Cancelable Templates for Sequence-Based Biometrics with ... - ATVS

Cancelable Templates for Sequence-Based Biometrics with ... - ATVS Cancelable Templates for Sequence-Based Biometrics with ... - ATVS


IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART A: SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, VOL. 40, NO. 3, MAY 2010 525Cancelable Templates for Sequence-BasedBiometrics with Application toOn-line Signature RecognitionEmanuele Maiorana, Member, IEEE, Patrizio Campisi, Senior Member, IEEE, Julian Fierrez,Javier Ortega-Garcia, Senior Member, IEEE, and Alessandro Neri, Member, IEEEAbstract—Recent years have seen the rapid spread of biometrictechnologies for automatic people recognition. However, securityand privacy issues still represent the main obstacles for the deploymentof biometric-based authentication systems. In this paper, wepropose an approach, which we refer to as BioConvolving, thatis able to guarantee security and renewability to biometric templates.Specifically, we introduce a set of noninvertible transformations,which can be applied to any biometrics whose templatecan be represented by a set of sequences, in order to generatemultiple transformed versions of the template. Once the transformationis performed, retrieving the original data from thetransformed template is computationally as hard as random guessing.As a proof of concept, the proposed approach is applied toan on-line signature recognition system, where a hidden Markovmodel-based matching strategy is employed. The performance ofa protected on-line signature recognition system employing theproposed BioConvolving approach is evaluated, both in terms ofauthentication rates and renewability capacity, using the MCYTsignature database. The reported extensive set of experimentsshows that protected and renewable biometric templates can beproperly generated and used for recognition, at the expense of aslight degradation in authentication performance.Index Terms—Biometrics, cancelable biometrics, hiddenMarkov model (HMM), security, signature verification, templateprotection.I. INTRODUCTIONBIOMETRIC person recognition refers to the use of physiologicalor behavioral characteristics of people in anautomated way to identify them or verify who they claim tobe [1]. Biometric recognition systems are typically able toprovide improved comfort and security to their users, whencompared to traditional authentication methods, typically basedon something that you have (e.g., a token) or something that youknow (e.g., a password).Unfortunately, biometrics-based people authentication posesnew challenges related to personal data protection, not existingin traditional authentication methods. In fact, if biometric dataManuscript received November 28, 2008. First published March 22, 2010;current version published April 14, 2010. This paper was recommended byGuest Editor K. W. Bowyer.E. Maiorana, P. Campisi, and A. Neri are with the Dipartimento di ElettronicaApplicata, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, 00146 Roma, Italy (;; Fierrez and J. Ortega-Garcia are with the Biometric RecognitionGroup—ATVS, Escuela Politecnica Superior, Universidad Autonoma deMadrid, 28049 Madrid, Spain (e-mail:; Object Identifier 10.1109/TSMCA.2010.2041653are stolen by an attacker, this can lead to identity theft. Moreover,users’ biometrics cannot be changed, and they may revealsensitive information about personality and health, which canbe processed and distributed without the users’ authorization[2]. An unauthorized tracking of the enrolled subjects canalso be done when a cross-matching among different biometricdatabases is performed, since personal biometric traits are permanentlyassociated with the users. This would lead to users’privacy loss.Because of these security and privacy issues, there are currentlymany research efforts toward protecting biometric systemsagainst possible attacks which can be perpetrated at their vulnerablepoints (see [3]). In essence, the adopted security measuresshould be able to enhance biometric systems’ resilience againstattacks while allowing the matching to be performed efficiently,thus guaranteeing acceptable recognition performance.In this paper, we introduce a novel noninvertible transformbasedapproach, namely, BioConvolving, which provides bothprotection and renewability for any biometric template whichcan be expressed in terms of a set of discrete sequences relatedto the temporal, spatial, or spectral behavior of the consideredbiometrics. The proposed approach can be therefore applied to avariety of biometric modalities, for example, speech biometrics[4], where spectral or temporal analysis of the voice signal producesdiscrete sequences, or to signature [5] and handwriting[4] recognition, where the extracted sequences are related tothe pen’s position, applied pressure, and inclination. Moreover,when performing gait recognition [6], temporal sequences describingthe trajectories of the ankle, knee, and hip of walkingpeople can be considered as templates. A set of discrete finitesequences representing the potentials of brain electrical activity,generated as a response to visual stimuli, can also be employedas a template, when performing brain-activity-based identification[7]. This is also the case when performing iris recognition,since the normalized template can be decomposed into 1-Dintensity signals, which retain the local variations of the iris [8].It is worth pointing out that some methods for the protectionof templates extracted from the aforementioned biometricsact on sets of parametric features derived from the originallyacquired data, thus limiting the kind of matching which canbe performed [9]. Since our BioConvolving approach dealswith discrete sequences instead of parametric features, it allowsusing sophisticated matching schemes such as dynamic timewarping (DTW) or hidden Markov models (HMMs).1083-4427/$26.00 © 2010 IEEEAuthorized licensed use limited to: Univ Autonoma de Madrid. Downloaded on May 06,2010 at 15:31:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART A: SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, VOL. 40, NO. 3, MAY 2010 525<strong>Cancelable</strong> <strong>Templates</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Sequence</strong>-<strong>Based</strong><strong>Biometrics</strong> <strong>with</strong> Application toOn-line Signature RecognitionEmanuele Maiorana, Member, IEEE, Patrizio Campisi, Senior Member, IEEE, Julian Fierrez,Javier Ortega-Garcia, Senior Member, IEEE, and Alessandro Neri, Member, IEEEAbstract—Recent years have seen the rapid spread of biometrictechnologies <strong>for</strong> automatic people recognition. However, securityand privacy issues still represent the main obstacles <strong>for</strong> the deploymentof biometric-based authentication systems. In this paper, wepropose an approach, which we refer to as BioConvolving, thatis able to guarantee security and renewability to biometric templates.Specifically, we introduce a set of noninvertible trans<strong>for</strong>mations,which can be applied to any biometrics whose templatecan be represented by a set of sequences, in order to generatemultiple trans<strong>for</strong>med versions of the template. Once the trans<strong>for</strong>mationis per<strong>for</strong>med, retrieving the original data from thetrans<strong>for</strong>med template is computationally as hard as random guessing.As a proof of concept, the proposed approach is applied toan on-line signature recognition system, where a hidden Markovmodel-based matching strategy is employed. The per<strong>for</strong>mance ofa protected on-line signature recognition system employing theproposed BioConvolving approach is evaluated, both in terms ofauthentication rates and renewability capacity, using the MCYTsignature database. The reported extensive set of experimentsshows that protected and renewable biometric templates can beproperly generated and used <strong>for</strong> recognition, at the expense of aslight degradation in authentication per<strong>for</strong>mance.Index Terms—<strong>Biometrics</strong>, cancelable biometrics, hiddenMarkov model (HMM), security, signature verification, templateprotection.I. INTRODUCTIONBIOMETRIC person recognition refers to the use of physiologicalor behavioral characteristics of people in anautomated way to identify them or verify who they claim tobe [1]. Biometric recognition systems are typically able toprovide improved com<strong>for</strong>t and security to their users, whencompared to traditional authentication methods, typically basedon something that you have (e.g., a token) or something that youknow (e.g., a password).Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, biometrics-based people authentication posesnew challenges related to personal data protection, not existingin traditional authentication methods. In fact, if biometric dataManuscript received November 28, 2008. First published March 22, 2010;current version published April 14, 2010. This paper was recommended byGuest Editor K. W. Bowyer.E. Maiorana, P. Campisi, and A. Neri are <strong>with</strong> the Dipartimento di ElettronicaApplicata, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, 00146 Roma, Italy (;; Fierrez and J. Ortega-Garcia are <strong>with</strong> the Biometric RecognitionGroup—<strong>ATVS</strong>, Escuela Politecnica Superior, Universidad Autonoma deMadrid, 28049 Madrid, Spain (e-mail:; Object Identifier 10.1109/TSMCA.2010.2041653are stolen by an attacker, this can lead to identity theft. Moreover,users’ biometrics cannot be changed, and they may revealsensitive in<strong>for</strong>mation about personality and health, which canbe processed and distributed <strong>with</strong>out the users’ authorization[2]. An unauthorized tracking of the enrolled subjects canalso be done when a cross-matching among different biometricdatabases is per<strong>for</strong>med, since personal biometric traits are permanentlyassociated <strong>with</strong> the users. This would lead to users’privacy loss.Because of these security and privacy issues, there are currentlymany research ef<strong>for</strong>ts toward protecting biometric systemsagainst possible attacks which can be perpetrated at their vulnerablepoints (see [3]). In essence, the adopted security measuresshould be able to enhance biometric systems’ resilience againstattacks while allowing the matching to be per<strong>for</strong>med efficiently,thus guaranteeing acceptable recognition per<strong>for</strong>mance.In this paper, we introduce a novel noninvertible trans<strong>for</strong>mbasedapproach, namely, BioConvolving, which provides bothprotection and renewability <strong>for</strong> any biometric template whichcan be expressed in terms of a set of discrete sequences relatedto the temporal, spatial, or spectral behavior of the consideredbiometrics. The proposed approach can be there<strong>for</strong>e applied to avariety of biometric modalities, <strong>for</strong> example, speech biometrics[4], where spectral or temporal analysis of the voice signal producesdiscrete sequences, or to signature [5] and handwriting[4] recognition, where the extracted sequences are related tothe pen’s position, applied pressure, and inclination. Moreover,when per<strong>for</strong>ming gait recognition [6], temporal sequences describingthe trajectories of the ankle, knee, and hip of walkingpeople can be considered as templates. A set of discrete finitesequences representing the potentials of brain electrical activity,generated as a response to visual stimuli, can also be employedas a template, when per<strong>for</strong>ming brain-activity-based identification[7]. This is also the case when per<strong>for</strong>ming iris recognition,since the normalized template can be decomposed into 1-Dintensity signals, which retain the local variations of the iris [8].It is worth pointing out that some methods <strong>for</strong> the protectionof templates extracted from the a<strong>for</strong>ementioned biometricsact on sets of parametric features derived from the originallyacquired data, thus limiting the kind of matching which canbe per<strong>for</strong>med [9]. Since our BioConvolving approach deals<strong>with</strong> discrete sequences instead of parametric features, it allowsusing sophisticated matching schemes such as dynamic timewarping (DTW) or hidden Markov models (HMMs).1083-4427/$26.00 © 2010 IEEEAuthorized licensed use limited to: Univ Autonoma de Madrid. Downloaded on May 06,2010 at 15:31:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

526 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART A: SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, VOL. 40, NO. 3, MAY 2010Fig. 1. Points of attack in a generic biometric system (adapted from [3]).As a proof of concept, we apply the proposed BioConvolvingprotection scheme to signature biometrics, extendingthe authors’ works presented in [10] and [11]. Specifically,the signature representation here employed comprises a highernumber of signature sequences, and a detailed renewability andsecurity analysis is carried out.Specifically, this paper is organized as follows. In Section II,the different solutions which have been investigated in therecent past to secure biometric templates are analyzed. The proposedapproach <strong>for</strong> the protection of sequence-based biometrictemplates is illustrated in Section III, and its security analysis isoutlined in Section IV. The state of the art on signature-basedauthentication schemes and on signature template protectionapproaches is outlined in Section V. The application of theproposed scheme to on-line signature biometrics is presentedin Section VI, which details both the employed signature representationand the employed template matcher. The experimentalsetup is described in Section VII. The authentication and therenewability per<strong>for</strong>mances of the proposed protection approachare discussed in Sections VIII and IX, respectively. Eventually,some conclusions are drawn in Section X.II. BIOMETRIC TEMPLATE SECURITYA biometric system can be roughly sketched as that in Fig. 1and consists of a sensor module, a feature extractor module, amatcher, a database, and an application device which is drivenby the matcher output. As discussed in [3] and also shown inFig. 1, eight possible vulnerable points can be identified in abiometric system. Specifically, some attacks can be perpetratedat the sensor level, at the feature extractor level, or againstthe channel interconnecting two modules, in order to steal orsubstitute the acquired biometric in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>with</strong> fake or otherimpostor data.Other attacks are related to the biometric templates generatedby the feature extractor module, which are stored in thedatabase or matched against previously stored templates. Thebiometric templates are the targets of the attacks either atthe database level or at the interconnecting channel level.Finally, the matcher and the output to the device applicationcan be attacked to override the system decision.The unauthorized access to both raw biometric data andbiometric templates is among the most dangerous threats tousers’ privacy and security. Several techniques <strong>for</strong> biometrictemplate protection have been studied in the literature. Amongthem, classical cryptographic techniques [12] can be employedto secure the transmission of biometric data over reliable butinsecure channels and to store data in such a way that they areintelligible only by using a proper cryptographic key. However,when using these techniques, it is necessary to per<strong>for</strong>m thematch after decryption, and there<strong>for</strong>e, no protection is providedduring the matching.On the other hand, data hiding techniques [13] can be usedto insert additional in<strong>for</strong>mation, namely, the watermark, intoa digital object. Within this respect, data hiding techniquescomplement encryption, since the message can remain in thehost data even when decryption has been done. The use ofdata hiding techniques <strong>for</strong> biometrics protection has alreadybeen proposed <strong>for</strong> fingerprints [14] and signatures [15], amongothers.The problem of providing protection to the biometric templatesalso during the matching process can be solved <strong>with</strong> newtechniques such as cancelable biometrics, also known as anonymousor revocable biometrics. <strong>Cancelable</strong> biometrics have beenintroduced in [16], where template protection has been achievedby applying an intentional and repeatable modification to theoriginal biometric template. The trans<strong>for</strong>mation must be designedin such a way to satisfy the following properties.1) Renewability: It should be possible to revoke a templateand to reissue a new one based on the same biometricdata. The new templates should not match <strong>with</strong> the onesrevoked in order to provide diversity. This property isneeded to ensure the user’s privacy.2) Security: It should not be possible, or computationallyunfeasible, to obtain the original raw biometric data fromthe stored secured template. This property is needed toprevent an adversary from reconstructing biometric traitsfrom a single stolen template, as well as from severalstolen templates (this is commonly referred to as therecord multiplicity attack). In fact, although it was commonlybelieved that it is not possible to reconstruct theoriginal biometric characteristics from the correspondingextracted template, some concrete counter examples havebeen provided in the recent literature [17], [18].3) Per<strong>for</strong>mance: The biometric recognition error ratesshould not degrade significantly <strong>with</strong> the introduction ofa template protection scheme, <strong>with</strong> respect to an unprotectedapproach. Moreover, the recognition per<strong>for</strong>mancesshould not be sensitive to the employed modifications:Even when applying different distortions to the same biometricdata, the recognition per<strong>for</strong>mances should show avery low variance.Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Autonoma de Madrid. Downloaded on May 06,2010 at 15:31:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

