2005 MY OBD System Operation Summary for Gasoline Engines

2005 MY OBD System Operation Summary for Gasoline Engines 2005 MY OBD System Operation Summary for Gasoline Engines

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There are three different misfire monitoring technologies used in the 2005 MY. They are Low Data Rate (LDR),High Data Rate (HDR), and Neural Network Misfire(NNM). The LDR system is capable of meeting the FTPmonitoring requirements on most engines and is capable of meeting “full-range” misfire monitoring requirementson 4-cylinder engines. The HDR system is capable of meeting “full-range” misfire monitoring requirements on 6and 8 cylinder engines, but not on V-10 or V-12 engines. Neural Network Misfire detection is being piloted on the6.8L V-10 in order to achieve "full-range" capability. All software allows for detection of any misfires that occur 6engine revolutions after initially cranking the engine. This meets the new OBD-II requirement to identify misfireswithin 2 engine revolutions after exceeding the warm drive, idle rpm.," $The LDR Misfire Monitor uses a low-data-rate crankshaft position signal, (i.e. one position reference signal at 10deg BTDC for each cylinder event). The PCM calculates crankshaft rotational velocity for each cylinder from thiscrankshaft position signal. The acceleration for each cylinder can then be calculated using successive velocityvalues. The changes in overall engine rpm are removed by subtracting the median engine acceleration over acomplete engine cycle. The resulting deviant cylinder acceleration values are used in evaluating misfire in the“General Misfire Algorithm Processing” section below.“Profile correction” software is used to “learn” and correct for mechanical inaccuracies in crankshaft tooth spacingunder de-fueled engine conditions (requires three 60 to 40 mph no-braking decels after Keep Alive Memory hasbeen reset). These learned corrections improve the high-rpm capability of the monitor for most engines. Themisfire monitor is not active until a profile has been learned.-# $The HDR Misfire Monitor uses a high data rate crankshaft position signal, (i.e. 18 position references percrankshaft revolution [20 on a V-10]). This high-resolution signal is processed using two different algorithms. Thefirst algorithm, called pattern cancellation, is optimized to detect low rates of misfire. The algorithm learns thenormal pattern of cylinder accelerations from the mostly good firing events and is then able to accurately detectdeviations from that pattern. The second algorithm is optimized to detect “hard” misfires, i.e. one or morecontinuously misfiring cylinders. This algorithm filters the high-resolution crankshaft velocity signal to remove someof the crankshaft torsional vibrations that degrade signal to noise. This significantly improves detection capability forcontinuous misfires. Both algorithms produce a deviant cylinder acceleration value, which is used in evaluatingmisfire in the “General Misfire Algorithm Processing” section below.Due to the high data processing requirements, the HDR algorithms could not be implemented in the PCMmicroprocessor. They are implemented in a separate chip in the PCM called an “AICE” chip. The PCMmicroprocessor communicates with the AICE chip using a dedicated serial communication link. The output of theAICE chip (the cylinder acceleration values) is sent to the PCM microprocessor for additional processing asdescribed below. Lack of serial communication between the AICE chip and the PCM microprocessor, or aninability to synchronize the crank or cam sensors inputs sets a P1309 DTC. For 2004 MY software, the P1309DTC is being split into two separate DTCs. A P0606 will be set if there is a lack of serial communication betweenthe AICE chip and the PCM microprocessor. A P1336 will be set if there is an inability to synchronize the crank orcam sensors inputs. This change was made to improve serviceability. A P0606 generally results in PCMreplacement while a P1336 points to a cam sensor that is out of synchronization with the crank.“Profile correction” software is used to “learn” and correct for mechanical inaccuracies in crankshaft tooth spacingunder de-fueled engine conditions (requires three 60 to 40 mph no-braking decels after Keep Alive Memory hasbeen reset). If KAM has been reset, the PCM microprocessor initiates a special routine which computes correctionfactors for each of the 18 (or 20) position references and sends these correction factors back to the AICE chip tobe used for subsequent misfire signal processing. These learned corrections improve the high rpm capability of themonitor. The misfire monitor is not active until a profile has been learned.FORD MOTOR COMPANY REVISION DATE: APRIL 28, 2004 PAGE 8 OF 131

