An NMR-based Model of the Ubiquitin-bound Human Ubiquitin ...

An NMR-based Model of the Ubiquitin-bound Human Ubiquitin ... An NMR-based Model of the Ubiquitin-bound Human Ubiquitin ...
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13154The Structural Basis for Lysine 63 Chain CatalysisFIG. 3. Binding-induced NMR chemical shift perturbationanalysis of hUbc13 with Ub. Comparison of backbone amide 1 H and15 N chemical shift of hUbc13 in the absence or presence of thiolesterlinkedUb (A) and hMms2 (B) or the comparison between hMms2 15 N-hUbc13 heterodimer and this heterodimer in the presence of thiolesterlinkedUb (C). The total change in chemical shift, total , was calculatedfor hUbc13 under each of the conditions and plotted as a function ofprimary amino acid sequence. Dashed lines represent the averagechange in total as well as one standard deviation above this average.Residues whose change in chemical shift could not be identified areindicated with an asterisk.which provide a measure of the deviation between the observedchemical shifts and their random coil values, and are indicativeof the type of secondary structure (37, 38). A comparison betweensecondary structural elements for hMms2 and hUbc13,determined by x-ray crystallography to those determined fromthe chemical shift indices, demonstrate a close correlation betweentypes of secondary structure determined in the solutionand crystalline states.The Non-covalent Interaction between hMms2 and Ub—BothhMms2 and hUbc13 have each been observed to exist in amonomeric state and as the heterodimer (23, 27), whereashomodimerization has not been observed (see “ExperimentalProcedures”), and therefore an examination of the interactionbetween Ub and the hMms2 subunit is of interest. The chemicalshift perturbations that result from the interaction of 15 N-hMms2 subunit with unlabeled acceptor Ub are shown in Fig.2A. The greatest effects on total upon interaction with Ub areobserved at the N-terminal portion of hMms2. Specifically, theaffected residues are located in helix 1 (Glu-20, Gly-22, Lys-24), sections of strand 1 (Val-31, Ser-32, Leu-35), strand 2(Thr-47, Gly-48, Met-49), strand 3 (Tyr-63, Leu-65), helix 2(Leu-119) as well as the loop joining helix 1 to strand 1(Val-26, Thr-30). Intermediate effects on total are found closein sequence to the greatest changes and include the C-terminalportion of 1 (Gln-23), sections of 1 (Trp-33), 2 (Trp-46), L2prior to 3 (Asn-60, Arg-61), 3 (Val-67, Gly-70), and the loopjoining 1 to1 (Gly-25, Gly-27, Gly-29). Intermediate changesare also found in 2 (Gln-120, Leu-125, Glu-130) and the Cterminus (Gly-140, Gln-141).As expected, many of the residues in hMms2 that exhibit thegreatest backbone amide chemical shift perturbations are locatedon the surface of the protein, and contain surface exposedside chains that may be involved in non-covalent interactionswith Ub (Fig. 5A). These residues cluster onto one face ofhMms2, forming three distinct patches. Interestingly, no significantchanges in chemical shift were observed for residues onthe opposite surface of hMms2. The first patch is perpendicularto the hUbc13hMms2 interface, and is composed of residues atthe C-terminal end of 1 and the loop that joins 1 to 1(Glu-20, Glu-21, Gly-22, Gln-23, Lys-24, Gly-25, Val-26, Gly-27,Gly-29, and Val-31), portions of 1 (Ser-32, Trp-33, and Leu-35), 2 (Thr-47, Gly-48, and Met-49), and 3 (Arg-61, Tyr-63,and Leu-65). The second patch is found at the C-terminalportion of hMms2. Notably, the total surface area of boththese hMms2 patches corresponds well with the complementarypatch on Ub that has previously been demonstrated tointeract with hMms2 (27). Additionally, the combined electrostaticsurface potential of the hMms2 patches is complementaryto that found on Ub (Fig. 5C). Interestingly, thethird patch involves hMms2 residues that would normallyinteract with hUbc13 in the heterodimer, and include Val-7,Lys-8 (greatest total ), and other N-terminal amino acids ofhMms2 (intermediate total ).Our previous findings indicated that the Ub contact surfacewith hMms2 remained largely the same when alone or incomplex with hUbc13 (27). When we next examined the 15 N-hMms2-Ub interaction as a heterodimer with hUbc13 we similarlyfound that the hMms2 residues that undergo change onUb binding closely parallel those of the individual subunit withsome notable exceptions (Fig. 2C). As with hMms2 alone, manyof the