MAIORANA et al.: CANCELABLE TEMPLATES FOR SEQUENCE-BASED BIOMETRICS 527A detailed discussion regarding the requirements of a properlydefined cancelable biometrics can also be found in [19].Designing a template protection scheme that is able to properlysatisfy each of the a<strong>for</strong>ementioned properties is not a trivialtask, mainly due to the unavoidable intrauser variability shownby every biometric trait. Different solutions have already beenproposed <strong>for</strong> the generation of secure and renewable templates.A recent survey of published methods has been presented in[20], where the authors have classified the existing approachesinto two categories: biometric cryptosystems and feature trans<strong>for</strong>mationapproaches.A. Biometric Cryptosystems <strong>for</strong> Template ProtectionBiometric cryptosystems combine cryptographic keys <strong>with</strong>trans<strong>for</strong>med versions of the input biometrics to generate thesecured templates [21]. In this process, some public in<strong>for</strong>mation,namely, helper data, is generated. Biometric cryptosystemscan be further divided into key binding systems, wherethe helper data are obtained by combining the key <strong>with</strong> thebiometric template, and key generation systems, where boththe helper data and the key are directly generated from thebiometric template. Two of the most well-known examples ofkey binding approaches are the fuzzy commitment [22] and thefuzzy vault [23], which represent general schemes that can beapplied to different biometrics such as fingerprints or face [24],[25]. Typically, these approaches are able to manage the intrauservariations in biometric data by exploiting the capabilitiesof error correcting codes. However, it is generally not possibleto use sophisticated and dedicated matchers, thus reducing thesystem matching accuracy. Moreover, it has been proven thatthe fuzzy vault is vulnerable to the record multiplicity attack[26]: If an adversary has access to two different vaults obtainedfrom the same data, he can easily identify the genuine points inthe two vaults. On the other hand, the proposed key generationbiometric cryptosystems have been more difficult to implementin practice [27].B. Feature Trans<strong>for</strong>mations <strong>for</strong> Template ProtectionIn a feature trans<strong>for</strong>mation approach, a function that is dependenton some parameters, which can be used as a key, isapplied to the input biometric to generate the protected templates.The employed function can be either invertible, resultingin a salting approach, whose security is based on the protectionof the function parameters, or noninvertible, when a one-wayfunction is applied to the template and it is computationallyhard to invert the function even if the trans<strong>for</strong>mation parametersare known. The use of the methods belonging to the first categorytypically results in low false acceptance rates; however, if auser-specific key is compromised, the user template is no longersecure due to the invertibility of the trans<strong>for</strong>mation. Examplescan be found in [28] and [29].On the contrary, when noninvertible trans<strong>for</strong>ms are used,even if the key is known by an adversary, no significantin<strong>for</strong>mation can be acquired on the template, thus obtainingbetter security than when using a salting approach, which relieson the key security. Moreover, in contrast <strong>with</strong> cryptosystemapproaches, the trans<strong>for</strong>med templates can remain in the samefeature space of the original ones, being then possible to employstandard matchers to per<strong>for</strong>m authentication in the trans<strong>for</strong>meddomain. This guarantees per<strong>for</strong>mances that are similar to thoseof an unprotected approach. In addition to the per<strong>for</strong>mancebenefits of using standard matchers in the trans<strong>for</strong>med domain,these methods typically result in matching scores which canbe fused in multibiometric approaches. There<strong>for</strong>e, the use oftrans<strong>for</strong>m-based approaches <strong>for</strong> template protection in multibiometricssystems allows using either score-level fusion techniques[30] or decision-level fusion techniques [31], whereasonly the latter, which is less effective than the <strong>for</strong>mer, canbe employed when biometric cryptosystems are considered.Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, it seems to be difficult to design trans<strong>for</strong>mationfunctions which can satisfy both the discriminability and thenoninvertibility properties simultaneously.The concept of achieving template security through the applicationof noninvertible trans<strong>for</strong>mations has been first presentedin [16], where it has been referred to as cancelablebiometrics as that in [32], although this expression has beenlater conceived in a more general sense. One of the first publishedworks including experimental evidence on the feasibilityof noninvertible trans<strong>for</strong>ms <strong>for</strong> biometric template protectionis [33], where a geometric trans<strong>for</strong>m has been employed toprotect minutia templates. However, the protection scheme in[33] introduces a significant per<strong>for</strong>mance degradation, and thematching score between fingerprints trans<strong>for</strong>med <strong>with</strong> differentkeys is relatively high, thus greatly reducing the useful keyspace. More general geometric trans<strong>for</strong>ms (Cartesian, polar,and functional) have been later studied in [34], where betterper<strong>for</strong>mances have been achieved. However, <strong>with</strong> reference tothe best approach presented in [34], only a small fraction of thedata, namely, 8%, is noninvertible in practice [35]. Moreover,all the approaches <strong>for</strong> template protection in [33] and [34] arevulnerable to a record multiplicity attack: Having access to twoor more different trans<strong>for</strong>med versions of the same minutiapattern, it is possible to identify the original positions of theconsidered minutiae [36].A registration-free construction of cancelable fingerprinttemplates has also been proposed in [37]. From each detectedminutia, a square patch is extracted and trans<strong>for</strong>med usingan orthogonal trans<strong>for</strong>mation matrix. The approach presentedin [37], being able to <strong>with</strong>stand also a record multiplicityattack, is more robust than the one proposed in [34], but itexhibits lower verification per<strong>for</strong>mances than the one obtainedin [34].Voice-based cancelable templates were proposed in [38],where a noninvertible trans<strong>for</strong>med version of the originallyacquired voiceprint is generated. The original biometrics cannotbe obtained from the template stored in the server duringenrollment, even if the keys employed <strong>for</strong> trans<strong>for</strong>mations aredisclosed.III. GENERATING CANCELABLE SEQUENCE-BASEDBIOMETRIC TEMPLATESThe proposed BioConvolving approach provides protectionto templates characterized by a set of discrete finite sequencesAuthorized licensed use limited to: Univ Autonoma de Madrid. Downloaded on May 06,2010 at 15:31:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

528 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART A: SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, VOL. 40, NO. 3, MAY 2010Fig. 2. Baseline approach. Example of a template sequence trans<strong>for</strong>mation, where W =3.extracted from a given biometrics, by applying the trans<strong>for</strong>mationsdefined in Sections III-A and B. The resulting trans<strong>for</strong>medsequences can then be further processed, if the matcher isbased on a sequence-based modeling approach (e.g., HMM),or directly stored as templates, if the matcher works directly<strong>with</strong> sequence-based descriptions (e.g., DTW). Specifically, itis assumed that the proposed trans<strong>for</strong>mations can be appliedto an original set of sequences R F , consisting of F sequencesr (i) [n],i=1,...,F. The trans<strong>for</strong>med template is indicatedas T F and consists of F sequences f (i) [n],i=1,...,F.InSection III-A, the baseline sequence-based template trans<strong>for</strong>m,specifically designed in such a way that it is not possibleto retrieve the original data from the trans<strong>for</strong>med ones, isproposed. Moreover, in Section III-B, some alternatives <strong>for</strong>the protection of sequence-based templates, derived from thebaseline approach in Section III-A, will be detailed.A. Noninvertible Trans<strong>for</strong>m: Baseline ApproachLet us consider the set of trans<strong>for</strong>mations that are necessaryto generate the trans<strong>for</strong>med template, represented by the set ofsequences T F , by using the original template, given by the setof original sequences R F . These trans<strong>for</strong>mations are designedin order to satisfy the following properties.1) Each trans<strong>for</strong>med sequence, belonging to the set T F ,mustbe generated by using at least two sequences, which canbe either an original sequence or a segment extractedfrom an original sequence.2) Each sequence employed in one trans<strong>for</strong>mation cannotoccur in any other one of the set of trans<strong>for</strong>mationsemployed to generate the trans<strong>for</strong>med template R F .In the baseline implementation, each trans<strong>for</strong>med sequencef (i) [n],i=1,...,F, is obtained from the corresponding originalsequence r (i) [n],i=1,...,F, which represents a genericdiscrete sequence of length N belonging to the original template,as follows.A number (W − 1) of different integer values d j between 1and 99 are randomly selected, ordered in ascending order suchthat d j >d j−1 ,j =1,...,W, and arranged in a vectord =[d 0 ,...,d W ] T , (1)where d 0 and d W are set to 0 and 100, respectively. The vectord represents the key of the employed trans<strong>for</strong>mation. Then, theoriginal sequence r (i) [n] is divided into W segments r (i)j,Nj [n]of length N j = b j − b j−1wherer (i)j,Nj [n] =r (i) [n + b j−1 ], n =1,...,N j ;j =1,...,W, (2)b