1 Curriculum Vitae - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

1 Curriculum Vitae - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen 1 Curriculum Vitae - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

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4 2 Publications2 PublicationsBooks (6)1. Fahrmeir, L., Kneib, T. & Lang, S., Marx, B. (2011, in preparation)Regression – Models, Methods and ApplicationsSpringer Verlag2. Fahrmeir, L. & Kneib, T. (2011, to appear)Bayesian Smoothing and Regression for Longitudinal, Spatial and Event HistoryDataOxford University Press3. Kneib, T. & Tutz, G. (Eds.) (2010)Statistical Modelling and Regression Structures - Festschrift in Honour of LudwigFahrmeirPhysica Verlag4. Fahrmeir, L., Kneib, T. & Lang, S. (2009)Regression – Modelle, Methoden und Anwendungen (2. corrected printing)Springer Verlag5. Fahrmeir, L., Kneib, T. & Lang, S. (2007)Regression – Modelle, Methoden und AnwendungenSpringer Verlag6. Kneib, T. (2006)Mixed model based inference in structured additive regression (PhD thesis)Dr. Hut-Verlag, MünchenElectronic version available from the LMU library (http://edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de/archive/00005011/)Peer-Reviewed Papers and Book Chapters (43)1. Hofner, B., Hothorn, T., Schmid, M. & Kneib, T. (2011)A Framework for Unbiased Model Selection Based on BoostingTo appear in Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics2. Sobotka, F. & Kneib, T. (2011)Geoadditive Expectile RegressionTo appear in Computational Statistics and Data Analysis3. Kneib, T. & Fahrmeir, L. (2011)A Space-Time Study on Forest HealthTo appear in: Chandler, R. E. & Scott, M. (Eds.): Statistical Methods for TrendDetection and Analysis in the Environmental SciencesWiley

2 Publications 54. Kneib, T., Knauer, F. & Küchenhoff, H. (2011)A General Approach for Modelling Habitat SelectionTo appear in Environmental and Ecological Statistics5. Hothorn, T., Müller, J., Schröder, B., Kneib, T. & Brandl, R. (2011)Decomposing Environmental, Spatial, and Spatiotemporal Components of SpeciesDistributionsTo appear in Ecological Monographs6. Hofner, B., Kneib, T., Hartl, W. & Küchenhoff, H. (2011)Building Cox-Type Structured Hazard Regression Models with Time-Varying EffectsStatistical Modelling, 11, 3-247. Kneib, T., Konrath, S. & Fahrmeir, L. (2011)High-dimensional Structured Additive Regression Models: Bayesian Regularisation,Smoothing and Predictive PerformanceApplied Statistics, 60, 51–70.8. Greven, S. & Kneib, T. (2010)On the Behavior of Marginal and Conditional Akaike Information Criteria in LinearMixed ModelsBiometrika, 97, 773–789.9. Krivobokova, T., Kneib, T. & Claeskens, G. (2009)Simultaneous Confidence Bands for Penalized Spline EstimatorsJournal of the American Statistical Association, 105, 852-86310. Wiesenfarth, M. & Kneib, T. (2010)Bayesian Geoadditive Sample Selection ModelsApplied Statistics, 59, 381–40411. Fahrmeir, L., Konrath, S. & Kneib, T. (2010)Bayesian Regularisation in Structured Additive Regression: A Unifying Perspectiveon Shrinkage, Smoothing and Predictor SelectionStatistics and Computing, 20, 203–21912. Cadarso-Suarez, C., Meira-Machado, L., Kneib, T. & Gude, F. (2010)Flexible hazard ratio curves for continuous predictors in multi-state models: anapplication to breast cancer dataStatistical Modelling, 10, 291-314.13. Hothorn, T., Bühlmann, P., Kneib, T., Schmid, M. & Hofner, B. (2010)Model-based Boosting 2.0Journal of Machine Learning Reseach - Machine Learning Open Source Software,11

2 Publications 54. Kneib, T., Knauer, F. & Küchenhoff, H. (2011)A General Approach for Modelling Habitat SelectionTo appear in Environmental and Ecological Statistics5. Hothorn, T., Müller, J., Schröder, B., Kneib, T. & Brandl, R. (2011)Decomposing Environmental, Spatial, and Spatiotemporal Components of SpeciesDistributionsTo appear in Ecological Monographs6. Hofner, B., Kneib, T., Hartl, W. & Küchenhoff, H. (2011)Building Cox-Type Structured Hazard Regression Models with Time-Varying EffectsStatistical Modelling, 11, 3-247. Kneib, T., Konrath, S. & Fahrmeir, L. (2011)High-dimensional Structured Additive Regression Models: Bayesian Regularisation,Smoothing and Predictive PerformanceApplied Statistics, 60, 51–70.8. Greven, S. & Kneib, T. (2010)On the Behavior of Marginal and Conditional Akaike Information Criteria in LinearMixed ModelsBiometrika, 97, 773–789.9. Krivobokova, T., Kneib, T. & Claeskens, G. (2009)Simultaneous Confidence Bands for Penalized Spline EstimatorsJournal of the American Statistical Association, 105, 852-86310. Wiesenfarth, M. & Kneib, T. (2010)Bayesian Geoadditive Sample Selection ModelsApplied Statistics, 59, 381–40411. Fahrmeir, L., Konrath, S. & Kneib, T. (2010)Bayesian Regularisation in Structured Additive Regression: A Unifying Perspectiveon Shrinkage, Smoothing and Predictor SelectionStatistics and Computing, 20, 203–21912. Cadarso-Suarez, C., Meira-Machado, L., Kneib, T. & Gude, F. (2010)Flexible hazard ratio curves for continuous predictors in multi-state models: anapplication to breast cancer dataStatistical Modelling, 10, 291-314.13. Hothorn, T., Bühlmann, P., Kneib, T., Schmid, M. & Hofner, B. (2010)Model-based Boosting 2.0Journal of Machine Learning Reseach - Machine Learning Open Source Software,11

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