1 Curriculum Vitae - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

1 Curriculum Vitae - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen 1 Curriculum Vitae - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

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8 2 Publications30. Weidinger, S., Baurecht, H., Wagenpfeil, S., Henderson, J., Novak,N., Sandilands, A., Chen, H., Rodriguez, E., O’Regan, G. M., Watson,R., Liao, H., Zhao, Y., Barker, J. N. W. N. , Allen, M., Reynolds, N.,Meggit, S., Northstone, K., Smith, G. D., Strobl, C., Stahl, C., Kneib,T., Klopp, N. Bieber, T., Behrendt, H., Palmer, C. N. A., Wichmann,H.-E., Ring, J., Illig, T., McLean, W. H. I., Irvine, A.D. (2008)Analysis of the individual and aggregate genetic contributions of previously identifiedSPINK5 , KLK7 and FLG polymorphisms to eczema risk.The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 122, 560–56831. Kneib, T. & Hennerfeind, A. (2008)Bayesian Semiparametric Multi-State ModelsStatistical Modelling, 8, 169–19832. Strobl, C., Boulesteix, A.-L., Kneib, T., Augustin, T. & Zeileis, A.(2008)Conditional Variable Importance for Random ForestsBMC Bioinformatics, 9:30733. Kneib, T., Müller, J. & Hothorn, T. (2008)Spatial Smoothing Techniques for the Assessment of Habitat SuitabilityEnvironmental and Ecological Statistics, 15, 343–36434. Kneib, T., Belitz, C., Brezger, A. & Lang, S. (2008)BayesX - Bayesian inference in structured additive regressionSoftware Highlight in ISBA Bulletin 15(1)35. Fahrmeir, L. & Kneib, T. (2008)On the Identification of Trend and Correlation in Temporal and Spatial RegressionIn: Shalab & Heumann, C. (Eds.): Recent advances in linear models and relatedareasSpringer Verlag36. Müller, J., Bußler, H. & Kneib, T. (2008)Saproxylic Beetle Assemblages Related to Silvicultural Management Intensity andStand Structures in a Beech Forest in Southern GermanyJournal of Insect Conservation, 12, 107–12437. Kneib, T. & Petzoldt, T. (2007)Introduction to the Special Volume on ‘Ecology and Ecological Modelling in R’Journal of Statistical Software, 22 (1)38. Kneib, T., Baumgartner, B. & Steiner, W. J. (2007)Semiparametric Multinomial Logit Models for Analysing Consumer Choice BehaviourAStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 91, 225–24439. Kneib, T. & Fahrmeir, L. (2007)A Mixed Model Approach for Geoadditive Hazard RegressionScandinavian Journal of Statistics, 34, 207–228

2 Publications 940. Kneib, T. (2006)Geoadditive Hazard Regression for Interval Censored Survival TimesComputational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51, 777–79241. Kneib, T. & Fahrmeir, L. (2006)Structured Additive Regression for Categorical Space-Time Data: A Mixed ModelApproachBiometrics, 62, 109–11842. Brezger, A., Kneib, T. & Lang, S. (2005)BayesX: Analysing Bayesian Structured Additive Regression ModelsJournal of Statistical Software, 14 (11)43. Fahrmeir, L., Kneib, T. & Lang, S. (2004)Penalized Structured Additive Regression for Space-Time Data: a Bayesian PerspectiveStatistica Sinica, 14, 731–761Submitted Papers and Reports (10)1. Álvaro-Meca, A., Kneib, T., Gil-Prieto, R. and de Miguel, A. G. (2011)Epidemiology Of Suicide in Spain, 1981-2008: A Spatiotemporal Analysis2. Mayr, A., Fenske, N., Hofner, B., Kneib, T. and Schmid, M. (2011)GAMLSS for high-dimensional data - a flexible approach based on boostingDepartment of Statistics, Technical Report No. 983. Pata, M. P., Kneib, T., Cadarso-Suárez, C., Lustres-Pérez, V. andFernández-Pulpeiro, E. (2010)Categorical Structured Additive Regression for Assessing Habitat Suitability in theSpatial Distribution of Mussel Seed Abundance4. Güthlin, D., Knauer, F., Kneib, T., Küchenhoff, H., Kaczensk, P., Rauer,G., Jonozovic, M. and Mustoni, A. (2010)Estimating habitat suitability and potential population size for brown bears in theEastern AlpsIn Revision für Biological Conservation5. Richter-Schmidinger, T., Alexopoulos, P., Horn, M., Maus, S., Reichel,M., Rhein, C., Lewczuk, P., Sidiropoulos, C., Kneib, T., Perneczky,R., Doerfler, A. & Kornhuber, J. (2010)Influence of Brain-derived neurotrophic-factor and Apolipoprotein E genetic variantson hippocampal volume and memory performance in healthy young adults6. Heinzl, F., Kneib, T. & Fahrmeir, L. (2009)Additive mixed models with Dirichlet process mixture and P-spline priorsDepartment of Statistics, Technical Report No. 68

8 2 Publications30. Weidinger, S., Baurecht, H., Wagenpfeil, S., Henderson, J., Novak,N., Sandilands, A., Chen, H., Rodriguez, E., O’Regan, G. M., Watson,R., Liao, H., Zhao, Y., Barker, J. N. W. N. , Allen, M., Reynolds, N.,Meggit, S., Northstone, K., Smith, G. D., Strobl, C., Stahl, C., Kneib,T., Klopp, N. Bieber, T., Behrendt, H., Palmer, C. N. A., Wichmann,H.-E., Ring, J., Illig, T., McLean, W. H. I., Irvine, A.D. (2008)Analysis of the individual and aggregate genetic contributions of previously identifiedSPINK5 , KLK7 and FLG polymorphisms to eczema risk.The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 122, 560–56831. Kneib, T. & Hennerfeind, A. (2008)Bayesian Semiparametric Multi-State ModelsStatistical Modelling, 8, 169–19832. Strobl, C., Boulesteix, A.-L., Kneib, T., <strong>August</strong>in, T. & Zeileis, A.(2008)Conditional Variable Importance for Random ForestsBMC Bioinformatics, 9:30733. Kneib, T., Müller, J. & Hothorn, T. (2008)Spatial Smoothing Techniques for the Assessment of Habitat SuitabilityEnvironmental and Ecological Statistics, 15, 343–36434. Kneib, T., Belitz, C., Brezger, A. & Lang, S. (2008)BayesX - Bayesian inference in structured additive regressionSoftware Highlight in ISBA Bulletin 15(1)35. Fahrmeir, L. & Kneib, T. (2008)On the Identification of Trend and Correlation in Temporal and Spatial RegressionIn: Shalab & Heumann, C. (Eds.): Recent advances in linear models and relatedareasSpringer Verlag36. Müller, J., Bußler, H. & Kneib, T. (2008)Saproxylic Beetle Assemblages Related to Silvicultural Management Intensity andStand Structures in a Beech Forest in Southern GermanyJournal of Insect Conservation, 12, 107–12437. Kneib, T. & Petzoldt, T. (2007)Introduction to the Special Volume on ‘Ecology and Ecological Modelling in R’Journal of Statistical Software, 22 (1)38. Kneib, T., Baumgartner, B. & Steiner, W. J. (2007)Semiparametric Multinomial Logit Models for Analysing Consumer Choice BehaviourAStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 91, 225–24439. Kneib, T. & Fahrmeir, L. (2007)A Mixed Model Approach for Geoadditive Hazard RegressionScandinavian Journal of Statistics, 34, 207–228

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