j =⌈dj100 · N ⌉, j =1,...,W. (3)Basically, the sequence r (i) [n] is split into W nonoverlappingparts according to the randomly generated vector d, asshownin Fig. 2 <strong>for</strong> the case <strong>with</strong> W =3. A trans<strong>for</strong>med sequencef (i) [n],n=1,...,K, is then obtained through the linear convolutionof the sequences r (i)j,Nj [n],j =1,...,W, i.e.,f (i) [n] =r (i)1,N1 [n] ∗···∗r (i)W,NW [n]. (4)Each trans<strong>for</strong>med sequence f (i) [n] is there<strong>for</strong>e obtainedthrough the linear convolution of parts of the correspondingoriginal sequences r (i) [n],i=1,...,F. Moreover, each originalsequence r (i) [n],i=1,...,F, undergoes the same decompositionbe<strong>for</strong>e applying the convolutions. The length of thetrans<strong>for</strong>med sequences obtained by means of convolution asthat in (4) is equal to K = N − W +1, which is there<strong>for</strong>ealmost the same of the original sequences. A final signalnormalization, to obtain zero-mean and unit-standard-deviationtrans<strong>for</strong>med sequences, is then applied. Different realizationscan be obtained from the same original sequences, simply varyingthe size or the values of the parameter key d. The completeset of trans<strong>for</strong>med sequences f (i) [n],i=1,...,F, is indicatedas T F . The security analysis of the proposed sequence-basedprotection scheme is conducted in Section IV.B. Noninvertible Trans<strong>for</strong>m: Extended ApproachesIn the previous section, we illustrated how to generate atrans<strong>for</strong>med sequence from an original one. However, as it willbe shown in Section IX, when considering the application to theprotection of on-line signature templates, the baseline methodpossesses a low renewability capability. In order to properlyaddress this issue, two additional noninvertible sequence-basedapproaches, stemming from the approach in Section III-A, areproposed in the following.Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Autonoma de Madrid. Downloaded on May 06,2010 at 15:31:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

MAIORANA et al.: CANCELABLE TEMPLATES FOR SEQUENCE-BASED BIOMETRICS 5291) Mixing Approach: This approach is defined by considering,in addition to the decomposition key d, a trans<strong>for</strong>mationkey C, defined as a matrix of F rows and W columns. Eachcolumn of C is obtained as a scrambled version of the vector[1,...,F] T . An example of a possible matrix C,<strong>for</strong>F =7andW =4, can be⎡⎤1 4 3 72 7 2 53 1 6 1C =4 2 7 3. (5)⎢ 5 6 1 4⎥⎣⎦6 5 5 27 3 4 6Each row of the matrix C, i.e., C[i, j] <strong>with</strong> j =1, 2,...,W,is employed to define the combinations that originate the trans<strong>for</strong>medsequences f (i) [n] as follows:f (i) [n] =r (C[i,1])1,N1 [n] ∗···∗r (C[i,W ])W,NW [n] (6)<strong>with</strong> i =1,...,F, and where r (i)j,Nj [n] is defined as that in(2). Basically, each trans<strong>for</strong>med sequence f (i) [n] is generatednot only from the corresponding original sequence r (i) [n], butthe convolutions are per<strong>for</strong>med among segments extracted fromdifferent original sequences, thus also defining a feature-levelfusion [30] among various sequences.2) Shifting Approach: Another variation to the approach inSection III-A is obtained by applying an initial shift to theoriginal sequences r (i) [n],i=1,...,F. Specifically, a randominteger value φ is selected in the range [0, 100] and convertedto the shift s as⌈ ⌉ φs =100 · N , (7)<strong>with</strong> N being the length of the original sequence, in sampleunits. Then, each sequence r (i) [n] undergoes the same circularshift ruled by the parameter s, thus obtaining the sequencesz (i) [n] =r (i) [n − s],n=1,...,N.The same trans<strong>for</strong>mation process described inSection III-A, based on convolutions between segmentsextracted from the considered sequences, is then applied to thesequences z (i) [n]. This modification can also be combined <strong>with</strong>the extended method presented in Section III-B1, by applyingthe circular shift be<strong>for</strong>e per<strong>for</strong>ming the trans<strong>for</strong>mations.Obviously, it is also possible to apply different initial shiftsto the F sequences be<strong>for</strong>e per<strong>for</strong>ming the decompositions,in order to further increase the trans<strong>for</strong>mation key space.However, in this paper, we only consider the case where thesame shift is applied to all the available original sequences.IV. TRANSFORM INVERTIBILITY ANALYSISThe analysis of the invertibility, i.e., the possibility of recoveringthe original sequences from the ones obtained employingthe proposed trans<strong>for</strong>mation schemes, is investigated in thissection. Specifically, this analysis, being related only to thetrans<strong>for</strong>mations designed in Section III, does not depend on aspecific biometric modality. Furthermore, being the methods inSection III-B derived as extensions of the principal approachdescribed in Section III-A, only the latter one is here analyzed,due to the fact that the security of the extended methodsdepends on the one provided by the baseline approach.Having defined the sequence trans<strong>for</strong>mation as that in (4),if an attacker gains access to the stored in<strong>for</strong>mation, he hasto solve a blind deconvolution problem [39]–[41] to retrieveany in<strong>for</strong>mation regarding the original sequences. In otherwords, the security of the proposed sequence-based templateprotection methods relies on the difficulty in solving a blinddeconvolution problem, having no aprioriknowledge about theoriginal sequences.The proposed trans<strong>for</strong>mation is also robust to the record multiplicityattack, where it is assumed that different trans<strong>for</strong>medtemplates based on the same original data are available to the attacker.It is worth pointing out that this is a worst case conditionbecause, in real-life applications, the realizations of the originalbiometrics used in different applications vary depending onthe intra-user biometric variability. Under this assumption, wethen consider that an attacker has acquired, from two differentsystems, two different trans<strong>for</strong>med sets of sequences T (1)Fand T (2)F , generated from the same original template R F byapplying different trans<strong>for</strong>mation parameters. Considering thesimplest case <strong>with</strong> W =2, the attacker then possesses twotrans<strong>for</strong>med instances, namely, f (1) [n] and f (2) [n],ofthesameoriginal sequences r[n], obtained using the two trans<strong>for</strong>mationparameters d (1)1 and d (2)1 . Given thatr[n] =r (1)1,N (1)1= r (2)1,N (2)1[[n]+r (1)2,N (1)2[[n]+r (2)2,N (2)2n − b (1)1n − b (2)1]], (8)in order to recover the sequence r[n], the attacker should obtainthe segments r (1) [n] and r (1) [n], where N (1)1,N (1)12,N (1)1 = b (1)1 and2N (1)2 = N − b (1)1 , or the segments r(2) [n] and r (2) [n],1,N (2)12,N (2)2<strong>with</strong> N (2)1 = b (2)1 and N (2)2 = N − b (2)1 , from the availabletrans<strong>for</strong>med sequences f (1) [n] =r (1) [n] ∗ r (1) [n] and1,N (1)1 2,N (1)2f (2) [n] =r (2) [n] ∗ r (2) [n].1,N (2)1 2,N (2)2Deconvolution problems are typically coped <strong>with</strong> in thefrequency domain, being the convolutions represented by multiplicationsin the Fourier domain. In order to properly definethe discrete Fourier trans<strong>for</strong>ms (DFTs) of the segments extractedfrom r[n], the extended versions ˆr (j)h,K[n], h, j = {1, 2},are generated by applying a zero padding to the respectiveoriginal traits, until reaching the same length K = N − 1 ofthe convolution products f (1) [n] and f (2) [n]. Then, the sequenceΔ[n],n=1,...,K, is defined as the difference betweenˆr (1)1,K[n] and ˆr(2)1,K[n], which share a common part thatis exactly r (2) [n], having assumed that b (1)1 >b (2)11,N (2)1Δ[n] =ˆr (1)1,K[n] − ˆr(2)1,K[n], n =1,...,K. (9)Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Autonoma de Madrid. Downloaded on May 06,2010 at 15:31:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

