1 Curriculum Vitae - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

1 Curriculum Vitae - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen 1 Curriculum Vitae - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

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CURRICULUM VITAEThomas KneibBusiness address:Thomas KneibInstitut für MathematikCarl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg26111 OldenburgTel.: 0049 441 798 3240Fax: 0049 441 798 3004E-Mail: thomas.kneib@uni-oldenburg.deWeb: http://www.staff.uni-oldenburg.de/thomas.kneib

Overview1 <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong> 12 Publications 43 Talks & Posters 124 Research 205 Software 286 Teaching 307 University Self-Administration 36

1 <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong> 11 <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong>Name: Dr. Thomas KneibDate of birth: 04.12.1976Place of birth: Bad SobernheimNationality: GermanProfessional Career• since April 2010Head of the German Science Foundation (DFG) Research Project “Structured AdditiveQuantile und Expectile Regression”Department of Mathematics, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg• April 2009Appointment for a professorship “Statistics in economics and social sciences”at theUniversity of Rostock (rejected)• since April 2009Professor for Applied StatisticsDepartment of Mathematics, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg• since April 2007Head of the German Science Foundation (DFG) Research Project “Bayesian Regularisationfor Regression Models with High-Dimensional Predictors” (with LudwigFahrmeir)• October 2008 – March 2009Substitute professor at the Chair for Statistics (Walter Zucchini)Institute of Statistics and Econometrics, <strong>Georg</strong>-<strong>August</strong>-University Göttingen• January 2007 – March 2009Postdoc position (Akademischer Rat auf Zeit)Department of Statistics, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich• April 2007 – September 2007Visiting Professor for Applied StatisticsFaculty of Mathematics and Economics, University of Ulm• January 2007 – March 2007Teaching position “Statistics 1 for Social Science Students”University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich• March 2003 – December 2006Research Assistant Department of Statistics and Collaborative Research Center(SFB) 386 “Statistical Analysis of Discrete Structures”Contributions as statistical consultant to the Statistical Consulting Unit of Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

2 1 <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong>• February 2001 – February 2003Student assistant, Collaborative Research Center 386 “Statistical Analysis of DiscreteStructures”• January – March 2000Student assistant, Statistical Consulting Unit, Ludwig-Maximilians-University MunichHabilitation• Subject: Statistical Modelling Based on Structured Additive Regression• February 2009:Habilitation in Statistics.• Mentor board: Prof. Dr. Ludwig Fahrmeir (LMU Munich), Prof. Dr. Thomas <strong>August</strong>in(LMU Munich) and Prof. Dr. Göran Kauermann (University of Bielefeld)• November 2006 – February 2009Postdoctoral researcher (Habilitand) in Statistics, Ludwig-Maximilians-UniversityMunichPromotion• Subject: Mixed Model Based Inference in Structured Additive Regression• March 2006Dr. rer. nat. (summa cum laude)Award for the best doctoral graduates of the faculty for an outstanding doctoralthesis• Referees: Prof. Dr. Ludwig Fahrmeir (LMU Munich), Prof. Dr. Helmut Küchenhoff(LMU Munich), Prof. Dr. Göran Kauermann (University of Bielefeld)• March 2003 – March 2006Doctoral Program Statistics, LMU MunichCivilian Service• Hospital of the Anhaltische Diakonissenanstalt DessauSeptember 1996 – September 1997Education• Diploma Course Statistics, Ludwig-Maximilians-University MunichSummer term 1998 – winter term 2002/03

1 <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong> 3– Diploma: Winter term 2002/03 (excellent, 1.0)Award for the best graduates of the faculty for an outstanding diploma thesis– Subject of the thesis: Bayes Inference in Generalised Geoadditive Mixed Models– Area of specialisation during the advanced study period: Probability theoryand mathematical statistics– Minor subjects: political sciences, social sciences• Internship: Statistisches Landesamt Sachsen-Anhalt in Halle (Saale)October 1997 – February 1998• Emanuel-Felke-Gymnasium Bad Sobernheim1987 – 1996Specialised courses: Mathematics, physics, EnglishJune 1996 Abitur• Grundschule Bad Sobernheim1983 – 1987

4 2 Publications2 PublicationsBooks (6)1. Fahrmeir, L., Kneib, T. & Lang, S., Marx, B. (2011, in preparation)Regression – Models, Methods and ApplicationsSpringer Verlag2. Fahrmeir, L. & Kneib, T. (2011, to appear)Bayesian Smoothing and Regression for Longitudinal, Spatial and Event HistoryDataOxford University Press3. Kneib, T. & Tutz, G. (Eds.) (2010)Statistical Modelling and Regression Structures - Festschrift in Honour of LudwigFahrmeirPhysica Verlag4. Fahrmeir, L., Kneib, T. & Lang, S. (2009)Regression – Modelle, Methoden und Anwendungen (2. corrected printing)Springer Verlag5. Fahrmeir, L., Kneib, T. & Lang, S. (2007)Regression – Modelle, Methoden und AnwendungenSpringer Verlag6. Kneib, T. (2006)Mixed model based inference in structured additive regression (PhD thesis)Dr. Hut-Verlag, MünchenElectronic version available from the LMU library (http://edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de/archive/00005011/)Peer-Reviewed Papers and Book Chapters (43)1. Hofner, B., Hothorn, T., Schmid, M. & Kneib, T. (2011)A Framework for Unbiased Model Selection Based on BoostingTo appear in Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics2. Sobotka, F. & Kneib, T. (2011)Geoadditive Expectile RegressionTo appear in Computational Statistics and Data Analysis3. Kneib, T. & Fahrmeir, L. (2011)A Space-Time Study on Forest HealthTo appear in: Chandler, R. E. & Scott, M. (Eds.): Statistical Methods for TrendDetection and Analysis in the Environmental SciencesWiley

2 Publications 54. Kneib, T., Knauer, F. & Küchenhoff, H. (2011)A General Approach for Modelling Habitat SelectionTo appear in Environmental and Ecological Statistics5. Hothorn, T., Müller, J., Schröder, B., Kneib, T. & Brandl, R. (2011)Decomposing Environmental, Spatial, and Spatiotemporal Components of SpeciesDistributionsTo appear in Ecological Monographs6. Hofner, B., Kneib, T., Hartl, W. & Küchenhoff, H. (2011)Building Cox-Type Structured Hazard Regression Models with Time-Varying EffectsStatistical Modelling, 11, 3-247. Kneib, T., Konrath, S. & Fahrmeir, L. (2011)High-dimensional Structured Additive Regression Models: Bayesian Regularisation,Smoothing and Predictive PerformanceApplied Statistics, 60, 51–70.8. Greven, S. & Kneib, T. (2010)On the Behavior of Marginal and Conditional Akaike Information Criteria in LinearMixed ModelsBiometrika, 97, 773–789.9. Krivobokova, T., Kneib, T. & Claeskens, G. (2009)Simultaneous Confidence Bands for Penalized Spline EstimatorsJournal of the American Statistical Association, 105, 852-86310. Wiesenfarth, M. & Kneib, T. (2010)Bayesian Geoadditive Sample Selection ModelsApplied Statistics, 59, 381–40411. Fahrmeir, L., Konrath, S. & Kneib, T. (2010)Bayesian Regularisation in Structured Additive Regression: A Unifying Perspectiveon Shrinkage, Smoothing and Predictor SelectionStatistics and Computing, 20, 203–21912. Cadarso-Suarez, C., Meira-Machado, L., Kneib, T. & Gude, F. (2010)Flexible hazard ratio curves for continuous predictors in multi-state models: anapplication to breast cancer dataStatistical Modelling, 10, 291-314.13. Hothorn, T., Bühlmann, P., Kneib, T., Schmid, M. & Hofner, B. (2010)Model-based Boosting 2.0Journal of Machine Learning Reseach - Machine Learning Open Source Software,11

