Mrs. Hume - 10th English Final Essay Response: Things Fall Apart ...

Mrs. Hume - 10th English Final Essay Response: Things Fall Apart ...

Mrs. Hume - 10th English Final Essay Response: Things Fall Apart ...

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<strong>Mrs</strong>. <strong>Hume</strong> - 10 th <strong>English</strong><strong>Final</strong> <strong>Essay</strong> <strong>Response</strong>: <strong>Things</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>Apart</strong> & African Literature3 to 4 pages (900 to 1200 words)The African traits and ethnic identity surrounding the African is explored in both Chinua Achebe's book <strong>Things</strong> <strong>Fall</strong><strong>Apart</strong> and the short stories and poetry from Africa. For this essay, examine an African short story or poem PLUS thenovel <strong>Things</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>Apart</strong> and in doing so, integrate a close examination of the following question in a clear, thesisdrivenessay argument on the nature of African traits and the ethnic identity present in African literature.<strong>Essay</strong> Question: Define the African traits and ethnic identity evidenced in Achebe’s novel <strong>Things</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>Apart</strong>PLUS an African poem and/or short story. Look closely at capturing WHAT you feel the African author(s)are saying about their own culture and ethnic identity. YOU MUST INCLUDE AT LEAST ONE POEM,SHORT STORY OR FABLE IN YOUR ESSAY ARGUMENT. ARGUE 3 TRAITS TOTAL IN YOUR PAPERWITH A MINIMUM OF TWO EXAMPLES FOR EACH TRAIT.Topics to explore for potential traits/points: tribal status; tribal community; gender roles; influence of religion;influence of white colonization; tribal justice system; other topics to explore?Follow these steps to complete your essay:1 st Step: Go through <strong>Things</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>Apart</strong> and analyze 2-3 scenes in the novel that reveal a particular trait orbelief. Be able to explain what this trait or belief is. Make note of examples that support this trait.SampleTrait:The Ibo elders demonstrated a patient and reserved attitude towards the white settlers, provingthe Africans to be tolerant and long-suffering.Evidence: Scene with Okeke and the Mr. Smith, the Missionary (pgs. 190-191)Scene between Akunna & Mr. Brown re: the role of the gods (pgs. 179-182)2 nd Step: Review the African poems or short stories and summarize any particular traits or beliefs examined inthe literature.SampleTrait:Evidence:Africans fear losing their identity to the white presence and preoccupation with Africanculture.Poem “Losing a Language” by W.S. Merwin and “many of the things the words were about nolonger exist.” (lines 5-6). “When there is a voice at the door it is foreign everywhere/instead ofa name there is a lie.” (lines 21-22)3 rd Step: From the traits you’ve identified in Steps 1 & 2, decide on 3 traits or beliefs and create an arguabletopic sentence for each trait. Fill out the outline worksheet with your 3 topic sentences. Add ATLEAST two pieces of evidence for each trait and analyze each piece of evidence to support this traitin the topic sentence.4 th Step: Formulate a thesis based on these 3 main topic sentences. Put at the bottom of the outline worksheet.5 th Step: Using your outline worksheet, write your essay argument using proper format and begin with:a) a thesis paragraph with a hook that introduces the topic plus the main points of yourarguments (at least 3 points in your paper)b) an arguable topic sentence for each main point analyzing AT LEAST two pieces of evidence tosupport your thesis position for each trait.. (continue with as many middle paragraphs to argue yourthree main points)c) a final conclusion or paragraph that states what you learned examining the nature ofAfrican culture and ethnic identity in African literature.d) Type up a “Work Cited” page once you finalize your sources used in your paper.<strong>Final</strong> Assessment will be based on an arguable thesis with AT LEAST 3 arguable sub points, insightful analysis andaccurate and sufficient evidence to support thesis, and an insightful conclusion. Make sure to use proper format for

spelling, spacing (double-spaced, initial line indent) and sentence structure/syntax and a works cited page. (see rubric)Ms. Ms. <strong>Hume</strong> - 10 th <strong>English</strong><strong>Things</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>Apart</strong> <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Essay</strong> ExamCriteriaThesisExtraordinary(20)Engaging hookwith clear,arguable thesiswith insightful subpoints displayingdeep knowledge &insight of topic.Very Good(19-18)Hook stated withclear thesis, witharguable subpoints. Lessthought provoking.Good(17-16)Weak hook withthesis; somearguable subpoints; lessarguable &original on otherpoints.Weak(15-14)Thesis is stated,but not clearly; subpoints show somelack of insight tothe question. Notarguable.Not Passing(13 or below)Thesis is notstated; sub pointsdo not supportquestion or lackrelevance to thetopic.IdeaDevelopment(40)All of the Subpoints are fullydeveloped withoriginal, opiniondriventopicsentences withdeep connectionsand inference to allthe textsreferenced.(39-36)All of the subpoints aredeveloped witharguable topicsentences; opiniondriven;ideas arelogical, insightfulto main point(s)and use inferencefrequently.(35-31)Most of the subpoints are fullydeveloped withless opinion-drivenarguments. Lessuse of logical andappropriateexamples; lessinference on texts.(30-26)Some of the subpoints aredeveloped. Ideasare sufficient butshow gaps inunderstanding andknowledge of text.Little to no use ofinference. Mainlytext summary.(25 or below)Ideas are not clear,weak reference totext and maycontain inaccurateor irrelevantinformation. Weakuse of inference.Relies on textsummary.ConclusionWord Usage:SentenceVarietySyntaxGrammarStructures:Punctuation,spelling,spacing,indentation.MLA formatParenthetical& WorksCited(10)Original, thoughtprovokingreflection; makesconnections toother concepts orcontent areasoutside of texts.(10)Sophisticated useof a variety ofsentencestructures; accurategrammar & syntax.Error free.(10)Accurate and errorfree use ofpunctuation,spelling andspacing.(10)Accurate use ofBOTHparenthetical &works cited. Uses2 or 3 outsidereferencesaccurately.(9)Original, andinsightfulreflection; lessconnections toconcepts outside ofthe texts;(9)Accurate use ofsentencestructures; lessvariety; accurategrammar andsyntax. Error free.(9)Accurate with 1 or2 errors total inpunctuation,spelling and/orspacing.(9)Accurate use ofparenthetical &works cited. Usesat least 2 sourcesaccurately.(8)Less thoughtprovokingreflection; someinsights but mainlysummary of thesis.(8)Some variety ofsentencestructures;occasionalgrammar/syntaxerrors.(8)Less accurate withfrequent errors inpunctuation,spelling and/orspacing.(8)Less accurate useof parenthetical &works cited.Inaccurate use of 1or more sources.(7)Re-states thesis inconclusion; little tono insight orresolution on themain topic in theessay.(7)Little to no varietyof sentencestructures; frequentgrammar/syntaxerrors.(7)Inaccurate withfrequent errors inpunctuation,spelling and/orspacing.(7)Inaccurate use ofparenthetical &works cited. Manyformat errors forboth.(6 or below)Lacks anyconclusion; noresolution orreflection at theend.(6 or below)Below grade levelsentencestructures;inaccurate use ofgrammar andsyntax. Weakword usage.(6 or below)Below grade levelproficiency in allthree categories;punctuation,spelling andspacing.(6 or below)Does not have aworks cited or useparentheticals.Use of sourcesunclear.