530 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART A: SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, VOL. 40, NO. 3, MAY 2010The following relations can then be derived <strong>for</strong> the consideredfinite sequences:⎧⎨⎩ˆr (1)1,Kˆr (1)2,K[n] =ˆr(2)[n − b (1)11,K][n]+Δ[n] [=ˆr (2)2,Kn − b (2)1]− Δ[n],(10)where all the considered shifts are circular shifts. Then, applyingthe DFT to the aprioriknown sequences f (1) [n] andf (2) [n] and considering the relations between the DFT and thelinear convolution of two discrete sequences, it results to (11),shown at the bottom of the page, where the DFT coefficientsare indexed <strong>with</strong> l. Using the relations in (10), the first equationin (11) can be written as{ } [DFT f (1) [n] ={ } ]DFT ˆr (2)1,K [n] + DFT {Δ[n]}[ { [· DFT ˆr (2)2,Kn − b (2)1]}− DFT {Δ[n]}· e j2π(l/K)b(1) 1 , (12)from which the expressions in (13), shown at the bottom of thepage, can be derived.The resulting system of equations admits ∞ 1 possible solutions,which implies that recovering the original segments[n] and ˆr(2)2,K[n] is as much hard as random guessing them.The difficulty in reaching a solution <strong>for</strong> the original sequenceobserved in our <strong>for</strong>mulation corroborates the difficulty in succeedingin a record multiplicity attack.ˆr (2)1,KV. S IGNATURE BIOMETRICSA. Signature-<strong>Based</strong> AuthenticationPeople recognition based on signatures is one of the mostaccepted biometric-based authentication methods since, beingpart of everyday life, it is perceived as a noninvasive and nonthreateningprocess by the majority of the users. Furthermore, asignature has a high legal value. On the other hand, this modalityis characterized by a high intrauser variability, due to thefact that signatures can be influenced by several physical andemotional conditions, and a small <strong>for</strong>gery inter-user variability,which must be taken into account in the authentication process.A review of the state of the art covering the literature up to 1993]can be found in [42]. Other survey papers quoting the morerecent advances in signature recognition are [43] and [44].Signature-based authentication can be either static or dynamic.Inthestatic mode, also referred to as off-line, onlythe written image of the signature, typically acquired through acamera or an optical scanner, is used. In the dynamic mode, alsocalled on-line, signatures are acquired by means of a graphictablet or a pen-sensitive computer display, which can providetemporal in<strong>for</strong>mation about the signature, such as the pressure,the velocity, the pen tilt signals versus time, etc.In order to represent the signature, some features must beextracted. Two different kinds of features are typically considered:parameters and functions. Parametric features can consistof static in<strong>for</strong>mation, like the height and the width of thesignatures, or dynamic in<strong>for</strong>mation, like signature velocity,acceleration, or pressure. In most comparative studies, theparameters based on dynamic in<strong>for</strong>mation are typically morediscriminative <strong>for</strong> recognition purposes than those based onstatic in<strong>for</strong>mation [45]. On the other hand, sequence-basedmethods typically use a representation based on various temporalsequences and elastic matching procedures such as DTW,which represents one of the more flexible approaches to managethe signature length variability [46], or statistical recognitionapproaches such as HMMs [5], [47].B. Signature Template Protection: Related WorksSignature template protection has been first considered in [9]and [48] <strong>with</strong> a key generation approach which extracts a setof parametric features from the acquired dynamic signaturesand applies a hash function to a feature’s binary representation,obtained by exploiting some statistical properties of theenrollment signatures. Both methods provide protection <strong>for</strong> thesignature templates, but none of them provides revocability.The fuzzy vault construction has been applied to signature verificationin [49], by using a quantized set of maxima and minimaof the temporal functions mixed <strong>with</strong> chaff points in order toprovide security. A salting approach has been proposed in [50]as an adaptation of the BioHashing method [28] to signaturetemplates. The fuzzy commitment approach introduced in [22]has also been applied to signature verification in [51] and [52].In both papers, a practical implementation of fuzzy commitment[25] has been taken into account, and a new user-adaptive⎧⎨ DFT { f (1) [n] } { }= DFT ˆr (1)1,K [n]⎩ DFT { f (2) [n] } = DFT{· DFT{ˆr (2)1,K [n] }· DFT{ } { [ˆr (1)1,K [n] · DFT ˆr (1)2,K]}· e j2π(l/K)b(1) 1}ˆr (1)2,K [n] = DFTn − b (1)1{ }ˆr (2)2,K [n] (11)⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩DFT { f (1) [n] } [ { } {= e j2π(l/K)b(1) 1 · DFT ˆr (2)1,K [n] · DFT+ DFT {Δ[n]}·DFTDFT { f (2) [n] } { } { }= DFT ˆr (2)1,K [n] · DFT ˆr (2)2,K [n]}ˆr (2)2,K [n] · e −j2π(l/K)b(2) 1 − DFT {Δ[n]}·DFT{ }]ˆr (2)2,K [n] · e −j2π(l/K)b(2) 1 − DFT 2 {Δ[n]}{ˆr (2)1,K [n] }(13)Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Autonoma de Madrid. Downloaded on May 06,2010 at 15:31:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

MAIORANA et al.: CANCELABLE TEMPLATES FOR SEQUENCE-BASED BIOMETRICS 531error-correcting code selection has also been introduced.The implementation of a security scalable recognition systemby exploiting watermarking-based techniques has been studiedin [15], [52], and [53]. No template-trans<strong>for</strong>mation-based approachhas been proposed so far <strong>for</strong> the protection of signaturebiometrics.VI. APPLICATION TO AN ON-LINE SIGNATURERECOGNITION SYSTEMThe effectiveness of the proposed protection scheme <strong>for</strong>sequence-based biometrics is here applied to the protection ofon-line signature templates. In Section VI-A, it is discussedhow to extract a sequence-based template R F from an acquiredsignature, while the employed classifier, based on HMM, isdescribed in Section VI-B.A. Feature Extraction StageDuring the employed feature extraction stage, the horizontalx[n] and vertical y[n] position trajectories, together <strong>with</strong> thepressure signal p[n],n=1,...,N, are acquired from each onlinesignature through a digitizing tablet. We consider that thesignals x[n] and y[n] are already normalized both in position,<strong>with</strong> respect to their center of mass, and in rotation, <strong>with</strong> respectto their average path tangent angle. Other four discrete-time sequencesare derived from the pair {x[n],y[n]}, namely, the pathtangent angle θ[n], the path velocity magnitude v[n], thelogcurvature radius ρ[n], and the total acceleration magnitude a[n].Specifically, in our experiments, we consider the following setof F =14sequences:{R 14 = x[n],y[n],p[n],θ[n],v[n],ρ[n],a[n],ẋ[n], y[n], ˙ p[n], ˙ ˙θ[n],}˙v[n], ˙ρ[n], ȧ[n] , (14)where the upper dot notation denotes the first-order derivative.B. Signature ModelingIn order to per<strong>for</strong>m signature recognition, a stochastic modelizationbased on HMMs is applied to the trans<strong>for</strong>med signaturetemplates.An HMM is characterized by the following elements:1) the number H of hidden states {S 1 ,S 2 ,...,S H } of themodel. The state at discrete time n is indicated as q n ;2) the state transition probability A = {a i,j }, where a i,j =P [q n+1 = S j |q n = S i ],i,j =1,...,H;3) the observation symbol probability distributions ineach state j, indicated <strong>with</strong> B = {b j (o)},j =1,...,H.The observation processes are represented using mixturesof M multivariate Gaussian distributions: b j (o) =∑ Mm=1 α j,mp μj,m ,Σ j,m(o),j =1,...,H, where μ j,mand Σ j,m indicate the mean and the diagonal covariancematrix of each Gaussian component, respectively. Thecoefficients α j,m are selected by respecting the conditionof normalization ∑ Mm=1 α j,m =1,j =1,...,H;4) the initial state distribution π = {π j } = {p[q 1 =S j ]},j =1,...,H.Following the proposed approach, during the enrollmentphase, the client model λ = {π, A, B} is estimated consideringE enrollment signatures of the subject at hand, according to theiterative strategy presented in [5].The obtained model λ is stored in a database and used inthe authentication phase, where a similarity score is calculatedas (1/K) log P (O|λ) using the Viterbi algorithm [54]. Specifically,the Viterbi algorithm is employed to estimate, given anobservation sequence O and a model λ, the sequence Q ofhidden states corresponding to O. The criterion followed by theViterbi algorithm is to maximize the probability P (Q|O,λ),which is equivalent to maximizing P (Q, O|λ). The Viterbiprocedure can be efficiently represented by a lattice structure,where each node, at a given instant, represents the hidden stateof the model. The computational complexity of the algorithmis reduced when maximizing the log likelihood, <strong>with</strong> respectto the likelihood of the test sample path given the model. Theratio 1/K is taken into account to normalize to the obtainedlog likelihood, which decreases when the length of the testsignature increases [55].It is worth pointing out that, when using HMMs <strong>for</strong> signaturerecognition, also in an unprotected approach, the client modelλ = {π, A, B}, instead of the original signature sequences,is stored in the database. However, if an attacker is able toacquire the client HMM, the statistical properties of the client’ssignatures can be derived from the model and, <strong>for</strong> example,employed to track the users across multiple databases. Usingthe proposed protection approach, if an attacker succeeds inacquiring the stored models, he can only retrieve in<strong>for</strong>mationabout the set of trans<strong>for</strong>med sequences T F , from which it is notpossible to get any in<strong>for</strong>mation about the original sequencesr (i) [n],i=1,...,F, as discussed in Section IV.VII. EXPERIMENTAL SETUPThe noninvertible trans<strong>for</strong>ms, proposed <strong>for</strong> the protectionof sequence-based biometrics, are tested by verifying boththeir renewability capabilities and the verification per<strong>for</strong>manceachievable in protected systems, <strong>with</strong> application to on-linesignature biometrics. For the experiments, we use the MCYTon-line signature corpus [57]. This database includes signaturesfrom 330 subjects, <strong>with</strong> 25 genuine signatures per subject.These genuine signatures have been captured in sets of five,allowing some breaks between the different acquisition sets.For each subject, there are also 25 <strong>for</strong>geries per<strong>for</strong>med by fivedifferent <strong>for</strong>gers <strong>for</strong> each subject. Forgers have been askedto reproduce <strong>with</strong>out breaks or slowdowns a signature afterhaving observed the static image of the prototype and afterhaving carried out a training stage, which consists of copyingthe prototype at least ten times.In the experiments, we have studied the following key aspectsof the proposed template protection approaches:1) Authentication per<strong>for</strong>mancea) per<strong>for</strong>mance dependence on HMM parameters, <strong>for</strong>both unprotected and protected systems;b) per<strong>for</strong>mance variability <strong>with</strong> respect to thetrans<strong>for</strong>mation-defining parameters, <strong>for</strong> protectedsystems;Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Autonoma de Madrid. Downloaded on May 06,2010 at 15:31:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