6 2 Publications14. Kneib, T., Brezger, A., & Crainiceanu, C. M. (2010)Generalized Semiparametric Regression Models with Nonparametric Effects of CovariatesMeasured with ErrorIn: Kneib, T. & Tutz, G. (Eds.): Statistical Modelling and Regression Structures –Festschrift in Honour of Ludwig FahrmeirPhysica Verlag15. Kneib, T. (2010)Exploratory Data AnalysisLeidl, R and Hartmann, A. (eds.): Modern Comutational Science 2010Oldenburg University Press16. Kneib, T. (2010)Semiparametric RegressionLeidl, R and Hartmann, A. (eds.): Modern Comutational Science 2010Oldenburg University Press17. Alexopoulos, P., Lehrl, S., Richter-Schmiedinger, T., Kreusslein, A.,Hauenstein, T., Bayerl, F., Jung, P., Kneib, T., Kurz, A., Kornhuber,J. & Bleich, S. (2010)Short-term influence of changes in plasma homocysteine levels on cognitive functionin young healthy adultsThe Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 14, 283–28718. Alexopoulos, P., Ebert, A., Richter-Schmidinger, T., Schöll, E., Natale,B., Aguilar, C., Gourzis, P., Weih, M., Perneczky, R., Diehl-Schmid. J., Kneib, T., Förstl, H., Kurz, A., Danek, A. and Kornhuber,J. (2010)Validation of the German Addenbrookes Cognitive Examination - Revised for detectingmild cognitive impairment, mild dementia in Alzheimers disease and frontotemporallobar degenerationDementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 29, 448–456.19. Bässler, C., Müller, J., Hothorn, T., Kneib, T., Badeck, F. & Dziock,F. (2009)Estimation of the extinction risk of high montane species after global warming andcomparison of their suitability as cross-taxon indicatorsEcological Indicators, 10, 341–35220. Kneib, T. (2009)Exploratory Data AnalysisLeidl, R & Hartmann, A. (Eds.): Modern Computational Science 2009Oldenburg University Press21. Kneib, T., Hothorn, T. & Tutz, G. (2009)Model Choice and Variable Selection in Geoadditive Regression ModelsBiometrics, 65, 626–634

2 Publications 722. Scheipl, F. & Kneib, T. (2009)Locally Adaptive Bayesian P-Splines with a Normal-Exponential-Gamma PriorComputational Statistics & Data Analysis, 53, 3533–355223. Fahrmeir, L. & Kneib, T. (2009)Discussion on “Approximate Bayesian inference for latent Gaussian models by usingintegrated nested Laplace approximations” by Rue, H., Martino, S. & Chopin, N.Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 71, 36724. Fahrmeir, L. & Kneib, T. (2009)Propriety of Posteriors in Structured Additive Regression Models: Theory and EmpiricalEvidenceJournal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139, 843–85925. Kalus, S., Kneib, T., Steiger, A., Holsboer, F. & Yassouridis, A. (2009)A new strategy to analyze possible association structures between dynamic nocturnalhormone activities and sleep alterations in humansAmerican Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology,296, R1216–R122726. Beyersmann, J., Kneib, T., Schumacher, M. & Gastmeier, P. (2009)Nosocomial infection, length of stay and time-dependent biasInfection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 30, 273-27627. Strasak, A. M., Lang, S., Kneib, T., Brant, L. J., Klenk, J., Hilbe, W.,Oberaigner, W., Ruttmann, E., Kaltenbach, L., Concin, H., Diem, G.,Pfeiffer, K. P., Ulmer, H. & the VHM&PP Study Group (2009)Use of Penalized Splines in Extended Cox-type Additive Hazard Regression to FlexiblyEstimate the Effect of Time-varying Serum Uric Acid on Risk of Cancer Incidence:A Prospective, Population-based Study in 78850 MenAnnals of Epidemiology, 19, 15–2428. Alexopoulos, P., Günther, F., Popp, J., Jessen, F., Peters, O., Wolf,S., Kneib, T., Kurz, A., Richter-Schmidinger, T., Lewczuk, P., Bleich,S., Wiltfang, J. & Kornhuber, J. (2009)Plasma homocysteine and Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) neurodegeneration biomarkersin Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and dementiaJournal of the American Geriatrics Society, 57, 737–73929. Moubarak, P., Zilker, S., Wolf, H., Hofner, B., Kneib, T., Küchenhoff,H., Jauch, K.-W. & Hartl. W. H. (2008)Activity-guided antithrombin III therapy in severe surgical sepsis: Eficacy and safetyaccording to a retrospective data analysis.Shock, 30, 634–641

8 2 Publications30. Weidinger, S., Baurecht, H., Wagenpfeil, S., Henderson, J., Novak,N., Sandilands, A., Chen, H., Rodriguez, E., O’Regan, G. M., Watson,R., Liao, H., Zhao, Y., Barker, J. N. W. N. , Allen, M., Reynolds, N.,Meggit, S., Northstone, K., Smith, G. D., Strobl, C., Stahl, C., Kneib,T., Klopp, N. Bieber, T., Behrendt, H., Palmer, C. N. A., Wichmann,H.-E., Ring, J., Illig, T., McLean, W. H. I., Irvine, A.D. (2008)Analysis of the individual and aggregate genetic contributions of previously identifiedSPINK5 , KLK7 and FLG polymorphisms to eczema risk.The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 122, 560–56831. Kneib, T. & Hennerfeind, A. (2008)Bayesian Semiparametric Multi-State ModelsStatistical Modelling, 8, 169–19832. Strobl, C., Boulesteix, A.-L., Kneib, T., <strong>August</strong>in, T. & Zeileis, A.(2008)Conditional Variable Importance for Random ForestsBMC Bioinformatics, 9:30733. Kneib, T., Müller, J. & Hothorn, T. (2008)Spatial Smoothing Techniques for the Assessment of Habitat SuitabilityEnvironmental and Ecological Statistics, 15, 343–36434. Kneib, T., Belitz, C., Brezger, A. & Lang, S. (2008)BayesX - Bayesian inference in structured additive regressionSoftware Highlight in ISBA Bulletin 15(1)35. Fahrmeir, L. & Kneib, T. (2008)On the Identification of Trend and Correlation in Temporal and Spatial RegressionIn: Shalab & Heumann, C. (Eds.): Recent advances in linear models and relatedareasSpringer Verlag36. Müller, J., Bußler, H. & Kneib, T. (2008)Saproxylic Beetle Assemblages Related to Silvicultural Management Intensity andStand Structures in a Beech Forest in Southern GermanyJournal of Insect Conservation, 12, 107–12437. Kneib, T. & Petzoldt, T. (2007)Introduction to the Special Volume on ‘Ecology and Ecological Modelling in R’Journal of Statistical Software, 22 (1)38. Kneib, T., Baumgartner, B. & Steiner, W. J. (2007)Semiparametric Multinomial Logit Models for Analysing Consumer Choice BehaviourAStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 91, 225–24439. Kneib, T. & Fahrmeir, L. (2007)A Mixed Model Approach for Geoadditive Hazard RegressionScandinavian Journal of Statistics, 34, 207–228