Total Points Earned: ________/100Ms. <strong>Hume</strong> - 10 th <strong>English</strong><strong>Final</strong> <strong>Essay</strong> on African LiteratureOUTLINE WORKSHEETTo get to an arguable thesis for the following question, complete Steps 1 & 2 on the prompt, reviewingthe literature and finding three traits or beliefs to explain African ethnic identity; then, fill out theworksheet below with your arguable sub-points and then draft a thesis at the end of the worksheet.<strong>Essay</strong> Question: Define the African culture and ethnic identity evidenced in Achebe’s novel<strong>Things</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>Apart</strong> PLUS an African short story, poem and/or folktale/fable. Look closely atcapturing WHAT you feel the African author(s) are saying about their own culture and ethnicidentity.STEP 3: List your main, arguable topic sentences (sub-points) regarding the African ethnic identity1ST TOPIC SENTENCE:(make sure it is arguable)2 PIECES OF EVIDENCE:(summarize scenes orlist actual quotes from TFA, poem,short story or fable)ANALYSIS STATEMENTS:(should explain the topic sentence)2ND TOPIC SENTENCE:(make sure it is arguable)2 PIECES OF EVIDENCE: (summarize scenesor list actual quotes from TFA, poemshort story or fable)ANALYSIS STATEMENTS:(should explain the topic sentence)3RD TOPIC SENTENCE:(make sure it is arguable)2 PIECES OF EVIDENCE:(summarize scenesor list actual quotes from TFA, poem,short story or fable)ANALYSIS STATEMENTS:(should explain the topic sentence)FINAL THESIS:(combine main ideas of all 3 topic sentences)

SAMPLE OUTLINE FOR AFRICAN LIT PAPERTHESIS PARAGRAPH: Begin with hook + thesis statement that will introduce your three traits fromyour first outline.1ST T.S.EVIDENCE:ANALYSIS:EVIDENCE:ANALYSIS:2ND T.S.EVIDENCE:ANALYSIS:EVIDENCE:ANALYSIS:3ND T.S.EVIDENCE:ANALYSIS:EVIDENCE:ANALYSIS:The African demonstrated a patient and reserved attitude towards the white culture, proving theAfricans to be tolerant and long-suffering.Scene with Okeke and Mr. Smith, the Missionary “You can stay with us if you like ourways. You can worship your own god. It is good that a man should worship the godsand spirits of his fathers. Our anger is great but we have held it down so that we can talk to you.”(Achebe 190-191).This quote proves that the Ibo elders were willing to live along side of the whites but notimpose their beliefs on the whites like the whites chose to do on the Ibo tribe.Scene between Chief Mshlanga & the white girl’s father over the reparation for thedamage caused by the Chief’s goats. “I’m not going to argue about it. I am keeping the goats....Thatmeans my people will go hungry when the dry season comes...He walked off into the bush and wedid not see him again.” (Lessing 318).This scene proves Chief Mshlanga’s disgust at the white farmers demands but also histolerance not to fight this battle knowing that he will lose. He shows perseverance tosurvive the most unfair treatment by the white farmer.Continue with another arguable traitList the actual excerpts from TFAWrite out an “analysis” statement that proves/explains the trait you are arguing in your topicsentence.List the actual excerpts from another literary source (poem, short story, fable)Write out an “analysis” statement that proves/explains the trait you are arguing in your topicsentence.Continue with another arguable traitList the actual excerpts from TFAWrite out an “analysis” statement that proves/explains the trait you are arguing in your topicsentence.List the actual excerpts from another literary source (poem, short story, fable)Write out an “analysis” statement that proves/explains the trait you are arguing in your topicsentence.CONCLUSION: End with your final reflections on what you learned writing this essay. Avoid restating your thesisdirectly. Come up with a way to bring closoure that shares either an essential question or reflectionon the traits and how these traits relate to your life outside of the texts.

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