532 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART A: SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, VOL. 40, NO. 3, MAY 2010TABLE IEER (IN PERCENTS) FOR DIFFERENT HMM CONFIGURATIONSCONSIDERING SKILLED FORGERIES, IN UNPROTECTEDAND PROTECTED SYSTEMS (E = 10)Fig. 3. ROC curves <strong>for</strong> an unprotected system, and <strong>for</strong> protected systems<strong>with</strong> W =2, 3, and 4 convolved segments, considering skilled <strong>for</strong>geriesand E =10.c) per<strong>for</strong>mance comparison between the baseline approachdescribed in Section III-A and the extendedmethods in Section III-B;2) Renewabilitya) evaluation of the diversity between two templatesoriginated by applying two different trans<strong>for</strong>mationson the same original data. The analysis is conducted<strong>for</strong> the baseline approach described in Section III-A,as well as <strong>for</strong> the extended methods in Section III-B.The per<strong>for</strong>mance analysis is detailed in Section VIII, whilethe renewability capabilities of the proposed protection methodsare presented in Section IX.VIII. AUTHENTICATION PERFORMANCE ANALYSISThe authentication per<strong>for</strong>mances achievable <strong>with</strong> the proposedprotected on-line signature protection methods are herediscussed. The system per<strong>for</strong>mances are evaluated through thefalse rejection rate (FRR), the false acceptance rate (FAR)<strong>for</strong> skilled <strong>for</strong>geries (FAR SF ), the FAR <strong>for</strong> random <strong>for</strong>geries(FAR RF ), and the equal error rate (EER). These figures of meritare obtained by considering, <strong>for</strong> each user in the enrollmentstage, E =10signatures taken from the first two acquisitionsets of MCYT. The FRR is estimated on the basis of thesignatures belonging to the third, fourth, and fifth availableacquisition sets. The FAR SF is computed by using the 25 skilled<strong>for</strong>geries available <strong>for</strong> each user. The FAR RF is computed bytaking, <strong>for</strong> each user, one signature from each of the remainingusers.A. Dependence on the HMM ParametersWithin the described experimental setup, the dependenceof the authentication per<strong>for</strong>mances on the HMM parametersis first discussed. Specifically, the EERs obtained by varyingthe HMM parameters H and M, considering skilled <strong>for</strong>geries,are summarized in Table I, <strong>for</strong> both unprotected systems and<strong>for</strong> protected systems employing the baseline approach describedin Section III-A, <strong>with</strong> W ∈{2, 3, 4}. Specifically, thevalues of H reported in Table I are H ∈{8, 16}, since thebest recognition rates are achieved when using, <strong>for</strong> the HMMmodelization, a number of states comprised between 8 and 16,as observed in [5] and [10]. When employing the proposedbaseline protection approach, the key vector d is randomlyselected <strong>for</strong> each considered user, taking the values d j ,j =1,...,W − 1, in the range of integers [5, 95]. As described in[34], this reflects how the protected system should be used ina practical implementation, where different trans<strong>for</strong>mations aretypically used <strong>for</strong> different individuals.The best EERs achievable <strong>for</strong> each configuration (unprotectedand protected systems) are highlighted in Table I andare employed to select the best HMM configurations, which areconsidered in the following to illustrate the per<strong>for</strong>mances of theproposed approaches. Specifically, the selected configurationsare as follows:1) unprotected approach: H =16 and M =4 (EER SF =6.33%);2) baseline protected approach, <strong>with</strong> W =2: H =8 andM =8(EER SF =7.95%);3) baseline protected approach, <strong>with</strong> W =3: H =8 andM =4(EER SF =11.84%);4) baseline protected approach, <strong>with</strong> W =4: H =8 andM =2(EER SF =15.40%).The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves related tothe best authentication rates, achievable using the a<strong>for</strong>ementionedselected configurations, are shown in Fig. 3. From thesketched ROC curves and from the results in Table I, it can beseen that the recognition per<strong>for</strong>mances <strong>for</strong> protected systemsworsen when the number W of segments in which the signaturesare segmented increases. The loss in per<strong>for</strong>mance canbe explained as follows. The segmentation of the consideredsignature time sequences is accomplished by using a set of fixedparameters d j ,j =1,...,W − 1. They express, in terms of thepercentage of the total sequence length, the points where thesegmentation has to be done. However, due to the characteristicsof signature biometrics, sequences extracted from differentAuthorized licensed use limited to: Univ Autonoma de Madrid. Downloaded on May 06,2010 at 15:31:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

MAIORANA et al.: CANCELABLE TEMPLATES FOR SEQUENCE-BASED BIOMETRICS 533Fig. 4. Normalized histograms of the EERs obtained repeating 20 times theauthentication process, <strong>for</strong> a protected system <strong>with</strong> W =2.signatures, also if from the same user, typically have differentlengths, which raises an alignment issue. As a consequence, themore separations are per<strong>for</strong>med, the more variable will be theconvolutions at the output. The best results are obtained whenW =2, due to the fact that only one separation point has tobe set in this case. However, the per<strong>for</strong>mances achieved <strong>with</strong>W =3still remain acceptable, producing an EER <strong>for</strong> skilled<strong>for</strong>geries of about 12%, when taking E =10 signatures <strong>for</strong>the enrollment. The cited alignment problem can be mitigatedby using a dynamic programming strategy, as in the DTW approaches<strong>for</strong> signature recognition [46], whereas a simple linearcorrespondence strategy does not represent the best signaturealignment approach.B. Dependence on the Trans<strong>for</strong>m Key Vector dThe dependence of the authentication per<strong>for</strong>mance on thekey d is investigated referring to the baseline approach proposedin Section III-A. More in detail, a protected system,where the signature functions are split into W =2segments, bymeans of the key d, is considered. The per<strong>for</strong>mance evaluationis made per<strong>for</strong>ming 20 times the enrollment and authenticationprocesses over the available test data set, varying at each iterationthe trans<strong>for</strong>mation parameters d <strong>for</strong> each user. In Fig. 4, theobtained results are shown, through the normalized histogramsof the EERs <strong>for</strong> both random (EER RF ) and skilled <strong>for</strong>geries(EER SF ), obtained when considering a protected system whereE =10signatures are taken from each user during enrollment.The mean and standard deviation of the obtained EERs are asfollows:1) skilled <strong>for</strong>geries: mean EER SF =8.2%, <strong>with</strong> a standarddeviation σ EERSF =0.7%;2) random <strong>for</strong>geries: mean EER RF =4.1%, <strong>with</strong> a standarddeviation σ EERRF =0.5%.As necessary <strong>for</strong> a properly designed noninvertible trans<strong>for</strong>mapproach, the variation of the trans<strong>for</strong>mation parametersdoes not result in significant modifications of the matchingper<strong>for</strong>mances.Fig. 5. Per<strong>for</strong>mance comparison between the baseline protected system inSection III-A and the extended protection approaches in Sections IX-B andIX-C, considering W =2convolved segments <strong>for</strong> template protection.C. Comparison Between Baseline and Extended ApproachesThe proposed approaches <strong>for</strong> the protection of signaturetemplates are also discussed by comparing the authenticationper<strong>for</strong>mances achievable when employing the extended trans<strong>for</strong>msdescribed in Section III-B, <strong>with</strong> those obtained by usingthe baseline method described in Section III-A. Specifically,only the case where each function is split into W =2segmentsis considered.Fig. 5 shows the per<strong>for</strong>mances obtained when consideringthe mixing and shifting approaches described in Sections III-B1and III-B2, respectively. The per<strong>for</strong>mances of the extendedmethods are also compared <strong>with</strong> those related to the use of thebaseline protection approach. E =10signatures are consideredto be taken from each user during enrollment. For all the consideredprotected approaches, the HMM configuration whichgives the best authentication