2 Publications 940. Kneib, T. (2006)Geoadditive Hazard Regression for Interval Censored Survival TimesComputational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51, 777–79241. Kneib, T. & Fahrmeir, L. (2006)Structured Additive Regression for Categorical Space-Time Data: A Mixed ModelApproachBiometrics, 62, 109–11842. Brezger, A., Kneib, T. & Lang, S. (2005)BayesX: Analysing Bayesian Structured Additive Regression ModelsJournal of Statistical Software, 14 (11)43. Fahrmeir, L., Kneib, T. & Lang, S. (2004)Penalized Structured Additive Regression for Space-Time Data: a Bayesian PerspectiveStatistica Sinica, 14, 731–761Submitted Papers and Reports (10)1. Álvaro-Meca, A., Kneib, T., Gil-Prieto, R. and de Miguel, A. G. (2011)Epidemiology Of Suicide in Spain, 1981-2008: A Spatiotemporal Analysis2. Mayr, A., Fenske, N., Hofner, B., Kneib, T. and Schmid, M. (2011)GAMLSS for high-dimensional data - a flexible approach based on boostingDepartment of Statistics, Technical Report No. 983. Pata, M. P., Kneib, T., Cadarso-Suárez, C., Lustres-Pérez, V. andFernández-Pulpeiro, E. (2010)Categorical Structured Additive Regression for Assessing Habitat Suitability in theSpatial Distribution of Mussel Seed Abundance4. Güthlin, D., Knauer, F., Kneib, T., Küchenhoff, H., Kaczensk, P., Rauer,G., Jonozovic, M. and Mustoni, A. (2010)Estimating habitat suitability and potential population size for brown bears in theEastern AlpsIn Revision für Biological Conservation5. Richter-Schmidinger, T., Alexopoulos, P., Horn, M., Maus, S., Reichel,M., Rhein, C., Lewczuk, P., Sidiropoulos, C., Kneib, T., Perneczky,R., Doerfler, A. & Kornhuber, J. (2010)Influence of Brain-derived neurotrophic-factor and Apolipoprotein E genetic variantson hippocampal volume and memory performance in healthy young adults6. Heinzl, F., Kneib, T. & Fahrmeir, L. (2009)Additive mixed models with Dirichlet process mixture and P-spline priorsDepartment of Statistics, Technical Report No. 68

10 2 Publications7. Baumgartner, B., Steiner, W. J. & Kneib, T. (2009)Estimating Time-Dependent Effects in Brand Choice Models: A SemiparametricApproachIn revision for International Journal of Research in Marketing8. Fenske, N. Kneib, T. & Hothorn, T. (2009)Identifying Risk Factors for Severe Childhood Malnutrition by Boosting AdditiveQuantile RegressionDepartment of Statistics, Technical Report No. 52In revision for Journal of the American Statistical Association9. Hofner, B., Hothorn, T. & Kneib, T. (2008)Variable Selection and Model Choice in Structured Survival ModelsDepartment of Statistics, Technical Report No. 4310. Konrath, S., Kneib, T. & Fahrmeir, L. (2008)Bayesian Regularisation in Structured Additive Regression Models for Survival DataDepartment of Statistics, Technical Report No. 35Contributions in Conference-Proceedings (4)1. Greven, S. & Kneib, T. (2009)Marginal and Conditional Akaike Information Criteria in Linear Mixed ModelsProceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Statistical ModellingEd.: Booth, J. G.2. Kneib, T. & Hennerfeind, A. (2006)A Nonparametric Multi-State Model for the Analysis of Human SleepProceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Statistical ModellingEds.: Hinde, J., Einbeck, J. and Newell, J.3. Kneib, T. & Fahrmeir, L. (2004)Structured Additive Regression for Multicategorical Space-Time Data: a Mixed ModelApproachProceedings of the 19th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, 164–168Eds.: Biggeri, A., Dreassi, E., Lagazio, C. & Marchi, M.Firenze University Press4. Kneib, T. (2004)Penalized Structured Additive Regression for Space-Time DataAbstracts of the Joint Meeting of the IBS-DR and the DAE.Biometrical Journal Supplement, 46, 1Further Papers (4)1. Brezger, A., Kneib, T. & Lang, S. (2006)Manuals for BayesX – A Software for Bayesian Inference in Structured AdditiveRegression Models

2 Publications 112. Kneib, T. & Fahrmeir, L. (2005)Supplement to ’Structured Additive Regression for Categorical Space-Time Data:A Mixed Model Approach’Discussion Paper 431, SFB 3863. Kneib, T., Lang, S. & Brezger, A. (2004)Bayesian Semiparametric Regression Based on Mixed Model Methodology: A Tutorial4. Kneib, T., Lang, S. & Brezger, A. (2004)Bayesian Semiparametric Regression Based on MCMC Techniques: A Tutorial

12 3 Talks & Posters3 Talks & PostersInvited Talks1. Bayesian Geoadditive Sample Selection ModelsZürcher Kolloquium über anwendungsorientierte StatistikZürich, 10.3.20112. Analyzing spatial heterogeneity with geoadditive regression modelsXXVth International Biometric Conference 2010Florianapolis, 5. – 10.12.20103. Penalisierte Splines und ihre Anwendung in der BiostatistikFakultät für Mathematik und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität UlmUlm, 2.12.20104. Semiparametric quantile and expectile regression28th European Meeting of StatisticiansPiraeus, 17. – 22.8.20105. Semiparametrische RegressionKolloquium des Instituts für PsychologieOldenburg, 5.8.20106. Semiparametrische Quantil- und ExpektilregressionLudwig-Maximilians-Universität MünchenMünchen, 12.5.20107. Semiparametrische Quantil- und Expektilregression<strong>Georg</strong>-<strong>August</strong>-Universität Göttingen Göttingen, 3.5.20108. Semiparametrische RegressionOFFIS SeminarOldenburg, 29.10.20099. Survival of the fittest - Wie statistische Modelle an Daten angepasst werdenTag der Mathematik 2009Oldenburg, 28.10.200910. Statistik - Von der Kunst der verantwortungsvollen DatenanalyseLange Nacht der WissenschaftenOldenburg, 25.9.200911. Analysing Spatio-temporal Regression Data: A Case Study in Forest Health2nd Göttingen Workshop on Kernel Based MethodsGöttingen, 3. – 5.6.200912. BayesX and INLA - Opponents or Partners? (with Monia Mahling)INLA User ConferenceTrondheim, 14. – 16.5.2009

