2005 MY OBD System Operation Summary for Gasoline Engines

2005 MY OBD System Operation Summary for Gasoline Engines 2005 MY OBD System Operation Summary for Gasoline Engines

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Loss of Keep Alive Memory (KAM) power (a separate wire feeding the PCM) results is a P1633 DTC andimmediate MIL illumination on most applications.Vehicles that require tire/axle information to be programmed into the Vehicle ID block (VID) will store a P1639 if theVID block is not programmed or corrupted.The PCM "engine off" or "soak" timer is tested to ensure that it is functional. The value of engine coolanttemperature decays after the engine is turned off. This decay is modeled as a function of ECT, IAT and soak time.If, during a cold start, (difference between ECT and IAT is low), the actual ECT at start is much lower than thepredicted ECT at start, it means that the soak timer is not functioning and a P0606 DTC is stored. (If the timer fails,it will read zero seconds and the model will predict that ECT will be the same temperature as when the engine waslast turned off.)TFI IgnitionDistributor Ignition systems (TFI) are no longer in production. Electronic Ignition systems (Electronic DistributorlessIgnition System - EDIS or Coil on Plug - COP) systems are being used on all applications.EDIS IgnitionThe EDIS system uses a chip to process the 36 (or 40) tooth crankshaft position signal, generate a low data ratePIP signal for the PCM microprocessor and control a 4 or 6 terminal coil pack which fires a pair of spark plugs. Oneof these sparkplugs is on the compression stroke, while the other is on the exhaust stroke. The EDIS chip can beincorporated within the PCM or in a separate ignition control module. The COP system also uses an EDIS chip inthe same way as described above, however, each sparkplug has it’s own coil which is fired only once on thecompression stroke.The EDIS ignition system is checked by monitoring three ignition signals during normal vehicle operation:Profile Ignition Pickup (CKP, commonly known as PIP), the timing reference signal derived from thecrankshaft 36-tooth wheel and processed by the EDIS chip. PIP is a 50% duty cycle, square wave signalthat has a rising edge at 10 deg BTDC.Camshaft IDentification (CMP, commonly known at CID), a signal derived from the camshaft to identify the#1 cylinderIgnition Diagnostic Monitor (IDM), a signal that indicates that the primary side of the coil has fired. Thissignal is received as a digital pulsewidth signal from the EDIS chip. The EDIS chip determines if thecurrent flow to the ignition coil reaches the required current (typically 5.5 Amps for COP, 3.0 to 4.0 Ampsfor DIS) within a specified time period (typically > 200 microseconds for both COP and DIS). The EDISchip also outputs status information when the engine is not running.First, the relationship between successive PIP events is evaluated to determine whether the PIP signal is rational.Too large a change in 3 successive PIP indicates a missing or noisy PIP signal (P0320).Next, the CMP edge count is compared to the PIP edge count. If the proper ratio of CMP events to PIP events isnot being maintained (for example, 1 CMP edge for every 8 PIP edges for an 8-cylinder engine), it indicates amissing or noisy CMP signal (P0340).Finally, the relationship between IDM edges and PIP edges is evaluated. If there is not an IDM edge (coil firing) forevery PIP edge (commanded spark event), the PCM will look for a pattern of failed IDM events to determine whichignition coil has failed. If the ignition coil cannot be identified or if the engine is running and there are no IDM edges,the IDM circuit is malfunctioning (P1351).FORD MOTOR COMPANY REVISION DATE: APRIL 28, 2004 PAGE 80 OF 131