per<strong>for</strong>mances <strong>for</strong> the baselinemethod is considered (H =8 and M =8). The recognitionrates shown <strong>for</strong> the unprotected system are related to the HMMconfiguration (H =16and M =4) which allows obtaining thebest achievable authentication per<strong>for</strong>mance. As shown in Fig. 5,systems using the mixing-based protection method, describedin Section III-B1, are characterized by almost the same per<strong>for</strong>mancesof a system using the baseline protection scheme,resulting in an EER of 9.12%. On the other hand, the protectionmethod based on shifting, described in Section III-B2, providesslightly worse results, reaching an EER of about 10.81%.IX. RENEWABILITY ANALYSISThe trans<strong>for</strong>mations introduced in Sections III-A and B arethen analyzed <strong>with</strong> respect to the diversity property, whichis a crucial requirement to implement cancelable biometrics.Specifically, it can be noticed that each of the proposed trans<strong>for</strong>msis defined by means of a key or a set of keys and thatdifferent trans<strong>for</strong>mations can be obtained by varying the employedkeys. Moreover, two trans<strong>for</strong>med templates, generatedfrom the same original data, are as more different as moredistant the respective trans<strong>for</strong>mation keys are. With the spaceof possible keys finite, the number of possible instances,which can be generated from the same data and which areAuthorized licensed use limited to: Univ Autonoma de Madrid. Downloaded on May 06,2010 at 15:31:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

MAIORANA et al.: CANCELABLE TEMPLATES FOR SEQUENCE-BASED BIOMETRICS 535properly employed to trans<strong>for</strong>m the original signature representations,while keeping fixed the decomposition vector d,will be estimated. As defined in Section III-B1, a scramblingmatrix C consists of F rows and W columns. The total numberof matrices which can be defined is then equal to (F !) (W −1) ,which corresponds to 14! = 87 178 291 200 when consideringF =14and W =2. However, among all the possible scramblingmatrices, only those which allow fulfilling the diversityproperty can be employed.Given two generic matrices C (1) and C (2) , let us define thedistanceΩ(C (1) , C (2))= number of different rows between C (1) and C (2) . (16)Following the approach illustrated in Section III-B1, two trans<strong>for</strong>mationsobtained by using the same decomposition vectord, while employing two distinct scrambling matrices C (1)and C (2) , produce more distinct templates as the distanceΩ(C (1) , C (2) ) increases. Considering the entire MCYT database,each user is then enrolled by using his first E =10signatures,to which the trans<strong>for</strong>mation process in Section III-B1is applied. Specifically, the trans<strong>for</strong>mations employed duringenrollment are ruled by a decomposition vector d and ascrambling key matrix C (e) . The remaining signatures of eachuser, after being trans<strong>for</strong>med using the same keys d and C (e)applied during enrollment, are employed to estimate the FRR.Moreover, the FAR related to skilled and random <strong>for</strong>geries iscomputed by trans<strong>for</strong>ming the available signature according tothe decomposition vector d and to the same scrambling matrixC (a) = C (e) employed during enrollment (Ω(C (e) , C (a) )=0). The RTMR related to the use of the mixing approach iscomputed by trans<strong>for</strong>ming the genuine signatures of each useraccording to the same decomposition key d employed duringenrollment, but <strong>with</strong> different scrambling keys C (a) , characterizedby distances Ω(C (e) , C (a) ) ∈{8, 9, 10, 11} from C (e) .The matching statistics obtained <strong>for</strong> a system <strong>with</strong> E =10and W =2are reported in Fig. 6(b). Specifically, the renewabilityproperty of the mixing approach is verified by comparingthe ROC curve where the FAR <strong>for</strong> random <strong>for</strong>geries is takeninto account <strong>with</strong> the pseudo-ROC curves where the RTMR <strong>for</strong>different distances Ω(C (e) , C (a) ) is considered. The obtainedper<strong>for</strong>mances show that the use of different scrambling matricesbetween enrollment and authentication, when keeping fixed thedecomposition keys, allows obtaining matching rates which aresimilar to those associated <strong>with</strong> the use of random <strong>for</strong>geries, butonly when Ω(C (e) , C (a) ) ≥ Ξ=11(over F =14consideredfunctions).There<strong>for</strong>e, the total number of scrambling matrices whichcan be considered still satisfying the diversity property, guaranteedby a distance Ω(C (e) , C (a) ) ≥ Ξ=11, has an upperbound that is equal to (F !/(Ξ − 1)!) = 24 024. Moreover,keeping in mind that, as explained in Section IX-A, Γ=4distinctdecomposition vectors can be defined <strong>for</strong> each scramblingmatrix C, the total number of renewable templates which canbe properly generated, following the approach in Section III-B1<strong>with</strong> W =2,is4 · 24 024 = 96 096.C. Shifting ApproachIn this section, we verify how the renewability property of thebaseline approach in Section III-A is improved when using themethod described in Section III-B2, which employs a decompositionvector d and a shifting parameter φ as trans<strong>for</strong>mationkeys. Following an approach that is similar to the one employedin Sections IX-A and B, each user available in the entire MCYTdatabase is enrolled by using his first E =10signatures, whichare then trans<strong>for</strong>med according to the trans<strong>for</strong>mation keys dand φ (e) . Then, the remaining genuine signatures of each userare trans<strong>for</strong>med using the same decomposition key d employedduring enrollment, but <strong>with</strong> a different initial shift, indicatedas φ (a) , to determine the RTMR that is used to analyze therenewability capacity of this approach. The values of the shiftsare taken in the range between 0 and 95, considering onlymultiples of five: In this way, 20 different possible values aretaken into account. Having defined a distance between theshifting parameters taken during enrollment and verification as(Φ φ (e) ,φ (a)) ∣∣= ∣φ (e) − φ (a) ∣∣ , (17)Fig. 6(c) shows the RTMR statistics obtained by considering thesame decomposition keys during enrollment and verification,at an increasing distance Φ(φ (e) ,φ (a) ) between the employedshifting parameters. A comparison <strong>with</strong> the FAR per<strong>for</strong>mancesobtained considering skilled and random <strong>for</strong>geries, trans<strong>for</strong>med<strong>with</strong> the same trans<strong>for</strong>mation keys d and φ (e) employed inenrollment, is also given. The obtained experimental resultsshow that the RTMR pseudo-ROC curves, related to the useof different shifting parameters <strong>for</strong> the enrollment and theauthentication stage, are similar to the ROC curve obtainedwhen random <strong>for</strong>geries are taken into account when the distanceΦ(φ (e) ,φ (a) ) is equal or greater than the 20% of the signaturelength N. This implies that the number of values φ whichcan be properly considered is limited to Υ=5. Applying themodification described in Section III-B2 to the baseline approachin Section III-A, we obtain an increase of the number oftemplates that can be generated by a factor of five, thus obtaininga number of Γ · Υ=4· 5=20templates. Obviously, thisnumber is still too small <strong>for</strong> a practical application. However, ifthe considered modification is applied in conjunction <strong>with</strong> themethod described in Section III-B1, it is possible to properlyproduce renewable templates <strong>with</strong> an upper limit of Γ(F !/(Ξ −1))Υ = 96 096 · 5 = 480 480 discriminable templates.In conclusion, although <strong>with</strong> the proposed approaches, it isnot possible to obtain an infinite number of discriminable templates,almost 500 000 templates can be generated from a singleoriginal signature, properly fulfilling the diversity requirement.It is also worth pointing out that, having the possibility ofmanaging almost 500 000 different templates, a user could issuea new biometric template each hour, <strong>for</strong> 60 years.X. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONThe security and privacy issues probably represent the mostimportant problems that have to be tackled during the design ofa biometric-based automatic recognition system. In this paper,Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Autonoma de Madrid. Downloaded on May 06,2010 at 15:31:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