3 Talks & Posters 1313. Bayesian Smoothness and Shrinkage Priors in Regression (with Ludwig Fahrmeirand Susanne Konrath)55. Biometrisches Kolloquium der Deutschen Region der International BiometricSocietyHannover, 17. – 19.3.200914. On the Behavior of Marginal and Conditional Akaike Information Criteria in LinearMixed Models (with Sonja Greven)Kolloquium des Zentrums für StatistikBielefeld, 10.2.200915. Bayesianische Regularisierung in semiparametrischen RegressionsmodellenFakultät Statistik, Technische Universität DortmundDortmund, 31.10.200816. Zeitvariierende Effekte in Markenwahl-ModellenInstitut für Statistik, Universität InnsbruckInnsbruck, 29.9.200817. Time-varying Coefficients in Brand Choice ModellingStatistische Woche Köln14. – 18.9.200818. Bayesianische Regularisierungs-PriorisFakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Universität OldenburgOldenburg, 26.8.200819. Semiparametrische Multinomiale Logit-Modelle zur MarkenwahlanalyseFakultät Verkehrswissenschaften “Friedrich List”TU Dresden, 23.7.200820. Semiparametrische MehrstadienmodelleInstitut für Medizinische Informationsverarbeitung, Biometrie und Epidemiologie,LMU MünchenMünchen, 30.6.200821. Generalised Structured Additive Regression: Regularisation, Estimation and ModelChoiceInstitut für Mathematik der Universität ZürichZürich, 23.5.200822. Boosting Geoadditive Regression ModelsORSTAT (Operations Research & Business Statistics)Katolieke Universitet LeuvenLeuven, 8.5.200823. Model Choice and Variable Selection in Geoadditive RegressionStatistics and Life Sciences: Perspectives and ChallengesMünchen, 10. – 13.3.2008

14 3 Talks & Posters24. Model Choice and Variable Selection in Geoadditive RegressionEnsemble WorkshopBerlin, 11. – 12.2.200825. Bayesian Regularisation PriorsDKFZ-SeminarHeidelberg, 21.1.200826. Regularising Geoadditive Regression ModelsSelection Symposium Courant Research Centre ”Poverty, Equity, and Growth inDeveloping and Transition Countries“Göttingen, 17. – 19.1.200827. Semiparametrische Multinomiale Logit Modelle zur Markenwahl-AnalyseKolleg-SeminarUlm, 30.11.200728. Modelling Geoadditive Regression DataMathematisches KolloquiumKarlsruhe, 29.11.200729. Bayesian Structured Hazard RegressionSeminar on Data Analysis and ModelingFreiburg, 16.11.200730. Structured Hazard RegressionRecent Advances in the Statistical Analysis of Count and Survival DataZürich, 25 – 26.9.200731. BayesX: Analysing Geoadditive Regression Data18th Annual Meeting of the International Environmetrics SocietyMikulov, 16. – 20.8.200732. Semiparametric Event History Models for Analyzing Human Sleep Data (with LudwigFahrmeir and Alexander Yassouridis)Joint Statistical MeetingSalt Lake City, 29.7. – 2.8.200733. A Unifying Perspective on Smoothing, Mixed Models and Correlated Data (withStefan Lang)Determinants of Gender Bias in Survival and Health Access in South AsiaGöttingen, 19. – 20.7.200734. Bayesian Semiparametric Multi-State ModelsMünchner Zentrum für Gesundheitswissenschaften (MC-Health)München, 6.3.200735. BayesX: Bayesianische Inferenz in strukturiert additiven RegressionsmodellenMarkov Chain Monte Carlo - Methoden und AnwendungenMainz, 1.12.2006

3 Talks & Posters 1536. Empirical Bayes Inference in Structured Hazard RegressionDepartment of Mathematical Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyTrondheim, 20.11.200637. A Unifying Bayesian Perspective on Structured Additive Regression and MixedModelsInstitut für Statistik, Leopold-Franzens-Universität InnsbruckInnsbruck, 7.11.200638. Bayesian Semiparametric Multi-State ModelsStatistical Modelling of Complex SystemsMünchen, 12. – 14.10.200639. Bayesian Structured Hazard RegressionBayesian Inference in Complex Stochastic SystemsWarwick, 28. – 30.5.200640. Mixed Model Based Inference for Complex Regression DataKolloquium zur quantitativen Wirtschaftspolitik, Statistik und ÖkonometrieBielefeld, 24.04.200641. Modelling Geoadditive Survival DataSpatial and Spatio-Temporal SystemsTechnische Universität München, 22.11.200442. Fast Statistical Computing Based on Sparse Symmetric Matrices Workshop on theInterface of Numerical Analysis, Optimization and Stochastics with Emphasis onStatistical and Financial ApplicationsTechnische Universität München, 13. – 14.11.2003Invited Talks (Co-author, selected)43. Simultaneous Confidence Bands for Penalised Splines (with Tatyana Krivobokovaand Gerda Claeskens, presented by Tatyana Krivobokova)Inaugural Conference of the Courant Research Centre ‘Poverty, Equity and Growth’Göttingen, 1. – 4.7.200944. Bayesian Smoothness and Shrinkage Priors in Regression (presented by LudwigFahrmeir)International Workshop on Flexible Modelling: Smoothing and RobustnessKatholieke Universiteit Leuven, 12. – 14.11.200845. Bayesian Smoothness and Shrinkage Priors in Regression (presented by LudwigFahrmeir)Joint Statistical MeetingsDenver, 3. – 7.8.2008

16 3 Talks & Posters46. Modelling Complex Environmental Spatial and Temporal Data (presented by StefanLang)Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of BathBath, 20. – 22.6.200747. Structured Additive Regression (presented by Ludwig Fahrmeir)Statistik unter einem Dach - Erste gemeinsame Tagung der Deutschen ArbeitsgemeinschaftStatistikBielefeld, 27. – 30.3.200748. Geoadditive Hazard Models (with Ludwig Fahrmeir and Andrea Hennerfeind, presentedby Ludwig Fahrmeir)Statistical Analysis of complex event history dataOslo, 31.8. – 2.9.200549. Structured Hazard Regression (with Ludwig Fahrmeir and Andrea Hennerfeind,presented by Ludwig Fahrmeir)Statistical Computing 2005Schloss Reisensburg, Günzburg, 3.7. – 6.7.2005Contributed Talks1. Bayesian Geoadditive Sample Selection Models (mit Manuel Wiesenfarth)Österreichische Statistiktage 2010Wien, 19.-22.10.20102. On the Behavior of Marginal and Conditional Akaike Information Criteria in LinearMixed Models (with Sonja Greven)2. gemeinsame Arbeitstagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAG-Stat 2010)Dortmund, 23. – 26.3.20103. On the Behavior of Marginal and Conditional Akaike Information Criteria in LinearMixed Models (with Sonja Greven)Arbeitstagung der Arbeitsgruppen Bayes-Methodik, Räumliche Statistik und Ökologieund Umwelt der Biometrischen GesellschaftLübeck, 3. – 5.12.20094. Semiparametric Multi-State Models30th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical BiostatisticsPrague, 23. – 27.8.20095. Additive Quantile Regression for the Analysis of Childhood Malnutrition (with NoraFenske and Torsten Hothorn)Inaugural Conference of the Courant Research Centre ‘Poverty, Equity and Growth’Göttingen, 1. – 4.7.20096. mboost - Componentwise Boosting for Generalised Regression ModelsuseR - The R User Conference 2008Dortmund, 12. – 14.8.2008