.."/The Neural Net Misfire (NNM) monitor uses a dedicated microprocessor in the PCM along with crankshaft position,(36–tooth wheel or 40-tooth wheel on a V-10), camshaft position, and engine load to determine engine misfire. Aneural network is different way of computing that uses a large number of simple processing elements with a highdegree of interconnection to process complex information. It is based on the parallel architecture of the brain. Theprocessing elements have adaptive characteristics (coefficients) that must be learned through a process calledtraining. During training, the network is fed a sample set of data that consists of the inputs along with the desiredoutput (e.g. misfire/no misfire). The network coefficients are recursively optimized so that the correct output isgenerated from the set of inputs and error is minimized. Once the coefficients have been learned, the network canprocess "real" data.Ford's NNM implementation for California and Green State applications uses a Motorola Star 12 microprocessor inthe PCM to perform the NNM calculations. The PCM is the only difference between California/Green State andFederal vehicles. The neural network size is 23 nodes and 469 coefficients. Note that the Engine Off NaturalVacuum evaporative system monitor also uses the same microprocessor. The pilot NNM implementation is on the2005 MY F-series Super duty truck with the 6.8L V-10 engine.Inputs to Neural Net• Crankshaft acceleration from the crank position (CKP) sensor• RPM (calculated from CKP)• LOAD (normalized for air mass and rpm)• Indication of cam position from camshaft position (CMP) sensorOutput from Neural Net• Misfire Call: - 0 (indicating no misfire) or 1 (indicating misfire)2005 MY NNM System Hardware Design ∆ ' !" # $%&'# $ ( ) ** %+,, ' FORD MOTOR COMPANY REVISION DATE: APRIL 28, 2004 PAGE 9 OF 131

.."/The Neural Net Misfire (NNM) monitor uses a dedicated microprocessor in the PCM along with crankshaft position,(36–tooth wheel or 40-tooth wheel on a V-10), camshaft position, and engine load to determine engine misfire. Aneural network is different way of computing that uses a large number of simple processing elements with a highdegree of interconnection to process complex in<strong>for</strong>mation. It is based on the parallel architecture of the brain. Theprocessing elements have adaptive characteristics (coefficients) that must be learned through a process calledtraining. During training, the network is fed a sample set of data that consists of the inputs along with the desiredoutput (e.g. misfire/no misfire). The network coefficients are recursively optimized so that the correct output isgenerated from the set of inputs and error is minimized. Once the coefficients have been learned, the network canprocess "real" data.Ford's NNM implementation <strong>for</strong> Cali<strong>for</strong>nia and Green State applications uses a Motorola Star 12 microprocessor inthe PCM to per<strong>for</strong>m the NNM calculations. The PCM is the only difference between Cali<strong>for</strong>nia/Green State andFederal vehicles. The neural network size is 23 nodes and 469 coefficients. Note that the Engine Off NaturalVacuum evaporative system monitor also uses the same microprocessor. The pilot NNM implementation is on the<strong>2005</strong> <strong>MY</strong> F-series Super duty truck with the 6.8L V-10 engine.Inputs to Neural Net• Crankshaft acceleration from the crank position (CKP) sensor• RPM (calculated from CKP)• LOAD (normalized <strong>for</strong> air mass and rpm)• Indication of cam position from camshaft position (CMP) sensorOutput from Neural Net• Misfire Call: - 0 (indicating no misfire) or 1 (indicating misfire)<strong>2005</strong> <strong>MY</strong> NNM <strong>System</strong> Hardware Design ∆ ' !" # $%&'# $ ( ) ** %+,, ' FORD MOTOR COMPANY REVISION DATE: APRIL 28, 2004 PAGE 9 OF 131

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