536 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART A: SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, VOL. 40, NO. 3, MAY 2010we have proposed template protection methods which can beapplied to any biometrics represented by a sequence. The basicidea of the proposed BioConvolving protection approach relieson the use of a convolution-based noninvertible trans<strong>for</strong>mation,applied to the segments in which a sequence is split accordingto a trans<strong>for</strong>mation key. The security of our approaches relieson the difficulty in solving a blind deconvolution problem. Abaseline approach, together <strong>with</strong> two extended versions of thebaseline method, has been introduced.As a proof of concept, the proposed protection approacheshave been applied to an on-line signature-based authenticationsystem, where HMMs are employed <strong>for</strong> template matching. Ananalysis of the security and renewability properties of the proposedmethods has been extensively carried out. Specifically,the following can be observed.1) The baseline protection approach presented inSection III-A introduces only a slight loss of per<strong>for</strong>mancein terms of EER, <strong>with</strong> respect to an unprotected system.Moreover, the authentication per<strong>for</strong>mances achievable<strong>with</strong> the protected system present a slight dependence onthe trans<strong>for</strong>mation parameters.2) The authentication per<strong>for</strong>mance obtained using the mixingapproach in Section IX-B is similar to the one achievable<strong>with</strong> the baseline method. On the other hand, theincorporation of the shifting approach in Section IX-Cleads to a small degradation in the recognition rates.3) The baseline method has not enough renewability capabilityto be used in a practical protected on-line signaturebasedauthentication system. On the other hand, themixing method has been shown to properly satisfy thehighlighted desirable properties to protect the user’sprivacy. There<strong>for</strong>e, it can be deployed in a real-worldscenario.4) The shifting approach can be applied to significantly increasethe renewability of the mixing approach, at the costof a small degradation in the recognition per<strong>for</strong>mance.Finally, we would like to stress that the proposed BioConvolvingapproach can be applied to any other biometrics <strong>for</strong>which a sequence-based representation is feasible. Moreover,being able to provide a score as output of the recognitionprocess, the proposed methods can be employed in order toconstruct protected multibiometrics systems, where score-levelfusion is used to combine different biometric modalities, whilekeeping secret the original biometric data.REFERENCES[1] A. K. Jain, A. Ross, and S. Prabhakar, “An introduction to biometricrecognition,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. 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Eng.—Vision, ImageSignal Process., vol. 150, no. 6, pp. 395–401, Dec. 2003.Emanuele Maiorana (S’06–M’08) received theLaurea degree (summa cum laude) in electronic engineeringand the Ph.D. degree in telecommunicationengineering from Università degli Studi “Roma Tre,”Roma, Italy, in 2004 and 2009, respectively.From September 2004 to November 2005, he was<strong>with</strong> the Communications and High Tech Workgroup,Accenture Consulting Work<strong>for</strong>ce. From October2007 to March 2008, he was a Visiting Researcher<strong>with</strong> the Biometric Recognition Group, <strong>ATVS</strong>, UniversidadAutonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. He iscurrently a Postdoctoral Researcher <strong>with</strong> Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Hisresearch interests are in the areas of digital signals, image processing, textures,biometrics, and security of telecommunication systems.Dr. Maiorana is the recipient of the Lockheed Martin Best Paper Award <strong>for</strong>the Poster Track at the 2007 IEEE <strong>Biometrics</strong> Symposium and of the HoneywellStudent Best Paper Award at the 2008 IEEE Second International Conferenceon <strong>Biometrics</strong>: Theory, Applications and Systems.Patrizio Campisi (M’00–SM’08) received the in electronic engineering from Universitàdegli Studi “Roma Tre,” Roma, Italy.He held invited visiting positions at the Universityof Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, in 2000, at theBeckman Institute <strong>for</strong> Advanced Science and Technology,University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign,Urbana, in 2003, at Ecole Polytechnique del’Università de Nantes, Nantes, France, in 2006,2007, 2009, and 2010, and at Universidade de Vigo,Vigo, Spain, in 2010. He is currently an AssociateProfessor <strong>with</strong> the Dipartimento di Elettronica Applicata, Università degli StudiRoma Tre. He is currently involved in many European Union (EU) projectson biometrics. His research interests include secure biometric authentication,secure multimedia communications, data hiding <strong>for</strong> digital right managementand quality assessment, blind image deconvolution, and data equalization. Heis the Coeditor of the book entitled Blind Image Deconvolution: Theory andApplications (CRC Press, 2007).Dr. Campisi is a corecipient of a best student paper award at the 2006 IEEEInternational Conference on Image Processing and at the 2008 IEEE SecondInternational Conference on <strong>Biometrics</strong>: Theory, Applications and Systems andof a best paper award at the 2007 IEEE <strong>Biometrics</strong> Symposium. He is theGeneral Chair of the 12th ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security onSeptember 9–10, 2010, in Roma. He is the Italian delegate <strong>for</strong> the EuropeanCOST 2101 Action “<strong>Biometrics</strong> <strong>for</strong> Identity Documents and Smart Cards”(2006–2010) and the Coordinator, at Università degli Studi Roma Tre, ofthe EU-FP7 thematic network “<strong>Biometrics</strong> European Stakeholders ThematicNetwork” (October 2009–October 2011). He is a member of IEEE’s Certified<strong>Biometrics</strong> Professional Learning System Committee and of the IEEE Systems,Man, and Cybernetics Society Technical Committee on In<strong>for</strong>mation Assuranceand Intelligent Multimedia-Mobile Communications (2007–present). He isan Associate Editor of IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS (December2008–December 2010), of the International Journal of Digital Crime andForensics (January 2009–present), and of Advances in Multimedia by Hindawi(January 2009–present).Julian Fierrez received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degreesin electrical engineering from Universidad Politecnicade Madrid, Madrid, Spain, in 2001 and 2006,respectively.Since 2002, he has been <strong>with</strong> Universidad Autonomade Madrid, Madrid, where he currently holdsa Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship, part of whichhas been spent as a Visiting Researcher at MichiganState University, East Lansing. His research interestsinclude signal and image processing, pattern recognition,and biometrics.Dr. Fierrez was the recipient of the Best Poster Award at the 2003 AudioandVideo-<strong>Based</strong> Biometric Person Authentication Conference, of the RosinaRibalta Award to the best Spanish Ph.D. proposal in 2005, of the Motorola BestStudent Paper at the 2006 International Conference on <strong>Biometrics</strong>, and of the2006 EBF European Biometric Industry Award.Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Autonoma de Madrid. Downloaded on May 06,2010 at 15:31:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

538 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART A: SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, VOL. 40, NO. 3, MAY 2010Javier Ortega-Garcia (M’96–SM’08) received thePh.D. degree (cum laude) in electrical engineeringfrom Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid,Spain, in 1996.He is the Founder and Codirector of the BiometricRecognition Group, <strong>ATVS</strong>. He is currently a FullProfessor <strong>with</strong> Escuela Politecnica Superior, UniversidadAutonoma de Madrid, Madrid. His researchinterests are focused on biometrics signal processing.He has published over 150 international contributions,including book chapters, refereed journal, andconference papers.Dr. Ortega-Garcia has chaired “Odyssey 2004: The Speaker and LanguageRecognition Workshop,” cosponsored by ISCA and IEEE, and cochaired“ICB 2009,” the Third IAPR International Conference on <strong>Biometrics</strong>.Alessandro Neri (M’82) received the Ph.D. degreein electronic engineering from the University ofRome “La Sapienza,” Rome, Italy, in 1977.In 1978, he joined the Research and DevelopmentDepartment, Contraves Italiana S.p.A., wherehe gained expertise in the fields of radar signalprocessing and applied detection and estimation theory,becoming the Chief of the Advanced SystemsGroup. In 1987, he joined the INFOCOM Department,University of Rome La Sapienza, as an AssociateProfessor of signal and in<strong>for</strong>mation theory.In November 1992, he joined the Department of Electronic Engineering, Universitàdegli Studi “Roma Tre,” Rome, as an Associate Professor of electricalcommunications, where he became a Full Professor of telecommunications inSeptember 2001. Since 1992, he has been responsible <strong>for</strong> the coordinationand management of research and teaching activities in the telecommunicationfield <strong>with</strong> Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Since 1998, he has also beenresponsible <strong>for</strong> planning and designing activities related to university campustelecommunication systems and services. His research activity has mainly beenfocused on in<strong>for</strong>mation theory, signal theory, and signal and image processingand their applications to telecommunication systems, remote sensing, andbiometrics. His current research is focused on third- and fourth-generationcellular systems and multimedia communications.Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Autonoma de Madrid. Downloaded on May 06,2010 at 15:31:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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