3 Talks & Posters 177. Boosting Geoadditive Regression ModelsXXIVth International Biometric ConferenceDublin, 13. – 18.7.20088. BayesX – Software for Bayesian Inference in Structured Additive RegressionStatistical Computing 2007Schloss Reisensburg, Günzburg, 1. – 4.7.20079. Semiparametric Multinomial Logit Models for the Analysis of Brand Choice Behaviour(with Bernhard Baumgartner and Winfried Steiner)Statistik unter einem Dach - Erste gemeinsame Tagung der Deutschen ArbeitsgemeinschaftStatistikBielefeld, 27. – 30.3.200710. A Nonparametric Multi-State Model for the Analysis of Human Sleep21st International Workshop on Statistical ModellingGalway, 3. – 7.07.200611. Spatially Correlated Categorical Time Series: A Case Study in Forest Health30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klassifikation (GfKl)Berlin, 8. – 10.3.200612. Analysing Geoadditive Regression Data: a Mixed Model ApproachArbeitstagung der Arbeitsgruppen Bayes-Methodik, Räumliche Statistik und Ökologieund Umwelt der Biometrischen GesellschaftHannover, 24. – 25.11.200513. A Mixed Model Approach for Structured Hazard Regression with Interval CensoredSurvival Times3rd World Conference on Computational Statistics and Data AnalysisLimassol, 28. – 31.10.200514. Geoadditive Hazard Regression for Interval Censored Survival Times25th European Meeting of StatisticiansOslo, 24. – 28.7.200515. Gemischte Modelle zur Schätzung geoadditiver RegressionsmodellePfingsttagung der Deutschen Statistischen GesellschaftMünster, 19. – 20.05.200516. A General Mixed Model Approach for Spatio-Temporal Regression DataSéminaire Européen de Statistique 2004: Statistics of Spatio-Temporal SystemsBernried, 12. – 18.12.200417. A Mixed Model Approach for Geoadditive Hazard RegressionErweiterte Methoden für Überlebenszeiten, Statistische Methoden in Epidemiologieund MedizinHalle, 18. – 19.11.200418. Structured Additive Regression for Multicategorical Space-Time Data: A MixedModel Approach19th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling.Florence, 4. – 8.07.2004

18 3 Talks & Posters19. Penalized Structured Additive Regression for Multicategorical Space-Time DataJoint Meeting of the German Region of the International Biometric Society and theGerman Association of EpidemiologyHeidelberg, 16. – 19.03.2004Contributed Talks (Co-author, selected)20. Geoadditive Expectile Regression (presented by Fabian Sobotka)2. gemeinsame Arbeitstagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAG-Stat 2010)Dortmund, 23. – 26.3.201021. Multilevel Structured Additive Regression (with Stefan Lang, Nikolaus Umlauf andPeter Wechselberger, presented by Stefan Lang)2. gemeinsame Arbeitstagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAG-Stat 2010)Dortmund, 23. – 26.3.201022. Additive mixed models with Dirichlet process mixture and P-Spline priors (withFelix Heinzl and Ludwig Fahrmeir, presented by Felix Heinzl)2. gemeinsame Arbeitstagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAG-Stat 2010)Dortmund, 23. – 26.3.201023. Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Choice for Generalized Additive Modelsusing Normal-Inverse-Gamma Spike-and-Slab Priors (with Fabian Scheipl and LudwigFahrmeir, presented by Fabian Scheipl)2. gemeinsame Arbeitstagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAG-Stat 2010)Dortmund, 23. – 26.3.201024. Model-Based Boosting: Unbiased Variable Selection and Model Choice (with BenjaminHofner, Torsten Hothorn and Matthias Schmid, presented by Benjamin Hofner)2. gemeinsame Arbeitstagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAG-Stat 2010)Dortmund, 23. – 26.3.201025. Marginal and Conditional Akaike Information Criteria in Linear Mixed Models (presentedby Sonja Greven)24th International Workshop on Statistical ModellingIthaca, 20. – 24.8.200926. On the Behavior of Marginal and Conditional Akaike Information Criteria in LinearMixed Models (presented by Sonja Greven)Joint Statistical Meetings 2009Washington DC, 1. – 6.8.2009

3 Talks & Posters 1927. Variable Selection and Model Choice in Survival Models with Time-Varying Effects(with Benjamin Hofner and Torsten Hothorn, presented by Benjamin Hofner)useR - The R User Conference 2008Dortmund, 12. – 14.8.200828. Time-Varying Parameters in Brand Choice Models (with Bernhard Baumgartnerand Winfried Steiner, presented by Winfried Steiner)32nd Annual Conference of the German Classification Society (GfKl)Hamburg, 16. – 18.6.200829. Model Choice in Cox-Type Additive Hazard Regression Models with Time-VaryingEffects (with Benjamin Hofner, Wolfgang Hartl and Helmut Küchenhoff, presentedby Benjamin Hofner)Statistics and Life Sciences: Perspectives and ChallengesMünchen, 10. – 13.3.200830. Nonlinear Time-Varying Effects in Brand Choice Behavior (with Bernhard Baumgartnerand Winfried Steiner, presented by Bernhard Baumgartner)Third German French Austrian Conference on Quantitative MarketingParis, 21 – 22.9.200731. Structured Additive Regression: a Unifying Perspective on Smoothing, Spatial Statistics,and Mixed Models (with Stefan Lang and Christiane Belitz, presented byStefan Lang)Computational and Financial EconometricsGenf, 20. – 22.4.2007Poster1. Functional Regression for Analysing Sleep Data (with Cornelia Oberhauser, AxelSteiger, Ludwig Fahrmeir and Alexander Yassouridis)Symposium des Max-Planck-Instituts für PsychiatrieMünchen, 20.7.20072. Analysing Hormonal Effects on Human Sleep by Time-Dependent Regression Modelswith Multicategorical Response Variables (with Stefanie Kalus, Axel Steiger, LudwigFahrmeir and Alexander Yassouridis)Symposium des Max-Planck-Instituts für PsychiatrieMünchen, 20.7.20073. BayesX: Analysing Bayesian Structured Additive Regression ModelsBayesian Inference in Complex Stochastic SystemsWarwick, 28. – 30.5.20064. Structured Additive Regression for Space-Time Data: A Mixed Model Approach.Statistical Modelling of Discrete Structures in Economics: Methods and Applications.München, 30.6. – 2.7.2003

