AY 1984 - Voice For The Defense Online

AY 1984 - Voice For The Defense Online

AY 1984 - Voice For The Defense Online


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SOME OBSERVATIONSON THE DWI LAWby Louis Dugas, Jr., Orange<strong>The</strong> legislation amending the driving you file a motion based on language inwhile intoxicated laws is not state of the White v. Sfate, 440 SW2d 660 (196% toart. This article is my attempt to place a challenge the constitutionality of the title.few well chosen, from my point of view, In the White case, the court held that theobsemations demonstrating the foibles function of a title was to facilitate andcontained therein.protect the legislatin process by afford-Beginning at the beginning with the ing leginlators and other mterested personstitle midway it reads:a ready and reasonably accurate means of". ..amendin$ Chapter 173, Acts of knowledge of the contents of bins withthe47th Legislature, Regular Sesouthaving to read the entlre text. <strong>The</strong>sion 1941, as amended (Articlecourt continued:6687b, Vernon's Texas Civil Stat-''Since that is the function of theutes) by addiig Section 4A andtitle, requirements in legislative billsamending Subsections (a), @I andare determinedby what the title says(d), and adding Subsections (e), (f),and not by what it was intended to(g) and (h), Section 24;. ..""say."This portion of the titie is misleading.Second, 1 suggest that you file a mo-It does not indicate which section of Art- tion seeking probation under 6687(b)icle 6687(b) is amended. <strong>For</strong> example, Set. 24(d), which you contend is still inArticle 1 of 6b87@) has subsections (a),effect. This section allows a person to retain his liceme if placed on probation by(b) and (d).+L. P#...4Lll= UWUI b.'Ya) defves vehiclesMY observations wf&h fofl~w are not(b) defmes motor vehicles scientific, sstiu a jury is not composed of(c) defines school bus"scientists. * ~ ~ concentrations-l ~ ~ h ~ l mustUsually blood for testing is taken invials containing 3 GCS which is the sameas 3 milliiters. Can you visualize filling33 113 cc vials for a blood test. Or whatabout using a 50 cc tube so you will onlyhave to do it twice. A 50 cc vial is usednormally to inigate or for tube feeding.<strong>The</strong> normal blood test for intoxicatiorruses from 1 to 2 cc's of blood.Move on with def~tions:"C&) the number of grams of alclcohol per 210 liters of breath;''One liter of breath is equal to 1,000cc's. A liter is 1.057 US. quart. 210 litersof breath are the same as a 55 gallon drumof breath. Anyone capable of giving thatmuch breath is going to be drunk justfrom expeKmg air. Most breath machhesuse about 53.5 cc"s of breath. <strong>The</strong> definitionalso does not require the breath tobe "alveolar" which the machine maker\claim is the only ah which affords apt*per test result.Remember the word "means" wasun-Upon reading Section 2 of the Act be defied by the court in the charge. If derlimd. <strong>The</strong> court Of the US.(SBJ, 68th Legislature chapter 303) we this is done, the analysis below could be "bdte v. fimkM 58 L.Ed. 2d 596"see an apparently different intent. It 'argued to the jury. Section 3 of the Act '07, said:appears the Legislature intended to amend listed in Vernon's as 6701 1-5 is in quesarule, a which de-Section 24, Chapter 173, Acts of the 47th tion. <strong>The</strong> Fit definition is as follows:clares what a term 'means' excludesLegislature, Regular Session, as amendedany mean& that is not stated."(Article 6687(b)) Vernon's Texas Civil "(1) 'Alcoholconcentration'means:Statutes. (emphasis added for later emphasis) Another pertinent definition:It appears that the titleis afflicted with (a) the number of grams of al- "(4) 'Public place' has the meaninga similar disease as the one which befellthe Controlled Substance Act. I suggestcoho1 per 100 milliliters ofbloovassighed by Section 1.07(a)(291, Penal Code."24 VOICE for theDefem/May <strong>1984</strong>

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