major total are found near the C terminus of 1 (Glu-20,Gln-23), the loop that joins it to 1 (Val-26, Gly-29, Thr-30), 1(Val-31), 2 (Gly-48, Met-49), and 3 (Arg-61, Tyr-63, Leu-65).Residues with intermediate values of total are also similar,including 1 (Leu-19, Glu-21), the loop joining 1 to1 (Gly-25), 1 (Trp-33, Gly-34), 2 (Thr-47, Gly-52), 3 (Asn-60, Ile-62,Val-67), 2 (Ser-114, Ile-115, Val-117, Gln-120, Leu-125, Glu-130), and the C terminus (Gln-141). The backbone amide 1 H N -15 N HSQC NMR cross-peaks for three residues (L1 (Asp-37)and 2 (Arg-45, Ile-50)) either experienced large changes inchemical shift, rendering identification difficult, or their intensitieswere severely diminished due to line-broadening as aresult of complex formation.In contrast to the hMms2 subunit alone, none of the N-terminal residues situated at the heterodimer interface undergosignificant change upon Ub binding, whereas significantchange is detected within L1 (Asp-38, Asp-40, Met-41, andArg-45). Notably, the region surrounding the vestigial activesite of hMms2 does not appear to play a role in Ub binding. Thisresult clearly distinguishes the hMms2-Ub interaction fromother previously reported E2-Ub interactions. The changes inthe surface characteristics of the hMms2 component of theheterodimer upon Ub binding are shown in Fig. 5B.Downloaded from at University of British Columbia on February 18, 2009

The Structural Basis for Lysine 63 Chain Catalysis 13155FIG. 4.Sequence alignments of the important interfacial residues in hUbc13 and hMms2 with S. cerevisiae Ubc1 as determined by1 H- 15 N HSQC NMR chemical shift perturbation. Residues experiencing the greatest total upon formation of hMms2hUbc13 are colored inyellow and blue, respectively, and are compared with interfacial residues in the crystal structure (boxed) (26). hMms2 residues experiencing themost significant total upon formation of non-covalent interaction with Ub are labeled in red, as are residues in hUbc13 upon formation of thethiolester adduct with Ub. For comparison, residues deemed responsible for the interaction between Ubc1 and Ub in the thiolester complex are alsocolored red (40). Secondary structural elements are shown above (for E2s) and below (for hMms2) the sequence alignments, as are the averagechemical shift index values as determined from C a ,C o , and H a chemical shifts (up arrow 1, down arrow 1, no arrow 0) as obtained fromthe program NMRview program using the Wishart peptide data base (38), pH 7.5, and 303 K.FIG. 5. Connolly surfaces of thebinding interfaces on hMms2 orhUbc13 upon interaction with Ub.The surface of hMms2 is presented eitheralone (A) or in the context of hMms2hUbc13 heterodimer (hUbc13, yellow)(B).The surface of hUbc13 is presented eitheralone (D) or in the context of hMms2hUbc13 heterodimer (hMms2, blue) (E).Residues affected by non-covalent interactionwith Ub are colored with a lineargradient from white ( total 0) to darkred ( total total(av)1s ) as determinedby 1 H- 15 N HSQC NMR chemical shift perturbationanalysis (Figs. 2 and 3). Residues,whose total could not be determinedunambiguously due to broadeningor extreme changes in chemical shift arecolored orange. The active-site cysteine(Cys-87) of hUbc13 is colored green as apoint of reference. Electrostatic surfacepotential of the hMms2hUbc13 heterodimer(C and F) is shown in the sameorientation as B and E, respectively. Therelative electrostatic potentials are displayedas a linear gradient, from acidic(10, red), to neutral (0, white), to basic(10, blue) as determined by the programGRASP (49).Downloaded from at University of British Columbia on February 18, 2009The Interaction between hUbc13 and Thiolester-linked Ub—The major changes to the 15 N-hUbc13 subunit that result fromthiolester formation with Ub are found in and around theactive-site (Cys-87) (Fig. 3A). These include: the active-sitecysteine itself, L4 (Asn-79, Leu-83, Arg-85) to the N-terminalside of Cys-87, the 3–10 helix C-terminal to Cys-87 (Asp-89,Ile-90), the loop preceding helix 3 (Leu-111, Asn-116, Asp-118,Asp-119), and helix 3 (Asp-124, Val-125, Glu-127, Lys-130).Intermediate perturbations of total are found around andinter-digitated with the major changes described above. Theseinclude: L4 (Met-72, Ile-75, Tyr-76, His-77), near the active site(Leu-88), the 3–10 helix (Lys-92, Trp-95, Ser-96, Ala-98), theloop preceding 3 (Ser-113, Ala-114), and 3 (Ala-126,Thr-131).