20 4 Research4 ResearchThird-Party FundingPrincipal Investigator• German Science Foundation (DFG) Research Project “Structured Additive Quantileund Expectile Regression”– Funding period: Juni 2010 – Mai 2013– Head: Thomas Kneib– Staff: Fabian Sobotka, N. N.– Amount of funding: 2 × 50% TV-L E13 appointments• Vorlaufforschungsprojekt “Konzepte und Methoden der Versorgungsplanung”– Funded by OFFIS - Institut für Informatik– Principal Investigators: Thomas Kneib, Hans-Jürgen Appelrath, WIlfried Thoben,Martin Rohde– Funding period: 1.8.2011 - 31.7.2014– Amount of funding: 1 TV-L E13 appointments• German Science Foundation (DFG) Research Project “Bayesian Regularisation forRegression Models with High-Dimensional Predictors”– First funding period: April 2007 – Juli 2009– Second funding period: <strong>August</strong> 2009 – Juli 2011– Heads: Ludwig Fahrmeir, Thomas Kneib– Staff: Susanne Konrath, Fabian Scheipl– Amount of funding: 2 × 50% BAT IIa appointments• Funding from the Ministry of Science and Education of Lower Saxonia– Acquisition of a server for high-performance computing– Funding from the Research and Appointment Pool– Amount of funding: ca. 12.200 Euro.Contributing Investigator• DFG research project “Entwicklung und Untersuchung der statistischen Eigenschafteneines Walkability-Index zur Erfassung der Bewegungsmöglichkeiten in der Lebensumweltvon Kindern”

4 Research 21Principal Investigators: Iris Pigeot, Christoph Buck (Bremer Institut für Präventionsforschungund Sozialmedizin)Funding period: 1.12.2010-30.11.2013• Building up a Biostatistics national network (BioStatNet)Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and InnovationPrincipal Investigator: Carmen Cadarso Suarez• Generalized Additive Modelling in Studies of Association, Prediction and Classification.Applications in Medicine and BiologyFunded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and InnovationPrincipal Investigator: Carmen Cadarso-SuarezFunding period: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2011• Entwicklung eines Solvency II-kompatiblen Risikomanagementsystems für kleineVersicherungsvereine auf GegenseitigkeitFunded by the European Regional Development FundPrincipal Investigators: Dietmar Pfeifer, Angelika MayFunding period: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2010PhD StudentsSupervision of PhD-Theses• Julia Furche: Statistical Learning Procedures for the Classification of Spike Trains(2010–)• Fabian Sobotka: Semiparametric Expectile and Quantile Regression (2009–)• Elisabeth Waldmann: Structured Additive Quantile Regression (2010–)• As a part of the research project on Bayesian Regularisation, I am supervising thePhD-theses by Susanne Konrath and Fabian Scheipl (jointly with Ludwig Fahrmeir).Membership in PhD-Committees• Benjamin Hofner: Boosting structured additive regression models (Ludwig-Maximilians-UniversityMunich, Supervisor Torsten Hothorn)• Nora Fenske: Structured additive quantile regression with applications to modelingmalnutrition and obesity of children (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich,Supervisor Ludwig Fahrmeir)• Thomas Mestekemper: Functional Models for Temporally Structured Data (Universityof Bielefeld, Supervisor Göran Kauermann)• María Xosé Rodríguez- Álvarez: Flexible ROC Regression (Universidade de Santiagode Compostela, Supervisor Carmen Cadarso-Suarez)

22 4 Research• Christina Schäfer: Applying Nonlinear Regression Models and Least Trimmed Squaresfor the Optimisation of Steel Wheels (Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg,Supervisor Christine Müller)Collaborations (selected)• Akaike Information Criteria in Mixed Modelswith Sonja Greven (University of Munich)• Structured Additive Multilevel Modelswith Stefan Lang (Universität Innsbruck)• Geoadditive Analysis of the Determinants of Gender Bias in Mortality in Indiawith Jan Priebe and Stephan Klasen(<strong>Georg</strong>-<strong>August</strong>-University Göttingen)• Geoadditive Sample Selection Modelswith Manuel Wiesenfarth (<strong>Georg</strong>-<strong>August</strong>-Universität Göttingen)• Semiparametric Discrete Choice Models for the Analysis of Consumer Choice Behaviourwith Bernhard Baumgartner (University of Osnabrück) and Winfried Steiner (ClausthalUniversity of Technology)• Simultaneous Confidence Bands for Penalised Splineswith Tatyana Krivobokova (<strong>Georg</strong>-<strong>August</strong>-Universität Göttingen) and Gerda Claeskens(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)• Semiparametric Multi-State Modelswith Carmen Cadarso-Suarez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) and LuisMeira-Machado (Universidade do Minho)• Semiparametric ROC-Regressionwith Carmen Cadarso-Suarez and María Xosé Rodríguez-Álvarez (Universidade deSantiago de Compostela)• Measurement Error in Continuous Time Survival Modelswith Ciprian Crainiceanu (Johns Hopkins University Baltimore)• Modelling Habitat Preferenceswith Felix Knauer (Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg) and Helmut Küchenhoff(LMU Munich)• Spatial Smoothing Techniques for the Evaluation of Habitat Suitabilitywith Jörg Müller (Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald) and Torsten Hothorn(LMU Munich)• Measurement Error in Semiparametric Regression Models with Varying Coefficientswith Susanne Breitner (Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center forEnvironmental Health, Neuherberg)• Flexible Semiparametric Regression for the Analysis of Human Sleepwith Alexander Yassouridis (Max-Planck-Institute for Psychiatry, Munich)

4 Research 23• Semiparametric Multi-State Modelswith Jan Beyersmann and Martin Schumacher (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)Memberships• Deutscher Hochschulverband• German Statistical Society• International Biometric Society– Working group on Spatial Statistics– Working group on Bayes Methods• OFFIS Institute for Information Technology• Statistical Modelling SocietyRefereeing ServiceResearch Organisations• BBSRC (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council)• EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)• German Classification Society• German Region of the International Biometric Society• Research Council of NorwayConferences• AISTATS 2010 (Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence andStatistics)• DagStat 2010 (2nd joint Statistical Meeting Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik)• IWSM 2011 (26th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling)Journals• Annals of the Association of American Geographers• Applied Statistics (JRSS C)• AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis

24 4 Research• Bayesian Analysis• Biometrical Journal• Biometrics• Biostatistics• BMC Bioinformatics• Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics• Canadian Journal of Forest Research• Canadian Journal of Statistics• Computational Statistics• Computational Statistics and Data Analysis• Demographic Research• Economics & Human Biology• Environmetrics• Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science• European Journal of Forest Research• IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing• International Journal of Biostatistics• Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics• Journal of Applied Statistics• Journal of Multivariate Analysis• Journal of Statistical Software• Journal of the American Statistical Association• Limnology and Oceanography: Methods• Mathematical Reviews• Neural Computing & Applications• Public Library of Science (PLoS) One• R News• Science of the Total Environment• Scientia Marina• Sleep• Statistical Modelling• Statistical Papers

