Cancelable Templates for Sequence-Based Biometrics with ... - ATVS

Cancelable Templates for Sequence-Based Biometrics with ... - ATVS

Cancelable Templates for Sequence-Based Biometrics with ... - ATVS


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MAIORANA et al.: CANCELABLE TEMPLATES FOR SEQUENCE-BASED BIOMETRICS 535properly employed to trans<strong>for</strong>m the original signature representations,while keeping fixed the decomposition vector d,will be estimated. As defined in Section III-B1, a scramblingmatrix C consists of F rows and W columns. The total numberof matrices which can be defined is then equal to (F !) (W −1) ,which corresponds to 14! = 87 178 291 200 when consideringF =14and W =2. However, among all the possible scramblingmatrices, only those which allow fulfilling the diversityproperty can be employed.Given two generic matrices C (1) and C (2) , let us define thedistanceΩ(C (1) , C (2))= number of different rows between C (1) and C (2) . (16)Following the approach illustrated in Section III-B1, two trans<strong>for</strong>mationsobtained by using the same decomposition vectord, while employing two distinct scrambling matrices C (1)and C (2) , produce more distinct templates as the distanceΩ(C (1) , C (2) ) increases. Considering the entire MCYT database,each user is then enrolled by using his first E =10signatures,to which the trans<strong>for</strong>mation process in Section III-B1is applied. Specifically, the trans<strong>for</strong>mations employed duringenrollment are ruled by a decomposition vector d and ascrambling key matrix C (e) . The remaining signatures of eachuser, after being trans<strong>for</strong>med using the same keys d and C (e)applied during enrollment, are employed to estimate the FRR.Moreover, the FAR related to skilled and random <strong>for</strong>geries iscomputed by trans<strong>for</strong>ming the available signature according tothe decomposition vector d and to the same scrambling matrixC (a) = C (e) employed during enrollment (Ω(C (e) , C (a) )=0). The RTMR related to the use of the mixing approach iscomputed by trans<strong>for</strong>ming the genuine signatures of each useraccording to the same decomposition key d employed duringenrollment, but <strong>with</strong> different scrambling keys C (a) , characterizedby distances Ω(C (e) , C (a) ) ∈{8, 9, 10, 11} from C (e) .The matching statistics obtained <strong>for</strong> a system <strong>with</strong> E =10and W =2are reported in Fig. 6(b). Specifically, the renewabilityproperty of the mixing approach is verified by comparingthe ROC curve where the FAR <strong>for</strong> random <strong>for</strong>geries is takeninto account <strong>with</strong> the pseudo-ROC curves where the RTMR <strong>for</strong>different distances Ω(C (e) , C (a) ) is considered. The obtainedper<strong>for</strong>mances show that the use of different scrambling matricesbetween enrollment and authentication, when keeping fixed thedecomposition keys, allows obtaining matching rates which aresimilar to those associated <strong>with</strong> the use of random <strong>for</strong>geries, butonly when Ω(C (e) , C (a) ) ≥ Ξ=11(over F =14consideredfunctions).There<strong>for</strong>e, the total number of scrambling matrices whichcan be considered still satisfying the diversity property, guaranteedby a distance Ω(C (e) , C (a) ) ≥ Ξ=11, has an upperbound that is equal to (F !/(Ξ − 1)!) = 24 024. Moreover,keeping in mind that, as explained in Section IX-A, Γ=4distinctdecomposition vectors can be defined <strong>for</strong> each scramblingmatrix C, the total number of renewable templates which canbe properly generated, following the approach in Section III-B1<strong>with</strong> W =2,is4 · 24 024 = 96 096.C. Shifting ApproachIn this section, we verify how the renewability property of thebaseline approach in Section III-A is improved when using themethod described in Section III-B2, which employs a decompositionvector d and a shifting parameter φ as trans<strong>for</strong>mationkeys. Following an approach that is similar to the one employedin Sections IX-A and B, each user available in the entire MCYTdatabase is enrolled by using his first E =10signatures, whichare then trans<strong>for</strong>med according to the trans<strong>for</strong>mation keys dand φ (e) . Then, the remaining genuine signatures of each userare trans<strong>for</strong>med using the same decomposition key d employedduring enrollment, but <strong>with</strong> a different initial shift, indicatedas φ (a) , to determine the RTMR that is used to analyze therenewability capacity of this approach. The values of the shiftsare taken in the range between 0 and 95, considering onlymultiples of five: In this way, 20 different possible values aretaken into account. Having defined a distance between theshifting parameters taken during enrollment and verification as(Φ φ (e) ,φ (a)) ∣∣= ∣φ (e) − φ (a) ∣∣ , (17)Fig. 6(c) shows the RTMR statistics obtained by considering thesame decomposition keys during enrollment and verification,at an increasing distance Φ(φ (e) ,φ (a) ) between the employedshifting parameters. A comparison <strong>with</strong> the FAR per<strong>for</strong>mancesobtained considering skilled and random <strong>for</strong>geries, trans<strong>for</strong>med<strong>with</strong> the same trans<strong>for</strong>mation keys d and φ (e) employed inenrollment, is also given. The obtained experimental resultsshow that the RTMR pseudo-ROC curves, related to the useof different shifting parameters <strong>for</strong> the enrollment and theauthentication stage, are similar to the ROC curve obtainedwhen random <strong>for</strong>geries are taken into account when the distanceΦ(φ (e) ,φ (a) ) is equal or greater than the 20% of the signaturelength N. This implies that the number of values φ whichcan be properly considered is limited to Υ=5. Applying themodification described in Section III-B2 to the baseline approachin Section III-A, we obtain an increase of the number oftemplates that can be generated by a factor of five, thus obtaininga number of Γ · Υ=4· 5=20templates. Obviously, thisnumber is still too small <strong>for</strong> a practical application. However, ifthe considered modification is applied in conjunction <strong>with</strong> themethod described in Section III-B1, it is possible to properlyproduce renewable templates <strong>with</strong> an upper limit of Γ(F !/(Ξ −1))Υ = 96 096 · 5 = 480 480 discriminable templates.In conclusion, although <strong>with</strong> the proposed approaches, it isnot possible to obtain an infinite number of discriminable templates,almost 500 000 templates can be generated from a singleoriginal signature, properly fulfilling the diversity requirement.It is also worth pointing out that, having the possibility ofmanaging almost 500 000 different templates, a user could issuea new biometric template each hour, <strong>for</strong> 60 years.X. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONThe security and privacy issues probably represent the mostimportant problems that have to be tackled during the design ofa biometric-based automatic recognition system. In this paper,Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Autonoma de Madrid. Downloaded on May 06,2010 at 15:31:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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