13154The Structural Basis for Lysine 63 Chain CatalysisFIG. 3. Binding-induced <strong>NMR</strong> chemical shift perturbationanalysis <strong>of</strong> hUbc13 with Ub. Comparison <strong>of</strong> backbone amide 1 H and15 N chemical shift <strong>of</strong> hUbc13 in <strong>the</strong> absence or presence <strong>of</strong> thiolesterlinkedUb (A) and hMms2 (B) or <strong>the</strong> comparison between hMms2 15 N-hUbc13 heterodimer and this heterodimer in <strong>the</strong> presence <strong>of</strong> thiolesterlinkedUb (C). The total change in chemical shift, total , was calculatedfor hUbc13 under each <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> conditions and plotted as a function <strong>of</strong>primary amino acid sequence. Dashed lines represent <strong>the</strong> averagechange in total as well as one standard deviation above this average.Residues whose change in chemical shift could not be identified areindicated with an asterisk.which provide a measure <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> deviation between <strong>the</strong> observedchemical shifts and <strong>the</strong>ir random coil values, and are indicative<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> type <strong>of</strong> secondary structure (37, 38). A comparison betweensecondary structural elements for hMms2 and hUbc13,determined by x-ray crystallography to those determined from<strong>the</strong> chemical shift indices, demonstrate a close correlation betweentypes <strong>of</strong> secondary structure determined in <strong>the</strong> solutionand crystalline states.The Non-covalent Interaction between hMms2 and Ub—BothhMms2 and hUbc13 have each been observed to exist in amonomeric state and as <strong>the</strong> heterodimer (23, 27), whereashomodimerization has not been observed (see “ExperimentalProcedures”), and <strong>the</strong>refore an examination <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> interactionbetween Ub and <strong>the</strong> hMms2 subunit is <strong>of</strong> interest. The chemicalshift perturbations that result from <strong>the</strong> interaction <strong>of</strong> 15 N-hMms2 subunit with unlabeled acceptor Ub are shown in Fig.2A. The greatest effects on total upon interaction with Ub areobserved at <strong>the</strong> N-terminal portion <strong>of</strong> hMms2. Specifically, <strong>the</strong>affected residues are located in helix 1 (Glu-20, Gly-22, Lys-24), sections <strong>of</strong> strand 1 (Val-31, Ser-32, Leu-35), strand 2(Thr-47, Gly-48, Met-49), strand 3 (Tyr-63, Leu-65), helix 2(Leu-119) as well as <strong>the</strong> loop joining helix 1 to strand 1(Val-26, Thr-30). Intermediate effects on total are found closein sequence to <strong>the</strong> greatest changes and include <strong>the</strong> C-terminalportion <strong>of</strong> 1 (Gln-23), sections <strong>of</strong> 1 (Trp-33), 2 (Trp-46), L2prior to 3 (Asn-60, Arg-61), 3 (Val-67, Gly-70), and <strong>the</strong> loopjoining 1 to1 (Gly-25, Gly-27, Gly-29). Intermediate changesare also found in 2 (Gln-120, Leu-125, Glu-130) and <strong>the</strong> Cterminus (Gly-140, Gln-141).As expected, many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> residues in hMms2 that exhibit <strong>the</strong>greatest backbone amide chemical shift perturbations are locatedon <strong>the</strong> surface <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> protein, and contain surface exposedside chains that may be involved in non-covalent interactionswith Ub (Fig. 5A). These residues cluster onto one face <strong>of</strong>hMms2, forming three distinct patches. Interestingly, no significantchanges in chemical shift were observed for residues on<strong>the</strong> opposite surface <strong>of</strong> hMms2. The first patch is perpendicularto <strong>the</strong> hUbc13hMms2 interface, and is composed <strong>of</strong> residues at<strong>the</strong> C-terminal end <strong>of</strong> 1 and <strong>the</strong> loop that joins 1 to 1(Glu-20, Glu-21, Gly-22, Gln-23, Lys-24, Gly-25, Val-26, Gly-27,Gly-29, and Val-31), portions <strong>of</strong> 1 (Ser-32, Trp-33, and Leu-35), 2 (Thr-47, Gly-48, and Met-49), and 3 (Arg-61, Tyr-63,and Leu-65). The second patch is found at <strong>the</strong> C-terminalportion <strong>of</strong> hMms2. Notably, <strong>the</strong> total surface area <strong>of</strong> both<strong>the</strong>se hMms2 patches corresponds well with <strong>the</strong> complementarypatch on Ub that has previously been demonstrated tointeract with hMms2 (27). Additionally, <strong>the</strong> combined electrostaticsurface potential <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> hMms2 patches is complementaryto that found on Ub (Fig. 5C). Interestingly, <strong>the</strong>third patch involves hMms2 residues that would normallyinteract with hUbc13 in <strong>the</strong> heterodimer, and include Val-7,Lys-8 (greatest total ), and o<strong>the</strong>r N-terminal amino acids <strong>of</strong>hMms2 (intermediate total ).Our previous findings indicated that <strong>the</strong> Ub contact surfacewith hMms2 remained largely <strong>the</strong> same when alone or incomplex with hUbc13 (27). When we next examined <strong>the</strong> 15 N-hMms2-Ub interaction as a heterodimer with hUbc13 we similarlyfound that <strong>the</strong> hMms2 residues that undergo change onUb binding closely parallel those <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> individual subunit withsome notable exceptions (Fig. 2C). As with hMms2 alone, many<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> major total are found near <strong>the</strong> C terminus <strong>of</strong> 1 (Glu-20,Gln-23), <strong>the</strong> loop that joins it to 1 (Val-26, Gly-29, Thr-30), 1(Val-31), 2 (Gly-48, Met-49), and 3 (Arg-61, Tyr-63, Leu-65).Residues with intermediate values <strong>of</strong> total are also similar,including 1 (Leu-19, Glu-21), <strong>the</strong> loop joining 1 to1 (Gly-25), 1 (Trp-33, Gly-34), 2 (Thr-47, Gly-52), 3 (Asn-60, Ile-62,Val-67), 2 (Ser-114, Ile-115, Val-117, Gln-120, Leu-125, Glu-130), and <strong>the</strong> C terminus (Gln-141). The backbone amide 1 H N -15 N HSQC <strong>NMR</strong> cross-peaks for three residues (L1 (Asp-37)and 2 (Arg-45, Ile-50)) ei<strong>the</strong>r experienced large changes inchemical shift, rendering identification difficult, or <strong>the</strong>ir intensitieswere severely diminished due to line-broadening as aresult <strong>of</strong> complex formation.In contrast to <strong>the</strong> hMms2 subunit alone, none <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> N-terminal residues situated at <strong>the</strong> heterodimer interface undergosignificant change upon Ub binding, whereas significantchange is detected within L1 (Asp-38, Asp-40, Met-41, andArg-45). Notably, <strong>the</strong> region surrounding <strong>the</strong> vestigial activesite <strong>of</strong> hMms2 does not appear to play a role in Ub binding. Thisresult clearly distinguishes <strong>the</strong> hMms2-Ub interaction fromo<strong>the</strong>r previously reported E2-Ub interactions. The changes in<strong>the</strong> surface characteristics <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> hMms2 component <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>heterodimer upon Ub binding are shown in Fig. 5B.Downloaded from at University <strong>of</strong> British Columbia on February 18, 2009

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