pnnt or type)NEW MEMBER APPLlCATION0 RENEWAL APPLICATION(To appear m Membersh~p Directory.)MAILING ADDRESSCITY STATE Z I PBUSINESS TELEPHONE ( 1COUNTYTELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESSIBILITYYES-NO-TELECOMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL -N/A -BAR CARD NUMBER(As recorded on State Bar Card)TITLE FOR SALUTATIONM ) M I ( M s . )NICKNAMEOFFICE ADDRESS (Street)CITY STATE Z I PBAR DATE MONTH YEAR(On a separate prece of paper please ten us whatspeeches you have glven, to whom, and when. Also,please llst artrcles pubhhed, pubhsher, and datePROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: (Current)LocalCountyStateNationalSPECIALIZATION:(Certification not required)CERTIFIED CRIMINAL SPECIAIJST. YESNO-LAW SCHOOL L E G R E EGRADUATION DATE: (Law School)HOOLCREESCHOOLREE-I (Names)SECRETARY'S NAMEAPPLICANT'S BIRTH DATEBIRTHPLACE (C~ty and State)HOMETOWN (C~ty and State)SPOUSE'S NAMERESIDENCE TELEPHONE (AC )Have you ever been disbarred or disciplined by anybar association, or are you the subject of disciplinaryaction now pending?Date(Signature of Applicant)ENDORSEMENT -~ ~~ ~,I, a member of TCI)L.\, belwe this appl~canto bc rpsrmn of pmfcssiun.d compctcncy ,intcgrtry, and goodmor~l chrracter. Thc applirmt lr actively cngsged inthe defrnrr of criminal caw.DateMail to:(Signature of Member)(Print or Type Member's Name)Some of the best legal minds.. .in this state already belong to the Texas Criminal <strong>Defense</strong>Lawyers Association. We believe we have now the best Criminal<strong>Defense</strong> Bar in the United States. We maintain that levelof excellence by continuously seeking out new minds, newenergies. <strong>The</strong>refore we want YOU. . .if your legal and personalphilosophies are compatible with our purposesandobjectives:To provide an appropriate state organization representing thoselawyers who are actively engaged in the defense of criminal cases.0 To protect and insure by rule of law those individual rightsguaran-.teed by the Texas and Federal Constitutions in criminal cases.Towresist proposed legidation or rules which would curtail such rightsand to promote sound alternatives.To promote educational activities to improve the skills and knowledgeof lawyers engaged in the defense of criminal cases.To improve the judicial system and to urge the selectionandappointmentto the bench of wellqualified and experienced lawyets.To impmve the correctional system and to seek more effectiverehabilitation opportunities for those convicted of crimes.To promote constant improvement in the administration of criminaljustice.ADVANTAGES FOR REGULAR MEMBERSTCDLA Membership Directory-referrals to and from crimrnal defenselawyers in over 100 Texas c~ties.Outstanding Educational Programs-featuring recognized experts onpractical aspects of defense cases. TCDLA and the State Barannuallypresent many seminars and courses m all parts of the state.TCDLA Brief Bank service.Publicahons, including the monthly VOICE for the <strong>Defense</strong> with its"Significant Decisions Report" of important cases decided by thecourt of crimmal appeals and federal courts.0 Attorney General's Crime Prevenhon Newsletter. Summanes of latestcourt of cnminal appeals cases avdable to private practitioners onlythrough TCDLA's group subscnphon, included in dues.Organnational <strong>Voice</strong> through which cnminal defense lawyers canformulate and express their position on legislation, court reform,important defense cases through amlcus curiae achviw.Discounts and Free Offerings for publications of interest to cnminaldefense lawyers.Research service ava~lable at a reasonable hourly rate; messengerservice in Capitol area.ELIGIBILITY AND DUESEffective: January 1, 1982Voluntary Sustaining dues (VS). ....... .$300.00Sustaining dues (SUSI ............. 200.00Duesfor members in the firm ofa sustaining member ISMF) .......... 50.00Members admitted to practice: (MEM)2 years or less ................ 50.002- 5years .................. 100.005 or more years ............... 150.00Affiliate: Persons in careers which contribute todefense of criminal cases, e.g., law professorr, areelibible for affiliate membership upon approval ofthe application and receipt of the annual dues.Affiliate dues (AFF) ............ 25.00Srudents:Those regulsrly enrolled in a law rchoolin Texas are elibible for student membership.Student dues (SDM) ............ 20.00

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