Power PC IgnitionNew "Power PC" processors no longer use an EDIS chip for ignition signal processing. The signals are nowdirectly processed by the PCM using a special interface chip called a Time Processing Unit or TPU. The 36-toothcrankshaft and camshaft position signals come directly into the TPU. The signals to fire the ignition coil drivers alsocome from the TPU.The PowerPC ignition system is checked by monitoring three ignition signals during normal vehicle operation:CKP, the signal from the crankshaft 36-1-tooth wheel. The missing tooth is used to locate the cylinder pairassociated with cylinder # 1 The TPU also generates the Profile Ignition Pickup (PIP) signal, a 50% dutycycle, square wave signal that has a rising edge at 10 deg BTDC.Camshaft IDentification (CMP, commonly known at CID), a signal derived from the camshaft to identify the#1 cylinderNOMI, a signal that indicates that the primary side of the coil has achieved the nominal current required forproper firing of the spark plug. This signal is received as a digital signal from the coil drivers to the TPU.The coil drivers determine if the current flow to the ignition coil reaches the required current (typically 5.5Amps for COP, 3.0 to 4.0 Amps for DIS) within a specified time period (typically > 200 microseconds forboth COP and DIS).First, several relationships are checked on the 36-1 tooth CKP signal. The TPU looks for the proper number ofteeth (35 or 39) after the missing tooth is recognized; time between teeth too low (< 30 rpm or > 9,000 rpm); or themissing tooth was not where it was expected to be. If an error occurs, the TPU shuts off fuel and the ignition coilsand attempts to resynchronize itself. It takes on revolution to verify the missing tooth, and another revolution toverify cylinder #1 using the CMP input. Note that if a P0320 DTC is set on a vehicle with Electronic Throttle Control,(ETC), the ETC software will also set a P2106.If the proper ratio of CMP events to PIP events is not being maintained (for example, 1 CMP edge for every 8 PIPedges for an 8-cylinder engine), it indicates a missing or noisy CMP signal (P0340). On applications with VariableCam Timing (VCT), the CMP wheel has five teeth to provide the VCT system with more accurate camshaft control.The TPU checks the CMP signal for an intermittent signal. If an intermittent is detected, the VCT system isdisabled and a P0344 (CMP Intermittent Bank 1) or P0349 (CMP intermittent Bank 2) is set.Finally, the relationship between NOMI events and PIP events is evaluated. If there is not an NOMI signal for everyPIP edge (commanded spark event), the PCM will look for a pattern of failed NOMI events to determine whichignition coil has failed.FORD MOTOR COMPANY REVISION DATE: APRIL 28, 2004 PAGE 81 OF 131

Power PC IgnitionNew "Power PC" processors no longer use an EDIS chip <strong>for</strong> ignition signal processing. The signals are nowdirectly processed by the PCM using a special interface chip called a Time Processing Unit or TPU. The 36-toothcrankshaft and camshaft position signals come directly into the TPU. The signals to fire the ignition coil drivers alsocome from the TPU.The PowerPC ignition system is checked by monitoring three ignition signals during normal vehicle operation:CKP, the signal from the crankshaft 36-1-tooth wheel. The missing tooth is used to locate the cylinder pairassociated with cylinder # 1 The TPU also generates the Profile Ignition Pickup (PIP) signal, a 50% dutycycle, square wave signal that has a rising edge at 10 deg BTDC.Camshaft IDentification (CMP, commonly known at CID), a signal derived from the camshaft to identify the#1 cylinderNOMI, a signal that indicates that the primary side of the coil has achieved the nominal current required <strong>for</strong>proper firing of the spark plug. This signal is received as a digital signal from the coil drivers to the TPU.The coil drivers determine if the current flow to the ignition coil reaches the required current (typically 5.5Amps <strong>for</strong> COP, 3.0 to 4.0 Amps <strong>for</strong> DIS) within a specified time period (typically > 200 microseconds <strong>for</strong>both COP and DIS).First, several relationships are checked on the 36-1 tooth CKP signal. The TPU looks <strong>for</strong> the proper number ofteeth (35 or 39) after the missing tooth is recognized; time between teeth too low (< 30 rpm or > 9,000 rpm); or themissing tooth was not where it was expected to be. If an error occurs, the TPU shuts off fuel and the ignition coilsand attempts to resynchronize itself. It takes on revolution to verify the missing tooth, and another revolution toverify cylinder #1 using the CMP input. Note that if a P0320 DTC is set on a vehicle with Electronic Throttle Control,(ETC), the ETC software will also set a P2106.If the proper ratio of CMP events to PIP events is not being maintained (<strong>for</strong> example, 1 CMP edge <strong>for</strong> every 8 PIPedges <strong>for</strong> an 8-cylinder engine), it indicates a missing or noisy CMP signal (P0340). On applications with VariableCam Timing (VCT), the CMP wheel has five teeth to provide the VCT system with more accurate camshaft control.The TPU checks the CMP signal <strong>for</strong> an intermittent signal. If an intermittent is detected, the VCT system isdisabled and a P0344 (CMP Intermittent Bank 1) or P0349 (CMP intermittent Bank 2) is set.Finally, the relationship between NOMI events and PIP events is evaluated. If there is not an NOMI signal <strong>for</strong> everyPIP edge (commanded spark event), the PCM will look <strong>for</strong> a pattern of failed NOMI events to determine whichignition coil has failed.FORD MOTOR COMPANY REVISION DATE: APRIL 28, 2004 PAGE 81 OF 131

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