4 Research 25• Statistical Science• Statistics and Computing• Statistics and Operations Research Transactions• Statistics in Medicine• TEST• Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche ForschungPublisher• Chapman & Hall / CRC Press• SpringerEditorial Duties• Associate Editor of AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis (2009–)• Associate Editor of Biometrical Journal (2008 – )• Associate Editor of Statistical Modelling (2007 – )• Co-Editor (with Thomas Petzoldt, Dresden University of Technology) of the SpecialVolume “Ecology and Ecological Modelling in R” of the Journal of StatisticalSoftwareConferencesScientific Programme Committee:• 26th International Workshop on Statistical ModellingUniversitat de Valencia, 10.-15.7.2011Organisation of Sessions:• Invited Session “Spatial Statistics”Statistical Week 2011Vienna• Session “Regression Models”Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft StatistikDortmund, 23. – 26.3.2010

26 4 Research• Invited Session “Bayesian Regularisation Priors”55. Biometrical ColloquiumHannover, 17. – 19.3.2009• Minisymposium “Extended Regression Modelling”Statistical Week 2008Köln, 15. – 18.9.2008Local Organisation:• Statistical Modelling of Complex SystemsCollaborative Research Center 386 WorkshopMünchen, 12. – 14.10.2006• Model Choice and ValidationCollaborative Research Center 386 WorkshopMünchen, 6. – 8.10.2005• Séminaire Européen de Statistique 2004: Statistics of Spatio-Temporal SystemsEuropean Mathematical Society Summer SchoolBernried, 12. – 18.12.2004Session Chairs:• XXVth International Biometric Conference 2010Florianapolis, 5.-10.12.2010• Österreichische StatistiktageWien, 19. – 22.10.2010• 28th European Meeting of StatisticiansPiraeus, 17.-22.8.2010• 2. gemeinsame Arbeitstagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAG-Stat 2010)Dortmund, 23. – 26.3.2010• Inaugural Conference of the Courant Research Centre ‘Poverty, Equity and Growth’Göttingen, 1. – 4.7.2009• 55. Biometrical ColloquiumHannover, 17. – 19.3.2009• useR - The R User Conference 2008Dortmund, 12. – 14.8.2008• Statistics and Life Sciences: Perspectives and ChallengesMünchen, 10. – 13.3.2008• 18th Annual Meeting of the International Environmetrics SocietyMikulov, 16. – 20.8.2007

4 Research 27• Statistik unter einem Dach - Erste gemeinsame Tagung der Deutschen ArbeitsgemeinschaftStatistikBielefeld, 27. – 30.3.2007• 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klassifikation (GfKl)Berlin, 8. – 10.3.2006

28 5 Software5 SoftwareBayesXBayesX is a stand-alone software implemented in C++ and Java that provides functionalityfor estimating structured additive regression models in a variety of situations. Jointlywith Andreas Brezger, Christiane Belitz and Stefan Lang, I am one of the main developersof BayesX. Seven further colleagues have contributed to the BayesX project.In the current release, the main capabilities of BayesX are as follows:• Command-line based execution of commands in a syntax that is closely related tothe one of Stata.• Functions for manipulating data and for descriptive analyses.• Functions for handling and manipulating geographical information and spatial data.• Functions for visualizing data and estimation results, in particular for drawing andcolouring geographical maps.• Estimation of structured additive regression models based on mixed model methodology(remlreg objects) or Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations (bayesreg objects).BayesX supports univariate exponential family regression, multicategorical responses,continuous time survival time regression and multi-state models.• A similar class of models can be estimated based on stepwise procedures (stepwiseregobjects).• Estimation of graphical models based on directed acyclic graphs (DAGs).My responsibilities in the development of BayesX so far have been:• The implementation of all mixed model based inferential procedures.• The implementation of some MCMC-based extensions.• The implementation of a matrix class for sparse matrix computations and efficientrandom number generation.• The implementation of the graphical user interface.In the future, a connection to R will be considered to ensure better perception of thesoftware in the statistical community. A first step towards this goal is the R-packageBayesX that provides functionality for visualising estimation results and for manipulatinggeographical information.BayesX is available free of charge from http://www.stat.uni-muenchen.de/~bayesx/.R-package mboostAs an add-on package to the statistical software R, mboost implements boosting approachesfor variable selection and model choice. In collaboration with Torsten Hothorn

5 Software 29(LMU Munich), Benjamin Hofner and Matthias Schmid (Friedrich-Alexander-UniversitätErlangen-Nürnberg), generic Boosting algorithms for structured additive regression modelshave been developed based on penalised least squares baselearners. As a consequence,a similar class of models can be treated as with BayesXAn up-to-date development version is available from http://r-forge.r-project.org/,the current official release is available from the comprehensive R archive network (http://cran.r-projAdditional R-packagesIn addition to the software projects described so far, I am involved in the development ofa number of further R-packages. These are only partially available from CRAN.• BayesX: This package provides funtionality for visualising estimation results obtainedwith BayesX and for manipulating geographical information.• cAIC: As a supplement to Greven & Kneib (2009): On the Behavior of Marginaland Conditional Akaike Information Criteria in Linear Mixed Models, this packageimplements the corrected conditional AIC for linear mixed models.• ConfBands: This package provides different types of simultaneous confidence bandsfor semiparametric regression models and is a supplement to Krivobokova, Kneib &Claeskens (2009): Simultaneous Confidence Bands for Penalized Spline Estimators.• expectreg: This package collects functionality for estimating semiparametric expectileregression models. It is developed as a part of Fabian Sobotka‘s PhD thesis.

30 6 Teaching6 TeachingLectures• Regression / Linear Models3 semester hours, winter term 2010/11Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg• Statistics 1: Introduction to Applied Statistics3 semester hours, winter term 2010/11Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg• Generalised Regression3 semester hours, summer term 2010Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg• Mathematical Foundations of Applied Statistics3 semester hours, summer term 2010Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg• Stochastics3 semester hours, winter term 2009/10Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg• Spatial Statistics3 semester hours, winter term 2009/10Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg• Regression3 semester hours, summer term 2009Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg• Mathematical Foundations of Applied Statistics3 semester hours, summer term 2009Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg• Statistics3 semester hours, winter term 2008/09<strong>Georg</strong>-<strong>August</strong>-University Göttingen• Time Series Analysis2 semester hours, winter term 2008/09<strong>Georg</strong>-<strong>August</strong>-University Göttingen• Statistics 2 for Social Science Students4 semester hours, summer term 2008Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich• Statistics 1 for Social Science Students4 semester hours, winter term 2007/08Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

6 Teaching 31• Risk Theory4 semester hours, summer term 2007University of Ulm• Analysis of Survival and Event History Data2 semester hours, summer term 2007University of Ulm• Statistics 1 for Social Science Students2 semester hours, winter trimester 2007Bundeswehr University Munich• Stochastic Processes4 semester hours, summer term 2006Ludwig-Maximilians-University MunichCourses• Tutorial Spatial StatisticsStatistical Week 2011 (100 Years DStatG)Leipzig, 19. – 23.9.2011• Spatial StatisticsMunich R CoursesLudwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 14. – 15.10.2010• Exploratory Data Analysis and Semiparametric RegressionSummer School Modern Computational ScienceOldenburg, 9. – 20.8.2009• Generalised RegressionMunich R CoursesLudwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 29. – 30.4.2010• Spatial StatisticsMunich R CoursesLudwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 25. – 26.2.2010• Geoadditive Regression and Penalised Spline SmoothingDepartment of Statistics and Operations Research, University of Santiago de CompostelaSantiago de Compostela, 9.–11.2.2010• Exploratory Data AnalysisSummer School Modern Computational ScienceOldenburg, 17. – 28.8.2009• Penalised Spline Smoothing and Geoadditive RegressionInternational Workshop on Flexible Modelling: Smoothing and RobustnessKatholieke Universiteit Leuven, 12. – 14.11.2008

32 6 Teaching• Tutorial Boosting for Generalised Regression Models (with Torsten Hothorn)Statistical Computing 2008Reisensburg, Günzburg, 1. – 4.6.2008• Generalised Regression with RMunich R CoursesLudwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 24. – 25.4.2008• Tutorial Geoadditive RegressionStatistics and Life Sciences: Perspectives and Challenges (54th Biometrical Colloquium)Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 10.4.2008• Modelling Geoadditive Regression DataLecture series for the Interdisciplinary PhD Program “Applied Statistics & EmpiricalMethods”<strong>Georg</strong>-<strong>August</strong>-University Göttingen (18. – 28. September 2006)• Regression Models with Random EffectsShort Course for forest scientists from the Munich University of Technology12.5. and 21.7.2006Seminars• Advanced Seminar in Statistics2 semester hours, summer term 2010Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg• Graduate Seminar in Applied Statistics2 semester hours, winter term 2008/09<strong>Georg</strong>-<strong>August</strong>-University Göttingen• Bayesian Regularisation2 semester hours, summer term 2008, with Ludwig Fahrmeir, Susanne Konrath andFabian ScheiplLudwig-Maximilians-University Munich• Statistical Methods for Gene Expression and Proteomics2 semester hours, winter term 2007/08, with Ludwig Fahrmeir and Ulrich MansmannLudwig-Maximilians-University Munich• Spatial Statistics and Imaging2 semester hours, winter term 2005/06, with Ludwig Fahrmeir and Susanne HeimLudwig-Maximilians-University Munich• Regression Models with Random Effects2 semester hours, summer term 2005, with Ludwig FahrmeirLudwig-Maximilians-University Munich

6 Teaching 33Exercise Classes• Mathematical Foundations of Applied Statistics1 semester hour, summer term 2010Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg• Generalised Regression1 semester hour, summer term 2010Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg• Spatial Statistics1 semester hour, winter term 2009/10Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg• Regression1 semester hour, summer term 2009Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg• Risk Theory2 semester hours, summer term 2007University of Ulm• Analysis of Survival and Event History Data1 semester hour, summer term 2007University of Ulm• Spatial Statistics2 semester hours, winter term 2005/06Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich• Stochastic Processes2 semester hours, summer term 2005Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich• Analysis of Survival and Event History Data2 semester hours, winter term 2004/05Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich• Stochastic Processes2 semester hours, summer term 2004Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich• Applied Stochastic Processes2 semester hours, winter term 2003/04Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich• Stochastics for Bioinformatics Students2 semester hours, summer term 2003Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

34 6 TeachingMiscellaneous• Contribution to Statistical ConsultingWinter term 2004/05, summer term 2005, and summer term 2008Ludwig-Maximilians-University MunichSupervision of Bachelor ThesesCurrent Theses• Matthias Meyer: Ökonomische Auswirkungen von Überdiagnosen am Beispiel desPSA-Früherkennungstests• Maike Tahden: Statistical Models for Neuronal Activity Using the Example ofChange Blindness• Carolin Kurzmann: Expectile Data DepthSupervision of Diploma / Master ThesesCurrent Theses• Jona Cederbaum: Konditionale Akaike Informations-Kriterien in generalisierten linearengemischten Modellen• Heidelinde Röder: Räumliche Punkt-Prozesse zur Analyse von HabitatenCompleted Theses2010:2009:• Elisabeth Waldmann: Bayesianische Additive Quantilregression• Julia Furche: Kategoriale Regressionsmodelle zur Analyse neuronaler Daten• Daniela Rieck: Mehrfaktorielle nicht-parametrische Varianzanalyse kosmetischer Wirksamkeitsstudien• Britta Schmedt: Fahlzahlprognosen für den Gesundheitsmarkt• Lena Köpcke: Bayesianische Stimulus-Rekonstruktion für neuronale Daten• Julian Stecher: Modellwahl und Diagnose von Bayesianischen Regressionsmodellen• Tonia Ludwig: Hazardraten-Modelle zur Analyse von Schlafdaten• Stefan Cieczynski: Bayesianische Quantilregression• Felix Heinzl: Nichtparametrische Bayes-Inferenz in additiven gemischten Modellen

6 Teaching 352008:2007:2006:2005:• Monia Mahling: Approximative Bayes-Inferenz in geoadditiven Regressionsmodellen• Christian Seiler: Bayesian latent variable models: Statistical methods and empiricalanalyses• Manuel Wiesenfarth: Bayesian semiparametric sample selection models with an applicationto relief supply in earthquake-affected communities in Pakistan• Denise Güthlin: Habitat selection: Recent methods and applications• Benjamin Hofner: Variable selection and model choice in survival time regressionmodels with time-varying effects• Birgit Schrödle: Multi-state models for interval censored event history data: Ananalysis of multiple sclerosis progression• Daniela Birkel: Bayesian claim reserving• Sebastian Spitzbarth: Semiparametric models for the analysis of claims expenditureswith an application to car insurance• Stjepan Vuletic: Bayesian inference for interval censored multi-state models• Susanne Konrath: Bayesian regularisation with applications• Cornelia Oberhauser: Functional regression for the analysis of sleep data• Markus Breitenacher: Bayesian regression in WinBUGS and BayesX: A comparison• Marco Eschrich: Identification of semiparametric regression models for correlateddata• Sven Steinert: Semiparametric latent variable models• Frank Sagerer: Geoadditive models in car insurance (in cooperation with VersicherungskammerBayern)• Ulrike Naumann: Bayesian model choice in semiparametric regression models• Michael Kobl: Geoadditive Accelerated Failure Time Modelle• Susanne Stampf: Bayesian structured additive regression: Estimation of smoothingparameters• Birgit Thomae: Anisotropic spatial models• Rudi Eichholz: Geoadditive regression for modelling and analysing childhood mortalityin developing countries• Manuela Hummel: Bayes inference in regression models with spatial effects

36 7 University Self-Administration7 University Self-Administration• Member of the working groups “bachelor and master programme in mathematics”,“web presence” and “advertising” at the Department of Mathematics, Carl vonOssietzky University Oldenburg (since 2009)• Responsible for the “Statistics” part of the Masters program in Environmental Modeling,Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg (since 2009)• Staff representative at the Department of Statistics, LMU Munich(2008 – 2009)• Staff representative at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics, LMUMunich (2006 – 2007)• Staff representative at the Collaborative Research (SFB) Center 386 “StatisticalAnalysis of Discrete Structures”, LMU Munich (2003 – 2006)• Staff representative in the appointment committee for a W3-professorship in Biostatistics,Department of Statistics, LMU Munich (2007)• Staff representative in the commission for the development of examination regulationsfor bachelor and master courses in statistics, Department of Statistics, LMUMunich (2006 – 2007)

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